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The Airbags In My 330 Didnt Deploy


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You could say im right, and your wrong. But you could also say im wrong and your right. Im not to sure which is correct for this anymore. . . In my some of my fivestar certification classes they will refer to the srs as safty restraint system. In some of my Diamler Benz classes they call it a supplemental restraint system.

I know in my Acura it is a Supplemental, and not Safety, restraint system. To me, the reason that an engineer would call it Supplemental is that it is not a stand alone safety system, thus supplemental, as we are currently discussing. I would think that the average driver might begin to believe that a Safety Restraint System takes the place of belts. By average driver, I meant the person who never checks oil levels, never checks tire pressures, only takes the car in when something isn't working right and then finds out that the spark plugs/air filter/fill-in-the-blank part isn't working because it wasn't changed according to the manufacturer's schedule.

Regardless, now that this horse has been beaten to death, I assume we can all say that the belts and the bags go together? Lol, I was taking my mother to the store once and she didn't have her belt on and wouldn't put it on. I wouldn't move until she was buckled in. We laughed about it later but my accident the day before I got married was my wake-up call.


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yesterday i was in a car accident, the kid driving the other car swerved from hitting another car, into oncoming traffic in front of me, i hit him head on at about 45 mph it completely smashed the front of my car and the airbags never deployed. Im very grateful i was still able to walk away with minmor bumps and bruises. It just makes no sense to me how all anyone can tell me is that they were not supposed to go off! How hard and at what angle do you have to hit a car before you are protected by airbags?! I no longer feel safe and im going to constantly worried about the safety of my 4 year old daughter as well, in a car that i paid a great deal of money for!! I mean i hit with enough impact the the monitors on my DVD players in the headrests flew down!! but yet NO AIRBAGS?! someone help me understand!

Of course they were supposed to deploy. Who told you they weren't? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume you bought this car used, and probably not from Lexus. In all likelihood, it was in an accident at one time where the airbags deployed, and they were either never replaced, or never properly replaced. Another alternative would be a car which had experienced flooding which again either caused deployment, or screwed up the sensors. However, in all cases your warning lights should alert you to airbag issues, unless someone has tampered with them. If, in fact, you didn't buy the car from Lexus, then first talk to Lexus for more info. In either case, you'll end up talking to an attorney, because "something is rotten in Denmark."

No the car was bought brand new from the lexus dealership, never been in an accident, no flooding the car WAS in great condition. I understand that in certain circumstances that airbags can be more harmful, but if thats the way im told to look at airbags than why are they considered a safety feature if they can cause me more harm than the accident? It just makes no sense... and the GM at the dealership told me that i should just be happy that i walked away with minor injuries, and that that alone should show me the car did what it was supposed to... and that i should NOT want them to deploy! im not sure at what force i have to head on hit something before my safety features kick in?! this alone makes me not want to own a Lexus!! and i loved my car!

Did you say you were not wearing your seatbelt either? I believe the car knows that and realizes that if the airbag went off you may have been too close to the steering wheel already and would have most likely hurt you severely. Remember, the fact that you walked away with minor bumps is one of the reasons most of us buy these cars to begin with. Hope things turn out well for you

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Read your owners manual; it says that the airbags will not deploy if your seatbelt is not fastened.

Dr. Karl

Can you provide the section or page in the manual that states the airbags will not deploy if the seatbelt is not fastened? I just read the section on supplemental restraint and occupant restraint and couldn't find anything that mentioned this. It does cover the dependancies regarding the passenger seat but nothing about this for the driver.

On a related note, I did find a reference to warnings about after-market accessories such as brush bars and their potential affect on the supplemental restraint system. I'd guess they can also affect the crush zones on the car as well. Interesting. I'd be curious to learn if insurance companies adjust damage claims that they deem to have been affected by after market accessories like brush bars. If they determine that the brush bar contributed or otherwise affected the ability of the car to absorb the impact, would they adjust the damage claim?

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I don't think we'll see Krissy back.

Too bad. I thought we were here to brag, !Removed! a little, and help people. Not pi** them off.

Maybe Dell tracked her down and took her laptop away before she formatted her hard drive on accident. Thus ensuring she doesn't go on their forum to imply Dell was not proactive enough to keep her from deleting all her files :chairshot:

(I'm not endorsing Dell BTW)

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If she's *BLEEP*ed off thats on her, nobody here said anything that was incindiary or rude. Oftentimes people like her who join forums to complain about something like this aren't interested in anything but complete agreement and when they don't find that the forum holds no usefulness for them.

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Too bad.

I was interested in her height because in reading the owners book, I got the impression that if the seat is adjusted forward enough, the air bags don't deploy because of insufficient distance between the driver and the steering wheel.

If that was the reason, then that would nullify 2/3's of the prior post in her case.

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wow guys, i wasnt looking for pity or approval or to be talked down to like a 2 year old... i was looking for answers... and for those who honestly tried to offer information to help i appreciate it, to those who were here talking S*** i thought i would let you know that the damage has been estimated and the estimator as well as the autobody shop that LEXUS has here have both told me that there was NO reason why my airbags did not open... that the sensors were set off and damaged and that i had DEFECTIVE airbags!! I was also informed that they have ran across more than a few issues with the Lexus airbags not opening on cars that they have worked on, when they should have and when ever confronted... TOYOTA FAILS TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS!! so as i said before i do appreciate those who tried to offer up honest help! and i am not *BLEEP*ed at anyone... you guys have a goodnigt!

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I have NEVER heard of an airbag malfunction on a modern vehicle, especially a Lexus. It is far more likely than not that the airbags were operating properly in this situation.

As for finding data that Toyota/Lexus bags fail to deploy. You'll have to show me that because as long as I've been a Lexus enthusiast and around the Internet, I've never heard of even one case.



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OK....let's roll this bag in super slow mo. What would happen if the airbags actually did deployed and Krissy was unbelted? Anyone have a super duper simulator able to model the outcome? Of course we are missing hundreds of variables and data point to properly determine the outcome. But, that is the point. We do not have enough information. All we know is she 'walked away' from the accident and the bags did not deploy. That alone is testament to the design and crashworthyness of the vehicle :censored:

We really ought to get CSI involved to help out on this :D

One more thing. I crashed a late model Honda Pilot at about 25 mph. I hit a guardrail on the fron left driver side. The airbags did NOT deploy, yet I walked away. I don't feel safe anymore in a Honda since the bags failed to deploy. So much, you get what you pay for. I also heard there have been many problems of this sort with Honda/Acura. Can anywell tell me why my airbags did not deploy???!!!! Honda Pilots are not safe cars. I no longer feel safe :chairshot: :chairshot: :D

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I think we have all come across more than a few times dealers not knowing the finer details of how a system works. So the dealer telling you it should have or anyone at the dealer may not have been as fairly intimate with the details of an airbag system.

The 2nd gen systems in all 97 and new systems are completely different than previous SRS systems. It is made as a crash data recorder. So it will be able to tell you the velocity and the exact physics of the choice it made and why the program did this. So no belt no airbag is as simple as it gets. You probably would have been killed if it went off as your head hit the windshield the airbag would have come up below you and broken all of your ribs and killed you then transplanted you into the back seat next to your child.

Also the site you list krissy mentions that the airbags are not inflating with the proper force for the supplementary knee and side bags on a GS model . Cars have recalls but again yours issue is because of the belt not the car.

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I have NEVER heard of an airbag malfunction on a modern vehicle, especially a Lexus. It is far more likely than not that the airbags were operating properly in this situation.

As for finding data that Toyota/Lexus bags fail to deploy. You'll have to show me that because as long as I've been a Lexus enthusiast and around the Internet, I've never heard of even one case.



Since i noticed that the recall she linked to only showed her car. I logged onto my dealership account and pulled up the recall. It applys to more than just her model. Notice that 133 units are affected. and not even the main airbag is listed as the problem. Now spread that over the differnt models. thats about 15 for each model. So Those are some pretty far out there odds. but more than anything i attached pictures of the recall that the dealerships get. No look under consequences. She should feel real good that she walked away not wearing her seatbelt. And to say that she dosnt feel safe anymore. Where was your seat belt. You felt so safe with out it?

It upsets me that she would complain so much about her safty yet she fails to wear a seat belt.

And The fact that lexus had a recall with only 133 units affected. that makes me glad i drive a lexus. Allthough i work for a lexus dealer, i work on dodges because we sell them aswell. And dodge's last airbag recall had 144,000 units affected. Id take 133 over 144,000 anyday.

Dont get me wrong i am proud that she found a recall showing problems with the airbags(even if they are the wrong ones). congratulations. Every car manufacture has had problems with airbags. so you should probably not drive anycars at all. because they arnt safe.

Oh and sunblock, it dosnt block out all the suns rays. so you better not go outside either. Its not safe.

And nither is air. so many toxins in the air. None of us should breath.

Life is full of dangers, and problems. Be happy you walked away.



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Just my two'penneth.....I work in the automotive research and engineering industry.....air bags are nowadays "suplimentary restraint systems" and only go off if really needed.....the fact you walked away from your accident even though you weren't wearing your belt shows that the airbag really didn't need to deploy. Every crash seems a hell'ava lot faster than the ACTUAL impact speed.....I've seen unbelted passengers fly forward and break/crack windscreens under just severe braking......and when you walk away and look back at your crumpled vehicle, just remember....it was designed to crumple like that....its made to soften the impact from within the passenger cell. So what you see as a major crash, a few years ago in an older vehicle it would have seemed just a "fender bender".

Without knowing the entire facts and details of the accident its impossible to speculate, and I have filmed and analysed more restraint test crashes than I care to remember, thankfully with anthropomorphic dummies....but its more likely everything worked just as it should have, thats why you walked away and were able to complain after :D

But please....do wear your selt belt, always....especially if your kids are in the car.....you will be teaching them a lesson every time you buckle up which might save thier lives one day when they begin to drive.....think about that side of it? Please?

And this isn't in any way meant to insult or demean your good self, just information and speculation! :rolleyes:

Best regards David

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I would think that your insurance could request that Lexus retrieve the crash data from the computer and have it analyzed to see just what happened. I believe and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, that they have the right to get this information as does Lexus.


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One question your insurance will ask you is if you were waering your seat belt and if the bags deployed. They can deny claims if they find you contributed in whole or in part to your injuries - i.e., not wearing a seat belt.

Did you tell the insurance company you were wearing your belt or not? They would probably find out from the data the you were unbelted at the time of the crash if they decide to investigate further.

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I have NEVER heard of an airbag malfunction on a modern vehicle, especially a Lexus. It is far more likely than not that the airbags were operating properly in this situation.

As for finding data that Toyota/Lexus bags fail to deploy. You'll have to show me that because as long as I've been a Lexus enthusiast and around the Internet, I've never heard of even one case.



Thanks for braving the "stormy weather" here and replying. I appreciate the fact that you took a certain amount of grief and still posted. Kudos to you. I am also happy that you followed up with the information that your bags malfunctioned. I actually have to laugh when one of "us" (whoever "us" is) replies that "I have never seen blah, blah, blah. Unless the poster who makes that type of statement is in the industry, in this case, accident investigation or repair, then their depth of knowledge is pretty shallow. I, too, have never heard of an airbag failing to deploy. But, I only personally know three or four people who have had accidents and their bags did deply. So, my depth of knowledge is limited to those four people. I don't consider surfing the net or belonging to a discussion board an adequate data base for someone to make that statement.

What is the follow-up on the accident repairs and the failure of the bag to deploy? What is Lexus/Toyota saying?

By the way guys, give her a break and stop with the "why weren't you wearing your seat belt crap! I know I made similar comments but then I posted information that might help.

Keep us posted on the progress.

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Its definately a setup....not a genuine airbag inflation......too slow by a mile! The airbag inflates in milliseconds.....you see this kind of deployment in films etc.....you can almost watch the thing inflate! :lol:

Best regards David

ps....it is funny though....and makes you wish it were real.

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wow guys, i wasnt looking for pity or approval or to be talked down to like a 2 year old... i was looking for answers... and for those who honestly tried to offer information to help i appreciate it, to those who were here talking S*** i thought i would let you know that the damage has been estimated and the estimator as well as the autobody shop that LEXUS has here have both told me that there was NO reason why my airbags did not open... that the sensors were set off and damaged and that i had DEFECTIVE airbags!! I was also informed that they have ran across more than a few issues with the Lexus airbags not opening on cars that they have worked on, when they should have and when ever confronted... TOYOTA FAILS TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS!! so as i said before i do appreciate those who tried to offer up honest help! and i am not *BLEEP*ed at anyone... you guys have a goodnigt!

Well, if you honestly were looking for answers then I would suggest the next time you be a little more open to the idea that your opinion of what happened is not actually what happened.

You had your mind made up, and nobody "talked *BLEEP*" to you here. All we did was say that the system may be and actually probably was operating as designed. You escalated it from there. There's a big difference between asking "I had an accident and my airbags did not deploy although I was not injured, could my system have malfunctioned" and screaming "My airbags did not deploy! What about my daughter?!?! My Lexus isn't safe and I wasted my money!!!!". Big difference in how people will respond to that.

As for what you're saying about what the insurance estimator (who has absolutely no knowledge or training in how auytomotive systems work, he just estimates cost of damage) and the body shop (again, I would be suspect as to whether or not they really know how the system works or whether or not it should have been deployed in this particular accident). That directly contradicts what we've been told here by people in the field that airbags will not deploy if the seatbelt is not latched.

Did you ask them about that, and if so what did they say?

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