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Going To Japan - Any Travel Advise?


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Hey all! Merry Christmas! I found out last week that I'm going to Toyama Japan in March for work. There is a distributor summit for Cosel (power supplies) & I'm the only one from my company who is going. I'm hoping that there are travel arrangements out of Tokyo for the group. Toyama is a 1 hour flight or a 3 hour train ride Northwest of Tokyo. Any advise for traveling to Japan? I'm a seasoned traveler (Dad was with Delta for 30+ years), but have never been to Asia. I read on-line that prescription & OTC meds. can be a problem. Thanks!

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You forgot:

Karate, Kung-fu, Sushi, Sony, and Dobo irigato Mr. Roboto.

You should be good to go.




Hajimemashi te




Do any of these mean "where is the bathroom? Cause you gotta have that one. LOL!!!

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Karate, Kung-fu, Sushi, Sony, and Dobo irigato Mr. Roboto.


Yeah - bathroom is on the list. I'm just going for basics: thank you, please, excuse me, bathroom, do you speak english, tea, etc. One of my co-workers gave me a "Survival Japanese" book today. I'm ready!

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I've done some travelling overseas recently, and my only advice is to lay low, no american flag tee-shirts, etc.. Just do your best to blend in, speak somewhat softly, don't be that loud american, of which i seriously doubt you're capable of being anyway ;) . In Japan, tradition rules the culture, a polite tradition, although you wouldn't know it if you've ever come across them in other parts of the world. They're some of the rudest tourists I've ever met. I've been pushed out of the way, watched them walk in areas roped off to people, ruin your family photo by pushing their way into the picture, etc.. When they're on vacation, you gotta give them a wide buffer, because they are driven to absorb EVERYTHING. But, in their home country, just lay low, be polite, be concious of your voice levels, and you should be a.o.k. Don't be offended if the culture gives you somewhat of a cold shoulder as a business woman, in certain circles, it's still very much a man's world.

And make sure you have plenty of space in your luggage for all of those increadibly awesome gadgets you'll buy! They have ALL THE COOL TOYS over there! Stuff that is light years away from your local Best Buy! When I go someday, I'm taking an extra $2,500 just for gadgets!

Don't forget your power adapter!

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I will definitely try to lie low & will be polite and professional. I know about working in the whole "mans world" - I worked in aftermarket truck accessories for years and now electronic components. It's hard sometimes even in our own culture, but mainly with the older generations.

I'm thinking my extra luggage space will be filled with Japanese skin care products that we can't get here & Louis Vuitton or Coach bags.... ahhhhhh. Oh - and a bunch of the Money Cats so we can win the lottery at work! :cheers:

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I'm not sure where Toyama is, but if its anything like the main island where Tokyo is, you'll love it there. Forget about 2 Fast 2 Furious - Tokyo Drift :D You won't be seeing those kinda of cars. There's no Lexus brand there, only Toyota. Heck, I only saw 3 american cars there during my 10 day stay. Those japanese are so freaking polite its hard to believe they started/dominated Asia & the Pacific during WII. Lots of cute Japanese chicks showing of their thighs. (short school girl skirt with knee high socks seems to be the fashion). Sorry, I'm no perve, but its just something I noticed.

Yes, skin care product is big there. If you're into the latest tech gadget stuff, its there. Just don't expect to find a bargain though, we have 'em cheaper here. Oh yeah, you gotta try out there toilet. Its heated and after you do your stuff, you can spray water up you know where for extreme cleaning. They're so clean. And don't litter. So hard to find a trash bin, so just leave it in your pocket until you're back in your hotel. They're just so friendly, you can't possibly not have a good time there. Anyway, enjoy and let us know how it is. It'll be one heck of an experience.

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Link to a map w/ Toyama: http://www.multimap.com/maps/?title=Toyama...912:137.2200:12

My brother was there about a year & a half ago, he's an engineer with Honda/Acura and took pictures of all of the different cars. Definitely different from here. I'm thinking I'll leave the short skirts at home for this trip.... kinda hard to be taken seriously as a professional when you're not dressed appropriately. :rolleyes:

I'm getting excited... I can't believe it's just 2-1/2 months away. :)

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Pretty cool your going to Japan. You excited or bummed? How long are you going for? Are they gonna give you any site seeing time or is it all business and dash?

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Pretty cool your going to Japan. You excited or bummed? How long are you going for? Are they gonna give you any site seeing time or is it all business and dash?

I'm totally excited!!! But kind of weird that I'm going by myself (sort of). No family, no one from my work (not even our Asia expert). I don't know if I'll be in a group of people that are going for the Disty. Summit or if I'll just be with the regional sales manager for the company or maybe someone from Cosel Japan. I've been on business trips before, but I'm in our country & I can understand what people are saying (mostly).

I'm hoping there will be some sight-seeing time. I'd like at least a day in Tokyo. :cheers:

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Pretty cool your going to Japan. You excited or bummed? How long are you going for? Are they gonna give you any site seeing time or is it all business and dash?

I'm totally excited!!! But kind of weird that I'm going by myself (sort of). No family, no one from my work (not even our Asia expert). I don't know if I'll be in a group of people that are going for the Disty. Summit or if I'll just be with the regional sales manager for the company or maybe someone from Cosel Japan. I've been on business trips before, but I'm in our country & I can understand what people are saying (mostly).

I'm hoping there will be some sight-seeing time. I'd like at least a day in Tokyo.:cheers:

Well, I'm sure your company is sending the person they think best represents them. So that is a big say something about you. It's either that or your just really cheap!! LOL!!! I'm sure it will be alot of fun and also could be great step for you. I can easily understand your apprehensions though. Thank god for the Ipod 30 gig. For really long flights I can sit back and watch movies and listen to my music for endless hours. I think the flights are what beat you up so bad.

Hey, while your there could you pick me up some parts for my car????? ROTFLMAO!!!!! There's some JDM stuff I could really use.. :)

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Well, I'm sure your company is sending the person they think best represents them. So that is a big say something about you. It's either that or your just really cheap!! LOL!!! I'm sure it will be alot of fun and also could be great step for you. I can easily understand your apprehensions though. Thank god for the Ipod 30 gig. For really long flights I can sit back and watch movies and listen to my music for endless hours. I think the flights are what beat you up so bad.

Hey, while your there could you pick me up some parts for my car????? ROTFLMAO!!!!! There's some JDM stuff I could really use.. :)

My boss is really proud or me. Not only has my company never sent a non-management person to Asia, they have never sent a female. So, I guess I breaking a lot of ground here.

I will have my laptop with movies & music on it, plus school work. Luckily I registered for only one class this semester. I know the jet lag is going to be bad - I'm messed up after a week on the West coast. I'll be taking off a day from work after I get back. Jeezzzz - I'm going to be out of the office for a week and a half.


I can bring you some "The Fast & The Furious" kind of car stuff (APC everything). Maybe some snazzy LED's to stick all over your sporty Lexus??

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So, that's a no on the parts huh? :(

Yeah good thing you only have one class. Should be able to pound that out in a night. Your gonna have a load of fun. Are you studying Japanese now? That has to be the toughest language to learn. I mean besides that African language with clicking and stuff as part of the alphabet.

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So, that's a no on the parts huh? :(

Yeah good thing you only have one class. Should be able to pound that out in a night. Your gonna have a load of fun. Are you studying Japanese now? That has to be the toughest language to learn. I mean besides that African language with clicking and stuff as part of the alphabet.

I didn't say no on the car parts - I just get to choose what comes back! I still say we trick you out with with tape on LED's. Heheheh!

I can at least get caught up on my reading / homework! I started Japanese this week. I need to find an actual software program instead of winging it with books and websites. I'm learning words, but not how to construct a sentence. If they only spoke Spanish. I took it in High School & I work with a guy from Peru so I could practice with him. Actually everything I've read said it's not so hard to learn - it's just memorizing everything. I won't ever be able to read the characters, but I will hopefully be able to write it phonetically if needed and speak a little bit. Plus remembering all of the etiquette that goes along with speaking it - sooooo different from us! They have a work for no (Iie) but they don't like to say no - so you have to skirt around it. I know "no" but not enough words to go around no. Uhhhh - hard!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, here is the update. I leave on 3/8/08 & fly to Detroit. From there, I have a 13.25 hour flight to Tokyo - let's hope the seat mates are decent (come on handsome, educated businessman!) - that's a long flight! I'm staying at the Park Hotel in Tokyo for 2 nights then off to Toyama for work. Check out the hotel: http://www.parkhoteltokyo.com/ Fancy! More details latter....

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If it was only last week you could have gone to the Tokyo auto salon. One trip i dream of going to . One day i will get to the auto salon and ship a container with parts and cars home . :(

Wish i knew what to ask for but everything is available here so it would only be a bother.

If you do get any VIP magazines , I would love them when you are done with them though.

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let's hope the seat mates are decent (come on handsome, educated businessman!) - that's a long flight!

I guess I have to report this quoted remark to your hubby. Hee hee hee :rolleyes:

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let's hope the seat mates are decent (come on handsome, educated businessman!) - that's a long flight!

I guess I have to report this quoted remark to your hubby. Hee hee hee :rolleyes:

Hey - he'd want me to have an enjoyable flight with someone nice to talk to! :cheers:

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If it was only last week you could have gone to the Tokyo auto salon. One trip i dream of going to . One day i will get to the auto salon and ship a container with parts and cars home . :(

Wish i knew what to ask for but everything is available here so it would only be a bother.

If you do get any VIP magazines , I would love them when you are done with them though.

I saw the Auto Salon on a map today, but I'm seeing the touristy places like the Tokyo Tower and a cruise around Tokyo Bay.

What's a VIP magazine?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's the update. Leaving 2 weeks from tomorrow. I picked up my personal Yen yesterday. I think everything is set. Here are my hotels:




Do businesswomen have to wear skirts? Not like anyone in here might know, but I've read conflicting info online.

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