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I need help from the computer gods! My home computer has been attacked by some damn program called Spy Dawn, which is acting like a anitvirus program, but I know it's not. It has taken over my tool bar, my home page and keeps throwing up pop-ups. I have Norton 2007 protection, all up to date. I ran spy bot, updated of course, and it found 20!! things spying on me! I erased them, deleted the program, went into msconfig from the run application to check for anything unusual in the startup and services section, nothing unusual. I know this stupid program is spying on me...aka..spy dawn = spied-on. I can't seem to kill this thing off! I run XP Pro, SR1 "can't upgrade, due the fact that I have a burned copy from my college days when it first came out". Microsoft won't let me upgrade it, without charging me a ton of money. I have never, I mean NEVER had a problem with it, until now. I always have my security set to max, always updating... Anyone have any ideas how I can kill this damn thing off??

PS: NOBODY PM ME OR EMAIL ME UNTIL IT'S FIXED!! No telling if this thing is running around in my address book and sending junk out. If anyone gets anything from rtw211, or bama211 from yahoo in your in-box...DELETE IT!!!

Sorry fella's!!

NC's got the VD!

Oh...and no, I wasn't looking at the good stuff when I got this. <_<

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OMG-oolge :D

This seems to be a common problem, I found some solutions:

Scroll down at the bottom:


Worse case scenario would be to reformat the hard drive and install an operating system again. In which case you should back up your personal data/files right now, before it or even you trying to fix it cause more damage.

Hope everything works out. These things are more annoying than rush hour on I-440.

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i know it may seem obvious but go to add/remove programs, hit control alt delete and look at the processes, find the one that one is causing spydown and end it, then search for it in your drive and delete, also go to the program files folder in C and delete the spy dawn folder. this one always seems to work, do a system restore, go to start>all programs>accessories>system tools>system restore. pick a date that is before you go tthe virus

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Spy Bot & Spy Hunter found 126 flawed files. Norton 2007 Internet security "firewall, antivirus, spam blocker, spy blocker, etc.." didn't find a single thing!! :censored: . What a joke!!!!

The computer is going to be redone, from the fdisk, on up. The registry was thrashed, and it's all been eliminated, but I still get that annoying security pop up on my tool bar. I've searched all the startups, process, boots, wins, etc.... I can't see where it is located. I've deleted the files from the C:drive folders where it installed itself, I've flushed the memory, I've done everything I know to do. Either way...the home computer is down for a while, that's for sure.

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one problem with the restore thing...it only lets me restore to the current setting, right now, in real time.... no historical settings are given :cries:

i can't go back a month, week, day or hour, i'm stuck with right now.

this is probably due to me following symantics advice online over the weekend to turn restore off and then delete the registry items that were infected. damn norton, i've about had it with them!

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That, I do have.... I actually have a burnable copy of XP Pro from when I went back to get my finance degree. I was one of the computer guys for the business school, and we had a burnable version of XP Pro, with unlimitied licenses...so...I made myself a copy on the side, and have had it "and a dozen back ups, just in case" ever since. However, I have to rely on third party anti virus protection, since it's only the Service Pack 1, not the 2. If I try and update it via microsoft, they figure out from the key that it's old, burnable, and won't let me update it without paying for it, like $300 bucks! I don't even go on the microsoft website anymore, and have turned off all "auto updates" within the software. It's worked beautifully for 7 years, until this spydawn thing got me. Luckily, I have two hard drives, one acts as the operations, the other acts as the library "pictures, music, documents, etc..", so I just have to fix the operations drive. The library one is extrememly well protected, and there are no viruses or spydawn crap in there. Infact, unless I point the machine to it, the machine and all programs simply don't know it's even there, until I hit the magic button. I'm on the home computer now, and just have this stupid pop up on my tool bar left. I think it rewrote the explorer to include it.

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Just to make you aware, check the "Camry Input?" thread in the General Discussions category of the forum. You said that your wife had decided on an Infiniti sedan. I've recommended that you call a guy in Cary to find your car for you. He will do you right all the way around. Check that thread out and give him a call. You won't regret it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, redid the computer, when on the internet to update the definitions and such for norton and spybot. The second I hit the internet...BAM, pop ups all day long for some crap called registrycleanxp, keep coming up. Even when the internet isn't up. I do have cable internet though, so it's always on. I think it's running around in my token ring in my neighborhood, and the second I went on, I ran into it. The system can't find anything, got anti tracking, I have molested Spybot to look for every possible thing, along with Norton looking too. Nothing is found... I just think it's come crap in the internet stream, probably teenage neighbor's computer putting this stuff out.

So, question... Is there a program outthere that I can buy or download that will make me completly invisible on the internet, so these things don't see me out ther? Like a more user friendly vpn setting or something like that?

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Ok, redid the computer, when on the internet to update the definitions and such for norton and spybot. The second I hit the internet...BAM, pop ups all day long for some crap called registrycleanxp, keep coming up. Even when the internet isn't up. I do have cable internet though, so it's always on. I think it's running around in my token ring in my neighborhood, and the second I went on, I ran into it. The system can't find anything, got anti tracking, I have molested Spybot to look for every possible thing, along with Norton looking too. Nothing is found... I just think it's come crap in the internet stream, probably teenage neighbor's computer putting this stuff out.

So, question... Is there a program outthere that I can buy or download that will make me completly invisible on the internet, so these things don't see me out ther? Like a more user friendly vpn setting or something like that?

Nc, Did you do a clean install with your xp pro ? You have to install all of your software before you connect to the internet, The first thing you want to do is update windows, Then Norton, Then ad aware, spybot and any other software you may have. DO NOT ACCDESS ANY OTHER PROGRAM BEFORE YOUR CORE SOFTWARE IS UPDATED. Make sure your firewall is configured properly, And if you have a router use it, It is recognised as a seperate firewall for anything trying to get to your computer. You must format your harddrive before you reinstall windows xp to start with.

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i agree, i have like 3 firewalls protecting my computer. My router, nortons, and the SP2 firewall from windows. lol

set your internet explorer privacy on HIGH. you should pull out the internet plug first, then go onto internet explorer to change the settings. perhaps turn on your popup blockera nd all that. I would definately reinstall my Windows XP. YOur so far down the line that by just getting rid you it, you dont know what else it has done before.

so steps: AFTER REINSTALLING XP AGAIN (which i understand you cant because you didnt pay for it) i would suggest asking a friend for a CD and CD-key. THey cant track you down...ive used my CD-key multiple times. DOnt try this with vista though :) if you have an asian friend somehwere, tell him to get an XP program off bit torrent. he'll know what that means...lol

1) disconnected from the iternet

2) change some settings around

3) get as many firewalls as possible

4) perhaps use firefox instead

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so steps: AFTER REINSTALLING XP AGAIN (which i understand you cant because you didnt pay for it) i would suggest asking a friend for a CD and CD-key. THey cant track you down...ive used my CD-key multiple times. DOnt try this with vista though if you have an asian friend somehwere, tell him to get an XP program off bit torrent. he'll know what that means...lol


I'm going to report you to Bill Gates!

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Ok, redid the computer, when on the internet to update the definitions and such for norton and spybot. The second I hit the internet...BAM, pop ups all day long for some crap called registrycleanxp, keep coming up. Even when the internet isn't up. I do have cable internet though, so it's always on. I think it's running around in my token ring in my neighborhood, and the second I went on, I ran into it. The system can't find anything, got anti tracking, I have molested Spybot to look for every possible thing, along with Norton looking too. Nothing is found... I just think it's come crap in the internet stream, probably teenage neighbor's computer putting this stuff out.

So, question... Is there a program outthere that I can buy or download that will make me completly invisible on the internet, so these things don't see me out ther? Like a more user friendly vpn setting or something like that?

Nc, Did you do a clean install with your xp pro ? You have to install all of your software before you connect to the internet, The first thing you want to do is update windows, Then Norton, Then ad aware, spybot and any other software you may have. DO NOT ACCDESS ANY OTHER PROGRAM BEFORE YOUR CORE SOFTWARE IS UPDATED. Make sure your firewall is configured properly, And if you have a router use it, It is recognised as a seperate firewall for anything trying to get to your computer. You must format your harddrive before you reinstall windows xp to start with.

The best and most ACCURATE advice someone has provided on LOC concerning computers. Follow dcfish’s suggestion step by step precisely.

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Ok, redid the computer, when on the internet to update the definitions and such for norton and spybot. The second I hit the internet...BAM, pop ups all day long for some crap called registrycleanxp, keep coming up. Even when the internet isn't up. I do have cable internet though, so it's always on. I think it's running around in my token ring in my neighborhood, and the second I went on, I ran into it. The system can't find anything, got anti tracking, I have molested Spybot to look for every possible thing, along with Norton looking too. Nothing is found... I just think it's come crap in the internet stream, probably teenage neighbor's computer putting this stuff out.

So, question... Is there a program outthere that I can buy or download that will make me completly invisible on the internet, so these things don't see me out ther? Like a more user friendly vpn setting or something like that?

Nc, Did you do a clean install with your xp pro ? You have to install all of your software before you connect to the internet, The first thing you want to do is update windows, Then Norton, Then ad aware, spybot and any other software you may have. DO NOT ACCDESS ANY OTHER PROGRAM BEFORE YOUR CORE SOFTWARE IS UPDATED. Make sure your firewall is configured properly, And if you have a router use it, It is recognised as a seperate firewall for anything trying to get to your computer. You must format your harddrive before you reinstall windows xp to start with.

The best and most ACCURATE advice someone has provided on LOC concerning computers. Follow dcfish’s suggestion step by step precisely.

Gracias senor 93, I have been doing this comp thing for toooooo long. :cheers:

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I think I've got it killed. I juiced up Spybot to check for tracking junk, ran it, it found a few things in the registry already, and fixed them I haven't seen the pop up since. DC, that is exactly what I did, minus the updating XP through Microsoft, as they see my key code, know it's a student package, and won't update to SP2 without forcing me to buy it. So I am stuck on relying on third party help. In the past, I have never, and I mean NEVER had a problem like this, this badly. Only once, back in 01' did I have something like this while living in an apartmetn building. Found out the guy next door was running a !Removed! site, and everyone in the building was getting pop ups, all the time. He had infected the entire token ring of computers in the complex. That is, until one of those computers was a cop's, who had the Birmingham police track it down, and that's how we all found out what was going on. I live in a super IT neighborhood, as most folks work for SAS, IBM, Lenovo, Motorola, etc... out at Research Triangle Park, so someone in my area has a really infected computer and it's bouncing out to the others around it, or so that is my guess. But, I think I have it killed off now, lets hope anyway.

But yeah, I killed the partitian, created a new one under the Fdisk command in Dos, formatted with the xp, then put on Norton, the spybot, scanned the computer on the basic definitions, nothing found, then the second I turned on the cable modem for NOrton to go out and get the updates, BAM, got that pop up on the computer. I mean the cable modem hadn't been on 10 seconds before that thing popped up. I about launched this thing through the second story window out into the driveway. Seriously making me think about a Mac, that's for sure. But, messing with SpyBot's advanced settings, and juicing up XP's settings, I think it's gone.

Now if I could just get to my yahoo email account, as the computer won't let a site redirect to another site anymore, thanks to the settings, then all will be good in the kingdom.

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Norton runs a lot of background programs which takes up your computer's memory and thus slows it down versus its competitors. I have been using Trend Micro PC-Cillin internet Security 2006. I install it first thing after I install a fresh copy of XP.


I have also heard that these anti-virus companies release viruses out, which there programs and destroy....

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I think I've got it killed. I juiced up Spybot to check for tracking junk, ran it, it found a few things in the registry already, and fixed them I haven't seen the pop up since. DC, that is exactly what I did, minus the updating XP through Microsoft, as they see my key code, know it's a student package, and won't update to SP2 without forcing me to buy it. So I am stuck on relying on third party help. In the past, I have never, and I mean NEVER had a problem like this, this badly. Only once, back in 01' did I have something like this while living in an apartmetn building. Found out the guy next door was running a !Removed! site, and everyone in the building was getting pop ups, all the time. He had infected the entire token ring of computers in the complex. That is, until one of those computers was a cop's, who had the Birmingham police track it down, and that's how we all found out what was going on. I live in a super IT neighborhood, as most folks work for SAS, IBM, Lenovo, Motorola, etc... out at Research Triangle Park, so someone in my area has a really infected computer and it's bouncing out to the others around it, or so that is my guess. But, I think I have it killed off now, lets hope anyway.

But yeah, I killed the partitian, created a new one under the Fdisk command in Dos, formatted with the xp, then put on Norton, the spybot, scanned the computer on the basic definitions, nothing found, then the second I turned on the cable modem for NOrton to go out and get the updates, BAM, got that pop up on the computer. I mean the cable modem hadn't been on 10 seconds before that thing popped up. I about launched this thing through the second story window out into the driveway. Seriously making me think about a Mac, that's for sure. But, messing with SpyBot's advanced settings, and juicing up XP's settings, I think it's gone.

Now if I could just get to my yahoo email account, as the computer won't let a site redirect to another site anymore, thanks to the settings, then all will be good in the kingdom.

NC, If you want sp2 for xp upgrade I'll send it to you free of charge. Let me know. :cheers:

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