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New Ipods Released


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the nano comes in multiple colors and is smaller, starts @ 149 (thinner better battery life)

video comes in 30 and 80 gig prices dropped to $250 and $350 (thinner better battery life)

new itunes

new shuffle (starts @ $79)

games and movies available for video

bottom line:

i want one


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i have a mini one...its left charged on the corner of my desk. I never use it...ever. and i think the battery is broken cause it runs out in like 2 hours if i leave it unplugged. its good that they fixed the battery life problem, i heard it was crap on the old models

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I question the battery life of 24 hours. My current nano is supposed to get 14 hours.

But even at the shortest display setting and no equalizer effects I get 5-6 hours tops.

I also find the more I turn it on and off, the shorter the battery time is.

I like the colors and style, but for now, I'll keep what I got.


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For some reason, I don't believe that the Ipod is the "best" mp3 player out there. I mean a lot of people have issues with the battery and stuff. Plus it keeps upgrading often, so it just makes nervous to have an old one right away! I'll stick with my PSP for now. ;)

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it slowing down though, the music fad with ipods is practically over because they are overrated. i dont use mine at all. and even though people still use them, there arent selling as much.
Well, Apple would disagree with those statements. iPod sales are up, way up. They sold 8.1M iPods this quarter which is a 32% growth from this quarter last year (Figures courtesy of apple.com). iPods are hardly a thing of the past.
For some reason, I don't believe that the Ipod is the "best" mp3 player out there. I mean a lot of people have issues with the battery and stuff.
You're probably right, but I LOVE mine and would never consider any other make of MP3 player. I just like them--they look good and perform well. I bought one of the very first 5gb iPods (that is the size of a big deck of cards and weighs 5 lbs--back when they were Mac only with the Firewire plug. LOL It's built like a tank though; I've dropped it many times with it bounching back with nothing more than a few extra scratches on the case.) that came out way back when, and I have a Nano now. I love them both. Battery life is exaggerated--as it is with almost any electronic device, but it lasts long enough for what I ask it to do. I put my Nano in an iSkin case a few days after I got it, so it still looks brand new.

Cell phones with tv on them....I think I'm one of the last people who likes a cell phone to just call people. LOL

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it slowing down though, the music fad with ipods is practically over because they are overrated. i dont use mine at all. and even though people still use them, there arent selling as much.

Yeah who told you that? Another MP3 player manufacturer? LOL Thats totally off base. In the apple store here they have lines DOWN THE BLOCK for the new Nano. These are people who already have Nanos, they just want the NEW nano.

Just because you have no need for something doesn't mean its worthless to everybody. If Ipods and other MP3 players are fading out whats with all the car companies creating these elaborate ways to dock them and store music in internal hard drives? The MP3 craze is just getting started.

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i had a feeling somebody, in this case two, was going to say something about that comment. When the ipods first came out, i was right there in line to get one. Now i see everyone on the street with the white wires sticking out of their ears. but lets face it, its been going on for like 2-3 years...how many people left on this world need ipods...

so yes, maybe sales are up, but not for long. i predict a decrease in sales with these new ones in a month or so.

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And you're a business analyst?

What you neglect to realize is people replace their Ipods with new ones, its a fashion item and people (especially younger people) replace theirs with the latest one when it comes out.

Using that logic why does everyone constantly revamp cell phones? Cell carriers don't even hang onto phone models more than 7-8 months then they replace them with new models. Why? Because cell phones are a fashion item, and people want to have the latest one.

Ipods aren't going anywhere.

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i just sumbitted it. :P

its just IMO. personal opinion that they arent going to be that popular in the future.

everybody needs a cell phone to call people...not everybody needs to listen to music 24/7 from an ipod. Everywhere i go, i think i have access to music. car, home, office. unless you excercise regularly and take public transportation everday, i dont think its even that useful, good idea for sure, but not pertinent to society

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Luckily a man with experience is not at the mercy of a man with an opinion.

Sorry, it just irritates me when people form and share opinions about topics they don't have a lot of information about, it leads to the spread of misinformation and ignorance.

Remember, just because you don't care for yours doesn't mean that opinion is shared by the general populace. I have never had any desire to own an IPod, but many others obviously feel differently than me.

Just as an interesting question, since IPods are supposedly going to "not be that popular" in the future. How are people going to listen to music?

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well how did they do it in the past, as i said before, maybe i added it in after you submitted

everybody needs a cell phone to call people...not everybody needs to listen to music 24/7 from an ipod. Everywhere i go, i think i have access to music. car, home, office. unless you excercise regularly and take public transportation everday, i dont think its even that useful, good idea for sure, but not pertinent to society
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But people have always had continuously smaller peices of equipment for listening to music, ever heard of the Walkman? The Walkman was as big a sensation when it came out as the IPod is now. It didn't go by the wayside, it was simply replaced by new technologies.

The IPod will be around until it too gets suceeded by new technology.

Are you saying listening to music is going to go out of fashion? Well we've been waiting on that for 3000 years.

As for cell phones, if you think people buy them just to talk to people you're even more blinded to the realities of society than I already thought. How are cell phones more "pertinent to society" than IPods? You say you have access to music most places you go, car, home, office so you don't need an Ipod. Don't you have access to a phone most of those places too? So, why carry a cell phone? Why are Blackberries so wildly popular, after all you have access to email at home, work, etc right?

The difference is the Ipod has YOUR music, and the cell phone is YOUR phone, one phone you can use and be reached on anywhere at anytime. You see, a great many people like the idea of being able to take their entire music collection with them everywhere. My fiance for instance. She has her Ipod and wherever she goes she has her music. She plugs it into the car, she has speakers for it at home and at work, and she had headphones for it for waiting rooms and planes and such. No need to wait until you get in the car for that particular CD etc. Thats been an EXTREMELY popular ability, and now that you can even watch TV on your Ipods, look out. Entertainments now totally portable.

I'm like you, I like listening to my Sirius when I'm in the car but other than that I never listen to music, its not that important to me. I do however understand that simply because something isn't important to me doesn't mean its not wildly important to everybody else.

Music is an integral part of our culture, and ESPECIALLY the culture of youth, portable music isn't going anywhere, and Apple has positioned the Ipod to be synonomous with portable music, just like Sony did with the Walkman in the 80s. They're not going anywhere until the next big step forward in technology comes along.

"How they did it in the past" doesn't matter anymore. By that logic one day we'll all just go back to horse drawn carriages because that car fad will go away. Or that Internet thing, that'll never last.

I find it hard to believe you're only 27 with these attitudes, you sound about 70.

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lol yes, i have heard my many people im old fashioned. lol particularly because im attracted to large sedans and mercs.

im just saying i think phones are more important than music in society. Its more important to be found/communicate to people than to listen to music. The last time i checked, most cars didnt have phones in their cars (except now with bluetooth via a cell phone, leave car phones out of this) and certainly do not have email in their cars either. im done explains, my fingers are tired

i just dont think listening to music is soooooo important that you have to bring it every single place you go to. but yes, it might be important to teenagers, but according to my nephew, they arent as popular in school as they once were.

i think were done here, lets leave it at im old fashioned...

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im just saying i think phones are more important than music in society. Its more important to be found/communicate to people than to listen to music. The last time i checked, most cars didnt have phones in their cars (except now with bluetooth via a cell phone, leave car phones out of this) and certainly do not have email in their cars either.

But why do you need a phone in a car since you have one at home and at work. Why is the need for a phone in the car different than the need for music on the street? Plenty of people don't see the need for cell phones like you don't see the need for Ipods, does that mean they're going to fall out of fashion?

i just dont think listening to music is soooooo important that you have to bring it every single place you go to.

Thats for you. We've already established that you're abnormally old fashioned, and we've already established that sales of IPods are continually establishing new highs. Why is it such a stretch to assume that this is just something you're not interested in but that has obviously become a part of American culture?

I don't mean to argue, but do everybody around you a favor and don't make statements like this:

it slowing down though, the music fad with ipods is practically over because they are overrated. i dont use mine at all. and even though people still use them, there arent selling as much.

When you have no idea what you're talking about.

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sigh...this is going no where. ill be the bigger man...:P i retract all statements i have made prior to this comment ;)

i still think that phones are more important. what happens in an emergency, are you going to turn to your ipod to check on your family or call AAA

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i still think that phones are more important. what happens in an emergency, are you going to turn to your ipod to check on your family or call AAA

Since they have IPods that are integrated with phones now, sure.

i retract all statements i have made prior to this comment

Since they are incorrect and have no basis in fact, I'd say thats a pretty good idea.

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