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Ebay Scam Artist-lexus Keys**got My Money Back**


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4remotes selling direct tv cards

He is one of the same person.

eBay and pay-pal are such a waste of time when it comes to crooks and frauds.

This guy sold me 2 garbage keys and refuses to issue a refund or answer any emails after saying he would make amends prior to returning the keys.

All details are fake other than his first name and address

which is

Geoff Gore

I have removed his adress and wrong phone number

From what i know he works for Royal Bank Canada but i have no department or location for him.

His phone number which is answered by a young black kid with an attitude before hanging up might not be him but i doubt that.

His last name seems to be Gurinder or gurinder or goreindar . Sounds Indian

I am not sure as i only heard it verbally and not written.

If you find any more info on him let me know or know how to get it.

He also "sells" ford , Chrysler , gm , BMW , Toyota , Mercedes , Mazda , KIA , daewoo , Saab , Volvo , Volkswagen VW , Audi , infinity , acura , Honda and many more keys.

Hopefully some of the many people he has defrauded will Google this page and post the detail you were robbed form also.

I have contacted the Toronto Police fraud squad but have not heard back from them in 2 weeks. A few members on ebay have also contacted them so maybe they are doing something quietly.

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Thanks for the warning SK, I have to ask, Why would you buy from anyone on ebay with so many neg. feedback? Here is his feedback rating:

Feedback Score: 798

Positive Feedback: 95.0%

Members who left a positive: 842

Members who left a negative: 45

All positive feedback received: 888

Recent Ratings:

6 Months Past

12 Months

positive 14 841 888

neutral 0 13 13

negative 13 46 46

Here is his name change history:The box below contains the User IDs that this member has used on eBay.

User ID Effective Date End Date

autopimp_usa Jul-20-05 Present

satstuff_us Apr-06-05 Jul-20-05

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i bough them before he started a red flag river.

He had only a few negatives which are neither here nor there to me as there are stupid sellers and buyers.

I also was naive in thinking no one would try and defraud a local person.

Was i wrong.

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i bough them before he started a red flag river.

He had only a few negatives which are neither here nor there to me as there are stupid sellers and buyers.

I also was naive in thinking no one would try and defraud a local person.

Was i wrong.

I'll do what I can to get info on this crook, I have my ways. :pirate:

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With regards to eBay and Paypal defending you on this - The decision to buy something on eBay is solely yours. Paypal is an avenue to PAY like using your creditcard or check. They are not there to guarrantee unfortunate deals unless you purchased Money Back Guarrantee through them at point of purchase - Other than that the best you can do is complain and wish for the best. Yes there is a lot of bad sellers & crooks on eBay but you can't generalize all sellers. I have purchased 2 remotes for my car, used, rebladed and guess what... it saved me a ton of money on programming & buying from the dealer! Would I buy again? ABSOLUTELY!!! However I do check feedbacks and see if the kind of remote I am trying to buy was sold before to someone else and what was the level of satisfaction by the buyer! If there is an unsatisfactory feedback, I check the buyer out too to see if he is used to just blasting ALL sellers or he has a point - Then I buy or pass! I make over 50 purchases from eBay each and every month from household stuff to business supplies & even cars! However, I will not generalize ALL for a bad deal on my part - Your comment about DO NOT BUY FROM ANY EBAY MEMBER, and your comments about PAYPAL & EBAY are out of order too! Yes you did have a bad experience, but, not all are bad

post edited for content by SW03ES

Edited by SW03ES
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Just a word to whomever wants to join here to discuss this, you are welcome provided that you conduct yourself in a mature manner and don't come in slinging insults, trying to start flamewars, or breaking our posting guidelines. One post has already been removed, the poster banned, and his ISP informed of his usage of his account to threaten and harass others. His information will also be forwarded to ebay for matching to ebay accounts in case he's (as I suspect) the seller in this transaction.

The above poster's thread was edited to remove rude remarks.

Anyone else posting such content will be dealt with the same way. If you want to join here and discuss this rationally you're welcome to, if you want to post here and try to harass our members or organize or threaten others with physical harm, you will be banned and your IP addresses will be reported to your ISPs along with your post content.

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Just so everyone knows, I have reasonable evidence to believe that the user who'se post I removed (which included SK's address, a call for people to "visit" him, and a promise to "visit" SK himself) IS the seller in this transaction, although he was pretending not to be.

I personally wouldn't do business with this guy.

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With all due respect - I did not harass anyone - Just did not think that generalizing ALL is a good idea - I did have a problem with that part. I always visit these forums - Never joined before since I was content with reading and taking in information usefull to me and my car - Did join today just because of this post - If you want to ban me for that, you are in management and in charge to do so as you feel fit. However, I did not intend to be harmful nor rude. Just tried to set the record straight. Sorry.

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I never said you did, but you did personally insult SK and thats expressly forbidden on this site. Calling someone names and you didn't mean it to be harmful or rude? Come on, do you think I'm stupid?

Had you harassed anyone you'd be banned and your IP address would have been forwarded to your ISP for abuse already.

If I was going to ban you I would have done it immediately. The person I was refering to was the seller in this transaction, and his post has been removed, he's been banned, reported to his ISP, and will be reported to ebay shortly I have a feeling.

You're welcome to stay, providing you abide by the rules.

As everyone has probably figured out, I have ZERO tolerance for stupid internet flamewars and they will not happen on this site while I am a manager. If I have to stay up all night banning accounts, thats fine.

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I never said you are stupid - Never even said I thought that -

However, looking at SK's feedbacks left for others, I would say there is a bad pattern of NOT BEING SATISFIED - Not satisfied with products, and not being satisfied with shipping charges in most cases - How can you not be satisfied with shipping charges when they are clearly stated in the auctions? If they seem high... it's simple, don't buy! I have purchased many items on ebay where the actual shipping charge is under a dollar and paid up to $10.00 S&H - I add the price and S&H and if it makes sense, I buy. But I don't go and blast sellers for that when I agreed with it -

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GS430 you need to re read what i wrote which is as stated above.









4remotes selling direct tv cards

He is one of the same person.

Nothing wrong with eBay or paypal as i still use them the problem is with this one seller.

I think his problem is that he works for royal bank and they do not take kindly to any fraud being associated with him. So as he is now being investigated his world is shattering around him . Including his very nice condo by the water front.

Should i wish him harm , no.

Do i want to do him any harm because he stole from me ,again no .

The purpose of this page is for anyone who uses eBay to know that there is a seller who does not live up to the normal standards of sales.

So it is just a heads up and buyer beware thread.

I received a call from Geoff last night saying i would receive a refund from him and that it was already completed .Also he asked me once i received the refund if i would remove this page. My only comment is ,we will see when it happens.

Unfortunately i have not received anything and the page still stands.

I am where i am you know it and i know you . Does threatening me bother me ?

NO ,i have lived through much worse.

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SK You are absolutely right about that and yes, there is a ton of bad sellers - I did read his comment to you and again YES that was way out of order - I have no beef with you - It's just that there so many sellers I respect HIGHLY and it's just unfair including them in this thread - That's all .

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I must have missed something. I fail to see where all ebay sellers were ever sited by SK as bad, just the one he stated based upon his personal experience(s) with him. I think that's fair to warn us about. I would have too. Ebay sure does by posting up member ratings "feedback".

Anyway, SK...quit sending me your cold canadian air! :( I'm freezing my tail off down here! :ph34r: Or I'm gonna come find you and reprogram all of your keys to aircraft radio frequencies! I can see it now...you try to open your doors with the button, and you hear a "Beep Beep" coming from that 737 flying over. By the way...it's 50 degrees today.....Brrrrrr! Hahahaha :cheers:

PS: Yes, I was dropped on my head as a child.

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I never said you are stupid - Never even said I thought that -

However, looking at SK's feedbacks left for others, I would say there is a bad pattern of NOT BEING SATISFIED - Not satisfied with products, and not being satisfied with shipping charges in most cases - How can you not be satisfied with shipping charges when they are clearly stated in the auctions? If they seem high... it's simple, don't buy! I have purchased many items on ebay where the actual shipping charge is under a dollar and paid up to $10.00 S&H - I add the price and S&H and if it makes sense, I buy. But I don't go and blast sellers for that when I agreed with it -

By thinking you could get away with saying you never intended to insult anyone when you called SK an insulting name and you know I saw it, because I removed it, is implying that you think I'm stupid.

I couldn't care less about any of this ebay BS by the way. IMHO ebay is full of people that really need a hobby and I try to avoid it like the plague. All I care about is that you called SK a name and its not allowed on this site, do it again and you'll be banned. Case closed.

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I have been in contact with the seller's ISP, they are evaluating the seller's use of his internet account for the purposes of defrauding others and for the purposes of threatening and assaulting others. The representative from his ISP suggested that I direct SK to the police.

If I were the seller, I'd make this end now by refunding SK's money.

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You might as well ban me and report my ISP to FBI and whatever it is you think you can do... because IMHO the success of this site is because of the posts by others. If it depended on you, you would be the editor of a thorne out page from a low budget comic book - case closed

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Why are you still talking? This doesn't have anything to do with you. You broke one of our rules, you got a warning about it. Get over yourself.

The success of this site is definately because of the posts of members, but not posts from angry ebay sellers threatening to beat up or kill our members or from self important people posting only to put others down.

Whats going on here has abolutely nothing to do with you, and from reading your posts I don't even think you have a grasp of what this is about (whining at SK because ebay has so many good sellers when SK never denied that nor did he ever imply that any other sellers on ebay were bad), so go away.

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Why are you still talking? This doesn't have anything to do with you. You broke one of our rules, you got a warning about it. Get over yourself.

The success of this site is definately because of the posts of members, but not posts from angry ebay sellers threatening to beat up or kill our members or from self important people posting only to put others down.

Whats going on here has abolutely nothing to do with you, and from reading your posts I don't even think you have a grasp of what this is about (whining at SK because ebay has so many good sellers when SK never denied that nor did he ever imply that any other sellers on ebay were bad), so go away.

well sk I needed that comment a month and a half ago. I am still waiting for my key , and now I am told another is on its way. uncut reprogramable key that was purchased from auto pimp. Time will tell if it even gets here or works once it does...

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SK You are absolutely right about that and yes, there is a ton of bad sellers - I did read his comment to you and again YES that was way out of order - I have no beef with you - It's just that there so many sellers I respect HIGHLY and it's just unfair including them in this thread - That's all .

SK only mentioned the seller in question and his AKA's. There are no blanket condemnations of Ebay sellers in general. Perhaps you should read the first post again.

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Sorry to hear from the other members of eBay who were ripped off by Geoff.

He called and threatened to come visit me at a Toronto meet so if anyone who was ripped off wants to meet him ,he just might show up so you can have a few words with him. I am sure he will leave his wife and child home though.

If he had anything to add to this it should be one thing ,"here is your money and i am sorry and walk away".

Instead he likes to throw scare tactics around like they mean something to me.

Thanks for leaving the negative feedback on eBay for me Geoff ,i guess now i am a 100% official member of eBay as i now have neg feedback and have been scammed by a few people also, your just the one dumb enough one to do it to someone local to you.


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Sorry to hear from the other members of eBay who were ripped off by Geoff.

He called and threatened to come visit me at a Toronto meet so if anyone who was ripped off wants to meet him ,he just might show up  so you can have a few words with him. I am sure he will leave his wife and child home though.

If he had anything to add to this it should be one thing ,"here is your money and i am sorry and walk away".

Instead he likes to throw scare tactics around like they mean something to me.

Thanks for leaving the negative feedback on eBay for me Geoff ,i guess now i am a 100% official member of eBay as i now have neg feedback and have been scammed by a few people also, your just the one dumb enough one to do it to someone local to you.


SK, I would love to come to that LEXUS meet, Not only would I take still photos, I would definetly get this one on video. :ph34r:

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Sorry to hear from the other members of eBay who were ripped off by Geoff.

He called and threatened to come visit me at a Toronto meet so if anyone who was ripped off wants to meet him ,he just might show up  so you can have a few words with him. I am sure he will leave his wife and child home though.

If he had anything to add to this it should be one thing ,"here is your money and i am sorry and walk away".

Instead he likes to throw scare tactics around like they mean something to me.

Thanks for leaving the negative feedback on eBay for me Geoff ,i guess now i am a 100% official member of eBay as i now have neg feedback and have been scammed by a few people also, your just the one dumb enough one to do it to someone local to you.


SK, I would love to come to that LEXUS meet, Not only would I take still photos, I would definetly get this one on video. :ph34r:

If I could be there I would. Icant beleive a person could stay on ebay very long running this type of scam. As I said before I am still waiting for my key. I was told it was sent but never got it ,and now have been sent another key. If this key doesnt work more neg. feedback will be coming his way. Also just to add I dont understand why a seller should wait to see what feedback you left to then add their feedback for you.You already paid them in a timely manner so your feedback should be over and good at that point correct? Well anyway good luck and I will see what happens. :cries:

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SK did you say you paid through Paypal? Have you disputed the charges? You can open up a claim and the money will be held back from the Seller (even charged back against his account if he already withdrew it). You can then explain the case to Paypal and get full refund. Cite his feedback record to Paypal and they'll side with you. He'll also have a strike against him on Paypal and those will soon add up to account cancellation.

What I can't understand is why these guys can't just conduct an honest business. Is it really worth the hassle for this guy to make a couple of bucks? Boy, do I feel sorry for him. Wait a minute, no I don't :D

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In regards to paypal ,here are some ins and outs most people don't know.

Paypal has a 45 day window for discrepancies , after that they don't have to take any action and become "no longer involved in the transaction ".

So i waited for keys and got a pair that were garbage because they where valet ones and one of them was bent and not even made for my car.I waited for new keys so i had lapsed the 45 day window by 2 weeks and was told there is nothing we can do , case closed.

One thing i forgot that Geoff said in his phone call is that , "i have a paypal refund for you and i just got off the phone with them".

I told him i have none and until i do i have nothing to say to him.

He kept trying to prove his point with useless banter by saying he has a screen shot of the paypal refund he can send me. I told him i don;t give a !Removed! the only thing i want to see is my money back in my pocket , case closed.

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