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Lexus 470 In The Mud


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Today I took my moms 2004 Lexus 470 off roading it did not preform up to my expectations... Because the car weighs so much its sank in the mud... yes the car sank and I did not stop.... when your axles are completely covered with mud and water is flowing inside your car the lockers have no effect I was stuck bad!!! The car has street tires and it already raised 4 inches... Every 30 min the car sank 1 inch... I had to call not one but two friends with winches to come pull me out... one 9000 pound winch would not pull the car out of the mud... each of them had a warn 9000 pound winch we also connected 2 pulleys up to the car... with around 36000 pounds we were able to pull the 470 out of the mud... I cleaned out all the water and power washed the car... my mom never new until she took it to the mechanics :censored::censored::censored:

I have pictures of my moms car just email me at michaelallend021@yahoo.com

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not the smartest thing I've ever heard anyone do, but I'm not terribly surprised.

did you air down your non-mud-terrain tires before going in the mud? that might've helped.

street tires do not perform well at all in mud because that's not what they're designed to do.

this was no fault of the vehicle -- this was poor driver judgement.

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hey mom lexus great story dont listen to the others about poor judgement you learn from your mistakes next time make sure its not as soggy as for the 9000lb winch when you are stuff bad you are pulling the truck plus all the mud and stuff with you so i believe you. i have been stuck in damp sand and had to land cruisers pulling with tow straps but no luck had to get a tow truck and even he had a hard time but finally got us out post the pictures

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hey i forgot to ask were did the water come in? I'm curious because i have been with water about mid door level in normal mode not raised up and had none come in. I have been looking to make it a bit more tight but no ideas yet.

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Today I took my moms 2004 Lexus 470 off roading it did not preform up to my expectations...  Because the car weighs so much its sank in the mud... yes the car sank and I did not stop.... when your axles are completely covered with mud and water is flowing inside your car the lockers have no effect I was stuck bad!!! The car has street tires and it already raised 4 inches... Every  30 min the car sank 1 inch...  I had to call not one but two friends with winches to come pull me out... one 9000 pound winch would not pull the car out of the mud... each of them had a warn 9000 pound winch we also connected 2 pulleys up to the car... with around 36000 pounds we were able to pull the 470 out of the mud... I cleaned out all the water and power washed the car... my mom never new until she took it to the mechanics  :censored:  :censored:  :censored:

I have pictures of my moms car just email me  at michaelallend021@yahoo.com

perhaps it's just the 1/5 of rum I have drank today but LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey mom lexus great story dont listen to the others about poor judgement ...

I stand by my original statement. It was poor judgement to take an ill-equiped vehicle into that mud. Wrong tires, insufficient recovery equipment...etc.

I'm not saying he didn't learn something from it -- I hope he did...but it wasn't smart to do.

Most 100 series and 80 series Land Cruisers (LX 470 and LX 450 respectively) that I've seen with winches have a 12k (usually Warn) mounted. The 9000k winch isn't usually strong enough to get a 3ton vehicle out of deep mud.

I've watched people do this before -- unless I need to go through the stuff, I steer clear of mud. There's other ways of having fun off-road, IMHO.

Water will come in through the door sills if you're in it long enough. It'll stay out if you're in for a short while, but if you're stuck in the stuff, you can count on the nasty stuff coming in.

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OK let me tell you something about the Lexus.. The Old town spring trail that you always take your jeep on is nothing more than a ride around the block for the Lexus. You’re lucky you got that car out or mom would have raped you a new one. Obviously some of the responders to this story really don’t know anything about the concept of mud. You don’t deflate you tires before you go into the mud. That won’t do shat. Maybe at Katemcy or Moab that is something practical to take into consideration, but the terrain on those trails are completely different then bogging in west texas. Another fault to this story is you indubitably did stop. Let’s explain my theory. The creek you were in is sand bottom "not mud" and is perfectly fine to cross this time of year. The malleability of wet sand is significantly lower than mud “IF YOU DON’T STOP”. Another plus about sand is that street tires actually handle sand better then mud terrains. Don’t believe me? Look at the tires uses on many high performance sand racing trucks. On last point, sand also cleans better off the tires when the tire is rotation threw it. The key word in this matter is "momentum". Its ok little bro. I did the same thing with the same car but mom never found out. hahahah

1 other thing it a 1999 not a 2004

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DougJOHn2 just one other thing. The vehicle is far from ill equipped for this scenario. Why dont you take a look at the specs and accessories and maybe if you knew anything about wheeling you would realize that you’re a facking Idiot.

It's really pointless to get into a *BLEEP*ing contest with a little girl so...I'll let much of your comments pass...

Any time you want to wheel with me, you're more than welcome to join. You gonna bring momma's ride or do you have a rig of your own?

If they'll let you out of school long enough, join me in Moab the first week of May. I'll be the one in the black and white LX 450 -- shouldn't be too hard to find me -- at this point, I'll likely be the only 2-toned, lifted 450.

I know the capabilities of the 470 quite well. If you want to go toe to toe with a debate on specs and capabilities, I'd more than welcome the challenge.

If you only want to get into a name-calling contest, you'll lose my interest real fast.

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I just want to know why a Lexus could not do what a his Jeep has done before.

It's not a Lexus vs Jeep thing. It's a driver capability/experience and vehicle outfitting thing. The only advantage the Jeep would have is that it's about 1/2 the weight of the 470.

To counteract the weight disadvantage, better/larger tires with a larger footprint would help.

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I have to agree with dougjohn2, ive seen "moms lexus" wheel his Jeep and he almost flipped it in a simple turning descent, but then again it is a lexus so why should you have to be "experienced" when your in a car that is that expensive!!! OTS is not really the area to be wheeling a car like that because its too big and heavy..... by the way jeeps are always better hahahahaha

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Another plus about sand is that street tires actually handle sand better then mud terrains. Don’t believe me? Look at the tires uses on many high performance sand racing trucks. On last point, sand also cleans better off the tires when the tire is rotation threw it.

i dont think these scenarios are exactly the same... when going 70-100 mph baja style, your not going to want tires with huge lugs and tread and that is probably the main reason that they do not use such aggressive tires when racing...also he was (im assuming) riding in the creek which is somewhat hard bottom, but still if your going to be riding with those michelin a/t and a heavy vehicle, you might still want to air down a little to increase the surface area of the tire and spread the load weight out to get better traction.....very hardcore though i wish i was there to see this... forget taking your jeep to katemcy, lets take your moms car so we can ride in style!!!

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So...what's with the latest influx of Jeeper boys on the Lexus site? A jeep forum go down somewhere?

I'm willing to bet you'll see a LX 450 or two at Katemcy this March when LSLC rolls in. Give 'em a couple years and you'll start seeing LX 470s there too.

Most of these rigs start their lives as mall cruisers, but they can and do wheel well...in the right hands...

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Im a jeeper!!! but i gotta love the big body lexus (envious) anyways towards the end of this semester, SWFWD will have one of its quarterly runs at Katemcy and my club (Texas A&M Offroad) will be hosting it....all are welcome to come and enjoy the festivities ....by the way i was just joking will all the jeep vs. lexus comments PM me if you want any info !!

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Thanks for the invite. I'd love to hit Katemcy some time. As it stands right now, however, I'm booking up most of my larger trips for this year. I'm looking at Death Valley in a few weeks, then Moab...then there's the Rubicon trip (or two this summer). I don't think I'll be able to squeeze in a trip to TX this year.

No worries with the various comments. I don't take comments made on forums like this seriously.


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"MY BRO" has been banned. If he is "moms lexus'" brother then comong on here to argue with him was innapropriate, if he wasn't then his behavior was still innapropriate.

Jeepers are perfectly welcome here, as long as nobody tries to start a forum flame war.

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