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You Won't Believe This!

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These forums are very informative for people out there considering vehicles and reading through the forums to see how actual owners are reviewing the vehicles.

Someone who has never owned a Lexus probably would have the assumption that it is a luxury car and expect it would be great since it cost more than the average sedan.

I was very impressed with my previous LS400, but I am not all that impressed with this ES330.

I should be able to post that without ridicule.

That is what this forum should be about.

I could easily go through alot of posts on this forum and tell people who are having problems to stop whining or just sell your car.

I don't feel that is the purpose of the forum and if it is, I won't participate in it anymore!

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These forums are very informative for people out there considering vehicles and reading through the forums to see how actual owners are reviewing the vehicles.

Someone who has never owned a Lexus probably would have the assumption that it is a luxury car and expect it would be great since it cost more than the average sedan.

I was very impressed with my previous LS400, but I am not all that impressed with this ES330.

I should be able to post that without ridicule.

That is what this forum should be about.

I could easily go through alot of posts on this forum and tell people who are having problems to stop whining or just sell your car.

I don't feel that is the purpose of the forum and if it is, I won't participate in  it anymore!

Paint chipping has been an issue for some time now. IS300 boards are full of paint chipping issues. Some people have gone so far as to make the dealer touch up the chips, and install some form of paint guard at cost. Some say that the paint formula for some colors was changed a few years ago due to some sort of regulatory thing, so the paint isn't as tough as it used to be. Who knows?

And I'm not ridiculing when I suggest someone would buy your car. If it's that big of a problem for you, that should be a relief. However, solutions to your problems have been offered here and more or less rejected for financial or other reasons. You'll either have to take action at some point or not. That's your choice. However, I do find it somewhat unusual that you can afford a luxo lexus, and a fairly new van, yet cannot afford to protect your investment because Christmas is coming. But, that's your own personal problem, not ours.

There is a section here in each car forum to list problems and issues, if that is your intent.

This is not intended to be harsh, but just the logical thinking that comes from reading the posts.

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Just to clarify....

It's not a fairly new van it's a 2005 Honda Odyssey, which honestly, I am enjoying more than this car.

Also, just because I can "afford" to have the paint fixed and protected does than mean that I should have to do that on a brand spankin new car that was $40,000?

Should I feel better that my dealer is saying that they've never heard of anyone else having this problem with their paint?

I leased the car and even at that, the payments are not small.

How many people do you think can afford a $660 payment?

How many people would also wonder why I was selling a brand new car?

If I was a person out there shopping for a car, and could afford $660, I would be getting a new one and not a used one!

Again, the only reason I posted my problems with Lexus is for the consumer out there considering a Lexus, especially a Black Garnet or Black one.

Nice to know what to expect BEFORE you buy VS learning as I am after purchasing one.

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I own the exact same car in the exact same color, mine has almost 40,000 miles of DC beltway driving and I don't have a significant chipping problem. Sure I have some chips but thats to be expected after 40,000 miles, especially around here. Like I've said before I think you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that happens. Problem is solved forever with a $600 clear bra. You spent $40,000 on this car, whats another $600 for a clear bra?

What I find a problem and I assume others do too is your wild swings in mood. You post one day talking about how beautiful it is and about how great the color is, and how you don't want to park it anywhere, you take your van grocery shopping so the Lexus doesn't get damaged. Then the next day the paint gets chipped and now the car is substandard to this van that you were willing to put in harms way as something inferior to save the Lexus before? It just doesn't make any sense. Rock chips are just bad luck. Not the car's fault or your fault. The same thing happened with your dealer, some independent dealer screws you over and suddenly the Lexus is a substandard car. As for being impressed with your LS and not the ES, well sometimes that happens when you switch to a car that costs almost half what your previous car cost, thats not Lexus' fault either. You're simply not being fair. You can't compare a $37,000 car to a $70,000 car, thats insane. The ES is a great car, and its very similar to the LS (it was designed to be so) but its NOT an LS. If they made it equal to the LS in every way nobody would buy an LS. If you wanted to have exactly the same experience you had with your LS you should have kept it or ponied up the bucks for a new one.

As for the lease payment, this is off topic but $660 is WAY WAY high for a lease payment on an ES, you can get into a GS430 for that, and you could ALMOST lease a base LS430. My lease payment is just over $500 with $0 down and mines a 2003, with every option, the 2003s were even a couple thousand dollars more expensive than the 04s and the 05s. I could have bought my car for $660 a month...

The purpose of this forum is to be a place where Lexus owners can discuss both positive and negative aspects of their vehicles, seek help to common problems, and find great benefits and services to help make the ownership of their Lexus more fulfilling. Its NOT a place to offhandedly whine about your vehicle and expect everyone to hold your hands. A couple of paint chips within the first couple weeks do not a problem with the car make. It means you were out on the road and a couple pebbles off a truck found their way to your hood. Could have happened to anyone. We've told you what you can do to keep the problem from happening again, keeping your car chip free is not Lexus' responsibility.

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Again, the only reason I posted my problems with Lexus is for the consumer out there considering a Lexus, especially a Black Garnet or Black one.

I don't think many prospective buyers are going to wade through all of this thread to find out a couple of items.

There's this forum, that you could post in, and it might be more readily seen.

Pinned: Tells Us About Your Car And Its Mods Or Problems


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Yes, the car is beautiful and when I posted that, I hadn't washed it yet.

When I washed it and seen how many paint chips were there, that bummed me out!

How come the Honda has 3,500 miles on it and it isn't chipping?

The lexus only has a few hundred miles on it?

I didn't drive through any rock storms, I'm sure I would have noticed rocks hitting my hood.

When I first posted, I just got the car and hadn't drove it that much.

Now, that I've drove it more...I'm really not impressed with it.

That's just my opinion, some people like BMW's, Mercedes, etc...

I wasn't asking everyone to hold my hand either...I was merely commenting on the fact that I have drove the car more now and I wouldn't buy another one.

No one has to respond, I really don't care...my life will go on!

Luckily for me, my life doesn't depend on any of you or this site.

You can have fun bashing away now, I'm sure it's the adult thing to do.

I won't be back to this site anymore, it's a little biased for me.

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When I washed it and seen how many paint chips were there, that bummed me out!

How come the Honda has 3,500 miles on it and it isn't chipping?

The lexus only has a few hundred miles on it?

I didn't drive through any rock storms, I'm sure I would have noticed rocks hitting my hood.

How would you know rocks were hitting your hood? Hundreds of rocks and pebbles hit your hood everyday, unless its a peice of gravel you're not going to notice it. Who knows why your Lexus got hit and your van hasn't, like I said its just bad luck.

When I first posted, I just got the car and hadn't drove it that much.

Now, that I've drove it more...I'm really not impressed with it.

Thats why we test drive cars extensively before we buy them. If you want a car that is exactly like your LS was, don't cheap out next time. Thats also not a fault of Lexus or the car. You want the best of both worlds, something as good as your LS in all of these ways but you want to save $600 a month too, well it just doesn't work that way. The ES is the highest quality car in its class and that class does not include the LS. Lexus designed a great entry level luxury car, and a great flagship luxury car. They didn't design the ES to make people who were used to driving LS' totally happy, what business sense would that be? There'd be no reason to trade up. I love my ES but I never would have traded an LS that I had since new that was only 5 years old on a new ES.

You can have fun bashing away now, I'm sure it's the adult thing to do.

I won't be back to this site anymore, it's a little biased for me

Nobody's bashing anything here except you, simple because we disagree with you we're biased? From your original postings to this thread and these latest ones it seems apparant to me that all you're interested in is a place to complain and a bunch of people to agree for you and support you that you've been handed such a raw deal. We've continuously given you ideas and alternatives and just like before you aren't interested in fixing your problem, you either want it fixed for you or you just want to complain about it. If thats your view on what an owners club should be then I can't say I'm sorry to hear you won't be back. I think you're more than a little over dramatic about this whole situation. Ranting and raving about a dealer !Removed! you over, saying "Maybe this is a sign, maybe God doesn't want me to buy a Lexus" freaking out over a few rock chips and letting them completely sour you on the car. Come on, I don't think God or anyone else cares what you drive.

If you've got a problem, fix it. We will and have tried to help with advice. You have to decide whether you want to take that advice and try to be happy with your purchase or if you want to keep complaining about it. Whining doesn't solve anything, a phone call and $600 will keep you from ever having this problem again. You've rejected that course of action because its close to Christmas and you feel you shouldn't have to pay $600 to protect the front of a brand new $40,000 car. Well thats your decision but you've got to live with the chips then. I decided against the clear bra and decided I would take my chances, and I don't cry foul every time a rock hits my hood. I could have protected it, I chose not to.

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We come here to not have to hear women complain

chuckb, in all fairness there are plenty on men on this site that complain too.

bartkat, thanks for the smiley.

now that it is over, let's maintain some maturity and just let this thread slowly slip down the page.


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The other issue that needs a closer look is projected reliability, which is the most subjective of our standards. It is even more so than estimates about residual values, which also involve predicting the future; both figures come from current data, but a car with poor reliability ratings often has them because it has a picky clientele.


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Really sorry to hear about your Lexus Dealer experience. If you were closer to Virginia I'd have sent you to Pohanka Lexus in Chantilly. They know what service and honesty are. I purchased my 2004 ES330 in late May, its a wonderful car. My passengers say it's the best ride they have had in a long time.

My service has been excellent and without any problems. I recently had a tire problem, they asked me to leave it overnight while they got a replacement, gave me a loaner NO QUESTIONS ASKED. They called when the car was done, they called again a day later to see if i was satisfied with the service.

My first goal was to select the car, my second was to select a dealer. IN DC Metro area we have many Lexus dealers- I checked almost all of them out by personal visit. Pohanka was at the top of the list.

I am pleased with the car, and am certainly pleased with the dealer. Everyone suffers when a bad experience such as yours comes along. However, the car is well worth the wait; I hope the dealer comes through for you.

Alan K in NoVa

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That just goes to show you how differing experiences can be, even depending on the individual salespeople at the same dealership. I had a TERRIBLE experience at Pohanka Lexus and stormed out vowing never to set foot in the place again. I had a salesman who was a total slimeball, seemed like he should have been selling used Yugos. He insulted my fiancee repeatedly during the test drive making comments about "women" and how features of the car were designed for "the women" who are "always cold" and "complain about things like that". Then he uses antiquated car salesman games using 4 squares and trying to chide profit from different sides of the transaction and quoted me a lease payment of $800 by artificially inflating the money factor and refusing to note the discount on the vehicle we had agreed upon, sales manager wasn't much better. Called me repeatedly saying things like "Enjoyed rappin' with you" and crap like that, very unprofessional. I wrote them a very stern letter and never recieved a response. I would never in good concience tell anyone to go to Pohanka Lexus.

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That just goes to show you how differing experiences can be, even depending on the individual salespeople at the same dealership. I had a TERRIBLE experience at Pohanka Lexus and stormed out vowing never to set foot in the place again. I had a salesman who was a total slimeball, seemed like he should have been selling used Yugos. He insulted my fiancee repeatedly during the test drive making comments about "women" and how features of the car were designed for "the women" who are "always cold" and "complain about things like that". Then he uses antiquated car salesman games using 4 squares and trying to chide profit from different sides of the transaction and quoted me a lease payment of $800 by artificially inflating the money factor and refusing to note the discount on the vehicle we had agreed upon, sales manager wasn't much better. Called me repeatedly saying things like "Enjoyed rappin' with you" and crap like that, very unprofessional. I wrote them a very stern letter and never recieved a response. I would never in good concience tell anyone to go to Pohanka Lexus.

Sounds like a bunch of ole dicso hippy yups at that place. <_<

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