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Lextech Lighting Is Crap


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this one is a response to asking where my item was because it has already been 3 weeks after payment and no item!


Yes take it to more serious measures. Go right ahead.

I told you your money order didnt even arrive until a few days before the

weekend, you need a calendar.

your last email was THIS MORNING ,what is your problem?

Go find yourself some more serious measures and if you EVER threaten us

again we will send the local police to your door.

----- Original Message -----

From: "-------------------" -----------------------------------

To: "Lextech Lighting" ----------------------------

Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:09 PM

Subject: Re: Order Process

> I still had no response from my last email. I need to know if I'm getting


> product or I should take this to more serious measures.


> -Jahon


responding to the email i recieved from them above. they responded with this!


I'll tell you what kind of business it is, it is the kind that doesnt work

miracles. if you wanted overnight shipping you should have ASKED for it.

your money order came in late last week and was shipped promptly monday.

where is our timeframe off? Don't think this is the kind of business where

the customer is always right, we are a HIGHLY custom business and the ONLY

one for aftermarket lexus parts, and we are a privilage to be ordered from,

we DO INDEED take care of our customers when they are not unreasonable.

However we WILL tell you when you step out of line. We have done our part,

recieved the money order, and shipped the good. Anything from here out is

*BLEEP*ing in the wind because it is literally "in the mail" and ON TIME to

when we recieved your money order like we told you the last 3 times you


PS- go *BLEEP* yourself.

----- Original Message -----

From: "--------------" ---------------------------

To: "Lextech Lighting Systems" -------------------

Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 4:24 PM

Subject: Re: Order Process

> What kind of business is this? I sent the money order weeks ago and my


> email from you was last week telling me you just got it. Now you say that

> you got it a few days ago? I havent revieved my product and the fact that

> you are telling me you will send the police to my door for threatening you

> is bull*BLEEP*. If you dont send my product or havent i want my *BLEEP*ing money

> back and i dont plan on doing business with you people again. When a

> customer doesnt recieve his product after a prolonged period of time of

> course they will be upset and wondering where their product is. More


> measures include me reporting you to the Better Business Bureau and for


> to threaten ME is very unprofessional of you.


> -Jahon


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Your response is highly unusual [ and you have to factor in who you used to ship the cluster I beleive that is what you were having repaired ] and the day when it was shipped etc... The money order also . Your excersize in patience needs work , sometimes a custom shop is overbooked [ and that is none of your business it is theres ] regardless of there return emails [ probably because of your needling ] No pun intended , Your post in my opinion is negated . DID YOU RECEIVE YOUR SENT PRODUCT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER ? Posting personal emails is not proper , PLEASE post results that are the end result , and the problems that you experience are yours and yours only. [ one mans opinion ] I hope the product received is in excellent working order . B) LET THERE BE LIGHT B)

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still havent recieved the goods. it has been over 3 weeks and the money order should have been there in 3-6 days as i sent it out immediately. there is no reason for it to take this long and they should have informed me on delayed shipment instead of cussing me out.

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What did you send / and for what reason ? what model lex ? Is it for you ? What did they say the turnaround time would be ? do you have that email ? I beleive that there is a 10 day turnaround on just about anything that is sent [ or so I beleive they advertise that , I may be mistaken ] I had no prolems with my wifes 93 es300 instrument cluuster being rebuilt to LED'S for the tune of $119.00 and $20.00 for a complete set of bulbs . SORRY TO HEAR THAT YOU ARE HAVING PROBS . BUT DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON THE GUY THAT IS TRYING TO HELP , Send lexus a complaint on initial engineering and get there proper departments to respond [ the more pressure the better ] After all the mfg . is at fault not the guy who is trying to help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) LET THERE BE LIGHT B)

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I got to kind of agree you are using a slow payment rather than an instant one like paypal or your credit card.

I wouldn;t blame the buys at lex tech either.

If you wanted instant service then you should have overnighted the cluster you have with the money order and payed for overnight return.

Did you get a tracking number if it has been sent out?

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I contacted lextech to get the full picture of what is actually happenign as one sided truths are useless.Here is their response.

already closed, but thanks! :) The guy sent a money order that arrived last

thursday and expected his climate bulbs to magically appear in his mailbox

monday. crazy lunatic. I see he also edited our reponse to add vulgar lines,

typical of someone who is expecting a miracle.

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never got a tracking number. and they never told me the day that they shipped it when they did it. i dont mind waiting a couple weeks, but 3 weeks is pushing it. and to get cussed at for asking is bull*BLEEP*.

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Sorry, They do not. Which is why you were told that LLS couldn't do your ES unit and you instead begged for the bulbs to be sent to you.

Not only did you NOT send your unit to LLS, you have recieved no service whatsoever from them, so you have nothing to talk about here.

"LLS is crap" well, how would you know? YOU NEVER HAD THEM WORK ON YOUR UNIT! You just ordered some bulbs to try and do it yourself because they said they could not help you to begin with and you got impatient waiting for the mail to deliver them.

What a scam. Do not dennounce a company you have NEVER HAD SERVICE FROM.

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Sorry, They do not. Which is why you were told that LLS couldn't do your ES unit and you instead begged for the bulbs to be sent to you.

Not only did you NOT send your unit to LLS, you have recieved no service whatsoever from them, so you have nothing to talk about here.

"LLS is crap" well, how would you know? YOU NEVER HAD THEM WORK ON YOUR UNIT! You just ordered some bulbs to try and do it yourself because they said they could not help you to begin with and you got impatient waiting for the mail to deliver them.

What a scam. Do not dennounce a company you have NEVER HAD SERVICE FROM.

In all fairness, if the customer sent a money order and never received a product, then he DOES have the right to complain. Granted, he didn't receive any 'service', but he's still got a right to complain -even publicly.

Although it sounds like there might be hotheads on both sides which complicates the issue.

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Thursday- Money order arrives and is processed thursday night.

friday, saturday, sunday- Tail of the dragon meet co sponsored by LLS, which LLS attended.

Monday- Item is sent

Tuesday- customer complains, did not pay for over night shipping, then edits emails from LLS to make it look like LLS was being rude as he is on a trashing spree and being unreasonable.

Now, between Monday and Tuesday, where did parcel post have time to deliver? LLS has done hundreds and hundreds of units, not one single complaint. do a search.

You get "one of these guys" every now and then.

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I don't know, I don't have any personal experience with Lextech but from what I know the business is run by a respected member (moderator?) from CL. I find it hard to believe that they would all of a sudden try and screw someone over after having so many satisfied customers. It just doesn't add up. Everyone's always quick to blame the company in question in a situation like this, but as someone who owns his own business I can honestly tell you that sometimes customers are just plain unreasonable.

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Thursday- Money order arrives and is processed thursday night.

friday, saturday, sunday- Tail of the dragon meet co sponsored by LLS, which LLS attended.

Monday- Item is sent

Tuesday- customer complains, did not pay for over night shipping, then edits emails from LLS to make it look like LLS was being rude as he is on a trashing spree and being unreasonable.

Now, between Monday and Tuesday, where did parcel post have time to deliver? LLS has done hundreds and hundreds of units, not one single complaint. do a search.

You get "one of these guys" every now and then.

If that's the case, why did you insist that they never had service from you? Seems to me that if, as you claim, you sent the product within a few days of receiving the order, you would have stated that in your earlier post - instead of saying that you had never provided a service.

Bottom line is that the OP claims that they still didn't have the part 3 weeks after sending a money order. He could be flat out lying - or you could be. No one here can know for sure.

Personally, I'd be looking for other reports before buying parts from someone who had this complaint. You may think he's a lunatic, but readers here have no direct way of knowing that.

The bottom line is that you've had a serious complaint lodged against you. Valid or not, people will see it. Most people will discount a single complaint, but will generally not completely ignore it. The only reponse you can offer is to be particularly diligent about service in the future. If there are no more complaints, the whole thing blows over quickly. If there are other complaints, it's likely to impact your business. It's really all up to you.

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As a buisness owner i get *BLEEP*ed of by stupid people looking for ways to destroy other because they want more for less and don;t get it by sulking.

To me from reasinf this LLS has dones everything they needed to which was kind enoguh to sell bulbs they don;t do.

If his guy wanted overnight then he should have paid for overnight instead of proabably bulk shipping.

They are bulbs you don;t just throw them in an envelope and expect them not to be crushed in transit.

This isn;t a serious complaint JR this is pure crap ,if LLS had gotten a cluster and siad they would not fix it or return it then it is serious.

If he had paid instantly with a credit card and paid fo rovernight then he might have gorunds to complain but to me this is just another whiner.

Which is why i invited LLS to respond directly than just respond through me.

Nothing is better than the horses mouth.



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As a buisness owner i get *BLEEP*ed of by stupid people looking for ways to destroy other because they want more for less and don;t get it by sulking.

To me from reasinf this LLS has dones everything they needed to which was kind enoguh to sell bulbs they don;t do.

If his guy wanted overnight then he should have paid for overnight instead of proabably bulk shipping.

They are bulbs you don;t just throw them in an envelope and expect them not to be crushed in transit.

This isn;t a serious complaint JR this is pure crap ,if LLS had gotten a cluster and siad they would not fix it or return it then it is serious.

If he had paid instantly with a credit card and paid fo rovernight then he might have gorunds to complain but to me this is just another whiner.

Which is why i invited LLS to respond directly than just respond through me.

Nothing is better than the horses mouth.



I'm simply pointing out that one shouldn't reach a conclusion based on anyone's opinion on Usenet - either the original poster OR LLS. You don't know for a fact that LLS is telling the truth, either.

All you can do is look at the overall history. I don't know anything about LLS, but it sounds like they have a pretty good reputation overall. That's worth something.

"He cheated me" "No we didn't" doesn't prove anything either way-for EITHER side.

The other comment I was making was that LLS should probably be more careful in posting to a public forum. Their response created some questions as well as solving them. They stated that the guy had never received any service from them, but later said that they mailed his bulbs a couple of days after receiving payment. Which is it?

It comes back to my position on communication in another thread. If you want credibility, you need to be precise in your statements - and make sure that there's no ambiguity.

For what it's worth, the fact that there are multiple reports that LLS is a good supplier would make me comfortable buying from them. But simply their word that they're honest isn't sufficient. There are lots of DIShonest companies who say the same thing.


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Although I have not done business with LLS, I know people who has and no complaints. I have also known (via forum interactions) the people at LLS and have had no problems with them either. I was very surprised to find this thread and the problems the original poster had. If it came down to a he says/he says issue, I'd have to side with LLS's version of the story as it is more consistent with what I know of them. I hope the original poster got his bulbs and we can move on from this.

As for the complaint on the service/no service issue, I think it is just a matter of semantics. LLS's core work is to retrofit/install lights into items: clusters, brake lights, ... I think that when they actually have to sit down and use their expertise, they refer to this as service. Selecting some bulbs and packaging it is just a straightforward thing that does not utilize their specific custom skills. This was then considered a non-service since it probably took 5-10 minutes to do everything (if at that). It was more of a parts order fulfillment.

Anyway, like I said, I hope the original poster got his bulbs and will be successful in his retrofit attempt. Both sides have told their versions of the story. Potential clients can make up their own minds after reading through the thread and make the appropriate decisions.

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I asked a few simpl questions to the poster and got no answer.

If the poster had wanted to make a good effort in proving he was wronged ,the person would have filled in every possible part of the process in a timeline format and summary ,instead made a stupid email and said help this guy did me wrong.

To me he did not receive any service but a part was ordered. Do you go to lexus and get service when buying a shirt ?

No it is a sale not service.

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what the hell are u talking about? that wasnt me that said that they sent it. in fact i STILL have not recieved my item which proves to me that they have possibly the worst service around.

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"i still haven't recieved my item, so they are horrible.......... EVEN THOUGH IT IS THE WEEKEND AND NO SHIPPERS HAVE RAN SINCE THE LAST TIME I COMPLAINED".

Once again, you're making yourself look bad.

I don't doubt that you're a reputable company. But your postings here are destroying your credibility.

He complained on the 25th. You claimed that it was sent on Monday (presumably the 23rd).

He complained again on the 30th - and you said that no shippers have ran [sic] since his original post. That statement must clearly be wrong - unless he's situated in Antarctica and only gets a shipper once a week.

Take my advice. THINK before posting - you're only making yourself look bad. It wouldn't take you more than a few seconds to make a reasonable response rather than just shooting back at him.

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I agree with jragosta, and also it sounds pretty rude - "Go BLEEP yourself!" same as all character of replays given to CUSTOMER, doesn't matter if he right or not.

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it sounds pretty rude - "Go BLEEP yourself!" same as all character of replays given to CUSTOMER, doesn't matter if he right or not.

The jury is still out on this aspect of the problem. The expletives were from messages posted by the "customer". The vendor claims that the customer "edits emails from LLS to make it look like LLS was being rude."

It is still he says/he says as far as the rudeness goes.

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I think this is outside the scope of what is appropriate for us to host. This was not a transaction that occured on the LOC, nor is the vendor an Authorized Trader or advertiser with the club. The club has been offered both sides of the story now and our members can make decisions based on what they've seen. I suggest that these two parties sort this issue out amogst themselves. Thread closed.

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