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Everything posted by steviej

  1. It is not a retarded question...it is a totally legitamate as I encountered then same dilemna when I installed mine. mine is an 02 but it should be similar. I think I know what is limiting you. I don't have clips but have four screws instead of clips. On the rear outside wall of the air box is a hose and bracket. This bracket is held onto the cover of the air box. Remove the screw to the bracket assembly so that the bracket is free from the cover. This will remove downward pressure on the cover so that you can raise it up slightly and slip the stock air filter out and slip the K&N in. Pay close attention to the impressions around the edge of the stock filter coming out as it will help orient the K&N going in. good luck. steviej
  2. redstar, directions are mentioned in the first post as well as a link to yahoo for a map. Keep an eye on this post and for links caravans that get organized on CL. I will do my best to keep LOC informed of all caravans and meet details as well as changes or cancellations. steviej
  3. dont' worry, I'm sure we can create a Cruise OUT of summer meet, just for you. Maybe at 6 Flags or something like that......will you be able to handle the loops by then? steviej
  4. it was actually professionally done. The guy was really good as he did the whole thing by hand. It was not that expensive either and well worth it. steviej
  5. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  6. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  7. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  8. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  9. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  10. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  11. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  12. There is a major meet planned for June 13, 2004 at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn, NY. Here is the Link hope to see many LOC members there. steviej
  13. I shall start a list of LOC members that intend to go. Let me know if you are interested. steviej ES300 SW03ES ES300 roberttran LX470 redstar1428 GS300 Lex Luthor (possible) PhillyIS04 IS300 amf1932 ES300
  14. The following is a copy of an incredible meet that is forming at Floyd Bennet Field on Long Island. Let's try to make a valient showing at this meet and represent LOC in proud fashion. Posted by CL and LOC member lexusk8 EuroPacific Summer Showoff (aka Lex/BMW/Benz part 2), June 13th 2004 As most of you remember, the 1st meet (back in April 25th, pics found here) was a spectacular event to some extent, due to the unfortunate rain that drowned out the spirits of others. We received many wonderful feedback and comments though, saying that this idea of a luxury conglomerate meet is one of the best overall, and that hopefully we can do it again. Well, this time, because of unwavering demand and the strong feeling of making up for the 1st meet, we are doing this meet again! It will be held at a bigger venue, Floyd Bennett Field (FBF), just off of Flatbush Ave. in Brooklyn NY. This location has the potential of holding 400+ cars, so as far as size and availability go, we pretty much got that part covered. Again, we are inviting all Lexus/BMW/Mercedes-Benz owners in this event, but also welcome others (just to name a few: Audi, Infiniti, Porsche). You know it guys and gals, it's THAT time to show-off your pride and joy in time for the summer! NOTE: We are close to finished getting an official permit from FBF to use space to hold the event. We will keep everyone posted. EVENT TITLE: EuroPacific Summer Showoff 2004 DATE & TIME: Sunday, June 13th. Arrive @ 1:00 PM RAIN DATE: Sunday, June 27th LOCATION: Floyd Bennett Field (empty historic airfield in southern Brooklyn) Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY 11234-7098 (Yahoo map directions are here For those coming from Staten Island, central/southern NJ and all pts south, take 278 East across the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, go east on the Belt Pkwy, take exit 11A (Flatbush Ave), continue along Flatbush Ave going away from Brooklyn. Take a left onto Aviation Rd. (it should be the last cross road you see before the tolls). This well-signed road will lead you to Floyd Bennett Field. For those coming from the Bronx, Queens, Long Island and Brooklyn, take the Van Wyck Expwy towards JFK Airport to Belt Pkwy west, take exit 11A (Flatbush Ave), continue along Flatbush Ave going away from Brooklyn. Take a left onto Aviation Rd. (it should be the last cross road you see before the tolls). This well-signed road will lead you to Floyd Bennett Field. For those coming from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and all pts north, take 95 south across the Whitestone Bridge, connect with the Van Wyck Expwy, and follow directions for those coming from the NYC boroughs. FOOD: We are currently in talks of holding a picnic in FBF for everyone who shows up at the meet. After we finalize all the details, we'll post up all the info! RULES OF CONDUCT: Everyone please read the following! (1) No speeding, erratic driving or racing- If there is any of this type of behavior, it will not be looked upon kindly. There is a great danger when a large number of vehicles are speeding on public roadways. The last thing we want to do is endanger the safety of our forum members, and that of people on the roads in general. This includes any overly aggressive swerving, cutting people off, etc. As there will be a few caravans en route to the meet, there could be potential for catastrophe if someone decides to do their best "Fast and Furious" impression. Maintaining a safe speed on the road and not tailgating other cars can easily reduce this. (2) No Loud Music, Burnouts, Excessive Revving- Since we are going to be gathering in a public area, we will most likely be under much scrutiny from park security and local law enforcement. This meet could be ended very quickly with a "loud music" call to the police. The same holds true for excessive revving, burnouts, etc. The organizers of this meet understand that there will be people present that have EXTENSIVE audio/visual mods done to their rides, and want to showcase them. We fully understand and endorse that, but ask that you keep your demonstration short and sweet to avoid any unwanted attention. Those with exhaust mods, will be asked to do the same, just a couple revs to "show what 'cha got" not sitting there bumping against the rev limiter. Burnouts/donuts, etc will simply NOT be tolerated at this meet. (3) No Cross Brand flames- This meet has great potential to birth a wealth of hybrid meets/collaborations in the future. This could be a networking opportunity of great proportions! Just think of all the tuners, shops, online resources, etc. that could be shared amongst 3 premier luxury vehicle groups! The last thing we want to do is let a few snide comments undermine this effort. The fact of the matter is, we all drive what we drive for a reason, that reason being solely important to us as individuals, let's respect that decision across ALL brands. No matter what, WE ALL STILL LOVE OUR CARS! So let's leave any pre-conceived notions at home and come with an open mind and respect for each other and have a GREAT TIME! Coordinators: lexusk8 (Doug) DGOT20s (Derrick) MSBoy (Ron) tommy (Tom from mbworld.org) Viktorious (Vik from mbworld.org) Link to original CL thread
  15. here is a link to some pictures of the pinstiping I had done. It is very subtle but looks very good. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=9877& steviej
  16. jakemj8402, I think what sk meant to say was: take a read of the freguently asked questions (FAQ) thread in the header of this forum. You will probably find a brief description about weather stipping that may help you. There are many other items in the FAQ that may also be of interest. steviej
  17. I recently had some subtle pinstriping added to my car. The stripes are a dark gray that matches the dark parts of the interior. It looks kinda cool and most of all.......I like it!! B) steviej
  18. you should go back to the dealership/service manager (do not let them know that you already determined the source of the leak) and ask what happens if you have it done and the leak still remains. Ask them if they will refund you $1600. If they say no, then tell them it is a good thing that you asked cause they would have screwed you. Then explain that you had another shop check it out, it wasn't a power steering leak and that it would be a good idea if their tech that performed the initial diagnosis on your car get a little more training. Believe it or not, but service centers DO need feedback of this sort so that they may improve their services. Ok, ok, you don't have to be as cynical and sarcastic as I would be, but sometimes it is fun just to see their faces. :whistles: steviej
  19. so is the story from Best Buy about the worn peice of plastic a whole load of bull funky or what? They gotta eat crow on this one. they need to make things right. steviej
  20. paint them using specific brake caliper paint. You must use a high temp paint or it will melt right off. There are sprays and brush applications on the market. I used the brush on kit (G2) that you can get from www.tirerack.com. It takes 24 hours to set up hard, but it is totally worth the wait. I got before and after pics if you want to see them. steviej
  21. brake resurfacing is done today by one of two methods. The traditional lathe type is widely used. Kinda like old faithful. Brake sanding is gaining use. From what I have heard the sanding takes off less material than the lathe. I think the idea is because most rotors nowadays are not as thick as they used to be. Hence the almost disposable concept. We have become a disposable society and most people will opt to "replace with new" rather than resurface. the swirls will go away with normal brake pad pressure. steviej
  22. I have a set of NEW Black Pearl Emblems for a 97-01 ES that I cannot use. The part numbers are as follows: PT577-33P10 Front Logo Emblem PT577-33P51 Rear Logo Emblem PT577-33P70 "ES" Emblem PT577-33P11 "300" Emblem PT577-33P60 "Lexus" Emblem I am only looking to recover my purchase cost and shipping by standard means from Boston, MA. Set price is $80. Email or PM me if interested. thanks, steviej
  23. I will be starting a new thread about a redu on the rained out meet. It will be held at Floyd Bennet Field on LI and again will be a joint venture between BMW, Lexus and MB. steviej
  24. the rust is "normal" for lexus brakes. I see it on a lot of Lexi including my own at 20k miles. I got pics if you want to see. Rust was on front and rear but the most was on the rear brake rotor hats. I painted mine (got pics of that too.) Brake pads are a wear item and usually aren't covered. Easy DIY. Pads go for around $45 on www.irontoad.com. If you are going to replace the rotors at the same time, then don't do a thing as the rust is on the rotor and will go out with the old ones. When you get the new rotors on, then think about painting them to keep out the surface rust. Are you good with a wrench? If only the rotors and pads have to be replaced, you can easily do this with a Hayes manual at your side. Rotors go for around $75 each at www.irontoad.com. Its a peice of cake if you ain't changing the calipers. steviej
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