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Everything posted by RX400h

  1. All of the "How-it-works" descriptions stated that the RX400h can go 41 MPH without use of the gas engine. However, the manual states 20 or 21 MPH before the engine kicks in. This is similar to that of the Prius. I'm averaging about 26-28 MPG, judging by my gage. However, since I don't what what the milage was when the dealership filled the tank, I can't be certain until I top it off and run it down somewhat. I would expect that the engine will loosen up a bit, allowing the milage to increase.
  2. Has anyone modified your rear hatch travel so that the hatch door doesn't extend so high in the air? If I let it go all the way up, it'll smack my garage door. It looks like Lexus let this issue slip through the cracks. To those of you who have not tried it yet, be forewarned! I don't want to hear about anyone scratching or dinging their RX doors.
  3. Nice writup, QT. We are really enjoying ours as well. LexKid, you'll be joining us before you know it. In the meantime, enjoy your other toys!
  4. We noticed this as well. It takes a little bit getting used to - regulating the speed at which you depress the pedal, but after driving the RX for a while, I hardly notice it. I get a big kick out of cruising parking lots and seeing people stare at us, not believing their eyes and ears as the silent SUV slips by them!
  5. The saleman at our dealership told us that Lexus shipped a larger-than-normal number of RX400hs in the first round of shipments. Even thoughthis dealership is relatively small compared to other Lexus dealerships, it received 11 or 12 RX400hs at once. However, they expect an average of 3-4 RX400hs at a time in future monthly shipments. Many people placed their names in more than one dealership - hence, the occasional "floating" RX400h. By the way, our gas gage is still pegged on FULL and I drove the RX back and forth to work today. This thing is getting GREAT milage!
  6. We have a 1994 Nissan Quest, so the choice was easy. However, if I had an RX as new as yours, I'd think about waiting awhile. Remember, there will ALWAYS be a newer and better vehicle shortly after you buy one - kinda like buying the latest and fastest computer. How long does that status last?
  7. The 400h's city milage is 80% better than that of the 330. That's certainly more than just "a little better MPG".
  8. If the manual tells you to wait any length of time beyond 5 minutes, then I'd say you have overfilled and need to drain 1/2-1 quart. One inch over the "FULL" mark is generally not good for gasket heath.
  9. Check the manual again to see what the exact amount is. How long did you let it drain? You should allow at least 10 minutes, even when the oil is hot (preferred). Did the manual mention any time interval before checking the level?
  10. For the amount we financed, I was able to get 3.49% during our credit union's grand opening. The normal rate is 4.75%.
  11. What does your manual say as to how long you should wait before checking? For most vehicles, waiting at least 5 minutes before checking is recommended. Also, did you put in the recommended amount of oil?
  12. You're so close, I'll bet you can smell that leather already! We picked ours up this morning/afternoon and I drove it home. Here are my impressions thus far: Power: Although our salesman told us that there is no need to "break-in" the drivetrain, I always, as a rule of thumb, take it easy for the first few hundreds of miles. I still need to check the manual, but for the time being, I won't "floor it" to see how that 650 lbs-ft of torque feels. Still, I can tell that there is plenty of power on tap at any speed. Post note: the manual states that you should a) Avoid full throttle acceleration when stsrting and driving. B) Avoid racing the hybrid system. c) Try to avoid hard stops during the first 300kn/200 miles. d) Do not tow a trailer during the first 800km/500 miles. The engine is not quite as silky smooth as Nissan's V6, like the one we have in the Quest. Then again, I have yet to drive a non-rotary engine vehicle that is. The kilowatt gage that replaces the tach is similar to a boost gage - it shows you how much electrical power is being sent to assist the gasoline engine. Not experiencing any transmission shifting is a bit weird-feeling at first, but you get used to it quickly. Fuel economy: The gas tank was full when we left the dealership and although we have traveled 50 miles or so, the gage hasn't budged one iota. I can already tell you the key to great gas milage for this vehicle - use the electric motor power whever you can. The gas pedal travel is very long and the initial inch or so is almost always all eelectric power as long as the pedal is pushed slowly. You can tell, subtle as it is, when the engine wakes up. Road noise Subdued, although not quite as much as subdued as in a Mercedes or BMW sedan, but fairly similar to our Quest GXE van. You can barely hear wind noise, but road noise is there, maybe because the tires are so new. Interior Very nice - the intensity knobs for the heated seats are in the front/center console and are easy to see. The NAV is utterly fantastic. I can see why SW likes his so much. It's like having a laptop with GPS in your dash. The stereo sounds very good, but I have not adjusted anything yet, so it is possible that I can make it sound even better. By the way, I like those blue LED lights in the center armreast cup holder compartment - very cool! Our saleman told us that there is NO laser cruise with the RX400h, however. Our interior color is gray and I can already tell that the carpets will show dirt very quickly. I may have to buy some brown carpet mats; they hide dirt very well. Our salesman told us when we arrived that the bluetooth service (lifetime support for ensuring cell phone compatibility with the RX's bluetooth integration) was added to the price and for $90 (one time fee), I decided to get it. Eventually, I suppose, we will have bluetooth-equipped cell phones. Exterior: I can never stop looking at that Bamboo pearl in the sun - very unique - glows with a radiant luminesence. Looking at the RX400h from the rear is a treat; the suspension components stand out and look great. There was one thing that was a bit troublesome, though. The rear tailgate would hit my segmented garage door if I extended the tailgate all the way up. My question is: Can the tailgate travel be limited. I need only an inch or so. Mmmmmmm. All-in-all, we are very happy with this vehicle. Pics: http://www.conceptualpolymer.com/images/Da...intLexus101.jpg http://www.conceptualpolymer.com/images/RX400hs01.jpg
  13. 621 page manual? Wow, that's the size of a full service manual! Congratulations. I'm next in line (This morning). Now let's see about that break-in procedure.......
  14. I would not use just any soap, as it may harm the leather. Try a leather conditioner first before resorting to anything harsher. I would hope that the Armor-All they used is not the same stuff used on the dash - it may not harm leather but is typically hard to remove. If the stuff on the seats now is a leather protectant, then it shouldn't be too difficult to remove with the leather cleaner.
  15. Thanks QT and Monarch! Well, I can compare it to a few other vehicles, but not an RX330, as I do not have one. I was number 15 on the list since last April, so I am doubly surprised at the earliness of the arrival. I'm sure there's a chance that Patt will be receiving hers early as well. :D
  16. Surprise! Our Bamboo Pearl rocketship is here and will be prepped tomorrow morning! It was due to arrive on the 25th (Monday), but you won't see me compaining about its early arrival. Of course, I will provide a full report tomorrow night. The dealership is a fair distance from home, so I will have a good chance stretch its legs a bit. I WILL find out what the break-in procedure is before venturing out after the purchase. After all, we tend to keep our vehicles for many years. Anyway, here's to a soon-to-be Lexus owner (for the first time)!
  17. Get ahold of a good leather cleaner and conditioner. I recommend Zaino cleaner and conditioner. You can find them here: http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/mercha...gory_Code=Zaino Next, buy a vegetable brush that you will use to get some of the deep-set grime out. Use the brush and cleaner. along with a cotton towel until the dirt is gone. Follow with the conditioner (smells like a brand new baseball glove...Mmmmm) and follow directions for a great-smelling and clean leather seat. Another excellent conditioner (according to a coworker) is Connolly Hide Care. It softens the leather noticably, although it does not smell like leather the way Zaino does. You can read about it at: http://www.autogeek.net/conhid.html
  18. The batteries are projected to cost $1000 when their warranty expires in 8 years. Until then, there should be no worries about their cost.
  19. ....nice write-up, Pat. I chose not to test drive, since ours is due on Monday, and I didn't want to tease myself. It's be like driving a Ferarri F40 and then going back to my car! Besides, I enjoy reading about other's experiences. My Corvette has a light-oak interior and a very dark dash for the same reason you mentioned. I used to have a convertible with black interior and I would cook when sitting in it after it had been sitting in the sun for just 15 minutes - no more black interiors for me! We expect to spend quite a bit of time when we go to the dealership to pick up the RX. I want to make certain that everything is explained (if they can).
  20. The only thing I was told was that my vehicle is due to arrive on April 25th, nothing more, nothing less. Any other info I gathered came from the internet and magazine articles.
  21. What ? They "made" you buy the lo-jack service ? Or you wanted the service but they charged you more for it because it was already installed ? I don't know much about lo-jack, but don't you pay lo-jack directly ? What does the dealer have to do with the monthly service fee ? ← I'll bet they amortorized the total cost over the life of his payments. No, you don't pay LoJack directly. You pay the dealer and they install/register the service.
  22. Ahhhh, neck-snapping torque - now that's MY kind of family hauler! Corvette by weekday.......neck-snapping 31 MPG family hauler by weekend! I can't wait!
  23. Yeah, the salesman we have been dealing with is making it sound too easy to get ours-he called my wife again since I posted and said "I expect your car to come in tomm, but you will need to get here asap when it shows, but I can hold it for you" Like I said, for such an anticipated vehicle hes making it sound too easy, maybe he just likes my wife??? haha RX400H from San Diego, if you want to email me when you bail on your "interest list" so I can pick up where you leave off, that would be great. stiksandstonesATgmail.com Thanks ← It looks like you have two opportunities (one from Patt as well) outside of the the dealer to which you refer. I'll call my contact to see if you can get in with a color choice.
  24. Last April, we signed up with one Lexus dealership, one Toyota dealership, and e-mailed another Lexus dealership to be on an interest list. The Toyota dealership had us down as second in line for a Highlander hybrid. Three or four months later, the Toyota dealership decided to dissolve the list without telling anybody. Our deposit was refunded by crediting our Visa. Of course, at this time, the waiting lists for this vehicle at any other dealership was way too long. Although I am looking forward to getting the 400h, I was hoping to compare the two similar vehicles. Getting back to your story, I'd say that it would be extremely difficult to find an RX400h that isn't reserved. I am still on an interest list, so it may be possible for you to take that position (Since my 400h at another dealership is due here in one week).
  25. Patt, How are you getting this info? I have been hesitant to call the dealership every few days for fear that it may become irritating to them. If there is some way to check status on-line (like the UPS tracking number system), I'd be looking there every day.
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