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Everything posted by GSsoldier

  1. what im talking about when i talk about perfect U-turns are a turn u take where the car basically does a 180 with minimal front end movement and still contiunes to go in opposite directions... if anyone watchs initial d in stage 4 act 6 when the are at the end and go around the cone in the street.... i wish i could explain better.... hmmm say this is the street -----car---starts--going->->--------------- --> middle paint line cone in street -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- @ -- <-- -----car---ends---up--going---<--<------ sorry for the very basic diagram hope this will help u guys help me haha basically doing a fast u-turn that doesnt need 3 point turning or doesnt get the car off the street -joe
  2. the OEM wheels for LS93 are 16s right??
  3. i dont know anythign about how good the alarm system is but im pretty sure its efficent, lexus wouldnt jsut put in something that wouldnt work would they?? i had a friend that had a accord that he couldnt drive since he doenst have his license, but he has been fixing it up since he was 14, so anyways he has no alarm in this car, so what he did was he hooked up a blinking led light that he drilled and installed into his dash, it looks like a real alarm system hehe, DIY thief deturrents in their greats form hehe
  4. hmm i think maybe u guys got it wrong, what i thoguht u guys said is that subaru uses gm engines, subaru doesnt use GM engines, they have a boxer engine, thats simular in some porshes, GM decided to use the boxer engine in some of the new saabs... GM isnt a big deciding force in Subaru currently, but if GM contiunes to aquire more of Subaru or of its parent company which is fuji Heavy Industrys (i think) then GM might be chanign some things in subaru... some subaru facts follow... the wrx has a 2.0 lit engine turboed,217 hp, 230 lbs of torque (if im not mistaken) the wrx Sti has 2.5 lit engine turboed, 300hp, 300 lbs of torque, sti hits 0 to 60 in 4.5ish it might be less all subaru models have 4 wheel drive oh btw if u are wondering i also love subaru to death too, lexus feeds my lux needs, and subaru feeds my speed needs hehe the STI can kill audi S4 which has a v8, in quarter mile. it also beats Nissan's Z car in 0-60, its only contender thats basically deadeven with the STI is the Lancer Evo of Mitso. my ideal cars that would make me set for life would be -LS430 -wrx Sti -GS430 no amout of cars would actually set me for life but hey this is the only realistic goal right now BTW im not a 100% certain but the wrx models came with a non J-spec tranny, which means its crappy to lexus standards, the cars power can tear apart the tranny if not handled properly
  5. i wish they had IS loaners here, actually i dont know if they do or not but last time they gave me a RX330, its nice and all, but it felt nothign like my baby LS400, an IS would been a nice car to drive on the sacramento freeways, with lots of straightways, not many cops, and a 16 year old behind the wheel good times hahah
  6. left out one they own part of SUBARU too... the newer saabs share engines as the wrx.... SW, u are great man, always has high ideals for this forum and no doubt life too, great guy man
  7. hehe i wish i could whisper i dont really know how to control my voice volume anymore hehe
  8. too true... humor was all intended... but SW was right too... my cousins is part of a beemer and a acura fourm they are soo biasised... everytime i mention lexus they turn all i always tell them to chill out every car has there ups and downs... stubborn some may say
  9. im the few youngings that will say this, but the caddies ARE HOT, if only they lasted as long as lexus tsk tsk
  10. congratulations on owning a 90 LS with only 80k thats a crazy feat, i bet there are a few more people with almost the same stats on their LS, i would do the seat swap like everyone said, or better yet if u can disconnect the seats try installing new springs i think they do use springs, if they dont maybe find a place where a couple springs can be installed to in use temporaraly joe
  11. if u put aside the fact that he is a communist, he was just a revolutionist, like our fore fathers i know i shouldnt be dragging this along, if u skip the fact that he was working for the soviets and the chinese, u realize he was just a pawn int he cold war, im very very south vietnamese prone, i intend to present correct history as for im hoping to have a major in history, ho chi minh was just fighting for freedom, for his country, he was pro USA for a while, if u read about his history, he met w. wilson after ww1 in france, he even lived in brooklyn for a period of time... sorry to drag it on agian... im just very outspoken....
  12. if u check out the some of the other tutorials on that site u will see that there are ways to change the colors of the lights for instance the standard green light around the ingition is blue is cus he replaced the standard green bulb for a blue LED this guy's site is great, not much help for the newer generations though sorry
  13. im not sure if its true for the 99LS but in my 93LS if i let my car bake in heat for a while the screen turns into new for a day or 2, there is a very very good website for switching your lcd screen but im way too lazy to solder and way to afarid to mess it up but here it is anyways here gl with any changes hope it helps
  14. im sure u didnt mean anythign by that but i am vietnamese, i dont mean to say anything but someone might get affended, if it wasnt for the fact that i go around yelling obsene things, i would be offended, as my parents and my grandparants fought in vietnam, for there freedom, i wouldnt be right saying the same about america's fore fathers.... -joe nguyen
  15. hey guys i dont check out sc forums much but since we are on this topic i got a couple questions has anyone tried a bunch of radar detectors?? does anyone know the best in the market right now? i here the V1 kicks butt but no word of all the other new ones coming out by cobra or belltronic are up to V1 par thanks guys
  16. My and my cousin driving to Davis, California was pulled over by a cop telling us that the tint in the front window is too dark, he had 25% in the back and 35 in the front, california's laws have changed since 2001? or is it everyone has conflicting info ?????
  17. i'll show u guys top speed im going to take a picture of my guages when i hit the most on my LS muahahahahaa
  18. i dont remember the story exactly... but i guess these kids were blaring their music loud driving bad, and being all around stupid, and the old man was fed up, so he reach in his back seat pulled out his harrpon gun and shot the driver im pretty sure.... unless he had multiple harrpons in his car and attempted to reload and shot the rest of the kids..... i heard of this story way before i started driving and i started driving at 14, so its been a while i'll see if someone still has records of it online...
  19. ahh guys my driving style, when im not sleeping at the wheel is, drive like everyone is an A-hole, who will try and hit/ram/cut off/whatever else thats bad to your car btw you guys hear about the old man while back who was hella Pis*ed off at some punk kids and pulled out a harron gun and just *BLEEP*ing shot the kids
  20. great tips guys thanks agian singing is the best so far, been too poor to try drinking energy drinks and coffe so singing will have to do, good thing i can go fast enough for no one to hear me too good haha, lately i';ve driven by the place where i fell asleep at the wheel, flash backs ayyy.... anyways pharmguy and dcfish thanks i'll try out those tips since i might have a road trip soon, from sacramento down to LA
  21. maybe sal is doing what many have done.... what im talking about is the few people in america who receives a hidious amount of spam mail and junk and was feed up!!! deciding to stop them as soon as possible he tells everyone that he is decease and moves to mexico... but in sal's case maybe his love for lexus is so great maybe he slipped up and finally revealed his secert!!!! but that leaves many questions as for if he was still alive and kicking why not just make a totally new account so no one will question his death !!! THIS LOOKS LIKE A CASE FOR SHERLOCK HOLMES!!! i love "!!!"
  22. 4:30 am? Wow.. I should feel lucky, because I do not have to be at work until 10:00 am every morning and I only have to drive 15-20 minutes- depending upon the downtown traffic.... haha guys i wake up at 4:30 to go to school everyday to beat traffic, my school is a 45 min drive from my house driving normal without traffic, i usually never feel tired while driving since i always try to race people not a good idea.. but it keeps me awake anyways im for power naping cus thats such a good idea cus end up wake up and feeling refreshed thanks guys for the imput much love guys
  23. this is kinda off the topic usually i wouldnt ask here but the RX forumers arent as friendly with me as the forumers in here never got much of a response from them, anyways does these money off msrps go for RX330s dad is ready to buy the 05's, btw does anyone know when the list of options and standards are released for 05 RX's? im really considering emailing the lexus dealers since there is at least 2 in my immediate area.... anythoughts ?
  24. man haha this is the first time i got this many replys in one post the first day WHOOT!!!! imma try drinking fluids more, and i always drive with my windows open i have to check out my alignment thanks guys for all the help been great!!
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