The car is 17 years old. It is getting close to extremely old. In MD you can apply for historic tags when it hits 20 and the state won't expect you to submit to emissions testing anymore. THATS how old it is.
You have to be reasonable. In 17 years plastics decay, UV rays change the chemical compositon of plastic.
LCD displays have a lifespan.
The seats weren't great and thats been exacerbated by age.
These things have been later models. You can't expect Lexus to remedy issues in a car that old. Had you come to them when it was 3 or 4 years old that would have been one thing, but the car is 17 years old. Nothings perfect and cars are continually improved. If you want the improvements you've got to pony up for a newer model. Thats life.
Its amazing the car still runs and retains any semblance of the driving experience it did when it was new at that age. Those cars are built extremely, extremely well.