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Everything posted by 90LS400Lexus

  1. $3000 is cheap. I gave $3200 (plus an additional $300 for shipping) for my '91 LS400 about 16 months ago. Dont have any of those problems, but even when I first got it, things like the engine and transmission mounts were wearing out, now I have valve cover gasket leaks and power steering pump leak. The saga continues.
  2. Nice car! I wish I could find 95-96 LS400 in need of some minor cosmetic help, so I can get it cheap. :)
  3. Omar... I am going to be in Anderson South Carolina, very near your hometown of Athens Georgia in June and I am going to bring my Lexus on down and get you to do some work for me. :P Power steering pump engine mounts and valve cover gaskets. :D Seriously, I feel the same of my Lexus. Driving home from work this evening, I was at a traffic signal and was noticing the new cars and older cars (1980s cars) go by. Around here, even alot of the 70s-80s cars are still nice, but I saw a couple of even 90s cars ragged out. I kinda looked around in my car and thinking how nice it was for a nearly 20 year old car to still be so nice on the inside, then hit a pothole and never hear a squeak or rattle.... impressive for a 18 year old car with 220K, but then my Mercedes (3 years older) is as squeak and rattle free. ;) All I get out of my LS is if the interior is really hot, it will "tick and click" on some bumps when cooling down and an occasional rattle from the passenger side window when rolled down... this also plagued my old LS... strange, but it was the same window as well. Oh, also, oil leak on your car?
  4. Me too pretty much, even the 60s and 70s cars... I dont know why I notice stuff like this. How about those old Mopars! They have a very unique starter sound, as did GM and Fords of the 70s.... all sounded very differently.
  5. Thats peculiar. All I can guess is that the HVAC control panel is one the fritz.
  6. My, what is wrong with these people? Sounds like he was a blooming idiot! Fancy speaking to you like that and belting your car. Dont people have any respect even when they are intoxicated? Guess not, they are out of their skulls. I am a little confused, does he really expect someone to pay him money to park on a public parking slot? Sounds like he was the villan enemy in a video game that you have to defeat for your space! How crazy and what an experience. I have not ever experienced anything of that nature before. Some people never fail to amaze me. You did the right thing by cooling down and pressing on without brutal force- good thing you didnt want the Lexus battered... I am sure someone will eventually teach this joker a lesson. <_<
  7. Wonder why the radio LCDs dont go out, but the HVAC does? I guess some radios LCD goes out, but I have not personally seen it.
  8. Oh yeah, I know what you are talking about. I have seen some Lexus LS400s with the part of the dash "bowed" up over the center vents... is that what you are trying to replace? Wow, not sure, but it sounds like no fun, no? I wondered if someone could perhaps place something heavy to try to weight it back down, or even glue it, but it would probably make a mess and not work. Best of luck.
  9. Yeah, they never thought of someone as poor as me owning a LS400 17 years down the road. :P Probably in the same location. <_< My Mercedes starts very quietly, yet if it ever needs changed, it takes like 25 minutes to change it... tops! Gotta love the 1980s Mercedes.... before they became very complex tanks in 1992. :(
  10. Oh my. I didnt know this trunk hinge wiring loom issue lingered into the 1997 models. WOW!
  11. Sounds to me as if the engine mounts are worn out. Mine are worn out on my car as well. On a car as old as these, if they are original, then they are in need of replacements, but they are $90 (US) each and labor is costly as well.
  12. When I bought my first LS400 (1990), I had the wheel turned when I shut off the car. I had a hard time getting the key to turn next time I went to drive it.... turns out that the pressure against the wheel lock had the switch in a bind. Seems like its a common thing on these cars and not only Lexus... I know a lady at work with a Toyota Tercel that had the SAME problem. She was trying to call a mechanic... I asked her what was wrong - she said the switch would not turn and I asked what kind of car and she said a 1996 Tercel... I went out and sure enough, terrific pressure was on the steering wheel lock... I showed her how to relieve the pressure and the key turned as easily as pie. Not sure if this is your issue, but give it a whirl if you havent already. ;)
  13. Take out the instrument panel? Thats quite a task. Why do you need to do that? Need a new heater core?
  14. I bought brand new OEM Toyota struts/shocks (whatever they are) for the back of my old '90 LS from the dealer and they were $51 each and the shop installed for $100. (may have even been $50)..... that was about 6 years ago though. <_<
  15. Yeah and quite foolishly and uncalled for. They are not that incompetent. Thankfully out of the two LS's I have owned, they have not needed starters.
  16. Yep, I can relate. My 1991 LS400 is the exact same way. I normally change it at 3000, but there have been a couple of times I have went by the dealers recommendation and let it go to 5000 miles, because at 3000 miles, it still looks almost like new. Other cars I have had in the past, the oil is black after about 1000-2000 miles. <_< My Mercedes keeps really nice looking oil as well. Also, my LS dont burn any oil and the only leaks are seeps at the valve cover gaskets, but the oil stays full between changes. All of this and my car has nearly 220K miles and the oil stays so clean... my 1990 LS400 was the same way and it had 260K miles. Guess its a Lexus V8 thing? ;)
  17. No, I never have had the problem on my 1991 LS400 or my old 1990 LS400, but did have a 80s Camry with the issue. I think it was the taillight leaking. I also had a 1985 Mercedes S-Class with water getting in the trunk.... turned out the antenna seal was leaking... a $3.00 replacement. ;) I imagine that a possible faulty antenna seal could not be ruled out on an LS400 either. Check it. Some will often suggest getting in the trunk with a flashlight and close it.... have someone you trust there to let you out. ;) Have them soak down all around the rear window, trunk, taillights, antenna seal, etc and inspect for leaks. Good luck.
  18. Thats the way my 1990 was (in my avatar). It had 260K miles and no telling how far it would have went had I kept it. The girl I sold it to was an abuser and then trashed and crashed the car. :( I never had problems with that car, except the A/C and radio went out, which are things that still work on my current 1991 LS, but it didnt need things like a power steering pump, valve cover gaskets or engine mounts like my current LS needs.
  19. I thought there was a tutorial on this on that LS site, but I guess not. I did find this link on changing the mount... http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...nsmission+mount I am going to attempt to change the mount myself on the LS, as I am ready to give the car to my mom. They are aware that the car will also likely need motor mounts, valve cover gaskets and address the PS pump leaks. Forgive my ignorance on this, but I am wondering if I change the tranny mount myself, are there any dangers that the transmission could fall out if the jack was to slip? I read where the crossmember has to come off, but I am assuming that there are the bolts on the front of the tranny that hold it in place? I just did not want to go into this blindly and have the tranny squash me. <_<
  20. I have owned two LS400s, a 1990 and my current 1991 and both have this occasional whirring sound after the engine starts, in the winter months, if its lower than 45°. Never had a starting issue. I had my other LS for over 60K with this noise and it never failed. I think its normal.
  21. Yeah, I like the 96' Caprices too. Mine is a old-school 1972. ;) Rare car these days. Basic maintainence should be fine if you are a normal DIY'er. Engine panel underneath has to come off I think. I take mine to the Toyota or Lexus dealer for oil changes. :) Well, I hope not- I hope its not a money pit. After the engine mounts (which are quite costly for me), it will also need a power steering pump (although its stopped leaking since the weather is warm), probably an alternator (since the "brake" light is often always on - I was told this was a sign of a failing alternator) and coolant level sensor. I am going to try to change the transmission mount myself and see if that stops some of the vibations/shudders - its not near as costly or seems as involved as the motor mounts. Hey, that looks kind of like my LS... just wish mine was that clean! :P (maybe it will after a good professional detailing?)
  22. I know. I saw the girl like a month after she bought it and she said she crashed it... the front one one side and the back on the other side was hit... I think she said it was still driveable (or salvaged, I cant remember, its been 4 or 5 years), but she said that something happened to the engine when the crash occured and the engine was ruined? Not sure what happened. I have not seen her or the car since. :(
  23. I would like to know where my last LS400 is at (in my avatar), but it was crashed by the girl that bought it and I think it was salvaged... may have been crushed by now? :(
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