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Everything posted by SOMEONE ELSE'S GOT MY NAME

  1. ZERO deductable, bumper to bumper (except for 'wear & tear' items like tires, wiper blades, etc) ... but if you don't mind paying $50 or $100 per incident, the price goes down a pretty good amount.
  2. Wow! That is nice. It's hard for me to distinguish color from pictures. Is yours different from the Matador red MICA ? ... does yours have pearl / metalic in it? Or are we talkin' the same color.
  3. When the '06 RX-400h came out, the color scheem seemed to be rather limited IMO. But we determined to get one that very year, rather than wait for possibly different colors. Even so, 'she who must be obeyed' wanted GOLD, and it came in Gold anyway. Being thrifty, we decided to buy one with a few miles already on it, to save a few thousand. It took several months to find a used '06 IN '06 with the exact options she wanted and the exact color. So Gold it is. Since then, she's seen the Lexus color called, "Matador Red Mica " and says "WOW" whenever she sees it. Oh well. It would look nice on the RX-400h ... just as it looks nice on the other Lexus'. But the car's been very reliable, so we plan on keeping it 'till the odometer goes into the SIX digets. So, YOUR color ... are you happy with it? Or if you had your 'druthers ....
  4. Wow ... sorry to hear that. I've use ours to rotate tires (jack ... block, then jack the other end) on a couple occasions and never had an issue. Even used an impact to zoom it up in a speedy fashion. You DID place the jack in the proper place? ... acording to the directions? If not, it's at your own peril ... and in such a case, I can see that kind of stuff happening. If the jack's out of position, it would go horribly wrong. PS, it's a good idea to put a 12" by 12" (or similarly) sized piece of 3/4" plywood in the back too, for use under the jack as a stable platform. That way if you're on soft ground, you won't end up sinking right when you have the tire off.
  5. First, someone posted that the length of the 400h is slightly longer, so I'd check out if thats true ... I don't know. Second, as to lockpick, it works great for our '06 but I'd call and talk to them in person about changes on the 08's. Some have got their shorts all bunched up over slow email response time. But hey! If you're the only game in town . . . mom & pop store with another job, heck, I give'em a little slack ;) and welcome to the group!
  6. People often say it's weird we'd buy a summer home in the Flathead Valley. But half way between Flathead Lake & Glacier is a big part of the reason why. After being through the Hawian Islands, Europe, Grand Canyon, South America, it's still our 1st choice.
  7. Wow ! Where's everybody been? I thought everyone knew about the importance of the filter change just by reading about the 'stinky' filter issue, written about here, and under several other model Lexus'. Anywho, you can actually do better than $20. There are several on line Toyota dealerships that'll sell 'em as low as $11.95 ... with $3 shipping. It's the same filter as the one for the hyhi. Buy a few at a time for that price, and they'll usually go even cheeper on the shipping in multiples ... plus, that way you can change 'em out ever 6K miles, if you live in super dusty areas.
  8. Premature wear and Goodyear are terms that go hand in hand. The Goodyears on both our cars were shot in record time. Many have said the same thing ... the Tires. Have you raised your tire pressure closer to 40psi? Did the dealer take care of it? It is, after all still under warranty. Standing by to hear how it ends.
  9. I bet it would. But with a bluetooh smart phone, that sync's to flash-drive sized portable gps (and GPS in the Lexus and our Toyota), it'd be hard to justify the additional $75 hit, for update software. The Samsung i760 smart phone uses google maping, and they stay pretty darn current.
  10. 140 cubic inch automatic transmission 6 cyl 1964 van could barely get up to the ski lifts ... them & the VW vans. The low powered cars will most likely make a big come back though. IMO, the best thing that's comming from sky high gas prices, is that even some of the crazy drivers are giving a 2nd thought to floor'n it from the red lights ... racing off to the next red light.
  11. You gotta give it to GM AND Chrysler for finally getting off their dead ars'es. Putting quality on the back burner for such a long time has really killed their credability. At least the die-hard Chrysler & GM'rs have noticed the quality improvements on some of the models. Lots of other folks are still P/O'd though, after buying junk. I still remember when my nearly brand new 72 Vega blew up. Just over 12K miles. The dealer (indignant look and all), in a not so kind manner told me to move on. That was the first of several POS's that I bought before I looked outside of what was referred to as the "big 3". Sure, all manufacturers make lemons now and then (that's why lemon laws had to come into existence). Some manufacturers make more than others. Many manufacturers have more models than not, that still need improving. It's too bad another manufacturer has to come along with a string of great quality, before other manufacturers finally get shamed into getting on the bandwagon. It's easier to maintain a good reputation, that overcome a bad one. Now manufacturers are going to be 'shamed' into making super clean / high MPG cars, as gas quickly approaches $5 a gallon and beyond. I hope they hussle, and put it into overdrive . . . oh wait ! synergy drive HAS no gears :P
  12. No small accident, about 12 paragraphs down, that the ny times calls out the big 3 auto, miss-ordered ~ GM., Toyota and FoMoCo, when in fact, world wide, Toyota has passed GM for the number ONE spot as auto manufacturing king. Could it be GM's advertising with the NY times that caused this re-ordering? Naaahhh. :P
  13. Active ingredient(s) (anti-microbials) may not be available "over-the-counter" in the US... Keep in mind that you and your's will be breathing the fumes from this for a long time. Understood. Keep in mind that the U.K. (where we found the anti mold/stink aerosol) is as strict, if not stricter than our F.D.A. when it comes to licensing products used around people. Remember just a few years ago, the U.S. licensing 'Celebrex' ? . . . the wonder pain killer? A few months later, U.S. citizens are dropping like flys from heart attacks. In the U.S. unfortunately, money all too frequently, gets products/chemicles to market, regardless. Anywho, it's been over 1/2 year, and our 400h's cabin still doesn't smell like a stinky foot locker anymore. So we're happy.
  14. Got it. Well, looking on the bright side ... Lexus IS known for it's high quality, according to consumer reports, and other types of consumer groups. Had you perchased (for example) a Caddy SUV, the liklihood of your satisfaction would have been less ... as reliability reports are not as favorable ... and, your MPG would be worse, too boot. We have had our other hybrid'd dash lights, light up like a christmas tree, when it was about a year old. It wouldn't even run. Then, after about 8 minutes, it WAS able to reboot, so I simply took it to the shop. There was a service bulitin published about it, so we weren't totally surprised when it happened. Over 60K miles later, that was the only major thing that has happened. That was in '05. That's the price of newer technology, sometimes. It takes several years, and hundred of thousands of those models to be put on the road before you know whether or not 1/2 of 1% are going to suffer from certain anomolies. I for one, wouldn't want to dump the car, for one thing only, but everyone's different. Good luck on what ever decision you make.
  15. Sad to say, it's not. There's another youtube vid out there, where BOTH road rage'ers have guns. A truck slow speed smacks into a car. Both get out and start cussing & fighting, then pull their pistols out. BOOM BOOM BOOM. The guy who can't shoot as well / fast takes three hits before the more acurate shooter runs out of amo. (shaking head)
  16. Your title says the 'computer' is fried. There actually are multiple ECU's. Which one is fried? ... or are you simply assuming. Some conditions WILL cause multiple warnings. Has it been detrmined whether or not, this is not the case? Using this forum, we discovered some of the, "check system" warnings can happen for as little as 'recomended' maintenance ... and not even 'required' maintenance. With that in mind, and personal experience driving the 400h for over 2 years (and our Prius for nearly 4 years) I can tell you that Toyota has made certain, that if the system shouldn't run, you can be darn sure, that it will not run. To protect itself, it will shut down. So if you can still drive it, and get it to the shop, it's likely that it still ok to at least get it that far. That being said, we've driven the 400h in very nasty slush, rain, freezing rain, snow, sub zero temps, etc up in Montana. It does get worse MPG in freezing and cold rain, but no ... those conditions by their self, is not an automatic condition that brings about tons of bells & whistles.
  17. Should not have too. In oil change land, a requirement is not the same as posted in the manual (AKA recomended). As I stated in a closed thread (why no clue) I trust manuals like ZERO since I know what is behind them and it is not engineers. That's EXACTLY what I'm saying. The Lexus web site talks about their recomendations (IE; so they can make a boat load of money on you via excess and unnecessary work) as though it's the same as 'requirements'. Further, once they have your email address (required, in order to register) you'll NEVER see the end to the friendly reminders to come and do your maintenance 'requirements' ... which really aren't.
  18. YES!!! ONLY IF YOU BOUGHT THE "PLATINUM PACKAGE" Is that what it's called when you buy it from the Dealer? Some of the aftermarket companies simply describe them as 'bumper to bumper'.
  19. Won't YOU be surprised, after you buy your shiny new Tahoe, or Benz, or F150 pick up ... and you get the same lame maintenance instructions from the 'other guys' I made it a "project" to budy up to a service specialist ... who gave me the skiny on how badly the dealer will clean out your wallet, by saying you have to do lots of stuff that you simply don't have do do. Timing belt adjustment? (for example) Expect them to send you a 60K mile reminder ... and don't forget to bring hundreds & hundreds with you. The tech? He said unless you have to crack into the case for something else? Don't even THINK about it, untill you're over 100K MILES. And it doesn't affect the warranty, if you don't do their sneeky "recomended" things that they say to do (which is better called, money laundering :P ) It's a hassle, but if you search the web, you'll eventually find lists ... dividing truth from fiction regarding required maintenance.
  20. I've got a strong opinion. So I'm not repeating myself: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=32543
  21. In 2004, and after several months of researching extended warrantys, we picked an aftermarket company for our non-Lexus (Prius) car. Don't wana say WHO the company is, for fear of sounding like a commercial plug. Anyway, we also inquired of folks on another car forum. The consensus was that you can save hundreds & hundreds by NOT getting it via the dealer. Doesn't that simply make sense? Gee, I can let the DEALER put in a cabin air filter for about $80 ... or do it myself for $16. You do the math. Similarly, the consensus for WHEN to buy, was that there's NO reaon to buy, until you get near the end of the factory warranty, as the price is unaffected. Our Prius warranty paid for itself in the first 3 years ... and THEN some. The MFD alone is about a grand, REBUILT. Then there was our '01 Range Rover. The RR warranty paid for itself as well. One example was the little yellow light on the RR's dash. It said something like "Service Required" I'll say !! Mind you, no symptoms ... just a little 'service required' light. BAM. New tranny. $6,000 ! ! Yes, the Lexus is no unreliable Pig, like the RR, but you get the point. Again, the aftermarket RR warranty was HUNDREDS less than what the dealer would do. Some of Lexus' hybrid technology is pretty new. New stuff isn't necessarily proven up yet. So we're getting an exteded warranty for the 400h. So far, like with our other cars, we'll be saving hundreds by going with the aftermarket guys. Their service and payment reimbursements have always been accepted at the dealer in a nice quick manner. In fact, just about 4 weeks ago, a wheel stud cracked, down in the hub. Bumper to bumper, 5yr/100K miles. The bill for the Prius' stud? Paid in full. Another $45 back into our pockets. Very happy.
  22. A picture is worth 1,000 words: http://youtube.com/watch?v=81RX7eqz9-w&feature=related I'm fortunate that I can work my own hours ... so I get on the road by 4:15AM then again at 1:10PM. Leaving an extra 30 minutes for the unexpected allows one to keep it peacefull. 30 minutes each way, in the slow lane, maybe 2 or 3mph below the speed limit. This is the good thing about having hybrids for me ... anticipating traffic and signal lights helps mileage, and peacful driving. There's a comercial showing 2 people in a grocery store. They're pushing their shopping carts around as tho they're in the middle of being road rage drivers. Very effective to show how stupid both parties are. One for being that way, the other for lettiing the bad behavior get into their kitchen, so to speek. Peace.
  23. We began to worry about our mfd when we noted cold dark mornings caused a very dim appearance for the first few minutes. The dealer said they're all lighted by something akin to a CFL, and characteristicly, cold will cause them to start dim. There's actually a noticable color dif between the 10yr old screens to the 4yr old screens, then again to the newer ones. That has more to do with better screen resolution/manufacturing than the backlight.
  24. It's one of the newer (can't remember the model) Street Pilots with version 6 maps (which is about 2 versions ago) ... admittedly feature rich ... talks to you, etc . . . but My God ... not even one freebie update, which they can certainly afford when their products are on the pricy side. That's exasperating. My IN-Laws just introduced us to a GPS game, called Geocaching (You can Google it. It's played world wide). Lots of fun. The brite side for us is that at least the Street Pilot is portable and can run on batteries, and it shows coordinates in degrees, minutes & seconds north and south. THAT feature allows us to do geocaching, regardless of inadequate local streets.
  25. We spent hundreds on our Garmin, only to find it didn't have our local streets on it. Their explaination was their software (mapsource which comes from navtech ... the same folks that provide the DVD's for our Lexus' GPS) isn't alwasy current (DUAH ??). But it may not be on the next version either, they said. So if we want to take the gamble and buy it anyways? SEVENTY FIVE BUCKS ! ! ! WHAT? Sheez !! you can get a micro GPS now days, the size of a flash drive, that'll sync with your GPS phone, which runs on FREE Google maps ... which are WAY current. These type of GPS's go for a meer $85. How in the WORLD is Garmin expecting to stay in business? That's how Bill Gates nearly ran Apple out of business ... by nearly giving his (admittedly) worse product away, on the cheep. Hopefully Garmin will learn before it's too late.
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