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Everything posted by RXREY

  1. I know this got off topic but I also hear about celebrities and such stuff on the "news" but because it has absolutely no interest to me, I don't let that info get into my brain. I work a lot with my brain and I like to keep my mind clear of stuff that I don't need. I also don't drink, smoke and I don't think that I am missing anything. It's a great thing to have free will, isn't it? Anyway, I love all of our differences and I do know that some "New" friends don't like that they can't get a hold of me but then it never turns out to be anything that they needed an emergency anatomy professor for! So, no cell phone for me. If i hop, or i pod,whatever, is something that requires you to have anything in your ear...then that is absolutely out! I like to hear unfettered and I do love to hear the world as I walk or as I sit at my local cafe'. I see people on their cell phones and it makes me feel sad, maybe just a little, but it's almost always some insipid conversation, with the person speaking unusually loud and the sight of a grown person over 20 with things in their ears is weird to me as well. But to each his own... Take care, and all of you, be well and happy. Rey
  2. I didn't know what that was either and have absolutely no need to know, at least I don't think so. I don't usually even use the CD player that came with my 400h! I don't have a cell phone either, have no need to have a phone with me,don't like the thought of someone calling when I am out and have no reason to call anyone when I'm out either.......but at least I know what that is. I have something called "Bluetooth" in my car but I'll settle for having my hybrid system , that's enough fancy stuff for me! Happy trails, Rey
  3. Yes, you are right...maybe I should call that lady again....
  4. My screen showed that when I was dating a lady out in the sticks. It was the only time that I had been in an area that didn't show street names. The development was only about three years old but still should have registered on my fancy GPS. I didn't like this. I had no choice but to break up! Problem solved...next! Rey in L.A.
  5. I agree, I like coming onto this forum to learn from people that know a lot more than I do about a lot of things and especially about cars and specifically the hybrids. I was getting a little sad to click onto a topic I thought would be helpful or interesting and then log off due to the fact that I was being made to feel as though buying a Lexus was a big mistake...and this from a LEXUS forum! I love my 2006 RX400h and just need to get useful info here and there, I am not asking what other car I should get or should have bought! I don't know a lot about cars but I do like to tinker so the little contributions that I have posted were meant to be helpful. For example,I absolutely hated the rattles that I had with my 400h and found that others too had had the same problems but I fixed them, posted my fixes and that's the beauty of a site such as this. I LOVE driving now and I even like to turn off the radio and listen to... the sound of silence...no, not the Paul Simon song... literally, silence! I don't know many of the issues that some of you have had with certain members but I am always glad to get negative and smug know-it-alls out of the picture...the "Cliff Clavens" of the world. It's funny how it is almost ALWAYS guys! Reading a forum online is often like watching Animal Planet! I am just glad that most everyone here has been decent and kind. I have asked many silly questions but have always received kind and respectful replies and I appreciate that. Thanks again everyone, Rey
  6. RX 400h a gas guzzler? Hmm, compared to what SUV? I am just asking because I LOVE the power of my 400h,that's why I don't have a Prius. I love the roominess in my 400h for all that I carry with me to the many places that I have to go for my work, that's why I didn't get a Prius . I love the ride, better than a Prius times 100. When I have people in the car and in the back seats, it's all luxury baby! Everyone gets the pair of shoes that fits them best and since as in the case of cars, I can only have one, this is it. Many of you have done better materialistically than I and can have a car for every occasion ,it's easy to be nit-picky about every bit of minutia. I do have a nice and live nicely in a very crazy part of the world, L.A., but I do live somewhat more simply than many of you and maybe with a lot more gratitude. I am wondering why there's so much negativity in this club? Many of you are many of you in this forum sound like spoiled children or just plain unhappy or insecure. Since I teach about many things involving human nature and such, I find that it's, to out it simply, a "guy thing". Respectfully, Rey in L.A.
  7. Thermal load? That's so interesting! It sure is great to have all of you there to bring up something that I hadn't thought of. So the black version of the 400h has a different "thermal load" right off the bat? Black cars get Less MPGs? I do live in L.A. and now that it's summer, it's so hot, I wouldn't want to add to the problem. I still might do it just because I can see it in my head as looking really nice. Since my car got dowsed with acid last year I know that the shop that did the work to repair my car does great work. I'll see how much it would cost and his thoughts on the thermal question as well. Thanks a million! Rey
  8. Dave's right, I misread the post as usual and added a post that doesn't have anything to do with the original question. BTW Dave,that's brilliant, the internet while you wait! Great suggestion. But it would be even better if number two were available. As a matter of fact, they told me that it was when I bought the car and then somehow forgot once I had the car home. I guess even Lexus salespeople have to lie. I was used to that at Chrysler but I didn't expect that to happen at Lexus. I was also assured that I would get at least 30MPG and the sticker did say 28-32...oh well.....live and learn..... Anyway, I'll leave my posts up as an example of what not to do! I will admit though, the salesman that I told the rattle problems to and how I fixed them, really appreciated what I told him because he did in fact come across irate customers and he looked like a genius being able to help them so easily and have the service people fix the problem. After all, we know this car better than they do unless they own one themselves. OK, I stand corrected now and will quietly hide now. Rey
  9. ...just one more thing (said in Columbo voice...) The one thing that makes me so sad about seeing all other SUVs is that ours is so tall and silly. Can't Lexus design it so it is lower and less wheel well space? It looks like a baby elephant and I want to eventually see about lowering mine if I don't lose the ride comfort. Can a dealership do this? OK, that's it...for now...Rey
  10. One thing that I am going to do and it would be nifty to see Lexus do it also to its non black RXes , is to paint the roof jet black. I got the idea when I had an ES350 as a loaner and it made the moon roof blend in. It's a beautiful strip from windshield to windshield and in between the roof rack. As you can see, I took that silly thing off anyway and now that I will have that area painted, it'll be great!
  11. Hello, this is Rey in L.A....I have never been happier with a dealership that I have been with Lexus of Glendale. The fact that you are on this site is one of the reasons that I am so happy with Lexus. I have a 2006 RX400h and I have been very happy with it. I was sad to see that it could never get the mileage that I was promised, I get around 25 overall, but now they have adjusted the numbers...lucky me. I would have opted for something else, maybe. Anyway, I aim to have this great car for another ten years so I really take care of it. I was very irritated by all of the rattles. I have never had a car that rattled so much. I found out that it was from three different sources and being the clever cleaver that I am, I fixed them all and posted the info on this site. You can click on my name here and see the posts yourself. I simply could not live with rattles especially after spending 50K! I know this has been a sore spot with many owners and I hope that they have taken my suggestions and fixed the problem without having to drop the car off at Lexus and having the people there not put the same tenacity that I put in in taking care of the "little" things. One of the main problems was the elaborate seat belt adjustment area by your ear. It simply has too many moving parts and they all create rattles and at various frequencies. Anyway, thanks for being on here and lets keep trying to make owning a Lexus the great experience that it should be for the price. Happy trails, Rey , happy Lexus owner in L.A.
  12. Where did you get that lip? It is very nice! I just looked up "Lexus RX front lip" online and...voila! They now use my picture as the ad! I don't remember the company but it was a great find for me. Look at my post that has all of the details, price, installation,etc. I put the chrome trim along the seam just to make it look even nicer. Thanks, Rey
  13. I work Sunday mornings when all of L.A. is still asleep...well, a good deal of the city is off the road. One saucy Sunday morning I was feelin' a wee bit naughty and I hit the gas when I was at about 75 and in no time and as smooth as silk, I was at 105. I dared not push it any further. I knew it was still humming and could go faster but it was great! I quickly and bashfully dropped down to my normal, conservative 65. I have driven the RX350 and it hesitates too much by comparison when on the freeway and I just can't go back to a "regular" car again! Anyway, 105 is my answer.... I have a speed limiter...on ME! Be careful! Rey
  14. Laura, Don't get mad, I really don't know anything about what you are asking, I am simply welcoming you to our little club! I have had my 400h for almost three years and love it. I had to take care of some rattle issues and I did that myself so if you get anything like that please check my posts on rattles and how to get rid of them. The three areas were easy fixes but have driven some club members crazy. I think that you can simply click on my name and see the posts that I have put up. I am simply handy and can fix many of the little irritating things in not only in cars but in life! Happy trails and once again, welcome from me, Rey in L.A.
  15. I think you do see it with a slanted view but as RX400 said, the fog lights sets ours apart and I personally think that the round fog lights are much sportier. If you've ever driven a 350, our 400h is much better! We also have the CVT which is without question one of my favorite features on the 400h. The acceleration on the freeway is amazing. It's not that the 350 is bad but by comparison..well, there is none! As you can see, I added the front lip which I LOVE and I added the great TOYO S/T tires. They are wider and a wee bit taller (255/55/18") , that plus the front lip definitely makes mine look sportier. I get many nice comments about the look of my car. Happy trails, Rey in very sunny L.A.
  16. Wow, thanks for the bypass info, I'll try that. I have never had a GPS so I really don't know anything else besides what came with my beautiful 2006 400h so I have been so happy to have it. I didn't really want it but it came with the car and now I can't imagine not having it. Anyway, thanks, Rey
  17. Sorry, I just got this post! I found them on ebay. I just typed in hybrid emblem and the one that I liked was from a Ford!

  18. RXREY, You never left in my eyes, Your always welcome here. We all have those days. Thanks, it's a pleasure. I want to post pictures and my thoughts after having my Toyo Proxes S/Ts (255/55/18"), for over a year and 12K miles. It will be a great report on them, they are amazing tires. Reyjavou! I actually like my Pirelli Scorpion Snow & Ice tires (255/55/18) better than the Toyo Proxes 4 (255/45/20) that I stuck on my SUV, the Pirellis are taller and inhibit less body roll, they are also wider and meatier which might help my case. although i think the toyos are stiffer they don't ride any harsher than the pirellis... love the pirellis for the money!! great value! ill post up pics of my rims soon as I get some time to clean her up and take some pics! Thanks for the comparison. I also have that size. My Toyo Proxes S/Ts are 255/55/18" so I'm wondering how the same sized tires, the two different brands, would compare? I have never had the Scorpions, or any Pirelli tires, so I wouldn't know. I have been really happy with these for the past 14 months/12K miles. They still look new, are smoother and corner so much better than the GY OEMs...(of course,those were just TERRIBLE so anything would compare more favorably!), anyway, I live in sunny L.A. so I never have weather issues. I really like the look of the Toyos..yes, it was a superficial attraction! Anyway, I love seeing what you do with your car and we all learn so much from you, I know that I do! take care, Rey
  19. Thanks, I feel so much better about everything now...the air seems fresher, jacaranda trees seem more lavender...the world is OK again! OK, I can be a bit facetious but I do mean it...I am glad to have met you through this interesting new medium and I have even been corresponding through regular emails with a couple of you...so thanks to all of you for the "welcome back" even though I really never got a chance to actually leave! How can I miss you if you never go away? Thanks to all and lets continue to help each other out and even if our NAV system isn't the best, I wouldn't know, we can "Nav" our way through our differences. BTW, I have never been good at getting around and I've never had a NAV system so I feel blessed to have mine. It's all relative and I generally live a grateful life and count my blessings every day rather than the downfalls of a 50K car! It's so weird to me...I guess having not had much most of my life, I am simply a happy and grateful person. Many warm wishes, Rey
  20. You do sound unhappy about a lot of things on the RX that I would have thought you would have noticed before you bought one, but the good news is the resale value of your Lexus RX 400h should be real high as hybrids are in demand and short in supply where as other SUV's are severly depressed in the market. Bet you could sell it and make a great deal on a gas guzzling BMW SUV. As for not getting the mileage the sticker said I do better on the highway side on my 08 RX400h, if I drive carefully I can get around 32.6 MPG I average around 28.4 MPG city and highway combined about 50/50. As for the nav system, I agree, I have a 07 Acura MDX and the Lexus nav system is a joke in comparison, but I added the Coastaltech Lockpick 3 basic and it allows me to input destinations while moving, look for POI's ect., and for only $99 and it only took 5 min to install. The lockpick really improves the functionality to a point where I am not totally happy with the Lexus system, but it is now quite usable while driving. Oh and while I like my Acura the gas mileage sucks compared with my Lexus RX400h. One other point, the cup holder you mentioned, wow you must have long legs to have a problem, that it is up past the centerline of the steering column and up against the door, dont know what else they could have done other than not put one there at all. I think you have to consider the Lexus is a 5 yr old design that will probably be improved when the new model comes out next year, but I doubt the nav system will be improved, except again the Lockpick is well worth the money if you plan on keeping your current RX very long. Enter CITY first...there, the "Address doesn't exist " problem solved....easy fix. The car is great! I get over 26 MPG...I can always make 400 miles on around 15 gallons. I am so glad to go from gassing up once a week to twice a month! Get another car and move on. I don't understand making the money that we do to be able to get whatever car that we want and then complaining so much. GET SOMETHING ELSE! Good luck finding a better car than a Lexus. Rey Blah, blah,blah? Good comeback...... seems only fitting...
  21. You do sound unhappy about a lot of things on the RX that I would have thought you would have noticed before you bought one, but the good news is the resale value of your Lexus RX 400h should be real high as hybrids are in demand and short in supply where as other SUV's are severly depressed in the market. Bet you could sell it and make a great deal on a gas guzzling BMW SUV. As for not getting the mileage the sticker said I do better on the highway side on my 08 RX400h, if I drive carefully I can get around 32.6 MPG I average around 28.4 MPG city and highway combined about 50/50. As for the nav system, I agree, I have a 07 Acura MDX and the Lexus nav system is a joke in comparison, but I added the Coastaltech Lockpick 3 basic and it allows me to input destinations while moving, look for POI's ect., and for only $99 and it only took 5 min to install. The lockpick really improves the functionality to a point where I am not totally happy with the Lexus system, but it is now quite usable while driving. Oh and while I like my Acura the gas mileage sucks compared with my Lexus RX400h. One other point, the cup holder you mentioned, wow you must have long legs to have a problem, that it is up past the centerline of the steering column and up against the door, dont know what else they could have done other than not put one there at all. I think you have to consider the Lexus is a 5 yr old design that will probably be improved when the new model comes out next year, but I doubt the nav system will be improved, except again the Lockpick is well worth the money if you plan on keeping your current RX very long. Enter CITY first...there, the "Address doesn't exist " problem solved....easy fix. The car is great! I get over 26 MPG...I can always make 400 miles on around 15 gallons. I am so glad to go from gassing up once a week to twice a month! Get another car and move on. I don't understand making the money that we do to be able to get whatever car that we want and then complaining so much. GET SOMETHING ELSE! Good luck finding a better car than a Lexus. Rey
  22. wow, all of this started with me getting a little discouraged at the way some of the discourse was going and now I feel as though I have a whole bunch of good "Forum Friends"! I am so glad that I mentioned my dilemma in that I now can see just how many wonderful people there are here in this forum. So my advice to those that do have a gripe, go ahead, why not, it's fun to vent... but please remember to append it with a solution or a call for an answer... something positive at the very least. Isn't that more logical? Otherwise we are mere children, spoiled children, venting without thinking. The key is to have an opinion, state it respectfully, add some bit of edifying insight or ask if anyone can help and then move on. This isn't anything other than a car forum. As we have already stated, anyone so upset and unsatisfied with their Lexus, why whine? GET ANOTHER CAR! If you were able to buy a Lexus, you can get something that will keep you from pulling your hair out, for the love of Mike! You either have to be very stupid or a liar to bash a car company so badly to that point , I can almost see a forehead vein popping through some of the posts I've read. It is totally irrational and immature. I am glad that I am back and that I can once again learn from all of you good folk. After 2 1/2 years I am still loving my 400h and I am planning on having it another ten years. The first Toyota that I owned, I had for 13 years... and when I bought that, a 1970 Corona Mark IV, it was already a 7 year old car! Toodle-loo from L.A......Reyjavou
  23. Steve, I am sorry, by focusing on what I didn't like I inadvertently insulted you and I didn't mean that at all. You do a great job and I do know how hard it must be to keep the dialogues moving without censorship. Everyone was right in reminding me that all in all this is a very civil forum considering anyone can come in from all over and put their two cents worth in...including me. I was able to state my displeasure without anyone getting uncivil or nasty towards me and that is the best thing that I have now found out about this site and you good folk. We all have an opinion and it is up to each one of us to filter out what we don't like and make sure that any unwarranted and or disrespectful or offensive comments be dealt with by the moderators. Anyway, I hope all of you dads had a fab day and all of you that are still blessed with having your dads, were able to personally give them a big squeeze....I know I did. Warmly, Rey
  24. You are so right...I do need to toughen up... I live in L.A. for Pete's sake! I have actually succeeded in one of the most difficult areas to live in,especially as a nice person! I am a tiger at work though and I just love those times when I don't have to have tough skin and can just enjoy decent conversations. Thanks for the advice and I will take it with a humble heart. I was just in a down mood when I came upon the negative posts and lashed out in a "Can't we just get along" kind of way. But it's all good and I am not as fragile as I come across. The secret to my success and the leisurely, wonderful life that I have in a place like L.A. is that I have a healthy balance of thick and thin skin...if that's possible...I guess everything is metaphorically,ey? OK, back to life and all of its wonders.....Rey Bustos, happy Lexus owner in crazy L.A. Rey, Don't leave we need and appreciate people like you, your exploits with your RX, like the sound deadening, roof rack removal and your super looking front and rear bumper mods have been very helpful, I really love your bumper mods. I know I responded to Mitch about his gripes and as for the Nav, while I like my Acura better, I don't think Mitch even read the manual, its not that bad if you know how to use it. You can do searches like you said anywhere if you put in the city name first. I added the lockpick 3 basic to my 08RX and I find the system works quite well if you just read the manual on how the system works. All except the voice command part, mine doesn't understand what I ask it and neither does my Acura. I do believe however like others have said, this site is much more civil then most of the other car sites, and I also believe there are people out there who just post stuff to antagonize people who like the product. Anyway don't let them get to you don't leave just ignore people like Mitch. Dennis Thanks Dennis and all of you for the great response...now this is more like it eh? A bunch of wonderful people that just want to add to life not make it distasteful. There is enough nastiness in the world without complaining about a 50K car! Tom is right, the moderators are doing a great job. Instead of me complaining about the one or two negatives, I will now highlight the good and kind people that I meet here...dammit....That's my new approach...thanks again everyone..."Reyjavou"...that just means that I am back....
  25. You are so right...I do need to toughen up... I live in L.A. for Pete's sake! I have actually succeeded in one of the most difficult areas to live in,especially as a nice person! I am a tiger at work though and I just love those times when I don't have to have tough skin and can just enjoy decent conversations. Thanks for the advice and I will take it with a humble heart. I was just in a down mood when I came upon the negative posts and lashed out in a "Can't we just get along" kind of way. But it's all good and I am not as fragile as I come across. The secret to my success and the leisurely, wonderful life that I have in a place like L.A. is that I have a healthy balance of thick and thin skin...if that's possible...I guess everything is metaphorically,ey? OK, back to life and all of its wonders.....Rey Bustos, happy Lexus owner in crazy L.A.
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