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Everything posted by 13IS250C

  1. NICE!!!! I want the blue one though.
  2. Oh man, I would have had a new Facebook pic if I had gotten to sit in that!
  3. I just sold a Camaro that sometimes would sit in the garage for a whole year at a time. This is what I would do and it worked fine for me. I would crank it at least every other week and let it run long enough for the thermostat to open and the water circulate through the whole system. Back the car up or drive it forward far enough so it isn't sitting on the same spot of the tire. Turn on the a/c and let the freon and oil circulate through the system to keep all the hoses and seals lubricated. This works fine and I only had to replace the battery one time. The guy that bought it from me is driving it on a regular basis now (not daily) and he is having no troubles at all. I don't think any car should just sit. Keep it's juices flowing. I always used Lucas Fuel Treatment in mine.
  4. Welcome. Sounds like a beauty, post a pic. I'm going to win the Powerball tonight and drop a twin turbo in mine. ;)
  5. She got outshined by the Kardashian clan. I never have understood that fascination.
  6. Ooh....what a beautiful color.
  7. That is a good idea Paul....let me sell my house first. ;) I would never be able to afford a car like that, and if I could....I don't think I would invest that much $$$$ in something that depreciates. Maybe if I win that $400 million dollar Powerball. LFAs for all my LOC buddies. I could kick myself for not keeping my S2000 for a weekend warrior. It only had 32k miles when I sold it. It being a Honda and me taking care of it, it would last me forever. In fact, I saw it and it's new owner a few months ago. The guy had kept it in great condition. I have really been blessed with my car's step-fathers. The guy that bought my Z28 is great. Even brought it out a week ago and let me drive it. Took me 3 years to find someone worthy of owning that car. It was worth the wait.
  8. I really think the C6 has the best lines of them all. I don't know if I can ever go back to a 2 seater again though. I've had an S2000 and a 370Z. It is really hard to have a 2 seater for your daily driver.
  9. I traded in my 370Z for mine. My Z was paid for because I sold my Camaro I had had for 17 years and paid it off. Needless to say, I had a great trade. Other than that, I don't think I would have spent this much money on a car. My husband and I like to travel. I think low interest rates play a factor too. I'm a perfect lease candidate. I keep a car perfect and I keep them low mileage. I just don't want to be under contract to HAVE to keep a car a certain amount of time. If something else turns my head, I want to be able to get it.
  10. Welcome! Nice ride. What do you think of the C7? I'm still on the fence about that. I was actually looking at a C6 when I found my IS. Decided I would get this until the C7 grew on me.
  11. Wow...I almost agree with him. I don't think I would want the whole hood repainted. It is like the hood hit the fender when someone was closing it? I can't believe they can't find someone that can touch it up better than that being that it is on the edge. They touch up used cars on lots all the time. I had a guy touch up my Camaro once and he was with a company called Colors on Parade. Not sure if that is a national chain or not. I would investigate something like that and make the dealer reimburse you. It is totally rediculous to have a brand new car of that caliber with a flaw. I would have, what we call in the south, a hissy fit!!!
  12. Turn the radio up! Teeheehee.... The road noise on my 370Z was horrible. I put a DynaPad in the back. Didn't help much. If it really bothers you, you might check into Dynamat.
  13. I have had mine almost 4 months now and I have only seen 2 like it. I like being different. :P
  14. Welcome PapaJim! Post some before pics and then we want to see the finished product. B) It has to be fun restoring a car. I always buy new. I would love to restore an old muscle car one day.
  15. Thanks Paul. I always did love that body style. I'm so thankful I could get one.
  16. I was trying to take a picture of my crepe myrtle and my car just kept getting in the way. ;) The first one is a pic of the sky via my hood with the 3rd coat of Zaino and Zaino detailer. I wish you could see how the pearl popped! I just haven't found a way to get that to photograph, not with a phone anyway.
  17. You might laugh at this one, but toothpaste. I did my daughter's Civic with Crest Pro-Health. Did a pretty good job. Not sure how economical you want to be, but this does work.
  18. Oh gee thanks for making me drool all in my keyboard. WOW!!!!! I wonder why the Bieb has a Smart? Out of all of them, I'll take the '68 Camaro. j/k I would like to have it though.
  19. Oh yeah....Lexie (that's her name) would blend right in on Rodeo Dr.
  20. Nice! Welcome! Make sure you post plenty of before, during and after pics so we can follow your progress.
  21. That is not being a wimp, that is enjoying your technology. ;)
  22. I finally figured out the hardest part of owning my car. Having to park it and get out of it and come into the office for 8 hours on a beautiful day like today. :( It is 70 degrees and beautiful out there. Not a cloud in the sky. We are having some kind of freakishly cool July here. I guess it is all the global warming.
  23. WOW! She is very lucky that she got the car stopped with no other damage. That says a lot for our cars, and your mom's driving skills. I would go to the dealership first, then the manufacturer of the tire. We had a similar situation on a Cutlass we bought once. (That tells you how long ago it was :-) ). I raised sand and raised sand. They finally replaced the one tire at a pro-rated amount.
  24. Hi Marshall. I actually work with 3 different car carriers in my job. There are a lot of factors. Go to Dependable Auto Shippers website. They are based out of the Dallas area. They are by far cheaper than the others I use. You can save money by dropping off the vehicle at the terminal and picking it up from the terminal. There is a part of their site where you put in your origin and destination and vehicle information. Certain things cost more, like enclosed service or top load service, on and on. You will see on their site. I also use ReloTrans and TNT. They are going to cost you a good 25-30% more and I have just as many damage claims with them as I do DAS. If you want more info, let me know. I ship about 500 vehicles a year with these folks.
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