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Everything posted by blake918

  1. Congrats on your new car!!! :D You will love it tooo much!! Keep up with the maintinance, and the car will treat you wonderfully! My '95 is at 233k miles, and the car is nothing short of incerdible! My car has no serious problems thus far; I've just done maintinance things like the fluids, plugs(wires, rotors, and caps too--the entire ignition), and last weekend a timing belt. The timing belt was quite possibly the most miserable experience of my life(long story short, we used the wrong reference points on the cams.)! But, thanks to many PM's with VMF we got the car settled up. My timing belt had about 130k miles on it, and it definantly could have gone another 10k miles easily. I have some tired suspension bushings up front, but that isn't anything the premium stereo can't drown out! It is such a relaxing car to drive with the excellent stereo, plush ride, and quiet interior and powertrain! B) The love affair with my LS continues!! lol However, I must disagree that the '95+ LS(I know the '96 was mentioned, but the '95 is the same machine) is any more reliable than any other older LS. So far every problem my LS has had is one that is generally seen on the 90-94 like my suspension problems(clunk), dead LCD in the center stack, a replaced power steering pump, and grinding antenna mast. Grant it my car has 233k miles, but I don't think it's much of a coinsidence that my car has the same problems as the older LS's. Eventhough my suspension bushings drive me insane, they are made of rubber, and rubber-like a lot of other things-gets brittle and cracks=suspension clunk; I think the same thing goes for the antenna mast also. The true problem areas to me are the power steering pumps and the center stack LCD's. IMO, the LS430 is such the superb car it is today because Lexus has stuck with evolutionary generations rather than revolutionary ones-hence the common problems from gen. to gen and the familiar look(grant it the '04 is the most dramatic/sculpted looking LS, but all LS's have similarities like tail lights that have a familiar layout and look, a long side profile/shape, and the grill with long horizontal slats with the big L right in the center. I'm saying similar cues not the same!) . They keep the same basic package, but they expound on the current package rather than starting from scratch. I'm sure someone could throw a stat at me about how much was changed from gen. to gen, but this is just my $.02! :D For the stereo LCD, I just had Mikado fix mine. I had 3 days of down time for the repair. I did fork up for the overnight shipping though-about $35 each way(via the good ole USPS! The package weighed about 5 lbs), and add that to $150 for the repair for a total of $220. It's a small price to pay for my sanity!
  2. Cashmere is the best Lexus made!!! B) I'd paint my black LS cashmere anyday!!!! There's something luxurious and elegant about beige, and it's easy to care for! What's your address(so I can mail them stickers! They're static clinging so you don't have to worry about any residue on the windows out back.) ?
  3. How tall are you? If you are any taller than about 6 feet, definantly skip the ES. I'm 6'3, and driving the ES is not very fun for me. The leg room is what kills me; I can lay the seat back to a good enough angle so that my head doesn't hit the roof. That's why I convinced by parents to buy me the LS. I can't say that there is tons of room in the LS either, but I am sufficiently comfortable driving it, and the tilt/tele wheel that the LS has also helps a lot. For max head and legroom, look at the new Beetle(not so reliable though!) or Lincoln TC I skiped those because I'm a 17y/o guy and I don't think I'd want to be seen in either of those cars(maybe the TC latter on. lol)!
  4. Thank you for the nice words Steve. I really appreciate it. I too am sorry to hear about Melanie. My friends and I were having a bbbq on the lake the other night, and then, this lady with two beautiful Boston Terriers walked past us. It kinda took me back for a little while. Coincidently, my neighbor has an American Eskimo duely named "Fluffy!" He's a good dog and very affectionate. Now, I've got to see your ferrets and their "ferret stroller."
  5. The engine, tranny, and chassis is about as far as the sharing goes save a control stalk or two inside. Approxamently 20% of the pieces are shared between Camry and ES. ;) I agree a Camry V6 would be a wonderful choice. Be sure that it's at least a '94 because that's when the aluminum headed 1MZ-FE made it out. The refreshed 95-96 looks stunning imo...probably the best looking Camry. The 3.0 in there is a snoozer b/n 0-3k rpms, but once you get it running, it's like a KW slams you from behind! I too was a little disappointed in the new Corolla. My friend has an '04 that I've ridden in a few times. I think it's a great package, but when he was showing off the 'power,' I couldn't help but notice the engine buzzing below my feet. I was completely shocked to experience this in a Toyota. I think the interior looks incredible...a lot like the new Camry, but like '90 said, there's a lot of hard plastic. I am also a seventeen, and I have a '95 LS. The parts will empty your bank account very, very quickly when they infrequently pop up, but it's not impossible to deal with financially if you have a job. Yeah, a service manual is a must because the stealership will lighten your wallet even for an oil change much less something serious; my car only goes to the dealer for serious things. The purchase of a 90-94 all comes down to can you handle the little things? Like the burnt climate LCD, flickering needles, it sounds like non working A/C is common thread for a few, a grinding antenna, intermittent 'trac' light, adding p/s fluid every x amount of miles, hearing a clunk every time you slam on the brakes or pull into the driveway, etc. Luckily, for '95 Lexus fixed a lot of those things on that list. The only thing I have to worry about is the irritating suspension clunk, and the stereo LCD used to be dead, but Sammy @ Mikado took care of that for me! The superb stereo easily drowns out the suspenion clunk. It sounds like there is a lot of bad things, huh? But with all the bad, comes one of the best sedans on the road even if it is 10 to 14 years old. The cabin is first rate; the V8 is scary silent and wonderfully powerful at the same time which is mated to a 4 speed that is nothing short of teriffic. And who could forget the beautiful, dual, chrome tipped exhaust that have be missing for the past 10 years!! B) I also drive a '94 ES. It too is an excellent car! I find my 2 cars similar. The LS is like a bigger better ES. The LS just feels like the better, more expensive car it is. It's heft which brings a much smoother ride(If I could guess, I'd say the ES weighs about 2000 lbs! lol), quieter interior, more interior space-which is crutial to me because I'm 6'3, and V8 are the main things that seperate them in my opinion. The ES has the 3.0 V6 and tranny that is shared with the V6 Camry, so you will get a little break on the engine parts that you might need. The interior, body, suspension, and brakes are not shared, so you'll have to pay up for those pieces. I find the ES is much easier to work on than the LS too. Also, the first gen. ES300 doesn't have the extensive inherent list of flaws that the first gen LS400 has. Really the only common problems are flickering speedo needles, wind nosie from people that use the glass to slam the pilar-less doors shut, and the suspension clunk on a few cars. So with that in mind, if you really want a Lexus and you can fork up a little more $$ for an ES, you'll probably be better off in the long run! I've spent less than $500 in repairs on my ES in 20k miles, and I'm not even going to say exactly how much I've spent on the LS in 9k miles-already more than $1500, and I still need to get the suspension fixed too, but the LS drives like nothing else, so it's worth it to me! B)
  6. I was talking about the LS. It's up high above the diffy in the back. Gas spills everywhere, and if you want to change it but don't want to bath in gas, you have to take the backseat out etc.! If I had a lift, it could be done in no time!
  7. A little late, but I'll share my car problems! Replaced: alternator, radiator, cooling fan relay, antenna mast, and VSV for egr. What my car needs: suspension bushings fore & aft and motor mounts....Nothing serious, just annoying. I've got 120k miles on my 1994 ES, and the engine and tranny are both still very strong. The 3.0(1mzfe) is a wonderful(smooth, quite) engine, and the tranny is really smooth. Replacing the brake pads takes about 30min to change if you hurry and have two people(one for the wheel removal/install and one for the pad changing) or probably about 45 alone. Lexus designed it in a way that makes pad changing disgustingly easy! I don't find that the ES shares as many parts with the Camry as others say; the engine and tranny are the same as the V6 Camry, but that's about it(I think Steve-SW03ES- said approx. 20% of the Camry and ES are shared. The rest is different. I'd bet the 20% is chassis and powertrain.). The interiors are very different with only a shared lever or two. $2500 is a steal! Conragts on the purchase!! :D Keep up with the fluids and maintinance on the car, and it will last a very long time. I have a '95 LS with 235k miles that can still paint the Michelins all over the street and give me 20/26 fuel econ. B)
  8. My Lexus dealer does not let me bring in parts for them to install. They said it's a liability issue since they warrant all of their work for x many years and x miles. I bought a fuel filter for my LS, but I decided not to put it in myself because of the horror stories on LOC, so I called Lex of NO to see if they'd install it for me. I have the OEM, Toyota part in the box, but they still wouldn't do the job. I could only imagine what kind of face they'd make if the fuel filter was an aftermarket part! lol
  9. I was also thinking about selling my car for another 95+ LS with lower miles, but after thinking about it for a second, I realized that it would be pointless! EVERY LS will have clunky suspension sooner or later, the LCD will go out, the timing belt will need to be changed, etc. They all have the same problems! My car runs flawlessly-the old saying that the 1UZ-FE is bullet proof is quite true(!), and like your car, it shifts excellently 98% of the time which is more than acceptable for a 233k mile car. BTW, when is your car due for another timing belt? I'm doing mine tomorrow! It's a scary thought; if JPI wasn't 8 hours away, he'd have the job! Hmmm...JPI franchises would do quite well! lol You've stuck out the bulk summer without A/C...kudos to you!! I'm a real wimp when it comes to a/c especially down here in the swamp(and I hate riding with the windows down...except for the moonroof!). I too have learned to ignore the clunking! I turn up the sweet stereo system, and all is well! Think about selling the car for a while longer.....atleast enjoy driving it the months when you don't need the a/c! I love watching your sig...it seems like you get a new car every month! lol
  10. I just cleaned my nozzles. They are awesome now!!! I used a syringe(we've got a diabetic in the house); I stuck the needle into each hole to clear out the wax build-up in them. It took all of 20 seconds, and now it's good as new. I tried the tooth pick, but it was a shade too big...just my luck. :(
  11. You just check the resistance between terminals one and two which should be between 11 and 16 ohms at 68deg F.
  12. What a gorgeous car!!! I LOVE that year! :D My radio lcd is showing hieroglyphics too. I'm going to have Mikado do mine next week. It'll end up costing about $200($150 for part/labor and shipping back and forth). When I spoke to them about setting up the job to do my radio lcd, he said he would sell me just the lcd itself. I told him no and didn't even ask the price because I have no desire to solder that thing in! Here are the directions for the 95-97; the '99 should be very, very similar since I think the only change on the center stack was the location of the ambient temp and time. http://www.carstereohelp.com/stereoremovalLexusLS400str1.htm
  13. bgwilly, If you have height control(air ride), you will see a switch right by the snow/pwr switch. See pic at the bottom of this post. $206 for all 4 struts on your door step: https://www.trademotion.com/partlocator/ind...=11&catalogid=1 $57-front https://www.trademotion.com/partlocator/ind...999&catalogid=1 $47-rear SRK, excellent advise!! I love it!!!! :D Common courtesy is what makes this such a great club. Mike, I'd look the price up for the uca and lca for you on PP Lex's site, but I don't know what year you are driving. Here's the link to PP Lex: http://www.trademotion.com/partlocator/ind...m?siteid=213808 90, don't sell your car!! Fix the few little problems, and you'll be good for another pleasureable 230k! I sure wish there was a recall on the suspension, but I can understand why there isn't since it is a piece of rubber that gets the hell beaten out of it every mile. 90-94 owners can buy just the bushings from Dazian for about $100(I think...pretty sure), and save $900 from not having to buy the entire uca and lca. I've emailed them, and they said that 95-00 LS bushings are in the works and should be ready in November. There's not a chance I'd put aftermarket struts on my LS because the ride is one of the best qualities of this beast! B)
  14. Yeah, that's the mass air flow sensor. It probably broke somewhere along the past 14 years and was replaced with a used one. I'd have done the same since a new one is about $900. ;)
  15. For the cel, you need to retireve the code and post it on here. Do you use the "Auto" feature on the A/C controls. I thought my car had a similar problem until I found out that the auto controls the actual temp of the air and the speed at which it comes out(I felt all different kinds of stupid!). Manually set the a/c on max cool and see how it feels. It's a stretch, but it's worth a try!
  16. On my '95, the washer fluid comes out as a strong, concentrated beam --not mistlike at all. Each nozzle has 3 holes. It makes a pattern that looks like this character: ^ ...one hole on the nozzle for each point in that bottomless triangle. Is it possible to clean the nozzles? <_<
  17. I'm sure you are....they don't exist! ;) Lexus makes their own repair manual that will show you how to strip the car down to the chassis. They are very expensive, and you can find them on ebay for $100-$150. They are worth every penny though! On my '95, the fuel filter is above the diffy(I think 90-94 is the same, but don't quote me!). I hear it's a nasty job-gas spills, etc., so I'm going to let Lexus do this one for me when I get a chance to bring it in(they said it's a ~$100 job). It's best left to someone with a lift. Don't appologize for the questions! That's the point of this club! ;) The motorvac cleaning I was talking about...the dealer hooks the machine to the fuel rail, and a cleaning solution is shot out--cleaning the injectors and a few other componets near by. I'd change the fuel filter before having the injectors cleaned. ;)
  18. My thoughts too! I'd start with the fuel filter, and a fuel injector cleaning(motorvac) can only do good things too-no more than $150...no diy because it is done with a machine. I'd bet that the fuel filter is the culprit. If the car has been fine on regular for 2 years, I'd say that the '87 gas is ok(it'd cause valve pinging rather than no response).
  19. That's why I said you need to ask the guys at Toyota what they did to diagnose the LS. My guess is they(toyota) plugged the scanner into the car, got either/both P0420 and/or P0430, they pulled out their repair manual and saw that the 2 probable casues associated with the codes Lexus listed are the Cat's and heated O2 sensors, and told you both were defective.*End Toyota service dept. diagnosis* I can post the procedure for testing the o2's if you'd like. Where did you buy the car? Small indep. lot or dealership? I've had Lexus and Toyota dealerships misdiagnose my Lexi a few times, so I take what they tell me with a grain of salt.
  20. Park Place Lex has the cat's for ~$870--free shipping and no tax for out of staters. Here's the link: https://www.trademotion.com/partlocator/ind...995&catalogid=1 . Tis the season for cat problems ...that's 3 of us so far(you, me, and Jacob)! OBDII(onboard diagnostics) is the version of diagnostic codes your car has which are the later, greater diagnostic codes. AutoZone will read the check engine light for free. Your probably looking at P0420 or/and P0430 for the check engine code (this code is for a faulty cat and/or o2 sensor). Leaky power steering pumps are a dime a dozen on the LS! There are a few things mentioned on LOC you can try before replacing the pump. Your oil pan is probably seeping a little around the seal, and as long as you aren't adding oil to the engine every x amount of miles, it's nothing to loose sleep about.
  21. I couldn't agree more. The chihuahua bit was hysterical!!!
  22. I know, huh?? Cobra, Capone is a very beautiful Pit Bull! :D His brindle coat is my favorite. How do the pit bull's behave? Capone looks pretty laid back and chilled. I don't believe all of the crap I hear on the news about APBT's...because our Doberman, Annie, is also supposed to be a vicious killer, but she is not in the least(she is very affectionate, but she's got a dark side too especially if someone messes with one of us)! How old is Mischko?
  23. Great pics Stevie and Dobie! Here are some new pics of Annie(hard at work I might add!) and Rosie's spot in our house, and the last one is Rosey(puppies are so cute!) and me at the park ~13 years ago. Rosey as a baby:
  24. I used a wheel from a '97 ES that a friend from LOC(Jimi- 'speedracer959'....what a great guy!) gave to me. Of course the airbag didn't fit, so I just left it out. I had to have transportation...who can go a week and a half w/o a car?? Unfortunately, running the car without the air bag in will set the air bag malfunction light off which then costed me more $$$ to get the dealer to turn off. I think I have heard of AS loaning a wheels out. ;) I can't remember completely since I had this done about a year and a half ago, but I think it took them about a week and a half or so to get my wheel recovered and shipped back to me. I kinda regret not getting them to do my LS's wheel with the wood inserts because that would have looked incredible! B)
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