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Everything posted by amf1932

  1. steviej, I look at it this way.......Since I'm a retired old coot, I don't rack up very many miles anymore, since I fly on most of my vacations. I'll definitely keep my eye on the tread wear and do the required rotating, but in the meantime I'm enjoying the quietness and smoothness of these tires. My '94ES originally came with Michelin tires and they were not nearly as quiet as the Bridgestones. I put about 38,000 miles on these tires and then changed them to Pirelli P6000 Sport Veloche's. I liked these much better then the Michelins. My attitude about all this stuff is I purposely chose a Lexus to get a quiet, serene ride. If I was looking for a performance oriented car I wouldn't have chosen this '03 ES. I'd go back to some hot sport coupes that I had in the past, like my Z car('84 Datsun 280Z), plus others too numerous to mention. B)
  2. I just took this information from the sidewall of the tire: Bridgestone Potenza RE 92 P215/60R16 Treadware 160 Traction A Temperature A M+S Tire inflation that I've been using is 32PSI All my rattles from the rear doors were fixed by Lexus, and now I'm happy to say the car is dead quiet on any type of road conditions. I know there may be tires out there that could possibly give me slightly better handling, but I'm really satisfied with the all around performance with this setup. Time and mileage will tell whether I feel the same after awhile. ;)
  3. Is that a genuine Lexus disc, because I was told that the wholesale price to dealers is $250. Even though I made a good deal with Lexus on this purchase, I still feel that the first update disc should be gratis. Example: If a prospective purchaser of a new Lexus buys a car in September he/she would have to pay for this update within a month of buying this car, since they release the updates around October. That's very unfair in my estimation. <_<
  4. My 2003ES was delivered with Bridgestone tires. After driving 7000 miles I find these tires to be very quiet and smooth. I have driven in all kinds of weather, snow, rain, whatever. The traction is as good as I can expect from an "All Weather" tire! I can compare them to the Pirelli Sport Veloche tires that I had on my '94 ES. ;)
  5. Further Update: I just spoke to Lexus Customer Satisfaction who in turn spoke to my dealers Service Manager while I waited on hold. They decided to send me a credit of $250 that I can use for any type of service or repair. They wouldn't credit me for the disc though. I guess I should be satisfied now.
  6. Update: I went to my Lexus dealer this morning and spoke to the Service Manager about this problem. He put on a NAV mechanic to check out my system. I showed him the printouts from Mapquest & Yahoo. He tried inputting the address in question with no luck. At this point he got the new DVD disc and put it in. Sure enough when he inputted the address it was now there. He told me the disc price was $350, and after moaning & groaning to the Service Manager he finally agreed to give it to me for $250 plus tax. I'm still a little peeved and will now call Lexus Customer Satisfaction and tell them the story. Of course they'll probably do nothing about it.
  7. As a perfect example of why I'm so frustrated.....Put in the address I sent you to either, Mapquest or Yahoo Driving Directions and you'll come up with the exact directions. This is NOT a new area, and as I said the house is at least 5 years old! I don't want to upgrade unless I have some sort of guarantee that this will solve some of these problems. I wouldn't care so much if this was an isolated incident, but when I traveled to areas around Minneapolis I had the same problems there also.
  8. Steve: I sent you the address in question in a PM.......Did you get it and did you try entering that info into your NAV system? Also: There seems to be a discrepancy between the 2 online merchants, but I don't know whether it makes a difference. Lexus Toyota Mitsubishi lists the upgrade parts number as: 00230-DVD02-CY and their price is $250 Sewell Lexus lists the upgrade part number as: 00230-DVD03-CYx and their price is $288 I'll check this out tomorrow.
  9. I checked out this website and their price is $288. Did it go up in price?
  10. SW03ES, I still don't understand this: If I try to input certain addresses and the NAV doesn't recognize it, isn't it true that there is something wrong? The house in question was built over 5 years ago! Who manufactures this unit for Lexus? If I send you a PM with the address I'm looking for, could you see if you can program this information into your NAV system? Thanks. Who has this disc for $250?
  11. My car was manufactured February 2003. yet the Nav's DVD version is 02.1. This version probably means that the software was developed sometime in 2002. The problem is as follows: I tried to put in a name of a recent development on Long Island, NY and the unit can't find that name in the database. It seem's that when I use Mapquest to find the address there was absolutely NO problem. This has happened on many occasions using the NAV with areas that have been developed less than 5 years ago. I assumed that when I purchased this car that the NAV system would have the latest information in the listings......but NO it doesn't! I was told by someone at my Lexus dealer I was entitled to 1 free upgrade, and after many discussions with my dealer and also the Lexus Corporation they told me they no longer do this and I'd have to pay over $325 for the new DVD. I think this is a ripoff considering that I spent BIG bucks to have this option when I bought this car. Question: Do we as owners have any recourse in this type situation or do we just sit back and let the Lexus Corporation do as they please? I haven't given up this fight yet, and I'll add to this post when I get some further info about this problem.
  12. I'm glad I was helpful. Good luck. ;)
  13. What makes this product sooooo expensive? :P
  14. Believe it or not.........As of yet Lexus hasn't corrected this rear door noise. That has been my gripe........If they know about this problem, why don't they do something about it when the car is manufactured? :chairshot:
  15. My, how gullible of you. They'd probably sell anything to make a buck. :D
  16. You won't improve the SMooooooth ride by changing to other size rims or tires! In fact you'll probably destroy something that was figured out to be the best balance by the Lexus designers. Besides it'll throw your NAV & speedometer accuracy off. Leave the car alone for awhile!!
  17. How do you get to that screen? Is it on the NAV screen? Is it possible for the car owner to do this without having to go to a dealer?
  18. Morris, the mechanic, was removing the cylinder heads from the motor of a car when he spotted a famous heart surgeon who was standing off to the side, waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his Lexus. Morris shouted across the garage, "Hey Doc! Is that you? Come over here a minute." The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where Morris was working on a car. Morris straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag, and asked argumentatively, "So, Mr. Fancy Doctor, look at this here work. I also open hearts, take valves out, grind 'em, put in new parts, and when I finish this baby will purr like a kitten. So how come you get the big bucks, when you and me are doing basically the same work?" The surgeon leaned over and whispered to the mechanic, "Try doing it with the engine running"!!
  19. LOL.....One more question. When you first start your car in the morning, do you let it warm up the exact same time before reaching the toll booth? Are the outside weather conditions(degree) the same for all these tests?
  20. I should add that both these cars had low mileage on the odometer. the '03 had about 3000 miles and the '94 had under 50,000 miles. I've found that you should use higher octane fuels to prevent pre-ignition on high mileage cars due to the normal carbon buildup in the combustion chambers. Just my observation. ;)
  21. I think that ASL is only offered in the Mark Levinson sound system. It probably was started in the '02 model ES. I could be wrong though.
  22. Last summer I took a trip from NYC to Minnesota(about 1200 miles each way). On my trip out there I used premium fuel all the way and on my way back I used regular grade fuel all the way. This was on an '03 ES with approximately 3000 miles on the odometer. My findings: Gas mileage & performance was identical. I also did this test on a '94 ES and the findings were the same. I guaranty, if I did notice ANY difference I would have once again switched to premium, but I didn't. Also, I don't pussyfoot this car like some old senior citizen.....I really drive it! Psychologically, if it makes you feel better, by all means use the premium. ;)
  23. Pray tell.....How would a new ground wire make a car warm up more quickly????????
  24. After doing some research about ASL I found that some units do this: quote: "ASL" (auto-sound-levelizer) detects and compensates for changes in external noise levels, adjusting volume and tone controls in response to the nature of the external noise (tunnel, rain, road surface changes). So at this point I wonder if the Lexus radio's do the same thing???
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