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Backup Juice


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Having extra battery power is essential for people who frequently travel. This device is excellent I use it to charge multiple times before recharging


has that Toyota flair since my wife has a RAV4

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I prefer stock market. I leave a minor portion of my stock holdings to my control completely. Rest left to professionals, mostly in retirement accounts.

Gambling at casinos with my limit of $20 doesn't last more than 10 or 20 minutes. My mother gambles and gives me free comp rooms and dinners if I need them. I don't drink or use recreational drugs, just my personal choice, although I have a obvious vice (cars).

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I've been obsessed with cars since and early age. I like about anything to do with them. I also collect license plates but not in any particularly organized manner other than the inventory list embedded in my mind. Beer goes well with detailing and repair work. It's the sugar and chemical based drinks that cause problems. Beer is all natural and I like natural things.

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My mom said it was my first word. Loved them all my life. Even songs about cars, thus my love for the Beach Boys. My mom had a red '70 Charger. I kept it pristine. She hated when I moved out and she had to go through car washes.

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