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It doesn't at all imply that its anything but a reduction in the increase of spending. The point is that he has increased spending FAR less than any previous president before him since Eisenhower.

Remember, Steve Forbes is a CONSERVATIVE. He ran for president a few times...as a conservative Republican. Forbes is NOT a liberal magazine.

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Was just made aware of this, Vietnam vets were told they could not be next to wall during the Memorial day services, (I guess because they are considered potential terrorist by Homeland security) See this article:


funny all former presidents welcomed their positions next to the wall. Typical Politician kissing the media....

Please remember to vote in November.....

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I see in the heat of battle, you folks blew right by my question. It wasn't to hard, and it's point pretty obvious.

Each one of these forigien nationals are here illegaly. But, under the new law in some states, and a law that Obama wants repeled, which will you pick to stop and ask for thier I.D - or papers. This is not a trick question. Just looking for opinions.


Question: Of the following potential illegals, walking past you on the sidewalk, witch would you automatically expect IS an illegal and ask for papers?

Mexican; Costa Rican; Swedish; Columbian; German; Danish; Yugoslavian

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I would turn in any of those groups if I suspected they were illegal....Dont folks get it....come here legally....So many have and studied hard to achieve it. What is wrong with that...Other wise come here on a green card....Not one of those groups are you allowed into their country illegally....You have to show a passport, or work visa......

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You don't get it LOL. Nobody is saying we should allow people to come here illegally. We're saying that the government should not have the right to harass American citizens by asking them to submit to a search without probable cause. Thats all.

As for your article about the wall, thats hardly an unbiased source LOL. For your information, its not at all uncommon for Presidents to give addresses at the Vietnam wall on Memorial Day, and as you know the President is a very at-risk figure in public and security has to play a role.

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Question: Of the following potential illegals, walking past you on the sidewalk, witch would you automatically expect IS an illegal and ask for papers?

Mexican; Costa Rican; Swedish; Columbian; German; Danish; Yugoslavian

Ok I'll play! (because you asked) The Mexican? Why because here where I live we have so many illegals it is getting a little out of control. Seriously we have so many claims with uninsured Mexican drivers that it would make me think this way. Add to that and I don't run into that many Danish people around here!

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You don't get it LOL. Nobody is saying we should allow people to come here illegally. We're saying that the government should not have the right to harass American citizens by asking them to submit to a search without probable cause. Thats all.

As for your article about the wall, thats hardly an unbiased source LOL. For your information, its not at all uncommon for Presidents to give addresses at the Vietnam wall on Memorial Day, and as you know the President is a very at-risk figure in public and security has to play a role.

very true, however there are a lot more sources with the same info. Previous Presidents didnt treat our veterans and families like that. And really 7 hours...give me a break.

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very true, however there are a lot more sources with the same info. Previous Presidents didnt treat our veterans and families like that. And really 7 hours...give me a break.

Do you think the President called the Secret Service and said "Keep them away for 7 hours, HAHAHA!?" No. The Secret Service made a determination independently of the President of what security measures were necessary to protect the President and everybody else at the event. Such things aren't political.

Previous Presidents haven't had the same level of security concerns. Ronald Reagan walked outside to get in a limo and got shot...now the President can't walk into a vehicle outside. JFK was assassinated in an open car...no more open cars. Quite frankly...this President is more of a target because he's black.

You can't put political pressure on the Secret Service, they need to do whatever they have to do to protect the President, thats their job. Just because someone is a veteran doesn't mean they aren't a security risk. LOTS of people have threatened the President, and even made attempts on the President's life who are veterans. It makes for a photo-op that plays into your agenda, but by presenting it the way you're presenting it you're not being fair. You make it sound like me maliciously mistreated veterans and kept them from the wall. He's the President of the United States, he gave an address to veterans and their families, and of course there were inconveniences for security. Thats a reality of 2012. Had he not made an address, you'd call him uncaring and decry him for that because you hate his guts, and you don't have an impartial bone in your body.

Believe me, I'm sure Obama would prefer to just be able to show up at the wall and give a little address, surrounded by veterans and their families with no checkpoints, no security, etc. Thats just not realistic.

k I'll play! (because you asked) The Mexican? Why because here where I live we have so many illegals it is getting a little out of control. Seriously we have so many claims with uninsured Mexican drivers that it would make me think this way

Thats how some people feel about black people too. Because "around here black people are always stealing stuff, selling drugs and hurting people".

You would say a law that says black people have to submit to random searches to be sure that they aren't carrying stolen items or drugs, any time with the only probably cause being they're black is probably a little over the top, wouldn't you?

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I know for a fact that cops treat most people based on their bahavior such as body language, tweakers, etc for possible stops and questions to prevent crime. They get to know their community very well and understand whom to stop and not stop and ask questions. It is a dangerous job and many would be felons, criminals, illegals are caught this way. I drove around town with my son and he can pick out the drug users in a heart beat....As for illegals, he doesnt have time, but typically will question them after a crime (usually a black robbing a illegal) and tell them to keep their knives for protection. I just want the laws that are on the books to be enforced to protect the citizens of the UNited States...By the way he will turn an illegal that commits a crime. Unfortunately our system lets them out on the street to do it again.

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k I'll play! (because you asked) The Mexican? Why because here where I live we have so many illegals it is getting a little out of control. Seriously we have so many claims with uninsured Mexican drivers that it would make me think this way

Thats how some people feel about black people too. Because "around here black people are always stealing stuff' date=' selling drugs and hurting people".

You would say a law that says black people have to submit to random searches to be sure that they aren't carrying stolen items or drugs, any time with the only probably cause being they're black is probably a little over the top, wouldn't you?


I agree and I don't think that it is right to ask for someone, or anyone for their papers for no reason other than how they look. I was just playing along with Paul. However. I do think if pulled over for anything ID's should be checked and if the are here illegally they should be deported. Seriously I don't think random checkpoints that everyone has to show ID's would be a bad idea.

Just because someone is a veteran doesn't mean they aren't a security risk. LOTS of people have threatened the President, and even made attempts on the President's life who are veterans.

By the way SW where is your source for all the veterans that have threatened our great president? Just kidding with you! :)

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Seriously I don't think random checkpoints that everyone has to show ID's would be a bad idea.

That violates the 4th amendment. No probable cause.

By the way SW where is your source for all the veterans that have threatened our great president? Just kidding with you! :)

I'll find one LOL

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Seriously I don't think random checkpoints that everyone has to show ID's would be a bad idea.

That violates the 4th amendment. No probable cause.

Well if they can get away with it to see if I am wearing my seatbelt, or for DUI, DWI checkpoints they could absolutely find a legal way to do it.

But honestly you mentioned the way to solve part of the problem already. Crack down on the employers that hire illegals. If there are no jobs for the people in the country illegally then they won't be here. And we must do something about securing the border.

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Funny how the final line is the 4th Amendment, however the 2nd amendment has been attacked constantly because of the right to own guns....So I guess it is a pick and chose on what you want to be the law of the land....

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Two points:

First: DUI Check-points.

Two: The 4th amendment doesn't have innocent people bleeding to death through gapping holes in their body for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Hiding behind an amendment written when we were farmers and rode horses in the high-plains of Kansas in search of land, so you/me/us/we can have a god damn glock in our car or strapped to our side, is a core problem with this country, and quite frankly, makes me want to puke radioactive vomit in the face of those I see walking around MY country with them on. NOTHING makes me more angry about the constitution than how slicked-back dickweeds have perverted the call for a society to arm itself for defensive purposes (army) to allow bubba small-!Removed! and his 4 IQ possey to define their contribution to mankind by trying to intimidate society....with their little !Removed! guns. F' THE GUNS! GO TO MEXICO IF YOU WANT GUNS! GET THEM OUT OF AMERICA!!

PS: I don't like guns...just and FYI... :whistles:

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Funny how the final line is the 4th Amendment, however the 2nd amendment has been attacked constantly because of the right to own guns....So I guess it is a pick and chose on what you want to be the law of the land....

You can reverse that statement and throw it right back at yourself.

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NC211, that is your right to not like guns, however the bad guys have them, and the good guys are told they cant have them....Statistically where they are allowed the crime rate by guns is less. (Switzerland) . I Dont have one with me, but if some tweaker, or idiot comes thru my door and threatens than they will be met with consequences. A government that controls them is a government that doesnt trust its people. We are not that Utopian society that folks want to believe we can have. As long as their are the have's and have nots their is going to be crime. The real core problem of this nations is the destruction of family and lack of jobs...

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Switzerland does not allow it's people to have guns, for the sake of having guns. Switzerland not only allows it's people to have A gun, but issues each properly trained male who owns a home one because it is required that in a time of war, all male citizens are to be trained and ready to form as a collective group, as an army, and are therefore allowed to have a rifle in their home. Additionally, Switzerland men are required to go through many years of military training as a right of passage to becoming a man in Switzerland, a training regiment that calls for some of the toughest gorilla warfare ever seen, even to this day, of any nation on the planet. You would have to be nuts to fight the Swiss. That's why every nation on earth wants the swiss to be their ally. Those who have guns (and, we're not talking hand guns stuffed in their pockets here) have them to function as our 2nd amend was supposed to provide as well. Not, to show off as a false badge of strength, but to have in situations of STATE emergencies whereby the nation is at a life/death point in it's existance. Unless you plan on drafting the Crips and Bloods into a boot camp whereby one of the requirments is to live in the woods and 110% off of the land only for two years straight.... Using Switzerland as your model as to why America should have guns, is nowhere near accurate. I would love to see just 5% of the gun owners in this country even attempt to go through what the swiss have to go through before they're allowed to touch a gun.

Plus, I doubt you'll find Bubba's Gun Emporium in Switzerland... "Today only, free red wigglers with the purchase of your AR15, in many different colors too!" Makes me sick.

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Switzerland does not allow it's people to have guns, for the sake of having guns. Switzerland not only allows it's people to have A gun, but issues each properly trained male who owns a home one because it is required that in a time of war, all male citizens are to be trained and ready to form as a collective group, as an army, and are therefore allowed to have a rifle in their home. Additionally, Switzerland men are required to go through many years of military training as a right of passage to becoming a man in Switzerland, a training regiment that calls for some of the toughest gorilla warfare ever seen, even to this day, of any nation on the planet. You would have to be nuts to fight the Swiss. That's why every nation on earth wants the swiss to be their ally. Those who have guns (and, we're not talking hand guns stuffed in their pockets here) have them to function as our 2nd amend was supposed to provide as well. Not, to show off as a false badge of strength, but to have in situations of STATE emergencies whereby the nation is at a life/death point in it's existance. Unless you plan on drafting the Crips and Bloods into a boot camp whereby one of the requirments is to live in the woods and 110% off of the land only for two years straight.... Using Switzerland as your model as to why America should have guns, is nowhere near accurate. I would love to see just 5% of the gun owners in this country even attempt to go through what the swiss have to go through before they're allowed to touch a gun.

Plus, I doubt you'll find Bubba's Gun Emporium in Switzerland... "Today only, free red wigglers with the purchase of your AR15, in many different colors too!" Makes me sick.

Where on earth do you get your fantasy information. I retired from Zurich Financial Services, worked closely with my Swiss coworkers, traveled there occasionally and was as shocked as anybody when my Swiss coworker Bruno's sister was killed by her boyfriend in Zurich with a legal non-military pistol. And no, many of my male Swiss coworkers did not serve in the military. They were exempted for a variety or reasons.

Don't go spreading this kind of crap. You don't have a clue.

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Well then my international history professor in college, my own 30 year military veteran father, and even the friggin Globus tour guide while we went through Switzerland in 2007, we're all wrong when they all told me close to the same thing.

Don't really care. Guns still suck a$$ all day long, period. If I could, I'd drop a load myself on the right to bear arms amendment. I think it's been whored out for all the wrong reasons and is a growing problem at the core of this country, and nobody will ever change my mind on it!

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You know, I think I've travelled this road long enough. I really have nothing left to offer in terms of car advice, and have grown tired of getting pulled into these silly debates over politics, even though I've started more than my fair share around here over the years. I'll catch up to guys later on down the road. Maybe if I scratch that itch for an LS again.

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Don't really care. Guns still suck a$$ all day long, period. If I could, I'd drop a load myself on the right to bear arms amendment. I think it's been whored out for all the wrong reasons and is a growing problem at the core of this country, and nobody will ever change my mind on it!

NC I wonder why you feel this way about firearms? I grew up around guns and have had them around me my entire life. I keep a few guns in my home, keep a loaded 357 in my desk at my office. I am seriously after being told by two state troopers am considering filing for a carry permit.

The main thing I don't get is why would you want to have guns removed from people who obey the law? You will never get all of them away from the criminals...

I hate hearing about a child getting killed, or school shootings, or an innocent person getting shot. Hate hearing about car accidents too...maybe we should ban cars many more people are killed in car accidents.

Not trying to come across as a !Removed! just seriously respect you and think your an educated person so I would love to hear the other side of this argument.

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Well then my international history professor in college, my own 30 year military veteran father, and even the friggin Globus tour guide while we went through Switzerland in 2007, we're all wrong when they all told me close to the same thing.

Don't really care. Guns still suck a$$ all day long, period. If I could, I'd drop a load myself on the right to bear arms amendment. I think it's been whored out for all the wrong reasons and is a growing problem at the core of this country, and nobody will ever change my mind on it!

You don't really care about facts? Switzerland may have had something approaching univeral military service for male citizens a long time ago - so did the U.S. until the draft was eliminated nearly 40 years ago not long after it caught me. Do you also believe there is a "Swiss Army Knife"? That's a myth too. My Swiss coworkers loved that one.

Maybe your "Globus tour guide" was giving you the sanitized tourist version of history in 2007. Get off the organized tours and meet real people. You're not going to learn much on a tour bus.

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You know, I think I've travelled this road long enough. I really have nothing left to offer in terms of car advice, and have grown tired of getting pulled into these silly debates over politics, even though I've started more than my fair share around here over the years. I'll catch up to guys later on down the road. Maybe if I scratch that itch for an LS again.

Ah NC dont go away, I enjoy your post...We can always agree to no agree.. Have a great day.

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  • 1 month later...

12 dead, dozens wounded, while watching the new Batman movie in Colorado. Killer had an AR15 as well. Guns....still sucking!

Maybe this wouldn't of happened though if the victims also had guns too. Maybe I'll remember that for my son's 10th birthday in a few years. Or maybe this wouldn't of happened if the movie theater owner had posted armed guards at the doors, cause that's sounds like a great way to watch a movie with you friends and family...

Guns suck!

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