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Been Away For A While


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Hey everyone,

Been away for a while and have missed the LOC activity. Got an email that's prompted me to say a few words.

It's been a tough time for us since early summer.

At the end of May we lost Chelsea.



She was family and we were fortunate to have had her company for 13 years. We had her father before her. So we've had dogs in our family for about 19 years. Any of you who have lost a pet know what kind of hole it leaves in your life when you lose one. Chelsea was a faithful companion on many an adventure. She was as sweet, loving and intelligent as they come.

As an example, (and I don't want to dwell on her in this forum, but his is an extraordinary dog) she came up to me one time with that stare that tells me she has to go or she's hungry. I was in the middle of watching something on the tube, so I didn't respond right away. She didn't give up and lie down to wait until I'm finished with whatever I was watching like she would normally do. This time she came close and gave me a paw. Ok, got it, she definitely has to go. Alright then, I head for the side door to let her out, then turn around to fnd she's not following me. One thing I had taught her (another sign of her intelligence) was to "Show Me" whenever I couldn't guess what she was trying to say. So I said "Show Me". Immediately she headed for the kitchen checking every 10 feet to make sure I was following her. When we get there she stops at a closet at one end of the kitchen. This closet has all of her things in there. One by one I pull out her teddies, then chewies, then brush (she liked to be brushed - you know how females like to take care of themselves), all in vain. There's nothing left except her shampoo and I was sure that's not what she was after. I was going to give up and close the door, when she nosed me (pushed her nose into my leg - which means "try harder"). Ok, since she's so adamant,I'll give it one more try. I look around to see all that's left is her shampoo and nail clippers. As soon as I pick up the clippers, she barks then goes to lie down in the middle of the floor - the usual routine when I do her nails. The whole while I'm trimming her nails I'm imagining her wondering what took me so long to figure her out. After all, she gave me her paw! If we're the more intelligent species, how come they can understand us better than we can them?

About a month later I lost a close friend to liver cancer. Way too early. The leader of our rowdy group in college, we partied hard, studied hard and for years after, worked hard. Always stayed in touch.

It just wont be the same. And life never is. It's been a while since losing them and I'm starting to appreciate all the good memories. I know this is part of life. This is my first experience of how bittersweet life really is. I had planned to visit Roy last spring (we live in different cities about 2 hrs apart), but biz postponed my plans to the fall. When I called to arrange the trip, his wife told me he had passed. I have Lennon's phrase, "Life is what happens while you're making plans" as part of my signature. I have never experienced exactly the meaning of those words until now.

I have spent the last while getting in touch with as many friends and relatives as I can. The wife and I are finally able to go for some of those daily walks we used to take with Chelsea. She's even suggesting names for our next dog. I'm not ready just yet, but by spring, who knows.

I've visited you guys from time to time and had wanted to jump in on a number of occasions, but realized I really didn't have the time to participate. I miss the interaction. I wont be posting much for the next while, but I''ll be there in spirit and maybe in the new year I'll find the time. Take care everyone, all the best for the holidays, and drive safely.

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My mom just lost her dog and my dad lost his 6 months before that they had them around 14 years. It is tough and then losing a friend...I don't know what to say. I guess it makes you appreciate what you have even more. I think getting another dog would be good for you. Dad is trying to talk mom into another one but she's not sure if she's ready yet.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too.

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I too am a dog person int fact our 1999 lx470 was the dog car:) I lost both of my dogs this year. Tough losing one but losing both OMG. yannii a (basinji lab mix) in April and my chocolate lab duke in October. It really is tough they are extremely intelligent creatures. They know exactly what we want and need at any given moment. Just the other day I broke down because I made pot roast and there was no one down below for the scraps and talk yowell at me for a treat. Having no kids, they were my sit in for kids.

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I'm sorry to hear about your loss. You gave her a wonderful full life, I'm sure. We have a 12 year old Beagle that we know we will have to deal with this issue soon. IT's so hard to come to terms with. It's going to be a difficult period for sure.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry I missed this one, EB! I certainly hope the sun starts shining brighter in your world!

Maybe a cat? I've got three if you'd like one (or two, or three)? They're really nice and sweet, when they're not shredding your ankle for treats, screaming at 3am to go out side and fight the racoon, finding the only strip of white carpet in the house to puke on, and doing their best impersonations of Hannibal Lector on the front steps with the local field mice.... Let me know - free shipping - great with kids (assuming proper body armor) :cheers:

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