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So, I'm Thinking Of Two New Cars Too


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Great, now that the big group hug is done, can we get back to helping NC211 with his new car quest? :whistles:

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"You are irritating me" is not a personal attack. We're all adults here...if you can't handle that then this forum stuff isn't for you.

"The 5 series is ugly and everyone knows it, the only people who drive them do so because they are cheap"

Where I come from, calling someone irritating is a personal attack, as a mod, you should know that.

Please show where is my quote that you posted. You cannot because it doesn’t exist. Please do not twist my words around to make me look bad. If you are going to quote someone, use the exact words, you shouldn’t change my words around to you support your argument.

With that said, I am not going to post anymore about this personal attack incident, I am try to preserves a sense of community here, not establishing one group against another.

Have a good day :)

G man, you need to reread my statement. I did not "call you" irritating in the sense of name calling. I said you were performing an action, just as SWO stated. You were starting to irritate me, which is my opinion.

"Thats understanble nc211, not everybody likes Jags, but you like a Camry better than a Jag? Come on

We have 2 Camry Hybrid where I work, they are full of rattles and the interior is made from very cheap material.

Before, you buy your GS, do a little research first, the 2nd gen GS is pretty good but the 3rd gen GS is full of rattles and other issues."

This was your response in another thread about me not buying a Jag. You were talking down to me like I'm some kid (37 year old family man by the way) who didn't have a clue about cars. Additionally, you assumed I was in the market for a GS, which if you look over to my list of cars, you'll see I already have one. In my opinion, you need to soften your comments a bit, and not try to make everyone seem inferior to you, which is how you're coming across to some of us. I can say this to you, because I've earned that ability around here, as there was a time that I too used the hammer a little to much as well. This isn't a court room, and we're not under oath. We're just a group of Lexus fans sharing stories, ideas, and in this specific section, opinions. I don't have a lot of "what's wrong with my car" questions to ask anymore since selling my LS years ago, so I tend to lurk around here answering questions on stuff I learned from others, and kicking around these parts for the conversation. I did not call you a name. I said your behaviour was starting to irritate me, which is my opinion.

I have no beef with you. I just ask that you let others have their say without comments like the one above. I think you'll find a much more receptive audience if you do. I've learned that lesson myself, at the cost of some friends around here before the light bulb came on for me.

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Where I come from, calling someone irritating is a personal attack, as a mod, you should know that.

I've been moderating internet car forums for 13 years and I wrote the posting guidelines of this site, so I think I know what construes a personal attack here at the LOC.

If you think someone telling you that you are irritating them, or even calling you irritating directly (which he didn't do) is a personal attack I don't know how you cope with adult life. There's a difference between saying someone is being irritating and calling someone a rude name. You know that.

I think you are being irritating. Thats not an attack...I'm sure plenty of people here think I am irritating and I don't care...they can tell me that whenever they want. I'm not calling you a name or insulting you. Everyone has to treat everyone else with respect but we don't all have to like one another.

Please show where is my quote that you posted. You cannot because it doesn’t exist. Please do not twist my words around to make me look bad. If you are going to quote someone, use the exact words, you shouldn’t change my words around to you support your argument.

I was showing you how what you were saying was coming across to those you were saying it to. The purpose was not to specifically quote your post but to show you the tone that it carried.

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SW03ES, like I said earlier, I do not wish to discuss this personal attack incident with you further if you are not going to take it seriously.

NC211, If can call someone a name and sugar coated and it is still a personal attack. What if I was to say to you " you are starting to make me think of you as a A. hole ". That is in the same context as mentioned above and I would most certainly consider that a personal attack.

Yes, I was questioning why you like the Camry better than a Jag because it was out of the norm, it was not a personal attack and I was not attacking your intelligence. Much like you, I was simply trying help you out by passing on my experience with the Camry Hybrid and the GS350, take it for what its worst.

I do come on too strong sometimes and I know that, please accept my apologies if I offend you in anyways. I just get too involved in heated discussions sometimes 

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SW03ES, like I said earlier, I do not wish to discuss this personal attack incident with you further if you are not going to take it seriously.

Not going to take it seriously? I'm the Forums Manager and I am telling you that according to the LOC's Rules of Conduct nc211 committed no wrong towards you. There's nothing to discuss.

NC211, If can call someone a name and sugar coated and it is still a personal attack. What if I was to say to you " you are starting to make me think of you as a A. hole ". That is in the same context as mentioned above and I would most certainly consider that a personal attack.

Calling someone an a$$hole and saying that someone is beginning to irritate you are two totally different things.

"You are an a$$hole" would be a personal attack. "You are starting to irritate me" is not a personal attack, nor is it an insulting, derrogatory, or even a slightly rude thing to say in the least. It is simply a fact, you were irritating him and he told you that. Not an issue at all.

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I have always really liked this generation 5 series...

Except for the current Chris Bangle design 5 series, it is one of the ugliest BMW ever made. They are so ugly that no one wants them and with the redeign coming out next year, the dealers are practically giving them away. You get get a 2 year old 5 series for under $30000.

You don't see how this exchange can be insulting to me? I say that I really like the current 5 series and you come in and say "In fact its ugly,the ugliest BMW ever made, and its so ugly that no one wants them.

Checked out a 2007 BMW 328 wagon today. I've made up my mind. I'm going to scratch that itch, and my next car will be a BMW. The new 3series is a whole lot nicer and roomier than the earlier series.

Just waiting on a couple of things to line up in my world before pulling the trigger, hopefully in the not too distant future....

The 3 series wagon is one ugly car, go check out the A4 advant, its a much better wagon.

And how about this? nc has said that he has decided he wants a BMW 3 series wagon. You respond with "Wow that 3 series wagon is one ugly car! Look at the Audi A4 Avant...its much better than that crap you like"

That is incredibly rude...and I think nc was being very respectful when all he said to you was that you were beginning to irritate him.

You don't see the issue here yet when someone tells you that you are irritating them you cry about a personal attack? Dish it out and can't take it much?

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I have always really liked this generation 5 series...

Except for the current Chris Bangle design 5 series, it is one of the ugliest BMW ever made. They are so ugly that no one wants them and with the redeign coming out next year, the dealers are practically giving them away. You get get a 2 year old 5 series for under $30000.

You don't see how this exchange can be insulting to me? I say that I really like the current 5 series and you come in and say "In fact its ugly,the ugliest BMW ever made, and its so ugly that no one wants them.

Checked out a 2007 BMW 328 wagon today. I've made up my mind. I'm going to scratch that itch, and my next car will be a BMW. The new 3series is a whole lot nicer and roomier than the earlier series.

Just waiting on a couple of things to line up in my world before pulling the trigger, hopefully in the not too distant future....

The 3 series wagon is one ugly car, go check out the A4 advant, its a much better wagon.

And how about this? nc has said that he has decided he wants a BMW 3 series wagon. You respond with "Wow that 3 series wagon is one ugly car! Look at the Audi A4 Avant...its much better than that crap you like"

That is incredibly rude...and I think nc was being very respectful when all he said to you was that you were beginning to irritate him.

You don't see the issue here yet when someone tells you that you are irritating them you cry about a personal attack? Dish it out and can't take it much?

Lol, I didn’t call you or NC ugly, I said those BMW was ugly. Calling a car nice looking or ugly is merely an opinion, if you don’t agree with it, thats fine, no need to call me names.

In my example, I didn’t call him a A hole, I use the same context as he did and I quoted: you are starting to make me think of you as a A. hole. I did not call him a A hole but just merely thought of him as one. All semantics, we can go on all day. I take the tone of your previous post to be offensive as well but I will not response with another offensive post for the good of this forum.

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When I go back to reread this thread more and more examples just keep popping out at me...

nc211 says this:

But we've always loved the little 3 series wagons. They're hard to find, as folks who seem to buy them, keep them forever.

You say this:

The 3 series wagon are so hard to find because BMW dont sell too many here in the US, they are ugly and have a cheap Kmart interior. Of course if all you want is performance and everything else is subpar, then BMW is the perfect car for you

And you aren't being rude? Thats a laugh.

Let me lay it out for you.

The way in which you responded to the above posts was rude, whether you think it was or if it was intended to be that way or not. It was belittling and offensive...obviously it wasn't just me that felt that way. You need to think about how your words come across before you post them.

In no way can a personal attack come out of using the word "irritating". If a 5 year old can say it on a playground...you can say it here. A 5 year old isn't going to get a time out for calling his friend irritating on the playground. He would for calling him an a$$hole. Saying that someone is irritating you is a very healthy, valid & respectful way to express frustration about how someone's actions are affecting you.

No one has called you names. Saying you are irritating is not calling you a name.

This is a friendly forum, and if you cannot respond to people's opinions and voice your own opinions in a friendly and respectful manner you won't be welcome to post here anymore. Those are facts...not opinions. Again...I make the rules. Don't like the rules? Plenty of other forums on the internet.

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