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If you are turned down for health insurance in the state of MD you can get MHIP and it is subsidized for low income. It is true there are plans for people. I help people sign up for it. I am not saying it is the best plan out there. COBRA is a option for people that have lost jobs but it is not cheap.

The dumb thing is in MD small groups 2 to 50 there are no medical questions so there is no underwritting on individual basis. That's why rates have shot up.

As NC said HMO's offer great plans. My sister has a PPO had to pay over 2k when she had her baby. My bill from the birth of my son is a 20 copay. That is a HMO and a good one that works. The main problem with the drs and HMO plans as you have said is reimbursement for the DRs. I can understand the frustration with having to deal with billing and claims forms but check out what some of these DRs are charging the insurance companies too. My neighbor just told me that a Dr that he has seen for years has stopped accepting his insurance so he told him it is ok he will pay cash. Saw him for 3 mins. Showed the dr what was bothering him dr said don't worry about it. Got the bill $210.00 for 3 mins, neighbor said he is glad

that his insurance is not paying this guy. He is finding a new Dr. This is why HSA plans are working people start asking what things cost and why the need things done not just 10, or 20 co pays.

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If you are turned down for health insurance in the state of MD you can get MHIP and it is subsidized for low income. It is true there are plans for people. I help people sign up for it. I am not saying it is the best plan out there. COBRA is a option for people that have lost jobs but it is not cheap

And your company has to particpate with COBRA. Small companies don't have to..

Thats also in MD...thats not the case in all states.

Showed the dr what was bothering him dr said don't worry about it. Got the bill $210.00 for 3 mins, neighbor said he is glad

that his insurance is not paying this guy. He is finding a new Dr. This is why HSA plans are working people start asking what things cost and why the need things done not just 10, or 20 co pays.

That comes from the way they bill. They bill at rates like that to keep the average pay per service from the insurance companies up...

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That comes from the way they bill. They bill at rates like that to keep the average pay per service from the insurance companies up...

Is this right? I don't care why they do it...it is still wrong.

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I think this email that I received sums it up pretty well:


Dear All 535 voting members of the Legislature.

It is now official: You are all morons.

The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 - you have had 234 years to get it right;

It is broke.

Social Security was established in 1935 - you have had 74 years to get it right;

It is broke.

Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - you have had 71 years to get it right;

It is broke..

War on Poverty started in 1964 - you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked.

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - you've had 44 years to get it right; they're broke

Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke

Trillions of dollars in the massive political payoff called the TARP bill of 2009 shows NO sign of working.

And finally to set a new record:

"Cash for Clunkers" was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took good dependable cars ( that were the best some people could afford ) replaced them with high priced ( people who couldn't afford to are now making payments ) mostly Japanese models so a good percentage of the profits, from the sales, went out of the country. And lastly, the American taxpayers are now going to be dinged with paying for yet 3 billion more dollars of our governments experiments to make our wallets even thinner.

So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that "services" you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system? 15% of our economy? Are you crazy?

Truly, the inmates are running the asylum! And what does this say about voters who put such pond scum in office? Maybe we need to let others in on this brilliant record before 2010 and just vote against incumbents.

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I think this email that I received sums it up pretty well:


Dear All 535 voting members of the Legislature.

It is now official: You are all morons.

The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 - you have had 234 years to get it right;

It is broke.

Social Security was established in 1935 - you have had 74 years to get it right;

It is broke.

Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - you have had 71 years to get it right;

It is broke..

War on Poverty started in 1964 - you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked.

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - you've had 44 years to get it right; they're broke

Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke

Trillions of dollars in the massive political payoff called the TARP bill of 2009 shows NO sign of working.

And finally to set a new record:

"Cash for Clunkers" was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took good dependable cars ( that were the best some people could afford ) replaced them with high priced ( people who couldn't afford to are now making payments ) mostly Japanese models so a good percentage of the profits, from the sales, went out of the country. And lastly, the American taxpayers are now going to be dinged with paying for yet 3 billion more dollars of our governments experiments to make our wallets even thinner.

So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that "services" you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system? 15% of our economy? Are you crazy?

Truly, the inmates are running the asylum! And what does this say about voters who put such pond scum in office? Maybe we need to let others in on this brilliant record before 2010 and just vote against incumbents.

:D :lol: Funny but true, it is actually sad. :(

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That comes from the way they bill. They bill at rates like that to keep the average pay per service from the insurance companies up...

Is this right? I don't care why they do it...it is still wrong.

They have no choice...they have to make a living and the insurance companies are CONSTANTLY out to lower their fees. They have to overbill to keep the % of their fees the insurance companies will pay up.

You can't say on the one hand doctors have a right to make a huge living (i.e. "have you seen the pay scale for doctors in other countries?") and then on the other hand decry them for charging too much here. You can't have it both ways.

As for Cash for Clunkers...Ford's production was up 18%...is that a Japanese company?

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That comes from the way they bill. They bill at rates like that to keep the average pay per service from the insurance companies up...

Is this right? I don't care why they do it...it is still wrong.

They have no choice...they have to make a living and the insurance companies are CONSTANTLY out to lower their fees. They have to overbill to keep the % of their fees the insurance companies will pay up.

You can't say on the one hand doctors have a right to make a huge living (i.e. "have you seen the pay scale for doctors in other countries?") and then on the other hand decry them for charging too much here. You can't have it both ways.

Putting words in my mouth SW. I asked if you have seen the payscale meaning our Drs are paid more than others it's actually close to double than some countries with govt run health care. Now the insurance companies are trying to lower what they pay the DRs for services GOOD! What business doesn't try to lower cost? I think the DRs should get paid for

what they do but come on I see the charges that get paid by insurance companies. There is so much money waisted in the drug part of healthcare alone it is sick. Who writes the scripts? Insurance companies try to lower cost by getting people to use generic drugs? I think this is a good thing? I am not saying insurance companies are perfect there are loads of things that could be run better but I will just say once more the state regulates insurance already so who should people be upset with the insurance company for filing for rate increases or the state for approving them.

One last thing if the Insurance business is so great and the health insurance companies are making so much money tell me why there are so few companies that offer plans. I have been on the BD for 5 years and am President this year of our local NAIFA association we have meeting with insurance company reps, have met with senators, delegates every year about this do you know MD has one of the most mandatory benefit health plans in the country? This is why there are only 2 companies that have around 80% of the business and no other companies want to come in the state at all. There are loads of

problems with this. If the federal govt would set a simple standard policy require everyone to be covered and then require open enrollment for people to enter plans there would be more competition which is good. But the govt has voted down federal regulation that is not insurance companies fault. Insurance companies get a bad rep all of the time and there are many times they deserve it, but people may soon see that just because the grass is greener on the other side doesn't mean it is easier to mow. Someone has to pay for this and Lenores post shows how well our govt spends money. And MR Obama thinks it is play money. I have never heard the term Billion dollars used so much and like it is no big deal.

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Actually I knew what you meant, that our doctors make more than in other countries. Are you saying thats a good or bad thing?

I'm also not saying necessarily that insurance companies are making boatloads...the whole industry is just so completely dysfunctional it wouldn't surprise me if nobody was making any money. The reason they don't offer plans though is because it isn't profitable. Insuring people's health is not always profitable, and its the people who need the insurance usually that are not profitable, which is one of the arguments for an option that is not run for profit, but instead simply for the purpose of providing care whether there is a profit or a loss.

We can spend $50 Billion on a new Submarine...to fight a war in the desert....and spend a $Billion a day in Iraq...and people don't care...yet somehow when it comes to trying to provide healthcare people all of a sudden say the government thinks its play money.

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Actually I knew what you meant, that our doctors make more than in other countries. Are you saying thats a good or bad thing?

I'm also not saying necessarily that insurance companies are making boatloads...the whole industry is just so completely dysfunctional it wouldn't surprise me if nobody was making any money. The reason they don't offer plans though is because it isn't profitable. Insuring people's health is not always profitable, and its the people who need the insurance usually that are not profitable, which is one of the arguments for an option that is not run for profit, but instead simply for the purpose of providing care whether there is a profit or a loss.

We can spend $50 Billion on a new Submarine...to fight a war in the desert....and spend a $Billion a day in Iraq...and people don't care...yet somehow when it comes to trying to provide healthcare people all of a sudden say the government thinks its play money.

OK agree 110% that the govt waste too much money in everything they do. I am sorry but I am just going to agree to disagree with you on this one. There is no way that I want the govt having their hands in one more thing in my life.

Obama will probbably appoint some idiot like Van Jones as his health czar. There is no way this guy should even be aloud in the white house but he is one of Obama's top advisors? Wow no wonder we are going the way we are going.

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Sorry forgot to answer the question about the Drs. I think the reason we have the best in the world is because they are paid the best. So I think it is a good thing that they are paid well, however I think that there are many things that can be done to reduce cost. Still feel that much of it is defensive medicine which who can blame them?

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I can absolutely understand your desire not to have the government involved in another aspect of your life, but you do agree that something needs to be done right?

I also agree that part of the reason why we have such good Doctors here and such advancement in Medical science is because there is such money to be made, its capitalism at its best. The difficulty with managed care and insurance companies though are already making it harder for Drs to make a living and its keeping good, smart people out of the healthcare industry entirely. There was a time when I wanted to become a Psychologist and go into private practice...but thats not the living it used to be...

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See Obama's speech?

Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. I don't love the idea of a public option, I think that might be replacable by opening up the ability for people to purchase plans from other states to improve competition, but all in all I didn't hear much out of him that didn't make sense...

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Actually I knew what you meant, that our doctors make more than in other countries. Are you saying thats a good or bad thing?

I'm also not saying necessarily that insurance companies are making boatloads...the whole industry is just so completely dysfunctional it wouldn't surprise me if nobody was making any money. The reason they don't offer plans though is because it isn't profitable. Insuring people's health is not always profitable, and its the people who need the insurance usually that are not profitable, which is one of the arguments for an option that is not run for profit, but instead simply for the purpose of providing care whether there is a profit or a loss.

We can spend $50 Billion on a new Submarine...to fight a war in the desert....and spend a $Billion a day in Iraq...and people don't care...yet somehow when it comes to trying to provide healthcare people all of a sudden say the government thinks its play money.

However, National security is a higher priority than 10% of our nation's population not having healthcare. I don't mind them spending whatever it takes to protect my family members who are fighting for our security and the security of those under a dictatorship. I just don't want to see even more people taking advantage of another system of handouts. Plus were not talking about $50 billion for healthcare. THEY estimate it at around a $1,000,000,000,000 and thats THEIR ESTIMATE. When was the last time our government's estimate actually came under the actual cost? Don't worry I'll wait!

BTW just because its a submarine does not mean it can't provide support to those in Iraq.

Don't get me wrong, I am not some callous right winger. I want to see tort reform not government run programs, because we all know how well those have worked. Our country has been plagued by frivolous lawsuits, and it is because of the way torts are being used to tear businesses apart. I want people to be able to afford their own healthcare, because earning it is the American way. As for those who are born with illnesses or denied coverage, we already subsidize their care anyways, so what are they really trying push here?

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See Obama's speech?

Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. I don't love the idea of a public option, I think that might be replacable by opening up the ability for people to purchase plans from other states to improve competition, but all in all I didn't hear much out of him that didn't make sense...

YOU LIE!! :lol::lol:

Haha...did you see that idiot from South Carolina yell at him? Why is it always the southerners that can't help but make themselves look bad :chairshot:

First Kelly Pickler and Clay Aiken, now this guy? :blink:

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...but all joking aside......I thought he did a pretty damn good job last night. Took some of the "polish" off and showed some focus. First time I've viewed him as a President, not as a canidate. I certainly agree with you Steve, something has to be done, and I don't think we've ever been this close to tackling such a monster as healthcare. Hell, we're changing up everything these days anyway, why not healthcare too? You know fellas, sometimes a little dust in the air is exactly the right thing.

But if he doesn't stop running the bus over Bush every chance he gets, he's going to make himself look bad. We don't need to hear "it's not my fault, I didn't do it, you can't blame me, I didn't screw up", and folks are going to form the conclusion that he's not a leader, but a janitor.

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See Obama's speech?

Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. I don't love the idea of a public option, I think that might be replacable by opening up the ability for people to purchase plans from other states to improve competition, but all in all I didn't hear much out of him that didn't make sense...

Thats the thing about Obama that bugs me.

He always says the right things, but then somehow details start surfacing that no one likes. Then once one detail leaks, its like a broken levy, everything really just starts pouring out and all hell breaks loose. I have learned to watch his hands, rather than watch his mouth.

The man is a very gifted speaker, i will give him that. But as far as building and executing plans, he is a rookie.

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Now is the best chance we have to actually pass some healthcare reform. Want to save money? Bring the troops home from Iraq.

Its not just 10% of our country who doesn't have healthcare...most of the people with healthcare have inadequate care, and the costs of operating the system we have will cost more over time than the plan they're proposing.

Given a choice between taking care of what needs to happen here and fighting campaigns abroad? I'll take care of what needs to be dealt with here thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok....he's lost me with the whole year-round and longer school days for our kids. Sorry, but we're not the nation we are because our 5th graders know the Black-Sholes option pricing model. We're who we are because we know how to interact with eachother in a free society (albeit at times not in a good way). No way I'm going to let a "teacher" have more influence over the skill set and path of my children in this world, then me. Not going to happen, ever, never. Saying "I know how to do something" has two meanings. One has been told how, the other has done it. Two seperate learnings learned in the approach, but only one produces positive results. Need an example? Harvard......

Harvard has actually formed a class to study why nearly 80% of the corporate failures of the past 24 months have all been lead by Harvard grads. Knowing, and doing...two seperate things.

Plus, not to mention (and we all know someone like this), that person who is sooo book smart, but lacks the social ability to apply those smarts in a real-world setting, so they end up in the "drop out" zone. I've got a cousin like this. A true Mensa member, IQ off the charts, always studied, always listened. She's now 35 years old, and just might actually finish her undergrad this year (17 years later). She knows everything, but lacks the social skills to not freak out when asked to take a test on the material she knows.

Take away the social ability of our children, and you take away our unique ability as a nation, if you ask me.

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Lots of social situations happen in school...

But not a lot of independent choices and interaction, always under the watchful eye of the "system".

Wake County (Raleigh) has been going back and forth with this year-round system for the past few years. It has caused a lot of heartburn, heartache, and just down-right costly mistakes to the county's school system. It's driven quite a few families away to other counties and states. I never heard anyone say anything positive about it, and everyone seemed to fight it on the grounds of !Removed! up summer camp for the kids, to intruding on family time, to the lack of faith and trust in the additional amount of time their kids will be spending with "teachers". Obama needs to cool his jets on thinking "his" way is the only right way. It's discounting the private sector, and now it's starting to discount the parenting ability of the "general" public. I'll be damned if ANYONE from the political world knows 1/1000th of what I know when it comes to living your life in a moral, honest, and legit fashion. Hands off my son and my family, Obama. Not everybody thinks you're as great, as you think of yourself.

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LOL... you get so fired up!

Its just his opinion...which he's entitled to. Schools are a very local issue...which they will remain. I haven't even heard anything about it...from him or on the news.

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LOL... you get so fired up!

Hahhaaa!!! Yeah, guilty as charged, I can't really argue with that! I'm trying to cool my jets more these days though! Hey, at least I'm not ranting about Iran and all of that stuff anymore!! Making some progress! :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

My son is a Navy doctor at Great Lakes and they have not gotten their supply yet! Told they might get it in the next week or two. Meanwhile, the sick keep pouring in and the staff remains unprotected. His 6 month old daughter received her first shot last week. We are praying she builds her immunity before Daddy brings it home. My son knows of an ER resident whose 10 month old died. Terrible.

(Swine Flu) This wouldn't have happened under W's watch. My patience with Obama, and his party, is on thin ice. Mistreat the military fabric of this nation, and you're asking for trouble.

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