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Nintendo Wii


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My wife loves that Nintendo Wii, and i'm thinking of getting her one for her birthday next month. She's at home with NC Jr. these days, bouncing off the walls bored. But where on earth can you get one? This thing sounds like the fountain of youth, as it's sold out at Best Buy, and only seems to come in "Bundle" packages everywhere else I look, with crap we don't really need or want and at steep prices. Any suggestions?

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Actually, nevermind, I found a way to order from Circuit City. Any suggestions though on fun games?

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If your wife likes puzzle solving types of games, Super Mario Galaxy is kinda fun, and it's rated G so you don't have to worry about it corrupting the kids lol. The Mario Kart game looks like a lot of fun, although I haven't played that one yet. I've played all the previous iterations of Mario Kart and they were always entertaining, particularly if you had company.

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The bundle kit I bought from Circuit City comes with that Mario Party 8 game, along with an extra control/nunchuck thing. I'm watching some video now on the Wii at nintendo.com.

Question: in the videos, they're all using flatscreen TV's, infact most of them use mine in it "silver 42' Panasonic 1080i". I was thinking of having it hooked up in the bonus room to one of our older normal TV's "27'" because I am worried about "burn in". But, it seems like to me, the only way to really play these new game consols is in HD. Should I be worried about burn in if we do hook it up to the plasma? As an example: if my wife watches too much TV with the side bars, you can see the sidebar lines when you switch over to full screen, but it fades away after a while. Same thing with gaming? I worry that if we do hook it up to the plasma, that I'll forever see someone's score and power meter in the bottom right of the screen, while I'm watching normal TV.

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that's the bummer about plasma... one reason i went with dlp... no burn in... but as long as you don't leave a game on pause for a long period of time you shouldn't have anything permanent... i have a plasma in the bedroom and it does what you said, but it always fades out.... so just don't leave any menu up or the game on pause for hours at a time and you should be fine... :P ...a lot of the newer tvs have burn in protection which basically just shifts the screen over a pixel and back to change the image but to where your eye doesn't notice it.... just fyi

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Just don't leave the tv on a certain screen for a long time. Btw (I don't have a Wii) but I would presume there might be a "screensaver" mode on it?

The Wii is very fun to play with, but be careful! Don't play it before going to work, before playing sports, or any strenuous activity because it MAY cause soreness! I regret playing the Wii once for 2 hours before I went to work! :wacko: lol. I was playing boxing, and after that I had to work my job as the shuttle driver at a local dealership and boy my arms and shoulders were so sore when I drove! :( lol

Btw, get NEED FOR SPEED for it and buy the wireless steering wheel! ;)

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Ours is hooked up to our plasma, no problems. You set it to wide screen and burn in protection mode and it dims if the screen hasn't been touched in 5 minutes.

Good games:

WiiSports which it comes with is a lot of fun, tennis, golf, boxing, and bowling


Tiger Woods Golf

We just got a WiiFit that the misses REALLY likes.

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Wii Sports is awesome and it comes with the console.

Mario Kart.

The Carnival one is pretty cool.

My little sister loves Boogie, more of a kids game.

Wario Ware Smooth Moves is one of the coolest and funnest games you could ever get. Anyone else play this ridiculous game??

I also just got a Wii fit and that thing is awesome! It's really fun, and yes women love that thing! hahaha

I'll try to remember some other games!

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Thanks guys! That's great to know about the settings within the gaming consol itself, Dens & SWO. That eases my worries. Honestly, I thought about it some more last night and came to the conclusion that no matter if it did hurt the TV a little, it's just too cool of a gadget not to be hooked up to the big screen. I was, and still am, prepared to sacrifice the plasma for it. Hey, if it does hurt it, it'll give me reason to just dedicate it to gaming purposes and move it to the bonus room, and step up to a 52' 1080 "P" in the den! Hahaha... My wife is going to kill me one day, I just know it. It'll probably be when I come home some day with a 1988 560 SEC as my new project "toy".

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