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It took my mature wife two years and two tries to get her drivers license, which is really no reflection on her at all, since she is a very smart woman who just "had" a fear of driving, especially next to big trucks.

Anyway, with her finally passing the road test, it was now necessary for us to get another vehicle. I was not looking for a Lexus, I just wanted a reliable vehicle which got decent gas mileage -- but fate had other plans.

Well, it was mere coincidence that I stumbled upon this 91, and though the gas mileage cannot compare to the 30+ mpg that we now get from the other vehicle, I am very pleased with the ride and the performance, and to my great delight -- my wife refuses to drive it because it is too big.

Now, here is where you guys come into the story.

My initial check of the vehicle revealed that the check engine light was being displayed, the cd player gave an "err" message when we tried to play a cd, and when the radio pole goes up it makes a grinding sound. Other than this, the vehicle was satisfactory; tires, shocks, interior/exterior, engine/engine compartment, transmission looked good or functioned as intended.

I did a check of your site for what the issues might be with the check engine light first, and then I consulted the dealer who assured me, and thus confirming what was on this site, that the cause could be almost anything and that if the vehicle drove fine, then the cause of the check engine light is possibly nothing major.

I took his words (even while knowing that there could be exceptions and that he could be wrong), because I felt comfortable with the vehicle. I promised him I would drop by so he could check the code, which I did the following day.

It turned out, much to my delight, that it was the oxygen sensor that was bad, and not the catalytic converter as the seller had initially thought. The total bill? $396.00. I was relieved.

Next was the cd changer issue and once again, I began my information quest here. As it turned out, the directions on the changer, which says to place the cd into the changer "label side up", was actually incorrect. I was at work when I read this related information on your site and could hardly wait to get home so I could try it by placing the cd inside the changer "lable side down". I am glad to say, it worked.

So now I have one issue left to correct, well actually two -- since I have just noticed that I cannot see the marks for the cd player operation (play, track, disk, etc) at night (should I be able to?)...but later for that.

Well, this is indeed a bit lengthy and I thank you for you time -- thus far, but I just felt it is necessary to show how much you have helped me and in order to do that, I needed to tell you the whole story.

Now that you know (the rest of the story?), I hope you can then begin to see/understand how grateful I am to you for this very valuable resource and then accept my sincere gratitude -- all of you.

It is my hope that I will be able to reciprocate the kindness in the near future. But if not (I am not overly mechanically competitent), then my hope is that this will encourge some by-stander (a person browsing this web site but who have not yet registered) who have benefitted from this community to post a note of thanks or give some other form of encouragement (ie. time, money?, other accolades) to the developers/maintainers/current community members of this very wonderful web site.

Thanks again everyone, and keep doing what you do...someone out there who is not a member (yet), appreciates it and is just trying to muster up enough boldness to register and then the combination of the right words to say so.

Thanks again.

My vehicle is a 1991 LS400 with Nackamichi 6 disc cd changer and every option that was available then, besides ride height control. It had 89000 miles at intial purchase -- two weeks ago, this Thursday.

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I have four systems in my home and one laptop, on which I dualboot (for works sake) XP and Desktop/LX.

Desktop/LX is a Lycoris Linux product and can be found at www.lycoris.com.

Thanks for asking.

If I can help, then I would be glad to, considering what you have all saved me thus far and what you will save me in the future. That is not my reason for being here however. I want to know as much as possible about my new toy in hopes of getting as much as I can from it until I get a newer one. But if you want to talk software, then by all means -- bring it on.:-)

In fact, I am already looking for a 1998 - 2000 LS400. That is what (the 2000 model year) the service agent at the dealer here in Southfield, Michigan told me is the best buy for the money right now.

No offense intended towards the LS430 owners here...but all the must-have toys for me are on those model year vehicles. I love that navigation system...droooooooooooling at the very thought of owning one with that system.

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dont get the car from the dealer. just go to the dealer auction or try ebay. as to the soft i want to upgrade my 4 year old slackware installation soon. (didnt even get new kernel for couple of years :blushing: )

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Now -- can anyone just go to a dealer auction? I was thinking that only dealers could go.

Well thanks for your wisdom...I will most definately look into it.

Slackware man/fan eh?

That is too deep for me -- I rather the gui way of doing things when it comes to my software and that is why I stick with Lycoris.

You should try it. :D

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i might try it when i will have time:) as to the delaer auction. there should be dealer lots around you. you come and talk to them and for some fee (varies from 100-300$) they will take you to the auction. each dealer can bring up to 2 people as drivers with him to the auction. all you have to show is your driver license. plus dealers have prints of cars that gonna be on the auction 3 days b4 the auction. so you will know if there is a reason for you to go. once u got in look around and choose the car you want. then you tell ur dealer to bid on the car up to the price you want. prices there are 2-4k cheaper the on the dealer lots. this way i got my 96 LS400 2 years ago for 13k. that year i got loaded accord couple '99 for 12 k, 99 TL for 14k and 91 legend for 4.5k mileage on all the cars was 80k for ls, 100k for legend 36k for accord and 40k for tl. putting to your attention that it happend almost 2 years ago those were some sweet deals.

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if you need to replace the antenna mast--let us know and we will advise the special procedure[pushing certain buttons] in order to do this--piece of cake; but without knowing, you can't do it(tells you in the service manuals.)

not saying that the mast is making the noise--probably the motor.

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For Nakamichi Premium system on my 1995 LS400 CD controls are as follows:

1. PLAY - No specific play button: you hit CD (when you are using tape / AM / FM)

2. DISC - In the LCD Panel you will see up & down arrows right above pre-set buttons 1 & 2: these are used to change discs.

3. TRACK - The big TUNE button to the left and below of LCD Panel moves up & down to switch between tracks.

4. REPEAT / SCAN - you will see these functions in LCD Panel right above the other preset buttons (1-6) below the LCD Panel.

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