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Rant On School Literature Incorporating Religion


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We are one Nation, founded under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. It was not said by our forefathers "which" God and what we choose to call him. In all actuality he is the same God that the whole world prays to and has many faces and names. When we are periled we pray to God all over the world and He saddens that we are so distant from one another yet so connected in his Love for us all.

I thought this was the very rubbish he was exhausted by? dunno.gif

If you have no relation to God then go out and seek a serene place and find his works, Your soul knows.

He didn't say he lacked a relationship with spirituality, but rather could not relate to a Christian story line and its subjective, unrecognizable 'notion' of 'god'.

I will not speak on this again,

I hope you change your mind as I am very confused...

...but must remind you that your butt is not here by your parents intimacies alone but conceived by a higher order. You will have to attest to your faith at the end of your tenure.

How do you know?

Yes "option00002" you have shown your "!Removed!".

This is a strange topic for a lexusownersforum - shinto-buddists likey made the parts for my RX350 - could have been assembled by Christians in Ontario - still seems to run just fine -

How so? I did not interpret this as an individual needing spiritual guidance (as it appears you have), but rather as someone finding conflict with the spiritual climate within academia and perhaps the country... as I have. I am hardly suggesting a timeline void of spiritual pursuit. S-hit, otherwise I have wasted considerable time studying with Tibetan Buddhists and some very sore legs. laugh2.gif

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I think thats a valid question, what kind of references do you not get?

Honestly, I have to agree. Its not the schools job to make sure nothing goes over your head. If you know the basic plot of these cultural stories you know probably about as much as people like I do that have never been religious and have never really gone to church.

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BTW indiasfinest, you need to use caps to start a sentence.......START!!!


First capitalized intro. in the thread! 1197.gifredspotdance.gif

I think thats a valid question, what kind of references do you not get?

Honestly, I have to agree. Its not the schools job to make sure nothing goes over your head. If you know the basic plot of these cultural stories you know probably about as much as people like I do that have never been religious and have never really gone to church.



Do not allow yourself to be a victim.

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India, my reply was not directed to you and only meant in genereal terms to all. I spent 3 plus years in India and feel I have a general understanding of your culture. Surpressed, is my best answer and you cannot ignore it. This has touched a nerve and I feel compelled to give it up, so to speak. India is built on a cast system and they have surpressed their people for thousands of years. Cast, to them is the color of their skin from Hindi to Brahman and family background and you cannot rise above it unless you leave that system.Death , reborn, next life. The darker the skin the lower your cast and social stature. I was not allowed to touch a person darker than I. I did. Some of my best friends. Hence my neighbor who rose above and is building a 6000 square foot home on the Lake next to me. He's in the USA and made something of himself and rebuilt his village back in India, sewers and garbage pickup by the way. Regardless of the color of his skin. You see them everywhere trying to break out of that yolk of culture. More power to them and that is why we are a free nation with every one equal regardless of color or culture. okhamr you seem to have a brain with no home..learn your subject before you expound on something you have no earthly idea what you are talking about. The mark of a true "Who It". This site has been hijacked by some real "dips" lately and i will continue to monitor it but must give it up to the liberals for now. You really bore, boar, sicken me with your ignorance and deprevity of knowledge. Keep talking as it it a true measure of American ignorance and a reason why we are in such low stature all over the world. Our "dumb !Removed!' will be our deprivation of our own freedom. Sorry to be so brunt but feel compelled to jolt you all to reality. We are the last stand and we will get our butts kicked if we do not wake up fast. I have every faith we will as we are "Gods" Nation.

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referring to the garden of eden as paradise

Thats the whole point of the story. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden (also referred to as paradise) for defying the will of God. All you have to know is the Garden of Eden was a good place and being cast out of it sucked lol.

RF, what are you talking about? All Okhamr posted was a quoted post with no reply.

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Just google "Adam and Eve" and read up.

Um...might not want to do that at school, or with your parents arounds.... unless you plan on buying the edible underware on page six of the catelog... Adam and Eve is also an adult catelog... or so I've been told... :whistles:

India, I find it interesting that you're having to study any form of religion in a school setting, unless you attend a private school?? Seperation of church and state pertains to the seperation of religious teachings and all that other stuff in a public school setting.... But, you are in Texas, and the bible's belt is quite wide in that part of the country. Down here, southern baptists rule the roost. Me, being a Prespyterian "or something like that, I can't spell", we're the religion of giving...as in praying the check you just put in the offering plate clears.....

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Oooh good point LOL

I didn't even think about that...not that I know anything about such things either :ph34r:

India, I find it interesting that you're having to study any form of religion in a school setting, unless you attend a private school?? Seperation of church and state pertains to the seperation of religious teachings and all that other stuff in a public school setting...

I think it more came up as a reference in a literature class, probably a paralell between a peice of literature they were studying and the story of Adam and Eve, or a thematic discussion etc.

While its true religion cannot be "taught", the bible is literature and it certainly can be, and is, taught as a peice of literature.

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Oooh good point LOL

I didn't even think about that...not that I know anything about such things either :ph34r:

India, I find it interesting that you're having to study any form of religion in a school setting, unless you attend a private school?? Seperation of church and state pertains to the seperation of religious teachings and all that other stuff in a public school setting...

I think it more came up as a reference in a literature class, probably a paralell between a peice of literature they were studying and the story of Adam and Eve, or a thematic discussion etc.

While its true religion cannot be "taught", the bible is literature and it certainly can be, and is, taught as a peice of literature.

Ahh, ok, I see where the teacher was coming from. She probably had to refer India to a printed reference point instead of sitting him down and explaining it herself. If he's in a public school, she could possibly get into trouble for it, so it's easier to say "you read it and you tell me what you think in your assignment, instead of me reading it to you and telling you what it means". I could see Oral Robert's starting up the protest bus in Tulsa and heading down to India's school. :lol:

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Yea its a public school but what ever, I guess I made it into a bigger deal than it really was

Yeah man! that's how World War 1 got started !!!!! You have to be careful. 499.gif

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