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Car Thieves


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I received this in an email and I thought it was pretty interesting:

It seems that car thieves have found another way to steal your car or truck without any effort at all. The car thieves peer through the windshield of your car or truck, write down the VIN number from the label on the dash, go to a local car dealership and request a duplicate key based on the VIN number.

The car dealer's parts dept will make a duplicate key from the VIN number and collect payment from the thief who will return to your car.

He doesn't have to break in, do any damage to the vehicle, or draw attention to himself. All he has to do is to walk up to your car, insert the key and off he goes to a local chop shop with your vehicle.

You don't believe it? It IS that easy To avoid this from happening to you, simply put some tape (electrical tape, duct tape or medical tape) across the VIN label located on the dash board. By law, you cannot remove the VIN number, but you can cover it so it can't be viewed through the windshield by a car thief.

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The vehicle repair industry makes a ton of money on stolen cars.

The average repair cost of stolen vehicles locally is something like $3500. Some dealerships and repair shops need the business to survive, and there is no incentive to stop it.

Short story:

Christmas one year my wife and I went shopping, and decided to go for dinner on the way home. Parked, walked 50 ft to restaurant, line up too long, went back to van to find it gone, with gifts. We're talking under 2 minutes!

Later that weekend cops phoned to say they chased our van, rammed it,thieves ran and they grabbed 'em, claimed the house breaking tools they had were ours (!) They spent xmas in jail, but could NOT BE CHARGED WITH CAR THEFT because the police did not see them steal anything. They were charged with possessing something stolen of value over $5000. Charges were later dropped due to lack of interest.... violent crimes more important.

I picked the van up, as directed by the police. On the way home the sliding door fell off!


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I guess my local Lexus dealer is a step ahead of this game...they require a valid driver's liscense and the car registration to be present before they even talk to you about duplicate keys. I found it kind of aggrivating at first, but knew it was probably for a good reason, and it sounds like it is.


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in the Uk most dealerships ask for vehicle registration document and a driving licence or passport.. the car must be in your name.

But i have heard of Chrysler in the U.K doing the same thing and ordering keys for the theives without any proof of ownership

also this means your car is not insured as the insurance company would say that you left the key in the car... somehow they always try and wiggle out of it.

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They SHOULD require proof of address and ownership, this is what they're SUPPOSED to do. Whether they do this or not though is another story entirely.

I mean hell, you can order Lexus keys online that come cut, programmed and ready to go. Scary.

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I would stick an aftermarket immobiliser with a device that sits on the keyring.. the immobilser picks up the device from a ring that sits around inside the steering collum... whithout it the car cannot be started... and only costs about $100

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this was the only post i had time to get to this weekend (dial up internet is SOO slow..) and i was freaked out... but i heard that this didnt happen any more because the dealer needed "proof" that someone owned the car to which they wanted keys..all the same im taping over it tomorrow morning....

what was in recent news to make you post this ;)

it was in Gone in 60 Seconds a few years ago...and i thought by LAW dealers couldnt give it out..they could lose their license or whatever they have if they DID give it out.

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what was in recent news to make you post this

If you read my first post it explains why I posted it.

I received this in an email and I thought it was pretty interesting
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