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Extremely Disturbing Events About 9/11!


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honestly i think that iraq can be a democracy. what scares me is what happened to Germany when the first became a democracy(post WW1). remember how Hitler used the democracy to gain a majority in the government, which was completely legal? the only thing with him is that he was psycho form the start! who's to say that cant happen in iraq? i really think iraq needs some pride in their country and the beauitful things that are present! like i said my friend went to iraq and he told me that the iraqi's are just like children, you have to show them everything, which is good meaning i think they can be changed. but just like germany, a new generation has to arise and take control; hitler served in WW1 and was top dog in WW2, see? this current generation of iraqi's remember everything, so their view will more than likely be lopsided. but with that said, he also said that iraqi's are some of the coolest, friendly, hostipitable people! in general i think everyne wants to live in peace and democracy is the correct way for iraq. how can they participate in world affairs if they have no expirence with it at home. the U.N is a form of democracy. do i think it will spread to other countries? hmmmmmm. lets think about "Islam", which means "Submission." you decide? personally i think no, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! :D

I think Iran is bluffing also, they know that they have no nukes, or means to start a fight. didn't Iraq do the same? but then again Iraq was hated by most in the Middle east, so, who knows? truthfully i would like to know if Iran truly wants nuclear energy in their country? it sounds like a good investment to me. the threat of nuclear warheads is always a possibility, now or later. form what i've read, Iran wants electricity, but the Bush Admin wants Iran to remain dependent on other countries, for security reasons, seeing as their location is vital to world oil??? try to think like you were a member of the tehran(iran's gov't)? the U.S. just inveded Iraq and is now taking note on your "peaceful" actions. would you just back down and accept demands from a govt that the region is against? if so then your own people would see the weakness and attempt a coup, maybe?

and what i meant about the Jihad is that "you fight fire with fire," common sense, right? these islamic extremist have a "religious" duty to perform certain actions! they are not forced, they do it WILLINGLY! why, they feel that there is something greater than their poverty torn country, or whatever. well, if the enemy is %100 gungho, the we must also! but this country was founded on Christianity, a peaceful religion, and due to the Constitution that would be very hard. but what if there was a "second pearl harbor" like mentioned in the movie? i've seen photos or recrutiing stations after pearl harbor and the turnout was amazing! why? they felt there was something greater than their poverty torn country, or whatever (remember this was during Great Depression).

Come on guys, as much as i think Bush is an idoit, he was smart enough to be elected twice and make millions in the process, sounds pretty smart to me! (not Bush Basher, just trying to be critical thinker)

P.S. NC211 i'm going to call you John Wayne, or better yet Master P, because you are "bout it, bout it!" (may not catch that one)

"Me personally? I hope we do get it on with Iran, I think it's about time to call them out and see what they've got. They've been throwing threats to the world for decades and holding the economic progress hostage with it's oil production OPEC mentality.

But that's just my opinion."- NC211

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hey guys there is another version of the film which is 90 mins long. this was the one i saw at my dude's house. i'll try and get it for you guys to watch. it had a lot of extra info on the insurance policies and more.

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Here it is Loose Change Second Edition w/ extra footage for all of those who saw the first i definately recremend watching the second. basically the same but with more updated info. example, the calls made from the plane in Penn were impossible, in 2004 the first successful call was made from an airplane. watch the flick for more!


Don't forget your opinions!

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I recall the old adadge "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see" Much too big to "cloak" . Doom and Gloom!!!!!? Much too vague and hypothetical..Sorry ko90ls, Go back to the Drawing Boards and try again.

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I recall the old adadge "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see" Much too big to "cloak" . Doom and Gloom!!!!!? Much too vague and hypothetical..Sorry ko90ls, Go back to the Drawing Boards and try again.

you really don't like me, huh? well i still love you! :cheers:

P.S. i posted this because earlier i was refering to this version, not knowing that there were two. so i was speaking on things that the others hadn't seen.

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I recall the old adadge "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see" Much too big to "cloak" . Doom and Gloom!!!!!? Much too vague and hypothetical..Sorry ko90ls, Go back to the Drawing Boards and try again.

Let’s all be less vague and tell what part of the video was incorrect?

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I recall the old adadge "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see" Much too big to "cloak" . Doom and Gloom!!!!!? Much too vague and hypothetical..Sorry ko90ls, Go back to the Drawing Boards and try again.

i posted at 7:17 and you posted at 7:46 on a 1:20min video? what?

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I respect everyones opinion, but I gave this some more thought even after dismissing the notion of it being legit. My main question is how do you make a commercial airplane disapear and 100 or passengers aswell that supposedly didn't crash into the pentagon? I still think there are way too many missing pieces to this conspiracy theory....

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Sorry ko90ls, I am in a different time zone!!!!! "Central" Love you too!! Tomorrow is a work day..Put your energies there so can earn enough to change the world. ;) I respect and honor your opinions..

Fair enough? That's what this country is all about and Thank God we still have the "Freedom" to express them..Thanks for the "watch" and my respect to you, for without people like you our freedoms would surely be in compromise. But with your freedom comes a responsibility and unforgiven loyalty to the ones that came before you and sacrifed their lives in order for you to question "why" Give them respect and dig a little deeper. Never forget that! God Bless, my friend.

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well i believe it. ever read "1984". i think most everyone has. remember how the main country was at war with the other then the history books changed and they were allies fighting against another country. yes it was a story but hey, about 100billion is gold is missing! i think that much cash could change a few books??? new LS460 anyone? :D

<_< my personal beef isn't with Bush or anyone else it's with liars in general. tell the truth and shame the devil. all things done in secret will eventually be brought into the light. even benedict arnold thought temporary joy would help if he betrayed the "rebels". now his name is drug through the dirt. also nixon, even clinton. not bad people, just dishonest. shame, shame, shame. :P

the whole thing with the pentegon is that there was no plane, a rocket hit the building. man you should've seen my friends reaction when he heard C-130 (Marines). he was on one! "bad mother" in his own words, cargo plane tho. definately military.

P.S. times are registered in EST(while you typed that i also typed my post, and JIBBY was last) work is for workers, own a business and let it work for you!

and i respect those lost. that's why it pains me so much. all those firemen, police, EMT, lost for personal gain? when katrina hit i wanted to quit my job and join the national gaurd if i thought i would get trained fast enough and be able to help. took calls everyday from NO(Cox Comm tech support) used to try my best and comfort those who lost everything. even recently heard from a cust that their house got robbed. i thought everything was calm again? people would call almost in tears, and there was nothing we could do, so i stayed positive and tried to uplift every caller. even if you say you love me i can tell? dishonest poeple...

and money doesn't change the world, it changes people. education changes the world!

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"you really don't like me, huh? well i still love you! :cheers:" .....your words ko90ls...a 90 minute video and can absorb the content in about 20 minutes... A quick study.... always have been. Own my own business and good at it... You appear to have a good heart but poor judgement on all fronts. I have given comfort , shelter and monies to Katrina and Rita families, and you gave solace? . "Dishonest" people.. Ko90ls , time for a reality check my friend.

I'm going to add this edit, whatever the time is ..tough and emotional thread and ko90ls I do Love you and respect you and wish you the best...JIBBBy...You didn't create a monster but opened a doorway to our Freedom of expression and I thank you for that at a time that is so perilous for our Nation.

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"you really don't like me, huh? well i still love you! :cheers:" .....your words ko90ls...a 90 minute video and can absorb the content in about 20 minutes... A quick study.... always have been. Own my own business and good at it... You appear to have a good heart but poor judgement on all fronts. I have given comfort , shelter and monies to Katrina and Rita families, and you gave solace? . "Dishonest" people.. Ko90ls , time for a reality check my friend.

ok well since you are so smart tell me where my judgement is wrong? you continue to direct all of your comment directly at me! you have not made one reference to the video or anything you saw in it as being wrong. dude you tried to justify watching the whole video (central time zone) then you are saying that you "absorbed the whole thing in 20 min"? AHHHHHHHHHHH! now i see you are just like Bush. you think you can mumble whatever and trip people up with off-topic comments and ramblings! Sorry i just have to say this! I told you that i love you and i do. i love everyone. but you do not. i can tell by your posts'. you try to compare your self with me and personally i think you have self-esteem issues. i think you are angry that i am able to speak what i want with no fear! well too bad! i wont say anything to hurt other people or talk about them personally having not known them but you are just comical. I have bad judgements on all fronts? who made you judge of my judgement? dude you even tried to play me like you "DID MORE THAN ME FOR KATRINA". does that make you feel good? do you want a pat on the back? would you like if i said "RF you the most greatest knowledgeable person on earth, everything you say is golden and i am a can of worms, blah, blah, blah!" i will pray for you(definately)!

I will end this with one of my favorite quotes:"You cannot put new wine in old wineskins, or else the skins will burst and the wine spilled. Likewise, anyone having tasted the old wine will not immediately desire the new for he says 'the old is better'"

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soo i'm way late in on this thread. But just wanted to correct one thing real quick. I was reading a book over the weekend that had a chapter on all the fallacies in FH 9/11. Ko90ls mentioned the whole oil pipeline deal as a motive for us going int Iraq. The UNICAL oil pipeline deal was actually something that the Clinton administration fought for, and was COMPLETELY off the table by 1998. I'm still reading this book, and i found it very interesting. Tried to watch FH 9/11, but had to turn it off when the burnt bodies of our GI's were being beaten in the streets. It's appaling how Moore could pass FH 9/11 as truth when it is everything but....

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soo i'm way late in on this thread. But just wanted to correct one thing real quick. I was reading a book over the weekend that had a chapter on all the fallacies in FH 9/11. Ko90ls mentioned the whole oil pipeline deal as a motive for us going int Iraq. The UNICAL oil pipeline deal was actually something that the Clinton administration fought for, and was COMPLETELY off the table by 1998. I'm still reading this book, and i found it very interesting. Tried to watch FH 9/11, but had to turn it off when the burnt bodies of our GI's were being beaten in the streets. It's appaling how Moore could pass FH 9/11 as truth when it is everything but....

mike moore is interesting to me. did you see him at one of the republican conventions. i think dude from Arizona was talking and mentioned his name. the camera zomed on him and he had a nice upper level seat. they even welcomed him as a guest, and stated that they supported his movie.

you should check the movie on the second page. don't forgot to reflect on your feelings/opinions! :cheers:

P.S. Someone wrote a book on the fallacies of FH 9-11. specifically FH 9-11, nothing else in the book? if so sounds like someone is milking two ends of the same cow?? what do you think?

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i wont say anything to hurt other people or talk about them personally having not known them

Really...I guess it's a little late for that one. You've never met Ralph; I have, and while suprising, I got a kick out of all of your comments on him since they couldn't be any more untrue. :censored: Self esteem issues, angry????????????? You clearly know nothing about him; otherwise, you wouldn't write such things about a person as generous, nice, and just flat out like-able as Ralph is.

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i wont say anything to hurt other people or talk about them personally having not known them

Really...I guess it's a little late for that one. You've never met Ralph; I have, and while suprising, I got a kick out of all of your comments on him since they couldn't be any more untrue. :censored: Self esteem issues, angry????????????? You clearly know nothing about him; otherwise, you wouldn't write such things about a person as generous, nice, and just flat out like-able as Ralph is.

like i said i do not know the guy. did i post this based on knowing him personally? no. i posted this based on his other posts. why would he say my judgements are wrong? based on my other posts. i'm sure he's a nice guy but seems kinda passionate about this subject and his opinion! sorry if i stepped on your toes refering to him.

guess i'm the bad guy :pirate:

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Stay on topic fella's.... That is the problem with politics and religion disagreements exculate into something more...Infact that is how wars start in most cases. Respect other people's opinions and beliefs, but disagree if you have a valid point.. That is the way I see it.. We are all Americans in this great country fighting for the same cause, I hope.....

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I've let this go on long enough and am shutting it down.

To those of you that couldn't keep the discussion about the issues and not about each other (you know who you are), I'm not going to issue any warnings but if it happens again I definately will.

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