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Leather Peeling


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Thanks for the compliment. Yeah, in some ways I miss the Lexus, but I do not miss the problems that were cropping up. My radio would only work in the summer, my A/C evaporator was bad ($1000 quoted to repair), lifters had started clacking, speedometer needle light quit working when I hit a big pothole, front suspension clunks, interior "pops" and "tick" noises, especially when cold and my front struts had failed and were overly firm and harsh. :( I liked the smoothness of the powertrain, and the controls/gauges.

I had already paid $4000 for the car, which was too much to begin with and did not want to sink more money into it, because I knew I would be lucky to get $3000 out of it and I was concerned it would have more and more problems. Actually, $3000 is what I sold it for, so I took a $1000 loss, but I did put about 20,000 miles on it. The girl that bought it knew some of my family. She had an accident in it about a month after she bought it and had it repaired, but it was never right. She said something happened to the cooling system after that (I had never had ANY mechanical troubles (aside from the lifter chatter at idle) and the temperature had always stayed below the 1/2 mark). She thinks the accident caused something to break under the hood. Shortly after I saw her again and she said she had the cooling system repaired, but about a week later the engine had started knocking. :blink: I saw her again after that and she said she could not afford to repair it, so it was setting in her driveway. That was several months ago- I have not seen her, nor the car since.

So you had a 89' 420SEL? Those are nice cars. I like the looks of the longer wheelbase better, but everyone on the MB forums say that the shorter wheelbase S-Class has better handling that the extended model. Do you regret selling it?

Photos of my old 90' LS400 and the 85' 380SE. I like them both, but I do not regret having this car instead of the Lexus. At least not yet. :D

After I sold the Lexus, I bought a 92' Acura Legend base sedan, which was OK, but the ride was unpleasant, despite the LONG wheelbase. It was even longer than the wheelbase on my LS400. I had also found out that head gaskets were a big problem on the 3.2L V6 in the Legend, so I sold it in April of 2005. Then I bought a gas hog 95' Suburban SLT in June of 05', which I sold in November, then I bought the Benz last month. Photos attached of the Acura and Suburban as well. So, as you can see, I have had a few "daily drivers" since the Lexus. :rolleyes:

Nice Merc., Had an 89 450SEL and will never forget it. Great car. Seems like you miss your Lexus?







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I have to apologize to Army,

I think I now know what he tried to say, in my minds eye. :rolleyes: Just lost a girlfriend and cat on the same day and can't decide witch pu$$y I miss more :wacko: LOL confusion is a terrible state of mind. Happy New Year Guys !!!!!!

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Sorry 90ls400lexus,

It was a "79" 450 SEL and I also had a 67 250S and 68 280SE. All solid cars in those days. As I recall well, they seemed to come to life like no other when you started them. Can't describe it, but I am sure you know what I mean.

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man i think it all goes back to quality for product and service. a few things come to mind when paying for quality. If i pay 30-40% more than i would pay any where else i would expect to have the HIGHEST quality of product or service produced. The is especially true for warrantied work. Just fix it please. But the only persons blame for people beaing treated this way and fleeced so bad is the consumer. The consumers don't educate themselves and they treat everything as an emotional process. Especially vehciles. If you are scared of getting fleeced, on an 70,000 dollar car go educated yourself and shop around for a good deal. Don't go to the closest place and drop the dime. But hey that's typical american consumer, i gotta have it and have it now. Oh well i guess consumers get walked on! but hey i guess could be said for people running the buisnesses in this country these days. because of their lack of work ethic and pride they wanna get rich quick and instead of being happy with serving someone with something for a fair price and sleeping good at night they just rip you off (these are usually the same guys that pay anything for anything). Take your time, buy smart, shop around, and be upfront and polite. If you think you are entitled to something inquire about it and if you don't get what you want, inquire to someone in a higher position, don't be rude but just do it. And remember when someone totally screws you call the better buisness bereau (i have done only once, not vehicle related) and put your tax dollars to work. Just be a good person person and you'll get what you pay for but remember people will try to screw you so do what i do search around until you get what you think you should get. Perfect example, i searched for days to find a sunroof glass for my LS from salvage yards. I wasn't impatient. Couldn't find anyone for less than $200, often they said i was getting a deal. I didn't care i wasn't paying it. One guy i offered him 75 bucks he said it wasn't worth it i asked what would make it worth it. He said 200 bucks. He never did get rid of that glass and he missed out on 75 dollars. Finally a guy who deals toyota searched for me and found one for 75 dollars 80 miles from my house none the less and i got it. I asked him what i owed him for that favor and he said "nothing what goess around comes around" and that's what i'm talking about and being a good solid consumer i will recommend and inquire to him frequently until i find reason not to. that's my peice on that whole thing. man i sure hope they get those miner's in west virginia out of there.......

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Who are you to pass judjment on me? If you feel that I am not worth it, Then you must be in the same boat. I am thouroughy disgusted with your opinions and high handed attitude. Ban me, I have all the time in the world and am very popular on many other forums, I have contributed to these forums more so than 99% of the members. Take a look at your position and reconsider your last post. My feelings will never be hurt nor will they ever change. It's been a nice ride. Love my LEX See Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would I ban you?!?

I think you misunderstood my comment, its not an insult. You're not worth it, I'm not worth it, no customer is worth it. A lot of times dealership customers, especially luxury car customers, get this idea that their business is so valuable to the dealership that if they refuse ANY request, no matter how unreasonable, they're personally insulting them. These people need to realize that they're not worth a certain level of hassle.

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Who are you to pass judjment on me? If you feel that I am not worth it, Then you must be in the same boat. I am thouroughy disgusted with your opinions and high handed attitude. Ban me, I have all the time in the world and am very popular on many other forums, I have contributed to these forums more so than 99% of the members. Take a look at your position and reconsider your last post. My feelings will never be hurt nor will they ever change. It's been a nice ride. Love my LEX See Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would I ban you?!?

I think you misunderstood my comment, its not an insult. You're not worth it, I'm not worth it, no customer is worth it. A lot of times dealership customers, especially luxury car customers, get this idea that their business is so valuable to the dealership that if they refuse ANY request, no matter how unreasonable, they're personally insulting them. These people need to realize that they're not worth a certain level of hassle.

The reason I would have been banned is that as I see it If a member stands there position and Mgt. disagrees or just doesn't want to put up with it on these boards That is usually the result, I stand my ground and spoke my mind and thought you might ban me. There are so many other sites that are much more lenient and flexible with there members, After all it takes all kinds. I just wish that members could have a little more slack/ opinions/ fun/ etc... Sometimes the typed word is taken the wrong way and I would like to see improvements in the buffering of this media, Time will tell and advancements will occur. This is just one of those times that is probably going to improve the communication on the www/internet. Thanx for your time/consideration.

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When has this site ever banned anyone because we didn't agree with their opinions?!? When have I personally ever done that? Never. Anyways I think we've probably only banned 2 or 3 people ever, aside from the spammers and things like that we ban routinely. People get warnings and a couple people have had probationary bans for continually being at the root of problems but thats all. Why do you think I would do that, and more importantly what makes you think I can?

As for other sites being more lenient, I've done this for a while and I've been around a lot of sites. As sites go, this one's pretty lenient. We basically only have two rules and thats to be polite and treat other members with the same respect you'd want for yourself, and that you can't advertise products and services without first being screened by the administrators. Thats it. We don't get bent out of shape about things being posted in the wrong place, people's opinions, people signatures or avatars, etc. A lot of sites, including one who shall remain nameless, do.

All we had was a discussion, and until you flew off the handle as far as I was concerned it was a friendly one. You're not going to get banned, nor have you done anything, ever, that would make me even think about banning you.

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When has this site ever banned anyone because we didn't agree with their opinions?!? When have I personally ever done that? Never. Anyways I think we've probably only banned 2 or 3 people ever, aside from the spammers and things like that we ban routinely. People get warnings and a couple people have had probationary bans for continually being at the root of problems but thats all. Why do you think I would do that, and more importantly what makes you think I can?

As for other sites being more lenient, I've done this for a while and I've been around a lot of sites. As sites go, this one's pretty lenient. We basically only have two rules and thats to be polite and treat other members with the same respect you'd want for yourself, and that you can't advertise products and services without first being screened by the administrators. Thats it. We don't get bent out of shape about things being posted in the wrong place, people's opinions, people signatures or avatars, etc. A lot of sites, including one who shall remain nameless, do.

All we had was a discussion, and until you flew off the handle as far as I was concerned it was a friendly one. You're not going to get banned, nor have you done anything, ever, that would make me even think about banning you.

Thanx for making yourself perfectly clear, I guess the snumani in over :D Thanx Again

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i read this post yesterday and started to post and ask everyone to get back to the original topic and stop jumping on ppl for THEIR opinions so im glad that you guys worked things out

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yeah man...i agree....

me and swo speak a similiar language, and the main reason why i won't bark at swo is because i know where he is coming from. even though he might have a set of teeth, and the ability to bite here and there "as do we all..." I also understand his thinking, and i do respect it...as i do everyone elses. we do get in some *BLEEP*ing contests here and there...i'm not void of a few myself...aka..canadacraig back in the day.. but in the end...the result is the same, progress in enjoyment to our ownership of a Lexus automobile. Hey man, life up the left, life down the right. When you start saying "I Know"...then you're dated...always say "I'd LIKE to know". You stop asking...you stop learning...and you start fading...and if you're reading this, then well, you're NOT dated, because you're on a learning website. :cheers:

PS: Where's Kewl? Hey Blake, you still around?

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