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Ebay Scam Artist-lexus Keys**got My Money Back**


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It sounds like he knows the fraud game like so many do; I've seen these "screen shots" - they can make it look exactly like a Paypal receipt. Like you said, until you log on and see your funds there, they are not there. Sad that people fall for those e-mails that say their accounts are in jeapordy, and to click the link and enter their personal info. I did not know about the 45 day rule. One thing to learn from SK's advice, even if it means rocking the boat with the Seller, it is a good idea to throw an item in dispute before 45 days and let the Seller know you'll release it when you get good merchandise. One thing I always do as added protection is use a credit card for Paypal purchases. It was a pain to release them both when all was settled but well worth the effort.

I hope you get your money back soon.

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It sounds like he knows the fraud game like so many do; I've seen these "screen shots" - they can make it look exactly like a Paypal receipt. Like you said, until you log on and see your funds there, they are not there. Sad that people fall for those e-mails that say their accounts are in jeapordy, and to click the link and enter their personal info. I did not know about the 45 day rule. One thing to learn from SK's advice, even if it means rocking the boat with the Seller, it is a good idea to throw an item in dispute before 45 days and let the Seller know you'll release it when you get good merchandise. One thing I always do as added protection is use a credit card for Paypal purchases. It was a pain to release them both when all was settled but well worth the effort.

I hope you get your money back soon.

Well I am still waiting and may be under the 45 day b.s. rule yet. So I think I should file a complaint now and if the keys ever do show up I can always retract it.

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Well I just filed a claim against autopimp.From what I read you have up to 60 days from end of auction to file a report.As I stated I have not recieved my key and it's getting close to 45 days so I figured before it's to late I better file a complate. So we shall see what happens..oh,,, his feedback ratings are closed you cant even read them.

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Well I just filed a claim against autopimp.From what I read you have up to 60 days from end of auction to file a report.As I stated I have not recieved my key and it's getting close to 45 days so I figured before it's to late I better file a complate. So we shall see what happens..oh,,, his feedback ratings are closed you cant even read them.

I also waited over 45 days before the alarm went off.Dont be concerned with the 45 regulation.I emailed Paypal and the email was instantly knocked back.Thanks to some really nice people from this CLUB,I never gave up.I even called Paypal in the states and the guy knew all about it even without me telling him Auto_pimps details.It seems they still get the info!! he also told me his paypal account was frozen.That was tuesday,today I got the refund from Paypal.

I really have to thank SKperformance for all his help!!! I owe you a BEER!!!! :cheers:

As for auto_pimp/geoff :chairshot:

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If anyone reading this has had a dealing on eBay with Geoff please post it here as his feedback is now hidden and other cannot see possible resolutions.

We all deserve our money back not a choosen few with the loudest voices.

He seems to be giving some people back there money .

I am not sure if i will but i have received negative feedback from him instead. Got to love it ,i get screwed by him twice and he tries to make himself out to be a nice guy.

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BTW geoff when you read this and get around to refund the money make sure you add $20 for return postage ,as well as remove your feedback that you left me on eBay wrongly.

Until that is done this page stands and communications with the autorities will continue.

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Well ................

I received a money back from Geoff on the 16th but was not notified of it by paypal as it was a reversal not a refund.

He has since also sent me the additional $20 for postage returning the keys which was $8.45 as well as the $1.13 paypal fee for receiving money.The rest is for wasting time time to get it returned.

As well as having the negative feedback he left for me staying on my account but not counted as part of my rating.

I am glad this problem is finally resolved and hope it shows as an example of others being ripped off can do something about it if they are persistent and explore all there options. I could not say it would have been the same ending if i was not local to Geoff and was able to get additional information on him for contacting others.

Thanks go out to GTi177kw for additional support from down under in contacting others in this regard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well 3 of his 4 user ID's have been suspended.

Not sure why the other one is not suspended also .

4remotes (private) Not a registered user

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autopimp_usa (private) Not a registered user

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satstuff_ca(435) Not a registered user

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auto_pimp (private)

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You guys should make it a habit of using your credit card even through paypal.

Most credit card companies will honour your stolen money on there though it may take a while.

Paypal does help you out as does ebay but it does take a while.

I'm a frequent seller as well as a buyer on ebay and i can say that the times that i have had problems they have been there for me.

I think paypal works because pretty much, unless the seller gives them a tracking number and proof that it arrives, paypal has the right to take money directly from their credit card or bank account to pay you back.

It doesnt get much better than that. They take it right out of his pocket to put it back into yours. I've had it done before.

Credit card through paypal is the way to go though. Two levels of protection.

I would think that ebay would block his credit card(s) by now so he cant get any more accounts...unless he has a heck of a lot of creditcards.

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"...I couldn't care less about any of this ebay BS by the way. IMHO ebay is full of people that really need a hobby and I try to avoid it like the plague."

One of the most generalized, uninformed comments I have ever heard in my life. Simply unbelievable.

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"...I couldn't care less about any of this ebay BS by the way. IMHO ebay is full of people that really need a hobby and I try to avoid it like the plague."

One of the most generalized, uninformed comments I have ever heard in my life.  Simply unbelievable.

Sorry if you disagree with me, but thats been my experience with ebay. I use it to buy the occasional thing or sell the occasional thing, but overall I find the process and dealing with the people annoying. People are whiney, demanding, unscrupulous. I personally think for a lot of people its like gambling, it becomes an obsession. I see a lot of people go poor buying crap on ebay, and a lot of people making ridiculous amounts of money by fleecing these people, like the whole crazy Xbox 360 fiasco. Buying them up in the stores by the carload and then selling them for twice or 3 times the price on ebay to the poor parents that couldn't buy them because they were all bought up for ebay. Or here in DC, people stood in line and took free tickets to see the baby Panda that someone could have legitimately enjoyed and sold them on ebay for $200 to people that they KNEW could never use them because they were non-transferable. Its just dirty. Its a vehicle for underhanded dealings and I don't care for it. If ebay gave a rats !Removed! when its users got screwed then I might feel different. But they don't, so I dislike them and don't care to use their product.

You can't tell me my experience is uninformed, its my experience and my opinion. Ebay is a multi billion dollar business, so I don't think their bottom line is hurting because I don't use it too much. Personally I think ebay is a great example of whats wrong with American society and why everyone's either so damn poor or so damn rich in this country. I actually sort of hate it.

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I definitely agree eBay has become a gambling addition to many.

To me it has become a love hate relationship. eBay does not care about what happens to buyers or sellers and does nothing to make all transactions to be made crystal clear prior to bidding but leaves the owners on buyers to wade through the muck that many sellers list there items and lets confusion and vague descriptions run rampant with people getting screwed if they are not completely and fully informed of the loopholes and regulations needed to jump through and around to buy safely.

The only good thing about eBay is that it allows people the opportunity to buy things much cheaper than normal retail and others to sell things they have no need for anymore to increase there liquid assets as needed.

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Right, I have no problem with the concept of ebay. Its an ingenious concept. I have a problem with eBay as a company. People are asshats, they'll do all kind of unthinkable things for money. Where ebay fails, IMHO, is when they turn a blind eye to these people when they rape their buyer members. eBay can't be expected to take responsibility for others actions, but they can sure as hell be expected to take steps to make sure:

1. Bad sellers, and bad buyers, are kicked off. Ever notice its a lot easier to get your account cancelled by ebay as a buyer? Why is that? Because they make money off the sellers.

2. Bad sellers and buyers STAY off by banning their IPs, following up quickly to complaints, taking steps to make sure bad members are reported to their ISPs etc.

3. Bad sellers and buyers are prosecuted for the fraud they commit on ebay hourly.

Look at someone like this !Removed! that tried to screw Sharad out of his money. Where is he now? Back on ebay. Where's he going to stay? On ebay until people complain enough again, then he'll have his account terminated and he'll go open a new one with no problems whatsoever.

Ebay, like other similar companies (AOL comes to mind) has no business ethics whatsoever, and feels no responsibility to promote a safe place to have commerce.

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People scalped tickets to see the baby panda?   That's unthinkable.  They should be prosecuted.   :angry:

Or at least, kicked off ebay!

Look at all the illegal BS that happens on ebay. Look at the ticket scalping! Think of all the stolen merchendise and property that changes hands on ebay every 5 minutes with no reprocussions at all. If you're going to hock crap on the streets of NYC you need a license. What do you need on ebay? NOTHING!

I bet you I can put "buy this stolen car" on ebay and they wouldn't do a thing unless people complained, and it'd be a lot of them.

Does ebay care? Nope, they're happy to have the fees.

At some point the government is going to have to step in and regulate like kind electronic commerce for the public's safety. What will that mean? More money to ebay's users in the form of taxes. How could it have been avoided? By ebay policing itself all along.

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"...I couldn't care less about any of this ebay BS by the way. IMHO ebay is full of people that really need a hobby and I try to avoid it like the plague."

One of the most generalized, uninformed comments I have ever heard in my life.  Simply unbelievable.

Sorry if you disagree with me, but thats been my experience with ebay. I use it to buy the occasional thing or sell the occasional thing, but overall I find the process and dealing with the people annoying. People are whiney, demanding, unscrupulous. I personally think for a lot of people its like gambling, it becomes an obsession. I see a lot of people go poor buying crap on ebay, and a lot of people making ridiculous amounts of money by fleecing these people, like the whole crazy Xbox 360 fiasco. Buying them up in the stores by the carload and then selling them for twice or 3 times the price on ebay to the poor parents that couldn't buy them because they were all bought up for ebay. Or here in DC, people stood in line and took free tickets to see the baby Panda that someone could have legitimately enjoyed and sold them on ebay for $200 to people that they KNEW could never use them because they were non-transferable. Its just dirty. Its a vehicle for underhanded dealings and I don't care for it. If ebay gave a rats !Removed! when its users got screwed then I might feel different. But they don't, so I dislike them and don't care to use their product.

You can't tell me my experience is uninformed, its my experience and my opinion. Ebay is a multi billion dollar business, so I don't think their bottom line is hurting because I don't use it too much. Personally I think ebay is a great example of whats wrong with American society and why everyone's either so damn poor or so damn rich in this country. I actually sort of hate it.

Ebay, in my opinion, is one of the few places left on this earth that is devoid of meddling by the government and/or other regulatory organizations. And I like that. Yes, it is a place where people indeed get ripped off on a daily basis. It is also a place where if buyers and sellers are educated and do their research, things can be unbelievably harmonious.

I count myself as one of those buyers/sellers that does their research on products and the people that buy and sell them. I have done exactly 202 transactions on Ebay and never had a stitch of a problem. You should also know that within these 202 transactions two were car purchases, one being our Lexus. But I did not jump at anything; I checked out these people very carefully and as a result everything went without a hitch.

Just so you understand my reasoning for my strong support of Ebay, I want to tell you a little story about my recent honeymoon trip to San Francisco. I was walking around Fisherman's Wharf with my wife, and a camera store owner pulled (yanked) me into his store. He noticed that I had a Canon A95 digital camera and said he had the "most perfect, unbelievable accessory" I could ever hope to purchase (lucky me!!!). So I let him jaw off about this wonderful polarizing filter/UV filter/extension tube package that "just happened to be on special today because I was his first customer" at the great price of $79.95. So, after he was done his explanation (and I had made mental notes of the brand name of the filters and part numbers) I told him I might be back later to pick the stuff up. He was upset, stating that if my wife and I had to go discuss everything over a coffee that we were going to have a tough life.

Moments later, about a block away, I found an open wireless network and logged on to Ebay using my Dell Pocket PC (just like the camera, this was bought on Ebay). I entered the part number and brand name of the filter kit, and voila: $27.95!

My point is, don't generalize Ebay because there are just as many crooked people in brick and mortar stores. In our society, no matter what you are doing, it is your duty to be careful, do some research, and know your stuff. The ones that follow this mantra are successful in life and on Ebay. The ones that don't are not. It really is that simple. Buyer beware.

Further, if guys are buying up Xboxes and selling them, all the power to them. That is simple capitalism at work. If I had been a little more on the ball, I would have been doing the same thing.

To support your argument (because I partially agree with it) I have a friend who is one of those Ebay addicts whose many transactions go wrong. He has limited computer skills, zero research skills, and before Ebay was buying the exact same junk from local garage sales around our city. He has a poor eye for quality and this cannot for one minute be blamed on Ebay. He buys junk period. Ebay simply gave him another outlet to continue his bad behavior. He has since stopped using Ebay, and he really thinks the system stinks. It doesn't...


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i agree with that also ,research is key.

Hell where else can you buy a pair of Lexus LS400 models,my LS fog light , My rear tail light all for $20 each which are among my many transactions.

Personally i don't like the x-box thing myself but it is commerce as well as it is a friend of mine who i do a lot of business with who asked me to list it.

I don't like the idea of it but since he is selling it more reasonable than most i said sure.

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  • 1 month later...


i agree with that also ,research is key.

Hell where else can you buy a pair of Lexus LS400 models,my LS fog light , My rear tail light all for $20 each which are among my many transactions.

Personally i don't like the x-box thing myself but it is commerce as well as it is a friend of mine who i do a lot of business with who asked me to list it.

I don't like the idea of it but since he is selling it more reasonable than most i said sure.

Well our scam artist is still at it!!

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