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Dealer Gripes


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I have a similar gripe about Toyota dealerships.

Just a few days ago, I took in my other car (a silver 2002 Toyota 4Runner Limited 4wd) for the 60k(!) tune up, and while my car was in the service bay, one of the attendants decided to blaze his own trail through the other parked cars there, and drove straight into and over a silver ES330. Now, because of the "faulty brakes" that were scheduled to be replaced, the dealership is not liable for any damage caused, even though it was an obvious human error. So right now it looks like my family is responsible for repairing our car, and the damage to the cherry ES330 in for its first 3k oil change.

Replaced items were:

Entire rear bumper

Entire right rear fender flare

The right rear rim was slightly scuffed up too, but the dealer said that i wouldn't lose any air, just a visual blemish.

The repairs have already been made, but the color coordinated trim that is between the body and flare doesn't fully fill in the gap, and the rear bumper is sagging to the right a little and is mis alligned. Next time, I'll take it to a Lexus dealership.


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You have to pay for your repair and the other cars?!?!?!? (am I reading this right?)

If that is the case, you should really really fight it!!

If they knew about the brake repair, why would he drive it unkowingly and recklessly like he did?

No way you should have to pay for that

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There's not a chance in hell I'd give that dealer a penny, and I'd have several pictures and what not ready for small claims to get them to fix your truck(since it sounds like they want to play hard ball). How did the truck manage to get from your house to the dealer in one, unmangled piece? Then, when the porter who should be driving at a snails pace(2-5mph) through their service garage destroys the rear end of your 4Runner? The mere suggestion that they want you to fix that ES is idiotic and absolutely rediculous. They are responsible for fixing your truck and the ES...100% fault on the dealer's actions.

I've seen my car go flying back to the service bays on more than one occasion. I've been lucky since my car has come back in good shape every time. Don't let them get away with this....

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My dealer cracked up my car too.They fixed everything at no charge,new fender new moulding and other new parts and paint.They gave me a full detail also at no charge.It may be a little different because of your brake problems,but I think they should pay for everything.

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Well we finally got everything sorted out.

Seems that the dealership was under new partial management, and the new guy wasn't familiar with the damage policy when an employee caused the damage. It was treated as if the customer made the error, not an employee; so that's wy we were intially charged for taking care of all the damage.

didn't have to cough up a cent. :whistles:

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Also, the $800 60,000 mile service was free, as was a really fast repair time. I still don't get how the situation was first thought of as the owner's error. :blink: Oh well. :cheers:

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No reason to take it to a Lexus dealer because the Toyota dealer damaged it, the Lexus dealer backed my car into something one time too...

Glad it got sorted out.

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For me, I use Lexus over Toyota dealer b/c of the "fluff" - free loaner, stocked fridge. To each his own, but I just feel better knowing it's a "lexus-certified" tech working on my car. My jaw just dropped when I read the dealer wanted you to be responsible. Glad things worked out!

any link with an exchange of money is veiwed as a buisness, please do not post it again.

Edited by SKperformance
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