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Rx300 Won't Stay Running (stalling)


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Hi all,

Looking for help!

My g/f ownes a 2000 RX300 and she called me today saying that she can start up her car but it dies within 5 seconds. If she hits the gas it dies instantly. I won't have a chance to look at it until tonight but here are some possible things I was thinking of checking:

1) MAF (MAS) - On my Explorer I had a problem with the mass air flow sensor and it acted kind of like what she is describing.

2) IAC - Again, my Explorer had a faulty Air Intake Control Valve but I could get it to stay running if I held the gas down.

Does anyone have any sugguestions on what else I could check? It seems to me that the problem is related to intake because she can start it - it just won't stay started.


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you already know

a search would do you good try the es sectinoas it is the same engine

carbon in your IACV is your problem

I tried searching for MAF, stalling, and IAC with no help. I try IACV - it sounds like you guys call it something different.

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I just searched for "iacv". Returned quite a few results.

Yes, I was searching for IAC in the RX300 forum. I tried IACV in the ES forums and got some hits. (on my Explorer board we call them IAC (no "V"). It seems that cleaning the IAC and Throttle Body would be the best place to start.

However, I was not able to find any detailed instructions. I typically use Electrical Parts Cleaner for the IACV and on the TB I plan on using Deep Creep. It is a spray version of Seafoam (which is a carbon cleaner that works wonders). Now that I say that, I'll search for those two and see if I get any hits!

In the mean time, if you know where a link to the instructions are I would appreciate it. The terminology is different on this board so I'm not getting exactly what I'm looking for (but I'm trying! :D )

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Well I didn't find much for Seafoam but it is a great carbon cleaner. I checked with the company and it is 02 sensor safe so I'm going to use the Deep Creep (spray-form Seafoam) for the TB and try the electrical parts cleaner on the MAF and IACV. Should be a fun night, it's parked outside her co-op with minmal lighting and 20 degrees out!

If anyone has any input on taking these things off let me know. I can't seem to find instructions on the site (my searches resulted in others looking for the same thing).


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I have a 99 rx300 and mine did the same thing. They ended up cleaning out all of my throttle body and that stuff and then they had to add a cleaner to my gas to remove crap from it because that was part of the problem. You might want to try that as well seemed to help mine.

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This is off topic but I just want to say Hi...I recognize you from the explorer forum...Funny...you fix the GF's RX and I do the same with the wife's. And we both enjoy modding and maintaining our explorers. Good to see a friendly name on this board. Not nearly as many DIY'ers here but I found that the same principles apply. I think you're on the right track with the MAF, IAC FPR and fuel pump. I cleaned the RX's (51K) MAF last week and it was dirtier than I have seen in my Explorer. It really needed a new air filter which I also changed.

Just a thought but with the weather here it could be a frozen fuel line if there is a chance any water may have gotten in. May want to try some dry gas or gas line antifreeze. These RX's really don't break down that much so it's more than likely something simple.

On a side note, make sure the GF gets regular oil changes...engine sludge along with some tranny problems seems to be the only major issues with the RX

Hope you get the problem fixed. Please report back and let us know it works out.


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it is great when new members try and help that is what a forum is about

but telling them to try this and try that because you think it might work is wasting their time

from the symptoms noted it is the same ol suspect the iacv egr and throttle body

i have answered this question over 100 times with the exact same result ,the car is fixed

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Hey Lee S! Yea, funny how my Explorer was running and her RX300 was not. I decided it was too dark to do it last night so I slept over her place and took a crack at it at 8AM. I cleaned the MAF, IAC(V) and the throttle body but was not able to get it to start. All that and the battery started dying (which I guess was from the cold + sitting + constant cranking.

Unfortunately I was not able to get it started and had to get home. It was starting during the week so either something else went wrong or it got flooded with fuel. Due to my limited time (and the fact it was surrounded in snow drifts) I was not able to do further trouble shooting. The IACV on the RX300 is different than the X. With the X it is one piece but the RX300 it seemed to be two. I took off the black housing and exposed a little piston that spun from side to side. I'm not sure if it works off a magnet or what but I shot it with electrical parts cleaner and it seemed to move freely with just a finger touch. After putting the whole thing together (which now I REALLY appreciate my Explorer!) it still would not turn over even with the jumper cables connected.

We decided to have it towed to the dealer because a new IAC was over $200 and speaking to the guy in the parts department he said that would not prevent it from starting so there might be a secondary problem (hydro lock, etc.). Last thing I wanted was to have her buy the IAC and not have it fix the problem. We figured it was best to take it to the pros this time but I'm sure we are gonna get :chairshot: with the bill!

At least I gave it the old college try.

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sorry i misread

the part about pressing the gas kills it instantly

i thought it read pressing the gas kept it from dying

do you have any black smoke out of the tailpipes>?

does it idle normally until you hit the gas>?

might be the throttle position sensor but that usually will never cause a shut down just poor performance

like lees mentioned it may be gas realted

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I didn't actually get it running in the time I worked on it. I didn't think to have my g/f look at the tail pipe when she was running it yesterday. It would only stay running for a second.

On the bright side it's been at the dealer for 2 hours and they haven't fixed it yet so I don't feel so bad :) They mechanic had a theory it was "some valve thing" as my g/f put it - she could not remember specifics. I had to have my front door installed today so I couldn't go with her to the dealer.

It could be fuel related too, it has been sitting for a week in sub freezing temps so water in the gas line could be the culprit. Since I put the Seafom in it will smoke like crazy once they get it started - I told her to tell them it was normal.

I'll post back when we get the diagnosis but even the dealership mentioned that she has not missed one service appointment - actually she was supposed to go yesterday but couldn't get the car started.

edit - it would die within 5 seconds but instantly if she hit the gas peddle.

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I just searched for "iacv". Returned quite a few results.

Yes, I was searching for IAC in the RX300 forum. I tried IACV in the ES forums and got some hits. (on my Explorer board we call them IAC (no "V"). It seems that cleaning the IAC and Throttle Body would be the best place to start.

However, I was not able to find any detailed instructions. I typically use Electrical Parts Cleaner for the IACV and on the TB I plan on using Deep Creep. It is a spray version of Seafoam (which is a carbon cleaner that works wonders). Now that I say that, I'll search for those two and see if I get any hits!

In the mean time, if you know where a link to the instructions are I would appreciate it. The terminology is different on this board so I'm not getting exactly what I'm looking for (but I'm trying! :D )

This link shows the location:


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Thanks - I found that last night and used it as a guide to see what I was doing. The IAC on my Explorer is much bigger so I just wasn't sure if the metal piece came off as well - thanks for the link though!

So are you ready for the cause of the problem?????

Drum roll....the :censored: BATTERY!!!! This one completely caught me out of left field for the following reasons:

1) The original had been replaced about 2-3 years ago from Lexus under warrantee (it was defective).

2) The car was started a couple times this week.

3) The car was started yesterday and would run for 5 seconds before dieing - several times in a row.

4) I jump started it and could not get it to turn over.

Had the car been at my house I would have hooked it up to my charger and it would have told me if the battery was dead (as it did with my Maxima). Also, if it had not turned over at all yesterday that is the first thing I would have replaced - I figured it was just depleted because of the constant cranking of the engine and the cold weather.

On my Maxima I had the battery completely die like that due to lack of use so like the Lexus the battery was not low on juice - it was completely DEAD. No amount of charging would have helped it.

Well the total bill came to about $340 along with her routine service, diagnostic fees, and the battery. I'm not crazy about it but they did spend time and I feel the dealer should get paid for it. Also, I cleaned all the carbon build up off of the throttle body, MAF and IACV so that should be good. She also feels better knowing that the rest of the car checked out OK and the new battery should keep her on the road for many more years.

I guess we were all wrong but I really appreciate all the help from everyone!!!!

Moral of the story - if your car has these symptoms go to Sears and pick up a Die Hard Gold for $80 before getting it towed to the dealer first!!

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thanks for the update

puts a whole new spin on stalling issues

And from a newbie too :blushing:

I hope that this can help someone out of a similar situation. The RX300 battery seems to be an issue, two replacements within 5 years is not normal.

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I've had vehicles in the past that just wouldn't stay running beyond initial start-up in cold weather. It acted like a fuel system problem (as many suspected in the previous posts above), but lo and behold the battery tested out to be on its last legs. But I'll take a battery replacement over a more serious (and expensive) issue any day....

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... But I'll take a battery replacement over a more serious (and expensive) issue any day....

Agreed! That's what I said to the g/f. Unfortunatley the diagnostic charges as well as the battery ended up costing more than if we knew it was the battery at first. Also, since this is Lexus battery #3 in 5 years I don't have a lot of faith in it. I would have preferred to give them their diagnostic fees and put the Die Hard Gold in myself - I've had good luck with those batts.

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