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Everything posted by raymsixsix

  1. Jibby I'm really sorry to hear about your loss, my prayers go out to you and your family. My father tried to kill himself one time, he was going to use a gun, but he didn't want us to find him like that, so he took a lot of pills. He's a big guy so it didn't hurt him, luckily. I agree with you that it is selfish, I just pray that I don't see a day so dark in my life, as to where I feel that that is the only way out. When someone is suddenly taken like that, coping with it truly is at its worst. The pain never goes away, with time it just changes to where it's somehow more manageable. Again, Jibby I'm sorry
  2. Hey goose, I was only joking about that... I'm sure the bulb has just burnt out.
  3. Actually, the driver side headlight only comes on if the passenger side headlight isn't providing sufficient light.
  4. I think thats about right. I had an 01 GS300 and if I drove it easily in the city I would get 17-18 mpg. On the interstate with cruise control set at 80 I would get 26-27 mpg. If I drove it with a lead foot, the gas mileage would dip dramatically. The EPA estimates are a joke, you have to remember that those figures are attained in ideal driving situations/environments.
  5. Thanks Lex, I've never heard of that, but then again I live in FL. We don't need to sipe down here. :D
  6. Personally, I like the auto lock feature. I understand that its for security purposes, and I think of it as such. One hears about someone stopped at a red light and someone just jumps in a car all the time. Those that don't like it, its easily disabled in the menus with nav, or through the dealer free of charge via LPS. And on the note of being worried that it may keep you from opening your doors after an accident, break the glass or manually unlock the door. Chances are if the accident is that serious to begin with, the only thing that will open the door is "the jaws of life." It's almost like the people that say they don't want power windows because they may fail if the car runs off a bridge in to a river. Just my opinion folks.
  7. No offense please, as I know this will offend enough people, but, to everyone that has "issues" coming up after they purchase their car: before I buy a car, particularly one that I will be committing to pay for for many months, I would have done a lot of research, touched it, smelled, drooled over it, sat in it, driven it, and everything I can think of except, that it belongs to me, and before singing my name over and over and over again on the dotted lines. I can understand if something breaks, or doesn't work right, but come on folks the car seat isn't comfortable? Does no one test drive a car anymore? I'm 6'6" and 215 lbs. so the size and comfort of a car is paramount to me. It strikes me as a HUGE suprise that someone would buy a car and realize that after driving a few miles they realize the car seat is too short, or doesn't adjust to the right position etc. Remember, NO COOLING OFF PERIOD is all over the paperwork everyone signs. Just my two cents folks. Again, no offense, but the truth is the truth.
  8. Hey guys, same things all of you have mentioned before. High level of craftsmanship, reliability, refinement, quietness, solidity, effortlessness, feeling of permanence. I love the way the car sets the tone for the experience. From the minute you grab the door handle, and open the door, you notice the substance and heft of it. Then when you close the door behind you and hear the resonnating "thunk." Key in ignition, steering wheel slides in to place and you turn the key. The needles light up first and then a second or two later the numbers are lit. The engine starts and is barely a purr. Put her in drive and you glide away. Well you guys get the idea LOL. My family has had many Toyota products and they performed greatly for us. This is my second Lexus, first LS. I couldn't choose a favorite between them. Since I don't have any kids, I suppose its like how every pet holds a special place in one's heart. You love them all, and they all have their characters and personalities.
  9. FYI, I used to sell Nissan's and used to think that the FX and Murano were on the same frame, but according to Nissan, the Murano, Altima, and Maxima are on similar frames. The FX frame is based on the Skyline, 350Z, G35. Which kinda makes sense, the Murano is FWD with CVT tranny, the FX is RWD with a 5-spd auto., and mufflers even sound like the 350Z and G35. When the Murano first came out lots of people were put off by the looks. They said it looked to round and bulbous, but the ones that did like it, said it reminded them of the RX. :)
  10. Hey Rfyjr, I've never heard of the LS driver seat moving backwards when the key is removed from the ignition. Just the steering wheel moves inward and upward to ease entry/exit. :)
  11. Now that we've all p*ssed in our respective corners of the play ground, congrats Chron, she looks great.
  12. The Aztec is by far the ugliest car ever created
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