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Everything posted by Grandpa

  1. Also about engine coolant... is it save for me to just add it to the resevoir? i dont kno what it means on step #1 (After cooling system is emptied, add aprox. 6 liters of coolant through the filler hole(front of engine) Do i have to empty the car's coolant before i can add some new coolant?? and where is the filler hole??? i dont see it at all
  2. what do u mean by "die in the refrigerant?" and if i were to take it to the shop, they would check to see if the system is operation right?? would that check for leaks? or what? and i have not heard of artificial r12 yet... i doubt any place sells it besides dealership
  3. Maybe im just stupid or something, but i called up some auto-shops and asked them if they provide the service of "retrofitting" converting from r12 to r134 and the avg price was around 120 or so including the oil, vacuum, about 3lbs of refrigernat and such... is this all i need to get my a/c running is to get them to service it?? and i have only been out of a/c for 2 years because at that time we thought recharging the refrigerant was too darn expensive, and i am just learning about r134... can any1 explain retrofitting?? is that just converting?
  4. We are now deciding to switch from R-12 to R134a. The person offered us 90.00 (non-dealer) and he said he would do free-on, oil, and everything... does that sound good? and what is free-on? i dont kno what that is. he also asked if we have gauges... gauges for pressure?? is this a yay, or nay?
  5. I found out my car uses R12 charge, but where do i put the refrigerant? i dont see a place to put it at. How much does R12 charge cost? and where can i find it at?
  6. I found out my LS 400 requires R12 Charge... where do i put the R12 charge and how much and where can i buy R12?
  7. I need to know how to add refrigerent, so i dont burn up in the car during the summer...
  8. I have also opened the engine and opened the cap to -ENGINE COOLANT ONLY- and inside there, I flashed a flashlight and all around it, and saw no liquid in there... do I follow instructions there for the A/C?
  9. I am currently driving my 92 LS 400 daily and my A/C has been not running for about 2 years. I didn't really bother messing with it, because taking it to the dealership to solve it wasn't worth it. Now, i want to get into the "DIY" craze and try and learn about cars. I'm not your typical car man, I don't know much about cars. Now, I am pretty sure, my problem is that I need to add refrigerant, but where do I add it? Do i add it at the engine coolant? Right now, my A/C is just blowing air, and then when the car gets warm.. it'll blow HOT air even when I have it set to 65 degrees fahrenheit. And what is a radiator?. Please help me?? I am sure it's too add refrigerant.. but I may need a step-by-step to adding the refrigerant.. any help is appreciated
  10. The power steering pump leaked onto what? the altenator?. And the button on the lexus for the alarm (On/off Remote, next to steering wheel) was indeed on off position but now i still cant get the alarm to work... Do i need to start up the car or something and wait a while?
  11. Hi, Im new here, but my family has had the 92 LS 400 for about 3 years, we bought it used. But, now our LS 400 is starting to wear down. The LS 400 will not start if it is idled for about 2 days without starting it. You need to drive it continously or else you'll need to jump start it. (what could be causing it, a new battery?), the air conditioner is no longer useable.. it just blows out air the temperature outside is. And the casing for the electronics around the door unlock/lock, up/down, is coming up and moving the windows up goes very slow. And the little keychain to put the alarm on the lexus and to lock it no longer activates the lock/alarm. But the red button on the key-chain is lighting up, signifying the battery in the keychain is working. Maybe there is a button that deactivates the keychain thingy. I was messing with some of the buttons a while back to see what they do :). Can i have some answers on some of these that i can fix on my own? I dont want to spend too much money at the dealership to service it. I would just like a few answers on the Starting up the car, and key-chain(activates alarm and locks/unlocks car). Thank you
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