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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Army please do not get state mins. You do not understand what the coverage is even for if you are considering carring state mins because of the value of your car. The bi limits are important and carry at least 100/300/50 I don't care what you drive. This will not cost you that much more and trust me it will save you in the long run alot of money. I carry 250/500/200 and have a pup of 1,000,000 and sometimes wonder if that is enough. The only people that state mins. are for Is someone with nothing and who just needs to be legal and just doesn't care but about the cheapest thing. Army please listen to me on this. I just had a guy who had a 500,000 limit on his policy get sued for another 230,000 after his insurance company paid out the limit of 500000. The crazy thing is it was not that "bad" of an accident. YOU Do not want state mins and if you thought you had good coverage with geico because you had low deduct. And state mins you need a good review of your policies.
  2. Well got a loaner mine is still not done 09 x5. She is sweet but I am ready to get mine back. The parts did not come in and it is going to rain wed and my Harley doesn't have wipers on it :)
  3. Ok well in my opinion there are many better companies you can deal with rather than geico and as SW said when you have a claim well that is when people change their tune about how great Geico is. Now I would recommend you contact an independant insurance agent and get them to run the quotes for you. You may be supprised sometimes I can quote the same companies and find discounts you may have missed. Josh if you were around me I would run you with 14 or so companies. I am only licensed in MD VA and DE so I can't help you with that but I will tell you that the others are correct about the rates. If you are 25 now then they should have factored that in but if you just turned 25 mid term ask about an age re rate midterm this would lower your rate if they offer it. Also I know it may seem great to have a low deductible but I always advise people to carry 500 or even a 1000 on collision and a 50 or so on comp. That may help some. Your prior limits are a huge factor in your new rates. Generally the higher your limits on your current policy the better rates you will get on the new policy. Josh as far as American Family I have not run into them much but have not heard anything bad about them. Been trying to post to this for awhile but the new site was given me problems. Works fine on my iPhone but not my CPU at work?
  4. well I have had it 1 year and a few months but I have been racking up th miles got 59k on it. NC not sure what they are replacing but I will let you know when I do.
  5. well the loaner has been offered but it is more trouble to go get it since the dealer was closed when I had problems. I would have to make two trips there and they are telling me it should be done today. By the way bad ignition switch and they are testing the alt. too.
  6. We will see what it is but my $$$ is on the alternator. I know of a couple of people that said the same thing happened to their BMWs and that is what it was? I have to say so far the BMW dealership has been great...I will keep everyone posted. I am not going to get bent out of shape about it this time...but if I end up having more problems the car will be gone. I do not have time to worry about a car. I guess Shi! happens. But I am giving my Lexus Buds...a chance to take a jab at my BMW...
  7. Well encountered my first problem with my X5. I have a 2006 X5 3.0 Driving home from work my battery light started flashing and then went off...as I was pulling in to my development she shut off on me the battery light was on and the screen showed Engine Shutoff Safe... I think? Man I could not believe it...I tried to start it and the engine turned over fine but it seemed like it was not getting any gas. I tried a couple of times but no luck at all. Called BMW assist...and they dispatched a tow...and she is sitting at the dealership now. Just thought I would share...
  8. My IE locks up over and over with the new site.
  9. Try this... By the way you would not imagine the damages I have had people call in for claims from possums, raccoons, cats...etc to the engine compartment. Chewed hoses...belts...someone starting a car and ERRRR.
  10. G Man - you just want to delete your post about the pirus huh? :D Just kidding around with you...
  11. Like I said people will do anything.
  12. Great. No problems so far. Knock on wood. I love the way it drives but the mpgs stink. About 18 running prem and not running it hard either. Hey man? Good to hear you arent going out of your mind looking for work. Say, not to threadjack, but has anyone heard from NC211 recently? I am concerned for him :( Army- Glad to see you are back for awhile. Have a Take care.
  13. Even if this guy is a fake, how about all those other thousands of reports of sudden accelerations? Are they all fake too? How about that CA policeman who crashed with his Lexus and kill his whole family, do you think he was faking it too? This just goes to prove my point, people in general are so cynical these days. They presume everyone is out for a quick buck, I guess we are just a victim of our law sue happy society. It never seize to amaze me that people actually have more loyalty in a foreign car company than the human race. G Man- You are reading to much into my post or not reading them at all. I have said Toyota is having problems, but I don't buy this ONE. It just seemed funny to me. In the business that I am in I see fraud all of the time...this has nothing to do with loyalty of a foreign car company or at least not to me. But I hope you do also consider the jobs that Toyota has brought to this country while GM and Ford are sending them out of this country. This is off subject and has nothing to do with this but I am not defending Toyota...they have problems...there have been deaths and multiple accidents. IT IS this case that I just don't buy...I could be wrong and this guy may have been a real "victim"... So what? I am able to express my opinion. I think if the guy had enough time to reach down and try to grab the gas pedal with his hand then he should have been able to also try shutting off the car or put it in N...my opinion has nothing to do with all of the other Toyota...Lexus problems at all. So I am not sure the point you are even trying to prove.
  14. Great. No problems so far. Knock on wood. I love the way it drives but the mpgs stink. About 18 running prem and not running it hard either.
  15. I just love how people are blaming the victims here which happens to be our fellow countryman instead of a muti billion foreign car company from a country that attack us in world war two, and people say there is no such thing as patriotism anymore. :) :) By the way, I think he was a little busy try to control his prius doing 90 MPH instead of trying holding the cell with one hand and steering a out of control car with the other hand. The article in the above post suggust that he try to put the car in neutral but it didnt work. Well sorry G Man if he could reach down and try to grab the gas pedal with his hand then I would think that he could try putting the car in N. Or at least he was not so busy trying to control the car that it would be impossible to attempt to put the car in N or try shutting off the engine. G Man...I am not saying Toyota is not having problems...I just am not buying this as you call "victims" whole story. I think the whole thing just sounded funny I have listened to the 911 call a couple of different times and everytime the 911 operator tried to tell him something he could try it seemed like he just started rambling on. Who knows what actually happened to the car...I am sure that they will find out...and when they do I would not be surprised if this one case was not staged. People will do anything.
  16. The 911 operator asked him if he tried to put the car in N, no response from him. I just don't buy this one...come on he said he reached down with his hand and tried to free the gas pedal but did not try to shut the car off...or put it in N. CA is full of great actors... Glad no one was hurt and hope that they get to the bottom of this whole thing soon.
  17. :D Nahh...just been crazy with work. Which is a GREAT problem to have I agree SMOOTH. Although some of the things I have been doing have been counterproductive.
  18. Going from memory so I may be wrong...but I think that you just hold back the button as you are opening the sunroof all of the way. Then it should go the whole way back and then return to the close position. Keep holding the button...once this is done it should be complete. I think that is how it is done...maybe some other experts can chime in. Good luck
  19. Well wanted to say hi to everyone at LOC...have not been real active on the boards. I have managed to get on and read a little but not had to much time to post. I have had quite a bit going on here with business and eveything. Wow...it has been so busy I am not sure where the past few months have gone.
  20. And now unemployment is over 10% what happened to the "Stimulus" plan...thought for sure he said that the stimulus plan would keep unemployment from going over 8%. The only thing he seems to know how to do is spend money. We have to pass the health care now he said 800 billion, now it is over 1.2 trillion dollars. When is it going to stop. LIES, LIES, LIES. I bet everything that I have that if the election was held today he would be out of office. :chairshot: ERRR>>>>NC! GOT ME FIRED UP!
  21. If this shop is an approved body shop then your insurance company should be able to help you. It would be a good idea to call your insurance agent and ask for his/her advice. The insuance companies most of the time will work with the shop to make sure you are satisfied. Good Luck. I picked the shop because that is where Lexus sends their customers. They are supposedly one of the best in town. Something happened with my car. They blew my airbags or something because there is no other reason for them to have even touched my cover on my dash. They say they don't know what happened. It looks like pry marks around the cover. My insurance company isn't much help and I'm tired of being talked to like a POS. I will be calling and making threats tomorrow am. OK...just my FYI. Calling and making threats is more than likely not going to help but make matters worse for you. What insurance company are you with? Any insurance company that is paying a claim should be able to intervene and help you out. After all you are the customer and they are picking up the tab if you know what I mean. They may have you take the car to another shop...and actually that is what I would insist on. This is one of the times it would have been better to use a shop that the insurance company recommends as then the insurance company has more leverage. My advice is to go in and person and talk to the manger or owner of the shop and ask him to explain the damage that is on the car. If he is unwilling to fix the car then maybe speak to whoever at Lexus that recommended the shop and see if they would make a call. If they get a call from someone who refers business to them they may be more inclined to help out. Good Luck. By the way I am an insurance agent and I have picked up the phone many times myself and had issues resolved regarding customers that are unhappy with the finished work. Sometimes it is a matter of the car being re sprayed at the same shop and sometimes it is getting the car to a new shop. All I can say is that it blows my mind that they would actually damage parts of the car that had no damage previously as you describe and replace parts with worn or damaged parts.
  22. If this shop is an approved body shop then your insurance company should be able to help you. It would be a good idea to call your insurance agent and ask for his/her advice. The insuance companies most of the time will work with the shop to make sure you are satisfied. Good Luck.
  23. First off state laws are put in force to require helmets on motorcycles MD- have to wear one, DE- your choice. Same with Seat belt laws. I always wear a helmet on my motorcycle. When I was younger I rode a few times without - by the way had insurance. I find it funny that you feel that most people that ride motorcycles don't have health insurance and we end up paying for them. I would love to see some sort of study on that. I would be willing to bet the majority of motorcycle riders that are on the road have health insurance and great coverage as I do. Many people that ride are retirees, professionals, and there are some of the "crotch rocket" crowd that you speak of that may fit that stereotype that you have of all riders. I grew up riding motorcycles and I still ride my bike and I am aware of the danger of people driving cars! CAGES as we call them...that is how most motorcycle fatalities happen. I have two young children and a wife at home and every time that I get on my bike I ride extremely defensive because of idiots on the road with cell phones, texting, playing with their stereo...etc. Yes I know people that have died...I know people that have gotten hurt as well. I have been banged up a few times from days of riding dirt bikes too. The most dangerous thing to a motorcyclists on the road is cars with drivers that are not paying attention. Can we make a law against that? Now as far as airbags...I would not consider taken them out of my car nor can I even understand why someone would want to do such a thing. Why not disable the antilock brake system, VSC, etc. These things have greatly improved the safety of cars and have helped many people survive accidents that they would not have. I guess I am not following comparing a 1970's car or truck that did not come equipped with airbags, to a 2009 LS with Airbags and taking them out? I also don't see how saying people on motorcycles don't have airbags or seatbelts so why should we have them? Guess what HONDA GOLDWINGS have AIRBAGS on there bikes. You make a lot of sense to me? How about the hikers who scale up a mountain and end up stranded and the resources that go towards finding them in search and rescue? Why should we the TAX payers pay for that? I guess since you approve it is OK. You keep doing your safe activities...
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