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Everything posted by sha4000

  1. no one likes the demon eyes they also call them halos
  2. fight ← box ← String ← quartet
  3. hey mods i hope im not in violation of rules but i want to let the guys/gals know if they dony already about a GB for demon eyes thats going on in CL and there has to be at least 10-15 people to get it going. if this is the wrong place to post then please move it. the price would probably be around $169. again my apologies f this is a violation
  4. antibiotics ← penicillin(did i spell that right)
  5. is i working and you just cant hear it?then they just probably hit the knob
  6. yeah i think that is reasonable if the car is in good condition. i bought my 98 2 years ago on a private lot in queens and i didnt even have this forum to aski questions about it, i jst went from personal knowledge since i was driving a 91 at the time. the98 had70k and the sticker was 23 and change i waited 2 weeks and finally got him down to 18k things had been slow for this guy b/c there are nothing but used car lots,plus they all had luxury cars n them. i now have close to 120k on it and not a problem. absolutely no front end issues so i would recommend you get it and repair the lcd and flush all fluids, after you get it checked out of course
  7. congrats hell think twice b4 trying that on someone else
  8. rfields is right but lso check the rubber stripping around the doors to see if its coming loose
  9. music here we are again going in circles LOL ← Soundbarrier ← supersonic
  10. music here we are again going in circles LOL ← albums
  11. LOL ← Onewordplease ← ok what word are we at now?? how about "teenagers" ← headaches
  12. i couldnt really tell you that but im sure if you did a search in the sc forums you would get a quick answer
  13. Very nice man.... got any pics of the final look? Also, can you please tell me the size of those signle bulbs? thanks. the bulb is w21w and thanks for the comment. here are some aftr pics plus the back of the light after i glued it back together
  14. Very nice man.... got any pics of the final look? Also, can you please tell me the size of those signle bulbs? thanks. the bulb is w21w and thanks for the comment. here are some aftr pics plus the back of the light after i glued it back together
  15. Very nice man.... got any pics of the final look? Also, can you please tell me the size of those signle bulbs? thanks. ←
  16. rappers (your value just went up ten fold LOL)
  17. how many miles do you have on the car? and when was the last time that the sparkplugs & wires,airfilter & fuelfilter were changed?i assume that the starter is turning its just that you are not getting enough spark, air or uel into the engine. this would be why the car doesnt want to start and at high speeds it acts like it wants to stall.you mght just need a tuneup
  18. hey fellas i just recieved & installed my diamond crystal park lights that i ordered from luxurymods.com for a cost of $29 and i cleared my corners by sawing the back piece of the housing off where you insert the bulb and then gluing it back on.first i tried to just break the orange piece up using needle nose pliers and wire cutters but that was just too long and tedious for me. here are a few pics
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