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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Have you checked out the Infiniti G35 sedan? I know they make those with 6 speed standards, and they will freaking scream down the road like a bat out of....well, you get the point. Depreciation has become Nissan's worst enemy, and your best friend. You can literally pick one up that is maybe 18 months old w/30k miles for 18-22k. My buddy in Tampa had one, a 6 speed, and loved it. Tried to sell it recently to ease his debt load "spun off his own law firm" and couldn't give the thing away w/o a $8k hit.
  2. I'd be curious what the most extreme base model has to offer though. I mean, I could go without the hoover-in-place, make it thier fault in an accident, never catch me cops, type features. I would absolutely die laughing if I saw a LS with manual windows and no a/c.
  3. I don't think you'll find those combo's in the Lexus line up, as most do not have standard transmissions. I think the IS300's might offer it, and some older SC's, but both are not roomy in the back seats. The LS has the most room in the back, but a totally different kind of car from what you're looking for, in driving characteristics, and I don't think there has ever been a standard transmission in one. The GS series is the sporty LS, as it shares many of the same interior components, but is smaller and more nimble. But again, no standard transmissions in those either. In terms of reliability, you'd be hard pressed to find a better car than a Lexus. In terms of a roomy back seat and a standard tranny, you'd be hard pressed to find a lexus like that, if at all.
  4. Dole, i would recommend you order the oem parts from one of the online vendors "40-60 bucks each" and take the car to an indi mechanic to have them done. you'll come out pretty close to midas prices, and have true lexus oem shocks, instead of aftermarket ones that you're not quite sure of to begin with. last thing you want is your ls riding so hard it knocks out fillings in your teeth. and the shocks are probably one of the most important contributors to the car's smooth ride. a little variation in the shock pressure, can mean variations in the way the rubber bushings in the suspension arms work, tires ride, steering characteristics, etc.... Both Blake and I have gone the oem route, and I think it's safe to say, we're both quite happy with the results. My car handles extremely well now, moreso than i thought it would. it's soft when it needs to be, and ridigid when it needs to be, if not some-what sporty. I think since over the years and generations of the LS being "tightened" up in it's driving characteristics, that the new pressure requirements for the shocks these days, is translated into the replacement shocks for the older models. PS: you have to remove the rear seat to get to the rear shock towers.....you sure you want midas tearing your rear seat out? If you do decide to go with midas, might i recommend YOU remove the rear seat yourself before you take it to them. That is what I did for my rear shocks. Simply because I wanted to make sure the rear seat was removed and installed properly, with the proper time and touch applied, not some quick spin of the air wrench to strip out the screw threads.
  5. Actually, i was wrong..it was a Colony Tire store, not a Just Tires. Man, you couldn't pay me to take my car to a Firestone shop. Too many bad experiences for me, and from others to mess with that place! :D
  6. Hahaha...yeah I remember that one! I appreciate your kind comments, and am glad you find my posts helpful! I've been pretty quiet on the questions lately since I figured out the wobble issue. Not much has gone wrong with the car, other than throwing weights, squeeky brakes and normal crap like that. basically, the wobble took it out of me. now, i just drive it. probably going to sell it next spring for something different to change things up. thinking qx4, g35, gs300, q45, even bmw330i or mb e320. but, who knows...who knows.... i'm only 33, and sort of growing tired of having a big cruiser. you guys better send that mechanic a christmas card! good ones are hard to find! i think this avatar is a bit more my speed these days....
  7. <_< Hahaha...It's all good. This year's political arena has pretty much worn me out anyway...probably time to think about hanging up the avatar. Not saying I don't stand behind it...but probably time to retire it for something different....
  8. Just last night on my way home I stopped in to a Just Tires store by the house. I need to get my car aligned, rotated and balanced. I pulled in, asked them if they use the Hunter system for balancing, they said yes. I asked them how much would it cost for an alignment and balancing and rotation. His response was "what kind of car do you have?" I told him a Toyota, and he said it would be $59 for the alignment, $40 for the balancing and rotation. I then told him it was the LS400, and he said "oh, you mean a Lexus...hold a second..." and magically, the price jumped up an additional $10 dollars per service....AND I checked with Hunter...no system in that store...AND I even called the store this morning to ask a different employee what they use to balance tires, and he said some old fashion thingy they had, road master or something. It's these kinds of experiences that make one tend to use a pestomistic approach to automobile repairs.
  9. well...all i can say is...GLAD I FOUND THIS WEBSITE!
  10. well that is true. but i do find it hard to believe a dealership would put that much up-charge on one single part. my experience with the dealership is usually about about a 50-75% upcharge, not 730%. If that is the case, then I would have to say Georgi is right, they "his dealership" are crooks! It's one thing to own an expensive car and complain about elevated repair bills, but it's another to blatantly get ripped off like that! We know of the other options, but to the common owner who is not in tune with the online world and soforth, they are getting SCREWED by the dealership. If it were me, and I was shafted that badly, you can bet I would be on the phone to my local better business bureau and lexus corporate. It's one thing to make a profit, it's another to price gouge to the point of making usery laws look like child's play.
  11. Here's to our favorite "refined" member! ;)
  12. For $64.00 buy new, Nice job nc How was your trip ? That's what they pay me for around here....although still waiting for my check.. <_< The trip was good man, had a few beers, socialized with the crew, and embarrased myself on the golf course like you can't believe. Nothing humbles a man like having to pick up his Tee shot, on the way to the lady's Tee box. Golf might be God's game, but the Devil designed the clubs. I was able to have a little fun with the Californian's of Newport Beach though. For those of you who don't know where Newport Beach is, it is literally about 5 miles north of Laguna Beach, and the average home price is somewhere in the $1.5 - $2.0 milllion range "for an average 2,000 squarefoot home." It is very nice, but a bit snotty. So naturally, being the smartass I am, feel the need to poke fun. So we're at Fashion Island shopping center, with the Neimen Marcus, Macy's, Bloomingdales, etc.... you get the picture. But, they have a Bose store too. And the salesmen are all just standing there, waiting for someone to pounce on. I've been in there before, and just a pair of headphones costs $500+. So, I go in this time "been several months since my last trip". I instantly get swarmed on. In my best, and I mean my best, trailor park talking, lost my dog in the truck fire accent, I blurt out "Ya'll got any Audiovox in this here store?" Heads turned....heads turned. It was GREAT! Guy said "no sir, we're a Bose store." I said "Bose?" Arent' they those fancy alarm clock radios? MY WIFE however was NOT impressed, and pulled the plug on my fun. Anyway, Georgi, don't sweat it man, the TPS goes out on these cars at some point, we all face that repair. Luckily, it's not a frequent repair. Buy your parts online from now on, and take them to the mechanic to install. However, MAKE SURE your mechanic knows how to tune and set these parts, and not just install them. That's one of the biggest things to require from a mechanic on these cars. They have to be tuned right, and there are more than a few horror stories on this site of guys & gals who have fussed over an out of tune TPS.
  13. georgi..... that's a real "trusty" mechanic you got there amigo. Especially when you go to www.lexuspartsonline.com ..... select your vehichle and year.....search under the "mechanical" catelog....look under "electrical" then "powertrain control"..... and you will see your $532 throttle position sensor for $64 dollars. time to find a new "trusty" mechanic my friend.
  14. Well I've finally seen the 460 in person. There was a light blue one in the parking lot of the hotel in Newport Beach this past weekend, and next to it was a 05 or 06 white 430. I've got to say...I liked the 430 better. The 460 was the L version, and something about it just didn't jump up at me. I don't know why, except maybe as I've stated before, a lot of Toyota's are starting to look similiar I guess? I just felt like the 430 looked a bit more "mature". No doubt the 460 was nice! And I spent probably 30 minutes looking at both cars. But my verdict is still on the 430. Of course, my decision could be bias due to the fact that it will take me 6 years to afford the 2007 460, as where the 02 430's are starting to come into range.
  15. Hahaha... Well if truth be told...my all time favorite song is a little diddy I wrote to the music of Bonanza....Shall I sing it?? Oh...why not....it's a sing-a-long for you old farts over 21 "18 if you're southern". It's called.....Beerrun!! And it goes a little something like this: B...double E...double R...u...n....Beerrun!! To Bonanza... Now sing it too much..and you'll be adding an "S" to the end of it the next morning.. that not good. Thankfully, you eat enough Cheeto's, and you won't be singing the "s" version...but ripping off Johnny Cash on Ring of Fire. On that note...I'm out for a few days...gotta head to HQ in the morning...back to Newport Beach, CA I go! Land of the polished people and their $300k Bentely Coupes "that don't have a sunroof!" Always a treat to ask the sales folks at Needless Markup "Neiman Marcus" if "ya'll got that in flannel?" Just love those looks I get!
  16. Robert Bradley's Blackwater Suprise..... Ralph, if you're a Ray Charles fan, you'll LOVE this guy! He's a nearly blind guy from Detriot, but roots from Alabama. They've put out 4 or 5 albums over the past 8 or 9 years, but the best is the 1st album! If you have I-Tunes, check em' out. The first album has songs like "California" and "Way Back". The...entire...album...is the best album I've ever heard, even more so than U2's Joshua Tree. It's a very blues-ish sound, with a little ray charles upkick. Great Great stuff! My favorite song..."Time To Discover". http://music.yahoo.com/ar-285833-downloads...kwater-Surprise http://www.robertbradleymusic.com/mambo/ And when I'm fired up and ready to jam...nothing beats some good ole' fashion Drivin' N' Cryin'....
  17. Doesn't JIBBY have his set up this way??
  18. don't hate da' playa, hate da' game, yo'. Piimp211...out.. ;) Heading up your way soon I think for an inspection....might need to test drive that ES over to the dealership, so I can pick up that LS460..for you of course..cough cough... :whistles:
  19. Wow, you're part of the management team group and you have 10,571 posts.......And I get that reply? I have been reading a lot of posts on this board and thought they were quite helpful. How does that help? What was the point of replying at all? I think I've figured out why they quoted you the $125 instead of the discounted price. You float that kind of attitude towards people, and you'll get the horns. If you can't handle a $125 repair in general, then you've purchased the wrong car. You need a Chevy Cavalier that you can take to your local knock-off auto part store and buy any part you need. The reason why you probably received the reply you got from SK is simply because your question had already been answered with the best possible answer in general. Unless you want to shop the junk yards. Trust me, trust US, if there were a better answer to your question than the one CUman posted, SK would know that answer, and would have posted it up for you. But now...well....you owe the man an appology, as that was just a stupid and arrogant reply to his post. If you don't like our help....hit the dealership, they'll be more than happy to "hook" you up. Edit: Just saw your appology..... Good man
  20. What's wrong?? The "initial" boys stinkin' up the joint? From DC to NC...w/o PC.
  21. Hell, I remember when gas was 32.9 cents. WTF happened ??? Warning: Smartass alert.... We won the war....no, not that war, the other war, with the Germans....what was that one called again? Warning: Smartass Alert.... Hahahaha... B)
  22. "and not the taco-bell kind" Maybe the cheeto/beer kind. Ahhhhh.....Dinner...mmmm...Dinner.... Fabreeze...Ahhhhhh....Desert...mmmm...Desert..
  23. I miss $1.00 gas... :chairshot: I would like to see those old bumble-bee headlight covers again on sedans. Those things were cool! I would also like to see more steering wheels that would drop down into your lap that you could steer with your wrist. However, since airbags would probably crack your ribs, and send you flying out the back window, I doubt they'll ever come back.
  24. Well, being probably one of the most recently married members of the club, I feel it's probably worth it for me to post up on this one. Heck, I've already put my foot in my mouth twice today already. 1) Plant lady at office has some kind of rolling keg she uses to water all the plants. I said "if you had liquor in that thing, you'd be the life of the party!"......didn't realize she is a reborn christian. 2) Told my secretary she "looks nice today"...her reply? "As opposed to yesterday?" So, what the hell, might as well strike myself out, and it's not even lunch time yet. My wife actually wants to cook for me, but I usually pass on the offer because I simply feel guilty seeing her cook, for me. Especially when there is a perfectly good box of Cheese-its on the counter & a 6 pack in the fridge. She's actually gotten MAD at me for not having her cook! Can you believe that?? She works 45 hrs a week, and still wants to cook. I just don't feel right sitting on the couch while she is cooking. It bugs me. Guess I haven't gotten use to it yet. Do I expect her to be the cook later on? Well, it depends. If I'm the only one working, and she is a stay at home mom, then yes, I would hope she would want to be the cook. But would I divorce her if she didn't cook? Oh hell no. Besides, you get a buzz faster on an empty stomach anyway! Which translates into less money on beer, which translates into more money on car parts, tv's, and isle 7 at Lowes. And when she complains, a few dozen roses once in a while usually does the trick! "Insert foot here". In all seriousness though, Jezz, your friend is wrong. You don't "marry" a cook. If you want a cook, you "hire" one. If he doesn't know the difference between those two phrases, then I suspect (a) he's single (b.) he's married but soon to be single © he's divorced, doesn't know how to cook, and hangs out with you in hopes to be fed! In addition "since I'm on a roll today", the only type of food required for a happy marriage, is whipped cream. Any questions?......didn't think so. ....and....Jezz, if that's you in your avatar singing...don't worry...guys aren't checking out your kitchen, they're checking out your hotness!! Insert foot here... Back to my cave. PS: Ralph, thanks for the offer on some LA Gumbo from a few years back, but I have to pass now. Jeezzz man, in the crapper?? No holiday fudge for me!! Hahahaaa....oh that's bad.. PPS: ROOOOLLLLLLL TIDE!!!! AUBURN SUCKS! SO DOES DUKE!
  25. Jimmy, I'm going backwards in progression here, as I've noticed myself that when something is wrong, and I think it's a "5" on the "1-10" scale, it usually ends up being a "2". So...with that said... Are you not getting power when you turn the key at all? I'm asking because I'm wondering how your battery terminal(s) look? I'm wondering if you have extensive corrosion or a loose connector, and the added humity of rain and snow is enhancing the lost connectivity at the terminals. Check on those two terminals, and let us know a little bit more about the symptoms "ie, no power at all, or have power but just won't crank, or have power & start spins but engine just won't catch". I wouldn't think 71km would require new plugs "how many US miles is 71km anyway?" The distributor cap could be loose, or have a crack in it that is letting in the moisture? How's your fuel consumption these days? Good, bad, no change? How about your gas cap, have you checked it's seal? Maybe rain is running down the side of the car, into the gas cap area, and dripping into the tank and settling at the bottom of the tank overnight, which is then fed into the engine 1st when you try and start it. If I recall, water is heavier and sits at the bottom, not the top. Seeing as how the starter is encased in the engine, and your plugs and wires are pretty well isolated from direct contact with rain, makes me think it's around your battery connectors, gas cap or maybe even a cracked fuel line or fuel filter. Somehow water is either killing your electrical supply, or getting into the fuel supply. Have you tried a can of HEAT fuel stabalizer yet? It gets the water out of the gas tank. Maybe run some of that in your next tank, and see what that does. If you put that stuff in, and then it rains and the car starts, then it's in your fuel supply lines, which would make me think fuel cap in general. so check your battery terminals and gas cap first.
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