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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Have you had your rotors turned recently? I think rotors becuase I have had a horrible squeeling from my front driver's side brake, when going in reverse, for a long long time. It would change tone when turning the wheel. Last weekend I had the front rotors turned, and no more squeeling. I had no vibration in the brake pedle to make me think they were warped....but they were. Now the car is straight as an arrow and no squeeling. You might want to have the front rotors turned. The pads gently ride on the rotors, and if they're even slightly warped, or hot-spotted, it can squeek like that.
  2. I have a feeling once Blake is finished chowing down on some turkey and waxing his car "to make me look bad ;) " he will chime in on this one! I agree Craig, the reports are confusing as can be. The written word says "junk" but the chart says "gem". I do think CR is a bit bias on thier reports. But I don't think they're too far off on the MB line up. But, I can't help to think that, as Jim said, most of the data is collected from folks like us, and when you pay that much money for a MB, you would think it would not leave you stranded on the side of the road, because you turned on the a/c which shorted out the fuse box, which killed the engine. I just wonder how much impact the price v. problems weighs on the report itself for MB. I know if I paid $25k for a car, and it broke down, I would be ticked off, but probably not as upset as if I had paid $80k for a car, and it broke down too. Not to mention, it probably costs 3 times as much to fix it. True story: My boss has a 02' E320, with about 45k miles. His battery died on him a couple weeks ago, so we had it jumped, and then he took it to his local MB specialist here in Chapel Hill. I followed him to the shop, so I could give him a ride back. I kid you not...every car in the parking lot waiting to give rides back to the other MB owners there, were all Japonesee cars. All toyotas, nissans and a Subaru. All sitting in the parking lot, engines running, and waiting for their passengers to come out.
  3. GKLCPA, I know exactly where you're coming from. Once you experience a road trip in the LS, it's nearly impossible to imagine riding in anything else, especially when you know you paid less for the LS than for a used Kia. We drove ours from Raleigh to Key West and back in the summer of 05', and it was great! We went through two hurricanes, and all of that good weather, and it held it's ground beautifully. When these cars are tuned in just right, you simply can't beat them. The frustrating part is when something falls out of tune, like a warped rotor or thrown wheel weight, and you can feel it. It's frustrating because you've witness the excellent ride, and will do anything to get it back! But once it's back...you're in sheer heaven!! I think the only other car I would consider might me the GS430 some day. Same comfy interior, but in a little bit more sporty setup. I assume you're probably 5 10'? I don't think I've ever heard someone who was 6 feet or taller say they find the LS very comfortable for long trips. Which I can understand completely. They're not big cars on the inside. They're wide, but not very long.
  4. Ditto what Ralph said amigo! PS: Just sent my brother in law off to boot at Ft. Leonard Wood to become a MP. If he gets stationed over there, I'll send you his name and maybe show the kid around the block?
  5. Geezz fella's, been busy on this one this weekend?? Hahahaa.. Well, since I started the thread, I feel it's my responsiblity to clean it up a little. I am extremely humbled, flattered and thankful for all the kind and supportive comments you guys have made here regarding me! I would love to have a LOC house warming party...but...you will all have to sign a waiver, and let my valet guy "two toes Tommy" park your cars. I can assure you, that none of my bad parts will be swapped out for your good parts while I'm getting you all drunk as skunks. Especially that sweet navigation set up Blake has in his car! ;) ...cough cough...I would have no use for it in my car...cough cough... Buford: I feel that I owe you an appology my friend, for my initial response to your posting. I notice that you are new around here, and you probably have not had enough time or interaction with some of us to be able to "detect" our tone, especially my smart-!Removed! way, for which I am quite known for. I want you to know, that I completely understand where you were coming from, and I respect it. I also thank you for correcting my mistake. I must admit, I will never make that mistake again, for I have learned a lesson here. Which, is what makes the world a happier place, by learning lessons along the way. I know you were not saying I was a racist, and I appologize if my response came off that way to you. Being southern, puts me in an interesting position sometimes with people who are not from the south. I have met too many people who have instantly branded me as a racist, simply because of the way I say "you all...aka...ya'll". So, sometimes I get a little wound up when I even think I detect someone is implying that about me. Because that is one area in my life that I will always defend against. Call me stupid, call me whatever, but never call me a racist. So, I appologize if my reaction was a bit too strong. I was just being a smartass. Buford, if there is one thing that I can assure you of, is that I'll make fun of myself way before I'll make fun of anyone else. So please don't ever feel that you can't poke some fun at the ole' NC. ;) By the way....good one on the Alaskan !Removed! Stamp Collector Society! I was actully going to create a new screen name of "Alaskan !Removed! Stamp Collector Society President", log in and post "You messing with us Lesbians?" Hahahaha... But, probably not a good idea. So, back to topic... Who's coming to the party? I wonder if Gregg in Jaxville, FL could make it in his new LS460? Sure would make for a good Christmas at my house! PS: I wonder if hookers get confused this time of year?? You know, with all the ho' ho' ho' ing going on? Hmmmm..makes you ponder...
  6. "No, my 1st name ain't baby, is Cracker...Mr. !Removed! if you're nasty." Ok, I'm confused, so you're saying that I drive an Oriental Car, not Asian car as most publications identify them as? If "Asian" = "people", then technically aren't "Asain" cars..really "people" cars? MAN, IS VOLKSWAGON GONNA BE P*SSED!! Way to go Buford, now you've ticked off the Germans by stealing their name! Which will iritate the Jewish population, which in turn will fuel the Iranians, which will impact Iraq, which will force Mr. Ping-Pong on the Northern axis of evil to sell a nuke to the Al Qadians, which in turn, will require the species of upright walking nature in the United States of America to unleash the hounds of hell on Ping-Pong's world. Which will ultimately upset the peaceful Native Americans because this was their land to begin with, and if Mr. !Removed! gets scalped, the south shall rise again and the country will have a quasi-civil war with cowboys, indians, yankees and hillbillies. Gezz, you tired yet? I mean you've completly ruined the nautral balance of mankind here today.! Hahaha.... I'm just messing with you Buford! I understand where you're coming from!
  7. Man, I'm sorry to hear this news :o . How was the Mustang? The insurance company has it's own set of NADA numbers, and I can guarantee you it doesn't say $11k for the car. Plus, they won't give you more than what you paid for it, or what you owe on it. My guess? The damage will cost more than 51% of their value, and total it out. I see probably $5k worth of work on your car, especially when you INSIST on using genuine lexus parts, and it be done by a genuine lexus shop. Not Bubba and Leroy down at "you wreck it, we inspect it". The will probably (a) pay off the loan, or (B) pay what their numbers indicate as the insurable value, not the market value. Several years ago I had a business management professor who was loaded, and was on Good Morning America defending his company's product...which assigned market values of vehicles for insurance companies. His calculations were so low, that several people sued their insurance company when it came time to file a claim, such as yourself. They pointed the finger to the number..which lead to his company, which put him in the hot seat because he was personally liable for the start up loan the company took out to get it off the ground a few years prior, and on Good Morning America.
  8. Well excuse me. If you think I don't care about offending people, then you clearly didn't read the thread correctly. How about I correct myself and identify the previous owners as "species of upright walking nature" or "homosapians of decent home ownership skills". That way we can completely erase everyones identity and we can all just be people, void of characteristics of value, or identity. If oriental is offensive to poeple, then I apologize. However, you need to recognize and don't accuse me of not caring about offending people just because, in your opinion, I used the wrong term. I would think, and quite frankly, expect you to realize, that it was not my intention to offend that segment of society, simply because if I wanted to offend them, I could of used a different choice of words. If I'm guilty of anything, it's the fact that I don't spell check. Sincerely, Homosapian of upright walking nature.
  9. I've got a beauty for you. RX, you'll know where I'm talking about. True story: Where: Southern States Nissan of Raleigh When: 3 years ago Who: Me, and I think DMX twin brother "rap star" What: Salesman "DMX" was standing outside smoking a cigerette when I pulled into the dealership in my fully loaded 2001 Maxima, heading to the parts department for a plastic seatbelt cap. Mr. DMX YELLS out across the lot as I get out of my car, and I quote word for word here "Hey Whitie, you ready to trade that POS for the bling machine Maxima?" I got back in my car, and called Nissan Corporate. I told them I was not going to fix the missing cap "getting ready to turn the car back in from lease", and if they charged me for it, I would file a discrimination suit against the dealership, and make it public. They did not charge me. In fact, I received a phone call from the dealership with a formal appology, and a bunch of free oil changes...none of which were true because the service department didn't accept them. You couldn't give me a car from that place! Southern States Nissan of Raleigh, on Wake Forest Road.
  10. FYI: MOVING SUCKS!!!! :chairshot: I've got more splinters, pulled muscles, missing clothes, boxes, boxes, boxes, boxes, dear God I hate boxes, paint stains, and little neighborhood teenage boys oogling over my wife than I can handle! I catch one of those perv's window peeping on us, they're going to see something that'll take years of therapy to cure! But, the garage is unpacked, custom workbench built, tv hooked up and plenty of space to "kick it"
  11. I've had this "towing a boat" and shimmy sensation for a few weeks, so last night I jacked up the rear of the car, drivetrain in N, and spun the back wheels. They sounded horrible! Like metal on metal. So, I pulled the rotors off, and spun the hub...nice and quiet. The damn ebrake shoes were dragging on the rotors, so I simply adjusted the shoes to their most inner setting, which basically makes the e-brake useless, but no more noise and towing the boat feeling. why do these things adjust like that so often? I'm thinking it's related to the fact that I have to prop up the ebrake lever in the car to disengage it. Either way, I've had enough of that damn ebrake. Since I'm no longer living on the Widow's Peak driveway, I figure screw the dang thing.
  12. Did...did...did....someone say AIR HAMMER???? Check out this link for parts...or drill down to lexus from www.parts.com for other choices. Eitherway, you'll find that if you go with oem from the get-go, you'll be much happier with not having to replace them again after you realize the aftermarket ones don't quite fit. www.lexuspartsonline.com the sites are pretty self explanitory.
  13. UCF3, no worries man, you're not *BLEEP*ing on my parade at all. But, I do ask that you realize that there are many of us on here that are not super car guys. My post is simply from my own experience with the Nissan product line. I only know what those who know have told me over the years, and what I have witnessed for myself. I may be off on my comparision between the maxima and I series, but in 2001 when I was looking at cars, and purchased the 2001 Maxima, other than some cosmetics here and there, I noticed very very very little differences between driving, riding and appearance of the two. Each had the same measurements, seats, radio, etc.... Especially nothing that jumped out that justified the price difference between the two. They may be different frames and such, but to the common man, the I series is a beefed up Maxima, plain and simple. They look the same, measure the same, ride the same, feel the same. Just have a few differences to justify the price jump and the different badge on the trunk. I haven't a clue what bore differences are between the two engines, nor do i really care. they're both the 3.0 liter nissan v6. But the I30 was a little bit peppier when I drove it around Birmingham, and the SE suspension on the Maxima was definetly tighter and harsher. But other than that, they drove and felt identical to me. In fact, what put me at the Nissan dealer was the comment the sales guy told me at Infiniti, that the I30 was basically a Maxima, just tuned more to the luxury side of the spectrum, instead of the sport side. Maybe he was wrong, but it sold me...to save the pennies and buy a fully loaded Maxima, instead of the I30. Besides...if we all had our facts straight, then this website would be of little use to anyone. I do agree on the turning radius problems with the nissans. You can barely pull off a 3 point turn on a freakin' runway. Okay, I don't mean to sound like I'm picking on you (NC211), but this targets a lot of people who really need to get their facts right; and it ticks me off~ pardon my language. I30-Nissan Cefiro is one of the original engine/chassis car. The Maxima on the other hand is manufacturered and sold ONLY in the US and Canada. It's the same with the Toyota SOarer-Lexus SC 2.5/300/400. They are not based on the Toyota Solara. -------------------- In response to the comparo Infiniti I vs the ES. Yes, they are both definitely well-built and very tough to compare. If I was to pick a car between the two, I would choose the ES because the turning-radius for the I30/35 blows. The ES has a better turning-radius, but when it comes to power and stamina I'd go with the I35. Oh NC211: I hate to do this to you again, but the extra BPH didn't come from the VVT for the I30/35. It was the because of the larger diameter pistons and the larger engine header that made the difference. there are some major differences between the Max and the I.
  14. I30 has nice interior components and layout. nice looking car too. but es is better built and rides much smoother. i assume since you said I30, that you're looking at the pre-2002 models, when they went to the I35, for the 3.5 V6 engine? The I30, infact the "I" series is nothing more than a maxima with a softer suspension, and maybe a little extra sound deadening material in the corner panels. The engine is also VVT based on the Infiniti side, which usually gives the car an extra 5 to 10 hp over the maxima. i think you've got two good cars you're looking at. I can't really say anything bad about either one. The ES will be quieter and smoother, but the I30 will be a bit sportier, and the ride won't be as nice. However, you will have more leg room in the back seat, and they are quite comfortable. The rear seats are at more of a downward angle, which gives people more legroom.
  15. Well...you are a fellow Alabamian, so I guess I could share the info. Although if you guys cheat again this year in the Iron Bowl and beat us...I'm not gonna be too happy! Not to mention, I've got double-or-nothing riding on the game this year with one of my Auburn buddies, again. I shop here.. www.lexuspartsonline.com, and is where I found that sketch and the price. Your best bet, if you're not sure what's broken, is have a lexus indi-mechanic take a look. If they say "yep, your bushing is worn out", then tell them you'll buy the part, and bring it to them for install. That way, you avoid the retail price, and still get the job done. I've never worked on anything buy my 95, so I'm not too familiar with the 430's. In fact, we haven't seen that many problems with them on here, simply because they're still pretty new. Although, I have started to see a few more questions pop up...and they always start the exact same way your question started, and not just for the 430, but for the LS model in general. That front bushing wears out, causes a thump and clank on rough roads, and eventually starts messing with your alignment and track of the car. Very common problem. ROLL TIDE!!!!!
  16. Very interesting observations Texas.. I have not driven the 460, or even seen one yet in person. I've never driven the 430, or even the 98+ 400's..just driven my 95. But, I can say, these later models must be really something if each one had been improved from the model years prior..because my 95 is a dream to drive and I've never been happier with a car than this one, even with the repairs. I am curious what folks will say about the 8 speed tranny, and how they like all that shifting. I'm guessing most won't complain. But I think it would possibly get on my nerves personally. I like staying in one gear, and just giving it a little gas to go faster, not downshift to the lower gear. I think that's the key to a really smooth feeling in the car. But, that's just me. Would I turn down a 460, or even not buy one if I could afford it? NO WAY, that sucker would be in my garage in a heartbeat. The tech toys don't really matter that much to me though. Just give me cruise control, power windows/seats/mirrors, and a decent radio, and I'm good to go. Heck, I feel spoiled rotten with just having the power steering wheel in the LS now. I'd probably wreck if I had all those other gadgets, like laser cruise, smoke screen, oil slicks, missles, etc... Although an ejector seat would come in handy...but would probably be the basis for my divorce. "It's a bird, it's a plane...no, it's your nagging mother flying over the neighbor's yard! Don't spill that juicy-fruity crap on my seats son!"
  17. hank, I am not too familiar with the 430 models, but judging from the different variations of the 400 models over the years, and all having this same common problem at one point or another, I am guessing you are OK on the air suspension, and just need what is the LS430's equivalent of the LS400's strut rod. From this attached picture, it looks like #10 is your strut rod bushing part. On the 400's, it's an actual rod that attaches to the lower control arm from the front of the car. They take the most abuse from bumpy roads, and are usually the first parts in the suspension to go, usually around the 80k+ mile marker. Now since we're getting close to the greatest football game of the entire season...if you answer the following question correctly, I will tell you where you can buy that part for way less than any dealership is offering to sell it......Question..... War Eagle :chairshot: :chairshot: or Roll Tide??? ;) :D B) PS: Most of us avoid the air suspension option, simply becuase they cost a lot more to repair, than a $50 strut. Usually most folks will convert their broken air suspension to the normal suspension when they start to fail. The thing about the suspension repairs, is that you really need to do both sides of the car at the same time. If you just repair one side with new parts, then the other side's age and flaws will show even that much more.
  18. srk, are you sure man? i thought bicolini had one in his car? not to be a smartass or anything, but i hope you're wrong on this one, becuase the screen at the bottom of my power steering tank has one big ole' nasty hole in it, making it useless in the sense of filtering out the crud, and was thinking about installing an inline filter on the return line into the tank.
  19. this is why all of us should take the time to clean our throttle bodies. This is a common problem on these cars, and unless you're throttle body is physically broken, there really is no real reason to ever replace it. You got LUCKY with having that warranty!!! The backside of the butterfly opening of the throttle body "that lets in the air into the engine" gets really nasty and grimmy from miles and miles and miles of driving. This is related to several reasons, but mostly due to our cars having an EGR system, which stands for Exhaust Gas Return. Due to the EPA, our car's engines are fed some of the exhaust back into the engine for another go-around, before being sent out the tail pipe. That exhaust air is nasty stuff, and over time will grime up the inside of the throttle body, back of the butterfly valve, and especially the outter edges of the butterfly valve. Over time it will become so dirty, that it restricts the air flow into the engine, which chokes it out into a stall.... But your way is the best way...aka...have the warranty buy you a new one!!
  20. thanks fellas for the replies!! I'm 100% positive it is the shim kits on the front rotors. I do have new oem pads, and new oem fitment and shim kits on all of the wheels. They probably have 5k miles on them. I have Mountain rotors on the front, and cheapo Napa's on the back. The popping noise is only coming from the driver's front....which just so happens to be the same one that screams when going in reverse. I noticed a few weeks ago when I went back in to regrease the shims, and skuff up the pads on the driveway "in an attempt to kill the noise" that on the driver's side, front, the thin black coating on the outside shim "where the piston hits" is torn, and bunched up on one side. So I think this is the problem. My next question however, is how did that happen to a set of brand new shims? I'm thinking maybe a caliper rebuilding kit is needed, because the piston isn't hitting the pad squarly? Threadcutter, you've done the brake rebuild kit process before right? Do you know if there is an actual kit I can buy from Lexus for this, or a specific part # (s) that are needed? I'm getting close to building the work bench in my new garage, and should have some space to get the cars in soon. On the top of my list, is a few neglected maintence items that need to be done. One is to replace my plugs "Blake, still got em' amigo ;) ", the ASUS bushing replacement on the lower rear control arm, inner tie rods, wires, caps, etc.... And, a full brake job.
  21. We'z thug life in da burb's, yo.. check it...word to yo' motha'. http://www.bofunk.com/video/662/jim_carrey...anilla_ice.html
  22. sweet, i was wondering, any update on your brakes? mine are doing this now too, actually have been for quite some time..
  23. I don't think it will evaporate. I think you would be fine with around town driving, but I like it on a highway cruise becuase it prevents it from seperating from the gasoline itself. I don't if it would do that, but I don't if it wouldn't do that either...kind of like the oil and water effect. I doubt it would do that. I just like the highway part, because it's convient for me, and it goes all the way through, at a relatively higher rpm.
  24. Oh man...now this is one funny post!! "Is Wayne Brady gonna' have to choke a !Removed!?" Well, at least he took my advice on gettin' sum stacks foo' da' beaatches. I'm curious though what happened to the $9k 2003+ LS430 with Navigation he was going to buy, Fo' Weal? I would be on the look out for a dark blue, 1996 LS400 in the VA area for sale. I don't understand the whole "I wear a mean dark pair of shades, And you cant see my eyes unless my head is bent. YA DIG?" But I probably don't care to either. Anybody seen the classic movie "Airplane"? Yo', dat whack...Holla' my shnizzel...blood....gimme sum skin! Sucka'.... Peace Out.... Vanilla goin' to da' fridge...fo' his puddin' pop.
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