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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Again, I'm assuming the 4.7 liter engines in the 4Runner and GX are about the same. I'm curious what this filter housing is that I've circled in yellow in the picture? Is it the fuel filter "which would be the easiest fuel filter to replace on earth"?
  2. Hey Jim, yeah they were iridium denso plugs, the originals. But to be honest, they looked pretty bad, I was amazed actually. The previous owner put on 50k miles inside of 15 months time, so it was driven constantly, and judging by the excellent tread on the original tires, was driven in a straight line mostly....highway miles. But upon changing the oil myself, I noticed a black ring of burnt oil around the filler neck, and a few other things that were neglected "diff fluids, transfer case fluids" etc. They basically drove it, pulled in to Jiffy lubes for oil changes, and then sold it. So, being analretentive as I am, I've decided to do the "LS" treatment, which includes a new pcv valve, new plugs, clean the butterfly on the throttle body, etc... mostly preventive stuff. I used NGK iridium platinum arched plugs, with some kind of laser cut to them...the box was neat looking is all I know. For a cost of less than a full tank of gas, got new plugs in there, and it has made a difference in the smoothness of the engine, and a bit smoother power band. I think one of the plugs was going bad due to a hesitation and pulsation feeling under moderate throttle. That has been fixed. I'm not sold on things that don't require replacement for 100k+ miles, or "lifetime" fluids. To me, anything that explodes 2,000 times a minute, can't honestly perform at top levels for that long. Just doesn't compute in my mind. The tranny on the 4Runner is "sealed" and supposedly has a lifetime fluid in there. Bull-hockey if you ask me. Just like the BMW 3 series with their "lifetime" tranny fluids. Most BMW enthusists and mechanics will tell you that it's a wise move to replace it every 45k miles or so to avoid the dreaded tranny failure later on. I've found the proceedure to replace the tranny fluid in the 4Runner on t4r.org forum, but I hear the fluid ain't cheap.
  3. There is a reason why Warren Buffett drives an Oldsmobile, and Sam Walton kicked around in an ole' Chevy truck.. To counter....one name comes to mind.... MC- Hammer.
  4. Hey guys, I've recently purchased a 2005 4Runner with the 4.7 V8 engine. I assume it's the same engine as in the GX, minus a few silencers here and there. I'm going to change the plugs soon, and would like to clean the PCV valve, as I'm not sure how well it was maintained by the previous owner. It has 52k miles. Does anyone have instructions on how to do the plugs and PCV valve? It's pretty basic stuff, but I would like to read the instructions first just to make sure I don't miss some sort of special and unique step. Thanks all! PS: Any pictures of booster line for seafoam into the intake?
  5. No need to apologize at all SK! I'm glad to have someone to share the next several months with who is going through what I'll be going through! We told her dad last night at his birthday party....it was great! He was in shock all night long, and I suspect it'll hit him sometime today. I asked just one favor from my wife over the next 8 months, to give me a 20 second head start when the hormones kick in and she wants to rip my head off for what I've done to her! Hahaha!!!! I'm going to buy a cup and wear it for a while, just in case! Now that I've had some time to absorb this, and finally got some sleep last night, I gotta' tell you guys....... I'M STOKED! CAN'T WAIT! THIS ROCKS!!
  6. Congrats to you SK! We can compare diaper changing stories soon! Maybe one day our kids will compare their flying Lexus LS900s together! I can see it now, us oldies saying things like "I remember when "d" meant drive, not "departure"."
  7. I think the insurance rates will probably put an end to this idea. I'm split on a sports-y car for a teenager's 1st car. The handeling can come in handy if he pushes it too far, as most teenagers usually do no matter the car is. But, the handeling can also invite aggresive driving too. Anything sporty with a 6 under the hood is going to be costly on the insurance side. My opinion is a 4 banger VW Golf or Jetta. They can handle very well in a very forgiving way, but don't have so much horsepower to get them into trouble. One speeding ticket in the IS, and the rates will double. From my understanding, some IS's have a severe throttle lag problem. A lawyer buddy of mine has one in Tampa, and is drafting a legal claim against the dealership because of the lag. He's nearly been t-boned on several occasions by that lag. I'd also consider a 06' Mazda 3 too. Wife has an 07' fully loaded, and it's a blast! heck, I got my 1st speeding ticket in 16 years the 1st week we had it. It has a 4 banger, enough pep to really be fun, but not so much to invite racing and too much hot-dogging. But either way, it really comes down to the driver, and if he/she can handle the responsibilty of having a car in general. My neighbor has a 16 year old son, and they ended up buying him a Pontiac Grand Prix sedan. They were interested in buying my 95 LS400 for him, but I actually refused the offer because it's a V8 that can really scoot, but can't handle turns like a 16 year old boy would take. Teenagers are "testers" of limits, and some cars invite such actions. The IS300 is one of those cars. It begs the driver to be aggressive. Just like my old 01 Maxima SE. I couldn't help but drive hard, but in my LS, or even my new 05 4Runner, I have no desire to be aggessive, and yet remain just as happy with the driving experience.
  8. Thanks amigo! It hasn't fully hit me, I'm still in shock! Our first child! She's about 5 weeks, and every home test she's taken says yes. I guess she had a sneaking feeling on our trip, and on Monday when we got back, she went up to the store to buy some food "or so I thought", but also bought a few of those tests. They all came back positive. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to tell my parents that they're finally going to be grandparents. Probably one of the best moments of my life. We're due in May! Just think, a little NC211 jr. hanging out in the garage with Pops, changin' oil and cleaning PVC pipes together! Ahhh, maybe I'll get him a little pnumatic air hammer! Hahaaaa... If it is a boy of course. This is going to take a few days to sink in......
  9. Today is my 34th birthday, and my loving wife has given me the BEST birthday gift any man could ever hope for..... I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!!! :D My head is spinning with excitement! If the jet lag from our trip wasn't enough to keep me awake tonight!!!
  10. nc211

    Any Bets

    Any bets on whether the Iranian President "Mr. Nutjob" makes it out in one piece if he does indeed insist on visiting ground zero next week while visiting the UN?
  11. Does the purchase agreement that both you and the dealership signed say anything about the price being contingent upon using their financial services? If so, then no, they have the right to retrade on the price. But if not, then yes, you can enforce the contract and make them honor the sales price. If they refuse, inform them of the "bait & switch" laws. Trust me, all you'll have to say to them is the term "bait & switch", and they'll know exactly where you're going with this, and be forced to honor the contract price as AGREED upon in writing, with both your signature and theirs, so long as that purchase agreement does not say the price is contingent on using their financial department. They won't sell you the car at that price anymore because their profit was in that 2% you avoided with the bank loan. They were going to get a kickback from the lender for selling you on a higher interest rate than normal. But to be honest, it can't be but a few hundred dollars at best. With 2%, and what, a 5 year term, on a loan of that size, you're not talking too much money. Might be worth coming up an additional $400 in your offer. You'll still be saving $360 a year with the bank loan. This was a Lexus dealership???
  12. Give it up Needone, I'm convinced the man is a lawyer in sheep's clothing, plus, not to mention, he lives and transacts business in Washington, DC.. The spin capital of all mankind... The man knows his LS, he's on some kind of government watch list for being a top LS stalker. I think he's wired into the Toyota Brain-Matrix as he seems to know design characterists of the 2015 model series, even the thermonuclear HP of the rear !Removed! massage thingy. We're all going to throw him a party when he finally pulls the trigger on a new one! At which time, world peace will break out, and the entire Swedish bikini ski-team will dance naked in the streets. Don't make us contact Monarch for reference points. I hear he's off of soft foods now, and capable of speaking in full sentences again.
  13. yep, or in the armrest, but i believe the glove box has the sticker. Eitherway, it's 32 psi all around, i believe. always check on cold tires though, as heat expands the pressure. The pressure in my 4 runner and wife's Mazda 3 can fluctuate by as much as 5 lb's from hot to cold.
  14. A "mute" botton on the steering wheel for the wife. "don't drive so fast...you're tailgating....you stop to hard...it's fine, all cars vibrate...yap yap yap yap" :D
  15. I think it more came up as a reference in a literature class, probably a paralell between a peice of literature they were studying and the story of Adam and Eve, or a thematic discussion etc. While its true religion cannot be "taught", the bible is literature and it certainly can be, and is, taught as a peice of literature. Ahh, ok, I see where the teacher was coming from. She probably had to refer India to a printed reference point instead of sitting him down and explaining it herself. If he's in a public school, she could possibly get into trouble for it, so it's easier to say "you read it and you tell me what you think in your assignment, instead of me reading it to you and telling you what it means". I could see Oral Robert's starting up the protest bus in Tulsa and heading down to India's school.
  16. You know age isn't a big issue with the LS400, as evidenced by us on here. You also know mileage isn't a big issue for the LS400 either, as evidenced by us on here. What is an issue is maintenance performed, but you know it was done correctly by the dealership. So, I would ask yourself this question: What else can I buy for $15,600 with less than 60k miles, perfectly maintenced, that is as nice, reliable and safe as this LS400? I think you have your answer. If you don't buy it, I'm sure someone else will for that price, especially in such a large area as Miami. I bought my 95' with 81k miles back in 2004 for $14,200...same maintence records and owner history as the one you're looking at. I think I've got it sold for $8,900, will know for sure on Saturday. It now has 131k.
  17. I'm running my ipod on a very old Philips cassette adaptor that works just fine and never triggers the auto reverse feauture on my pioneer headunit. Ditto, except it's a Radio-Shack tape adapter in mine, and works great. By the way, Blake, the car is lookin' great man!
  18. ....and let us not forget the Marshal Plan after WWII. Not to knock anyone or anything, but didn't anyone think there might be a weee bit of a problem in the locational place of Isreal with the surrounding area? I mean, come on, talk about needling the situation... Again, not knocking anyone or anything...just saying, looking at a globe and considering the surroundings, might of shed a little light on the situation as to where a jewish state could be created with minimal confrontational impact.... But, I know this is a hot topic, and I've gotten into trouble in the past with it, so please understand I'm not picking on anyone... I'm not completely educated on the whole history of things.
  19. Um...might not want to do that at school, or with your parents arounds.... unless you plan on buying the edible underware on page six of the catelog... Adam and Eve is also an adult catelog... or so I've been told... :whistles: India, I find it interesting that you're having to study any form of religion in a school setting, unless you attend a private school?? Seperation of church and state pertains to the seperation of religious teachings and all that other stuff in a public school setting.... But, you are in Texas, and the bible's belt is quite wide in that part of the country. Down here, southern baptists rule the roost. Me, being a Prespyterian "or something like that, I can't spell", we're the religion of giving...as in praying the check you just put in the offering plate clears.....
  20. These are all over France. Citreon Picasso... Barf!!
  21. Hahaa... now that you mention it.... I'd have to say the two top spots for the girl watching was Amsterdam and Paris. In Amsterdam, they were everywhere! It was like one of those gum commercials, with beautiful girls riding thier bikes, scarfs flying in the wind. No doubt Amsterdam has some of the most beautiful women on earth! We took a walk through the red light district, and of course, there were a few standing in the windows, but I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole. Not my kind of scene. The girls in Paris were nice too! I'd have to say Paris is all about !Removed! and legs. They dress to impress, to enhance their looks. As where in Amsterdam, they dress for comfort, but are just down right stunning. We took a tour with Globus tours. I can't recommend them enough! It was so easy. A luxury coach bus, all activities taken care of, all luggage taken care of, all hotels ready and waiting. It was the easiest vacation I've ever been on. I think we drove about 2,500 miles, not sure what that is in Kilometers. Those bus drivers can perform magic too! Unreal levels of driving skill. In London, in the round-a-bouts, the car to the right has right of way. In Paris, the car already in the round-a-bout has right of way. It's an insane way to drive, but the only accident we saw was some drunk dude in Paris wreck his moped by hitting the driver's side mirror on a parked BMW M5. Was kind of funny actually. Smart cars everywhere in Paris...the smaller the better. Oddly enought, I didn't see a single LS400 or 430, or GS, ES, RX. I did spot a few new IS's in London, but that was it. German cars dominate over there, along with the Peuguts "Peeuuhh-guts", Renaults, and Opels. I hear they're starting to bring in some Opels in NYC now. They have some really sweet looking cars! Good to see Alfa's still running around too, even though their interiors are still ugly to me. Some of the German girls I saw could make a nice living in the WWE over here. Definetly wouldn't want to argue with them. They'd probably over-engineer the most brutal butt-kicking I've ever had! Fastest I've ever gone on land was in the Eurostar train, under the English channel... 200+ mph. Was very very cool. I'll post up some pictures later, my wife has the camera with her, and is at her folk's house today. Might need some help sizing them down, took some at very high resolution so I can blow them up and frame them later. By the way, I'm taking the LS down to Wayne this week. I didn't have time to get it done before I left for the trip. He's waiting for it. Thanks for the contact RX, you're right, he's a very nice guy!
  22. I have returned from a whirl-wind trip through Europe, which lasted two weeks, and covered London, Amsterdam, Heidelberg Germany, Lucern Switzerland and Paris. 923 pictures taken, 4 1/2 hours of digital video shot. My digestive system is one big ole' mess, and I've got the worst jet-lag I've ever had. What's up, is down, and what's down, is sideways..... BUT, I have a suggestion to the guys and gal's at Ford and GM..... Import your European and German cars to the states!!! It's like a whole different automaker over there. Ford has some really slick looking German cars! GM's Opel has some really nice ones too! I just don't understand why they don't hand over the US design keys to their German division. Just don't understand it. PS: If anyone here in the states thinks their town has traffic problems.......you need to take a trip to centeral Paris..... That place is a ZOO!!
  23. #1) I think you'd have better luck asking what insanity is over on the Benz' forum, not the Lexus forum. To me, an act of insanity is paying six figures for a depreciating asset, especially one that has Chrystler minivan parts and begins to fall apart after 3 years. #2) 11:45pm posting....subject line of insanity....deep thoughts.....hmmmmm, reminds me of someone I use to know prior to getting married who had the middle east situation all figured out, along with his buddy, Mr. Budweiser.... :D
  24. it doesn't come out. Mine has holes in it too, has for years. The easiest way to clean it is to use a mildly abrasive paint brush "cut off most of the brushes", don't turn on the car, stuck the brush down in the tank and scrub the screen. Then, use a suction device to pull out the fluid along the bottom, along the screen. Have new fluid handy though, so you don't pull out too much and create an air pocket situation. If you're having tough steering problems, you need to clean the solenoid screen under the passenger's side, being the wheel that is attached to the rack. Search "solenoid" on here, and you'll find a few thread with pictures and instructions. That tiny screen is crucial to the steering feel of the car. It makes a night and day difference.
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