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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Dang...$80 an hour huh...you must be union! Hahahaha I'm actually trying to get the new guy to make the run up there for me. I call it the "initiation' phase...here kid, take this camera, take that company car, go to this address, ask for Allen, and take a bunch of pictures for me...thanks. Once he's cooled down, I usually take him out for a few beers and let him rant for a while. I usually cut him off right around complaining about his compensation. hahaha
  2. Kewl, are you moving at all when you do this? If you are, how tight is your ebrake pedal in general? Does the ebrake grab tightly with just a few clicks of the ebrake pedal itself? If so, the ebrake cable might be a little tight, especially with the cold air now tightening up things in the car. What might be happening "assuming you're moving forward" is when you stomp on the brake, and due to those rubber bushings, the rear wheel(s) might be shift back just slight enough to put a little pull on the ebrake cable. If you take off your rear rotors, you should see on the bottom of the ebrake pads a silver little sprocket. This is the cable tensioner. Just one turn should probably do it to loosen it up just enough to give you a little bit more slack. But if you do this...don't turn it a lot, as you will come to find that you nolonger have an ebrake at all due to too much slack.....I learned this the hard way myself. Was a tedeous little chore getting it set right again on both wheels. Or, it could be something else, like the magical loose wire on the back trunk hinge and so forth.
  3. What's your hourly rate? hahahaa...I need to make a property inspection in DC anyway "tyson corner area". yeah, i can't argue with not having my process down. i actually make a day out of it, with several breaks and distractions....hmmm...that might just apply to everything I do. :whistles:
  4. Amen to that! I've done that drive across I-70 from KC myself....it sucks! You always know you're coming up to a town when you start seeing bill boards for Dairy Queen and a Chineese Restuarant.
  5. mann777, i really think it's related to your wheels or brakes, as it only seems to happen when you're moving. how are your pads and rotors? Are you using your brakes at that low speed? you could have a caliper piston that's stuck a little, forcing the pad to rub just slightly, causing the noise. I don't disagree with alsalih on the water pump, but wouldn't that make noise regarless of movement?
  6. Oh now that's just too good to pass up. You gotta admit Rf, that's pretty good! That depends...water skiing I hear is great, except for that occasional 140 mph crosswind.. Not too sure about the snow skiing...guess that just depends on how much you had to drink at Martigras.
  7. :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: I'll sign up for that gas card if you will buy my ocean front property in Kansas.
  8. Now that looks like one very happy and lucky dog!
  9. I heard that too somewhere, but I think it was 500 miles from where I saw it...I think it was on tirerack? Now I can do it for 50 miles....but 500 with a V8 under my right foot might be a little tough! ;) Since my indi shop didn't do a very good job on the balancing "they never do, old equipment", I'm going to pop off the weights and let it ride normally. Then when I get it aligned on a hunter system, I'll have them balanced if need be. DC, you're right about cleaning those rims man..they are funky! I need to really hit mine with a polisher pad and some rim polish cleaner. I actually tried to pressure wash the insides once...didn't do a damn thing but get me soaking wet. By the way, the weights my indi shop uses are put on the outside..the weights the dealership uses are on the inside...so I've probably got weights everywhere.
  10. Boooo....Hisss Hissss.....DukIE stinks! hahahaaa....Roy is the man!!! Hard to compliment a Tar Heel car being a Duke fan, but looks good!
  11. And back it comes.... Got new tires put on yesterday. I bought some Continetal Premium cruisers from tirerack...$87 a tire. The verdict is still out, but only got 10 miles on them. Question: should the car be realigned since it has new tires on it now? I had them balance them...but didn't do a very good job. I can tell they're all over the place in the balancing. I think I'm going to pop off all the weights and see what happens. I remember when I owned my 99 Subaru Outback, had a new set of tires put on and the Subbie mechanic "who was awesome!" said "take the weights off and let the tires find their own balance...so I did...and he was right. Took maybe 30 miles of driving, and never had a problem after that. So, I might try that on these new tires as well. By the way....NO MORE WOBBLE!! Ahhh...so nice it's gone!
  12. I've got a standard issue, Lowes GNC 10 inch orbital, nothing fantsy or anything. In the past, I have usually washed the car with normal blue coral car wash, then clay bar everything, then polish, then wax. It's just too much for me to do now by hand. The last time I did this was back in June of 04', and it took me two days! I know...i know...bad lexus owner for not doing again in the past 18 months..but she still beads! But not much. After I wash the car, I would usually spray some of that eagle 1 wax as you dry stuff to help extend the life of the wax. So if I use dish soap this time, should I use the suds of the dish soap to act as a lubricant for the clay bar? Or would that be too harsh? I've got several little white pits in the paint now, especially on the roof "always been there". Any suggestions on, or if possible, to fix those? Would the buffer take care of them? I've pretty much accepted the car's age and her cosmetic flaws, and she's got a few door dings here and there. Is the NXT a wax or polish, or both? I'm off to go read your write up SWO! ;)
  13. Maybe the car was used for running drugs...packed in the right areas, then stripped down once the car arrived at it's destination, because I too think it's strange they did not take the steering wheel, wheels, radio etcl... Just the items that look like they could "store" stuff. Eitherway...I'm sure the original owner is not too happy about his new Lexus being all cut up like that.
  14. yeah man...i agree.... me and swo speak a similiar language, and the main reason why i won't bark at swo is because i know where he is coming from. even though he might have a set of teeth, and the ability to bite here and there "as do we all..." I also understand his thinking, and i do respect it...as i do everyone elses. we do get in some *BLEEP*ing contests here and there...i'm not void of a few myself...aka..canadacraig back in the day.. but in the end...the result is the same, progress in enjoyment to our ownership of a Lexus automobile. Hey man, life up the left, life down the right. When you start saying "I Know"...then you're dated...always say "I'd LIKE to know". You stop asking...you stop learning...and you start fading...and if you're reading this, then well, you're NOT dated, because you're on a learning website. PS: Where's Kewl? Hey Blake, you still around?
  15. Mequires NXT is it...thanks army...as usual.. :D Meguiars NXT. that is my reccomendation. after a clay.
  16. Well Army...considering our history.....you can consider this thread done....and consider this piece of equipment bought and paid for in my garage.... if you're signature is behind it...I'll buy it..
  17. Wow!! Ok, thanks guys...thanks steve... Ok, Zaino is out. So..help me here...I've got an 11 year old LS 400...black...white pits on the paint...an over-the-counter orbital..and a limited capacity to detail. I want a newer car look....not new car.. basically...what would you guys recommend I buy at the store to apply after a clay bar? I'm sorry, but I will not put dish soap on the car...just won't do it.. I'll clay bar it to death...but that's as far as I go. ;) After clay bar....hit it with the orbital on some polish? wax? compound?.....then what? I'm lost here.... :cries: swo....i follow you man....
  18. I've got a 95 LS400 with that soft black paint. She's in need of a buff soon. I have been told that Zaino is great stuff! Any opinions on this? I'll be using a random orbital...and of course clay bar before putting any wax or polish on the car.
  19. Alexander, I've been following your threads "and learning from them ;) ". From your knowledge base of cars in general, I doubt you'll be spending too much time at the Lexus dealership at all! When I got my 95, I didn't even know how to change my own oil. But 18 months later, and the help of these great guys on here...I'm now like you...only to the dealer for alignment and paint. Well...timing belt and that sort of stuff too...BUT I'm working on learning that stuff as well! What I've learned about this car is that it's really easy to service and maintain! Very well built, with servicing in mind for sure! Except for a few hard to reach items...it's pretty much cake. And you, coming from european cars in general "not bashing them here, ok", your new 95 LS400 will seem like Dr. Suess stuff in comparision! If I can do it....good lord....anybody can do it too! I am going to send you a PM now...check your email...
  20. Now if you guys don't cut it out, I'm gonna have to start telling some dirty jokes to ease the tension around here. And let me warn you...if you're a Rabbi, Preist or a Parrot in a bar...well..prepare to be offended. :chairshot: You're dealing with a former Teamster turned Banker..so you know I've got a few good ones in my book to tell! And if that doesn't do it...then I'll turn my soon to be wife on you guys...and she'll quiet this place down big time....and boy can she nag! We'll all be running to the bar with the Rabbi, Preist and Parrot. ;) :D
  21. Nah man, don't trade it for the IS200.....get the IS330 instead! Hahaha...just kidding. It's really up to you what you want to do with the MB. It's getting up there in age, so you know whatever money you put into it, expect to get maybe 10 cents on the dollar back if you decide to sell it after you've upgraded it. If it were me, and seeing as now you're an LS owner...I'd just leave it in her standard oem set-up and fix what needs to be replaced due to normal wear and tear. As you know, I'm not experienced with MB "although I love the 98+ 300e". So I can't really offer proven advice. But on the financial side, I can offer advice. If you fix her up, then assume you'll keep her until those upgrades wear out...or be in a position to accept the loss financially. From what I understand, MB's are good cars to upgrade as you tend to see many older models running around. There must be something to that fact... ;)
  22. I would post this in the audio section of this website...probably get a lot more hits.... My opinion? Ground Loop Isolator is needed. I bet you're picking up the alternator through the ground of the amp and or headunit, creating a ground loop that is back feeding into the system. They do make a ground loop isolator that isn't that much money...been years since i've messed with one and can't quite remember how it is installed, but it's not hard. But again, put this one up in the audio section so the experts can have at it!! And good luck amigo! Glad you're not my neighbor with that stereo set up.....I'm too old and need my sleep!! ;)
  23. Well, I've gone pneumatic now! Man I love that sound of an air drill!!! I am looking at buying one of these fluid evacs to make life easier. I need some opinions on what you guys think about using one of these? Do they get the dirt out of the filters as well? http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?...000&tab=des#tab
  24. Josh, in Kansas, many years ago, there was this little law called The Plea Doctrit. You double the fine, pay the court cost, and the ticket magically became a non-moving violation. You could do this once a year by yourself, then you needed an attorney after that...any quick-draw-McGraw will do. UPDATE your driver's license to your new state pronto! In many states "NC being one of them", you have 30 days from taking up residency to convert it...or face a "driving w/o operator license" ticket. It will hurt you in court if you're still on your Texas license. If none of that works, and your state now doesn't have the Plea Doctrit, then play the angle as mentioned already about being in the military and so forth...but tread lightly on it too. I am sure the judge has heard that one a million times up there. Even though you're a straight shooter, down the middle kind of guy, be prepared to the fact that bar-brawler Private "Metal-eater" who trashed someone's bar in a fight with one of the locals over his girl has gone up before the judge ahead of you and played that exact same angle. I'd take toysrme's advice and talk to your c/o off the record for his advice on the matter. Nothing looks better than a recommendation from your base commander for leanentcy "spelling?" Great way to disconnect yourself from that drunk bar brawler with gun-powder between his ears who could hurt your chances by guilty by association. Did I read your response right, you are with USAA? I am, dad is retired usaf colnel. My rate at 32 years of age, full coverage and $250 deductible is $380 every 6 months. Only item on my record was back in 1996 down in some poodunk town 60 miles south of here...for driving without an operators license due to the fact that I still had my Kansas driver's license...been here for 6 months. 2 points on my record....they dropped off many years ago.
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