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Everything posted by LexKid630

  1. you're right; the mercedes is nothing compaired to the Lexus's. Since i only have a few k miles on it, nothing's ever broken on it....I don't plan on keeping it very long though.
  2. how much do dealers usually make on used cars. I mean the difference b/t what they payed someone for it and what they're charging me...?
  3. There aren't any bacteria in the air unless they're traveling on dust etc...what a joke...all it is is a liquid releasing a pleasant odor in the air that smells nice...
  4. LOL nice one Ever hear about that fabreeze air sanitizer? That's supposed to kill "airborne bacteria" ? since when did bacteria get wings and not us ? HAHA
  5. Call me crazy, but what are these O2 sensors used for in a car? laugh at me if you want.....LOL
  6. when is the best time to tank up? Whyen the needle is below the E when the yellow light comes on? Or maybe a little before the E when you have a few tanks left....I've heard many stories how at the bottom of the tank the gas is like a tar and can be bad for the engine. Is this all true? When do you tank up?
  7. The toyota corolla's need to be re-designed as well..they look too boring..they need style and some more sharp angles to attract younger drivers. <_< I must admit the new gauge clusters on the 05 corolla LE's are HOT!! The tinting thing with the white numbers is nice. The red needles on must lexus models looks nice too...
  8. i strongly agree that the camry's need a new style!! i hate them now...the 00's and 01's were the best...
  9. Its hard to "picture" a lexus (especially an LS) not starting....You'd think they're invincible...
  10. consider yourself lucky uve never experienced a transmission failure; especially while driving it!! all of a sudden you can't stop in normal gear! You hear grinding, you smell burining!! oooo baddddd
  11. I had a lab a few years ago. i would never let it into one of my cars.....taking it to the vet; in the trunk LOL
  12. None yet, I've contacted a lot of people & auto magazines.......there is nothing, not even spy shots. There should be some this summer coming soon. ← if they're even built somewhere, they're being tested i assume...thats if theyre even built
  13. it's unbelievable how they make it work....battery AND engine together...its amazing!
  14. has nayone ever seen the 07 es yet? i mean in a pic? or is it just an "idea" ?
  15. It makes a smokers car smell like a non smokers car.....or at least to my nose! lol ;) ← some of these chemicals are miracle workers LOL and yes i can't say that kis was a nice car...errrrr like a tin can....I'll never rent a compact car again..
  16. Canadian ES with the 5 speed automatic don't have the problem as we have different emisson regulations than the U.S. The problems should be eliminated with the 2007 ES. I say should be! ;) ← of corse who knows over time, most of these problems occur later on over the years....My 99 rx transmission blew out in 03 @ 70k miles
  17. You will see an all new ES in about a year as an early 2007 model ;) ← :whistles: Oh well, they need new styling i guess.... B)
  18. I don't think it's due to be changed yet at 20k miles........check the owners manual for the correct interval. B) ← i mean "should" it be done @ 20k miles.? Sometimes the manual gives an under estimate. It can't hurt to do a flush? can it? rather replace it while the fluid is still good fefore it goes bad!
  19. I wonder if the lexus engineers are doing as much research about these problems as we are LOL They're the ones who should fix them!!!
  20. Is there a "pep" change when the engine kicks in over the battery power? do you feel anything? besides sound...
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