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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. I checked with my service adviser just for kicks and he said it's behind the bumper, in front of the radiator, pretty much on center. I asked because I have been curious why sometimes it registers correctly when you first get under way, and read high on other occasions when you first start out. He said when you park facing the sun, the sensor heats up and cools down as you drive away for a few minutes. If you park in the shade, no problem. Makes sense to me.
  2. I don't know...I like stock, but some of these are just beautiful. Lots of cool wheels. and thats from an old man! LOL Paul
  3. Have you checked the fuses, both under hood and under dash. Unless you REALLY want the lights to flash, if it's not the fuse's I'm not sure I would shell out the kind of money it might take to track it down and repair.
  4. I have looked through all the 2010 nav manuals and I'm not sure your going to be able to get what you want. It may not be what your used to, but the rest of the car will more than make up for it. Paul
  5. Does anyone know where the sensor for the outside temperature is located? Thanks, Paul
  6. Welcome to the LOC! Enjoy your new "family". Paul
  7. Welcome to the LOC! They are a joy to drive and will treat you well. Paul
  8. I knew I had seen this before, but it took me awhile to find it again, I am assuming the 2009 manuals the same as the 2010. If so, look on page 22, item "1". then go to page 295, item "3". Here is the sequence: Go to Nav screen Setup; do- Setup;-General;-Auto Screen change;-Off. (default is off). Can't help you with the other matter. Paul
  9. Hi guy's. I don't mean to butt in here, but you really can't just willy-nilly swap speakers to what ever you like without matching the impedance to that of the output of the amplifier. When you removed the original (OEM) speakers, they should have the impedance/ohms stamped on the back of the frame. Ohms are like water pressure. If you put your thumb over the end of the hose, you create more force/resistance to the flow. An 8 ohm speaker puts more resistance to that flow than a 4 ohm. A 2 ohm, even less. The amplifier is designed to only put out enough power to satisfy one of these settings. Ask for more or less...not good. Sorry if you already knew all of this. Paul
  10. Watch the video of the tachometor as this LFA goes from 0 to 260 in about 3 seconds. Check out the shifts. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/02/19/video-lexus-lfa-launch-control-makes-start-lines-disappear-quic/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fautoblog+%28Autoblog%29
  11. I wish I could say the same for Iowa or the Midwest in general. As you may have seen last fall on "60 Minutes", the town of Newton, Ia, the former home of Maytag, was featured. This community, like hundreds of others, has literally begun to disappear during this "Great?" recession. The Midwest, rural towns in general, are shrinking do to flight to urban areas because that is were the jobs are. A farmer with a few hundred acres can no longer afford a half million dollar combine or feed a 150 cattle at $ 100,000 until ready for market. A young couple wanting to start farming today must be able to borrow enough capital to farm at least 8-10 thousand acres ( @$6,200 an acre) in order to cash flow the business. Who in their right mind is going to lend a twenty something couple enough money to do that. It use to be that many of these small towns had manufacturing plants that took good advantage of farmers with knowledge of machinery and wanted some steady pay (farming,IMO, is the all time crap shoot) and health insurance. Iowa lost Union Carbide, Rubbermaid, Caterpillar, Maytag,Goggle, Pella Windows just to name a few. Now the farms are being consolidated by out of state and in state agribusiness corps. that have the resources to "Plow" 20-30 thousand acres. Corporations like Tyson, Con Agra, Monsanto et.al. Is this necessarily bad? It hasn't saved the state from financial disaster and state employee mandated cuts, or massive debt. I'm just stating the obvious that the country has been impacted unevenly and for those who have not been affected as much we should be Glad. What I fear is that those who live in DC, our Reps. and Senators, are insulated from the real world and can only see their next election fund growing or shrinking. Do you folks remember during the November elections that EVERY one was promising JOBS? Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Has anyone heard any of them say a peep about jobs now? Now it's abortion, or who said what about a tax, and who can screw the budget committee process. My next door neighbor works with municipalities and school districts arranging bond issues. Over the past two years he has talked about how difficult it has become to work with the financial soundness of these organizations. This last six moths he has said that he fears were headed for a massive collapse of these entities. My point is that we are so interconnected in this country and this world that when you sneeze, you'll catch the cold on the other side of the planet. Whatever happens in Wisconsin or DC will eventually effect all of us. Therefore be kind on your way through town, you may have to turn around and go back someday. Paul Way long I know.
  12. If the 2011 recievers can be either XM or Sirius that is a NEW feature. The 2010 units in the ES are XM only.
  13. I vote that they keep all the ethanol in the corn in Iowa, where it belongs..... Hear me? Sorry, I don't actually know the answer to your question, but do wish they'd quit producing it so the price of corn would go down and they'd keep politics out of our gas tanks! Greetings from Iowa! The answer is no. A 10% blend of ethanol in 87 octane or 89 octane is fine. It is of course used here in a great number of cars and I have used in it both my 05' and 10'. Actually Code, we export over 70% of the corn production for food products and use less than a few percent for ethanol. Ethanol produced from corn is a very expensive and inefficient process. Don't expect it to last forever. Paul
  14. As you all know, I'm a little slow. What is a "road force balance?" ( I know a regular wheel balance, duh...) Paul
  15. OR Nurses either! LOL By the way Paul my wife is also a RN...she used to work in the CCU/ICU in the hospital for 4 years...she is now a school nurse. Big change of pace but it works well with our kids, and she loves the little ones at the school she takes care of...parents I think may be a different story sometime! :) So are you lectured about your blood pressure, cholesterol, and everything on god's green earth...I told her don't worry if I die she will have millions from the life insurance to spend on her next man... She has given up on lectures. Now it's just nasty looks when I order cheeseburgers and fries. She spent several years in med/surg nursing and really still has nursing as her first love. I figure when you die wouldn't you rather do it on a full stomach?
  16. I have tried not to respond to this thread! Ok here goes...as SW put the unions in some cases are making it so the companies simply can not compete. Unions have certainly helped many people over the years but I think that their time has passed. Locally we just had a major chicken plant layoff their chicken catchers...they are now going to outsource those jobs. Guess what their union is up in arms...but IMHO it is the unions fault they are all losing their jobs anyway. The company had problems over and over with people not showing up, showing up late, using drugs...union protected them. On top of that a few years ago the union staged a strike for better wages...guess what these guys are making 45k a year! To catch chickens...now don't get me wrong I don't want to do it but a little background my grandfather had a farm that I helped him run when I was in high school through college. So I am not to good to do the work but I simply don't have to do it. But when I hear about unions, and teachers pay, not wanting to contribute or contribut more for health insurance or their retirement it DRIVES me nuts! Both of my parents have retired Dad from federal and mom from state. I give them a hard time and tell them it must be nice to just sit back and get a check. (I do know they worked 30 years and paid taxes too) My point is on the private sector you don't see pensions plans or retirement plans like this. We are expected to save on our own, however the unions seem to have this crazy idea that they can continue to offer these plans the same forever. I would love to know how many people that work for a private company...have not seen the cost of health insurance shifted more to the employee in the last 5-10 year...I bet 90%...of companies have! They have had to. But it is a crime for the teachers, or government employees to have to pay more or have a lesser plan. My wife is a nurse and she has considered joining the union and there truly are loads of benefits the union offers so I am not saying it is all bad. I could keep on but my fingers hurt. My wife is a RN of 30 years and now is the administrator of her own hospital. Don't get me started on nurse's unions. LOL
  17. I agree with you 100% Steve. The answer is not in one extreme or the other. As far as Wisconsin state employees, or my state employees, the reality of the times require those employees to begin paying a portion of their health insurance premiums and take a reduction in wages as the rest of the private sector has done. However, does the state have the right to simply dissolve a contract with those same employees and dictate those changes without negotiating in good faith? In my opinion the Governor is wrong. Paul PS: SW, re; your experience with the Ford salesman, read the last post I put at Crazy SOB.
  18. You gotta read my latest post on "Crazy SOB".
  19. In my opinion, the truth NEVER lies in one extreme or the other. You always have a right to your opinion, but not your own set of facts. I worked for the big "X" during the 70's, here in Iowa in marketing and sales. I had heard in later years that the company had really lost ground. Many people don't know they invented the Ethernet and the first netwoked computers, the Mouse, and other first that they never knew what they had. Paul
  20. You won't believe this one. Were one of these guys your salesperson that day? http://www.autoblog.com/2011/02/18/three-men-caught-vandalizing-seven-toyota-cars-at-chicago-auto-s/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fautoblog+%28Autoblog%29
  21. I have owned an 05' ES330, and now a 2010 ES350. Both were and have been reliable and excellent cars. There are always little things in every year and model but nothing jumps out or has been an issue with the 07, except the navigation voice recognition. It really is poor in my opinion. It seems to have difficulty in consistently recognizing commands. But I don't have much need for the voice feature anyway so it doesn't bother me. Other than that, the Nav. works very well. Paul
  22. You won't believe what goes into preparing and shipping a $400,000. LFA across the ocean and across the country. A video and lots of pictures. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/02/18/lexus-lfa-ship-import-uncrate/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fautoblog+%28Autoblog%29
  23. You can't. You search for something else that might be in the threads you are looking for such as "gasoline" or "change" (as in "oil change") -- anything with four or more characters. You can also search for threads containing multiple strings, e.g. +gasoline +change My understanding is that purpose of requiring longer search strings is to improve website performance and limit search results to a manageable amount. If for example, one could search for 2-character strings, every thread post containing a word with those two characters would be returned. Makes sense. Thanks Jim.
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