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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2013 in all areas

  1. I am having this issue looked into by the dealership. On instructions of Lexus Canada I have dropped off my 2013 Lexus ES350 at the dealership. They will have their technicians drive it at night (when the issue is at its peak). Meanwhile I have been given another Base 2013 Lexus ES350 as a loaner (courtesy) vehicle. Lo and behold the exact problem is there with the loaner as well. The wind screen distorts bright light sources exactly the same way. Will update when I hear back from the dealership. By the way I do not have high hopes of a solution as the problem seems to be widespread and I feel Lexus would keep denying it till they can. I already had one service rep at the dealership make faces and mumble how he had never heard a complaint like this in the 10 years he has worked for Lexus.
    1 point
  2. Whoa there! There is no practical limit in how many times plastic headlight lenses can be refinished and made to look and perform like new again. I've refinished the lenses on my 2000 LS400 three times since I bought it in 2003 - once after someone rammed and badly scraped the right lens with a shopping cart. Each time the lenses came out looking and performing like new or so close to like new that I can't tell the difference. Tell your son to go to the nearest auto parts store, Walmart, etc. and buy a headlight lens refinishing kit - price should be between $20 and $30. Some kits require using an electric drill and buffing pad - I don't care for these - too easy to get carried away with a mechanical device and grind through a lens. I've used a Crystal View kit each time I've done it. I've probably more comfortable with the Crystal View kit since it involves hand wet sanding the lenses to remove the crud - similar to wet sanding automotive lacquer between coats. I can exactly gauge my progress with my fingertips. The most important part of the process is a chemical sealer that prevents the lenses from fogging up again or at least slows down the deterioration until the restoration process has to be repeated a year or three down the road. The following thread has photos from the last time I stored headlight lenses: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/topic/74083-headlight-cover-oxidation/?hl=crystal#entry456058 Refinishing headlight lenses is easy. Now that I've done it a few times, I've got it down to about a 10 minute job.
    1 point
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