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Has Anyone Tried Escrow?

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i'm in the process of buying an engine and was thinking about escrow.com. has anyone tried it? the seller of this engine said he rather not go through this because he got ripped off from a company like this before. well let me know what you guys think of it. thanks.

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I don't trust anything online anymore. People normally use escrow accounts when they buy things like a house. An initial negotiated sum of money will go into an escrow account as good faith on buyer so the seller/contractor will build. Then the mortgage company carries an escrow depending on how it gets set up. Frankly, if you're not willing to fly to where the engine is to inspect and visually watch it get shipped or go get yourself, you shouldn't be buying it. Way too easy to get ripped. Or do COD if you really want it and are willing to risk it. That way, they'll have to send you a motor and if you don't want it, you are only out the cost of shipping it back to him.

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...do COD if you really want it and are willing to risk it. That way, they'll have to send you a motor and if you don't want it, you are only out the cost of shipping it back to him.

that's what escrow does too.

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Yeah, that's basically Escrow. It's like COD, only the buyer has the security of knowing that the money is in trusted hands, and not that you're working some scam with your local UPS guy. www.escrow.com is probably the most trusted. I think there's like an e-escrow.com Or something like that also, they could even be the same. Personally, if he WON'T do an escrow, I would be weary about that. There's no reason for him to think that he's going to get ripped off, if you're trustworthy, and the Escrow is also. That, or fly out there like AJ said. Or drive, take a few friends with some equipment and head down there. Tear the motor down a bit and check it out. If he won't allow this, I would be cautious. If he has nothing to hide, he will more than likely understand your concerns, and be more than willing to allow you free reign over the motor under his supervision.

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very true sadistic, my thoughts also. i just need to let myself relax and dont be anxious. well he's an attorney and he looked over escrow and he said he will go with it. i will definitely hook this up and test the compression. it's a 94 TT with "39,0000" miles on it. the pictures prove that mileage, but il still put it to the test.

sadistic, awj, or anyone else- in terms of testing the compression, what are my options? can i just bring the engine down to a dyno shop and pay them to hook it all up? thanks you guys, once i get this car up and running, i will definitely take pictures and track videos.

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you shouldnt have to hook it up to much besides an air source. take out all the spark plugs so it will be easier to tell if its leaking. You should get an air hose that will have a one way valve, almost like the tire pressure gauge. pressurize the cylinder at top dead center so the intake and exhaust valves are closed and see if it will hold pressure.

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