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Just Re-Elect Me !


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I read this on Huffington Post today re the financial crisis in Europe. I thought this gentleman's quote at the bottom was a perfect description of our current congress.

Nationalist sentiments in many European countries have traditionally limited collective action, with voters repulsed by the thought of handing more power to European bureaucrats in Brussels. Speaking in 2007, Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg, famously put it this way: "We all know what to do but we don't know how to get reelected once we have done it."

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Do you people actually believe this crap?

He's just a person like you and me. Do you honestly believe that he worked as hard as he did to become President of the United States just to "destroy" this country? What does he stand to gain from "destroying" this country? Why do you assume he and his wife hate this country? Because he has a funny name? You might not agree with what he's done or his platform, and if you don't then vote for someone else. But to make a statement like "He's a socialist that hates and wants to destroy this country" is pretty ignorant IMHO.

I just don't get how people who are normally rational can be filled with such hatred.

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I never said it was all Bush's fault. For your information I voted for Bush. I'm not even saying its not Obama's fault, I'm just saying that I don't think he's some monster that became President with his goal being to destroy the country, like apparently you do.

If you voted for him because he's black that's even worse racism.

LOL! Well...that explains it. You're the one who brought up that he was black, not me. Obviously, whether you admit it or not thats a big part of your problem.

You basically just called me a "N-word lover". Shame on you.

I did not vote for him because he's black, I don't care whether he's black or green. What I am trying to figure out is why people just hate him so much. He's not especially liberal, his goals and agenda are not that different from other liberal Presidents we've had in the past. Take someone like Jimmy Carter. Very unpopular, policies that were very detrimental to the country's economy, but people didn't HATE him. You didn't see people making statements like "Jimmy Carter hates this country, and he and his wife set out with the goal of destroying this country". When pressed, most people don't even have a basic understanding of his policies (we have shown that lenore does not, for instance) and are unable to come up with any specific reason why they hate him so much.The guy tries to get healthcare for everyone and people accuse him of wanting to participate in age related genocide. Its CRAZY.

The only possible reason can be because he's black and has an Arab sounding name. Its the only thing that makes any sense.

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Where in hell did you get Obama out of what I posted?

The quotation I lifted was about political bodies. Every time someone post something remotely about our country gabep or lenore whip out the Obama card and he is instantly to blame for everything. Was your toast burnt this morning? Obama's fault! Hit a BIG pot hole again on the way to work? Obama's fault. If that a..hole Obama would come through with that federal grant for our city we could fix that road! (But don't tax me for it.) I swear, that man must have magical powers to control so many things.

Racism? Absolutely. This morning on the news, they reported that Governor Rick Perry, the Republican candidate for President who is currently in third place in the polls, stated that he is identifying with the group known as the "Birther's". This is the movement that believes Obama was not born in the United States and is not a U.S. citizen. Therefore, he should be removed from office. This is despite the fact that the state of Hawaii has produced copy after copy of the birth certificate to the press, certified copies, and finally, the original certificate shown by the President himself. Still the Birthers refuse to believe this black guy with a weird name can possibly be a President over a bunch of ignorant white people. ( Boy will this paragraph generate some hate mail.)

The "it" Jim, is a current debate in Europe about how to save the economy from imploding. Part of the European Union strongly feel the larger economies such as Germany and France, should come together with other smaller and admittedly weaker countries to help "prop-up" their economies in an effort to avoid a domino effect that almost happened with the crash of Greece and Ireland. The quote I lifted was meant by the author to describes the current stalemate within the powers negotiating this scenario. He says that the politicians know what to do to fix the problem, but can't see beyond their own self preservation of getting re-elected versus having the guts to do the right thing to save the Continent. I relate this to what I believe is the current stae of our Congress. Everyone knows what needs to be done, (I don't claim to have all those answers), but no one from either party will stick their head out for fear of being wrong and loosing votes. So they play it safe by playing "Hot Potato", tossing the blame back and forth hoping someone will blink first and drop the spud. How do we as citizens get our legislators to stop stalling and do something? Obama has had his job's bill in Congress for a month now. It is not perfect, but no one from the other side has introduced anything. For God sake! Lets at least vote on it! Do Something

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Do you people actually believe this crap?

He's just a person like you and me. Do you honestly believe that he worked as hard as he did to become President of the United States just to "destroy" this country? What does he stand to gain from "destroying" this country? Why do you assume he and his wife hate this country? Because he has a funny name? You might not agree with what he's done or his platform, and if you don't then vote for someone else. But to make a statement like "He's a socialist that hates and wants to destroy this country" is pretty ignorant IMHO.

I just don't get how people who are normally rational can be filled with such hatred.

I believe he learned his principals of Socialism in the schooling he received and firmly believes that Government has the only role to correct our economy, and that private enterprise has not the capablility of correcting itself. Otherwise he would listen to other views and marry his and their ideas together to solve the issues we have ie Healthcare, jobs, etc.

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Please notice I will not capitalize his name.


Its 2011 my friend. Time to put the noose and hood away.

And here's a Google search about George Bush being a war criminal:


And about Ronald Reagan being !Removed!:


Hey, according to your logic since there are Google hits it must be true right?

I believe he learned his principals of Socialism in the schooling he received

Where, at that evil liberal factory Harvard?

Yeah...nobody good or intelligent ever came from Harvard.

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If he weren't black, and didn't have a funny name...nobody would automatically assume there was no way he could have been born in America or gone to Harvard or Columbia. He was head of the Harvard Law Review for God's sake, his name is all over their publications...Records? Don't you think if someone high profile was running around pretending to have been to Harvard...that Harvard would set the record straight?

Show me a record from an expert that says his birth certificate is a forgery! You're the one making a claim here, back it up. The burden of proof is on you, not me.

How does that logically even make any sense? So...a boy was born...they forged a birth certificate in Hawaii...50 years ago, forged documents and report cards, faked years worth of the Harvard Law Review, just so he could become President one day and do what? Pass healthcare reform without a public option? Don't you think if they were just making !Removed! up they would have taken "Hussein" out of his name?

I bet you believe the moon landing was faked, that JFK was shot by Fidel Castro and/or the Mob too...seen the loch ness monster lately?

We have laws in the country that lay out what background someone has to have in order to be elected President. Time and time again the mechanism that has served this country for a quarter millenia has found that he qualifies. Every peice of "evidence" the "birthers" come up with gets shot down. Not one credible source buys into the "birther's" argument, INCLUDING Obama's political adversaries. You people just can't believe a negro named "Hussein" can become President. Bottom line, its the only thing that makes sense. Don't like his policies? Vote him out, but save your hatred for the Klan rally please.

And when have I said he's my savior? All I've said is the guy's not a radical Islamic Socialist bent of destroying the country, and that I don't care if he's black. All of a sudden I'M the zealot? Listen to yourself.

Sheesh...what whack jobs you people are. Anybody so foolish and blinded by hatred and bigotry as those who believe as you believe cannot be allowed to gain control of this country. We're out in f!cking Wonderland here...

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Harvard? Columbia? Where are the records? Do you have them? Can we see them? Along with the birth certificate that many experts say was a forgery? Please bring forward your saviours vetting, The world awaits your disclosure.

Give me a break. This guy is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American public.

This is the most hateful and disrespectful post I've seen on our club's board. I enjoy the spirited discussions we have when there kept on topic and don't become so venomous.

The conversation is full of conspiracy theory paranoia and white supremacy leanings. I wouldn't carry on a conversation like that in person and I won't lower myself to do it on line.

Let me know if you find the will to mature a little.

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I literally cannot believe that we, as a group of educated upper middle class people, are sitting here having such a discussion in 2011.

Which, Steve, is why I haven't been participating much anymore in these nonsense threads.

I do have to wonder and be concerned about what is causing so much irrational anger among so many people. It sometimes seems like I am inhabiting a completely different country than these angry people.

I suspect that one of the reasons that I'm not particularly worried about the current world situation is that I have quite a bit of information about how the centuries have gone for various lines of my family. This information seems to help me view the current world situation as just of blip in time.

Let's have a little Rudyard Kipling!:

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

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It sometimes seems like I am inhabiting a completely different country than these angry people.

Exactly how I feel...

And its people I know and otherwise have a lot of respect for, its always the same though...when you really press into why they feel the way that they feel...theres just nothing there. No reasons behind it.

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Sometimes common sense doesnt require a deluge of explanations and superficious words. Funny we folk out here that study history, appreciate the original constitution, and value our rights as professed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights dont tear down what made this nation great. I understand all points of view in this topic, but am dumbfounded that supposedly logical thinkers cant see the direction this country is heading under this administration. What in heavens name has the government ran successfully without waste...????

If private enterprise had been allowed to follow its course, the bad guys would be out of business, and somebody that wants to do things right would have replaced them. I am not a right wing, religous nut, I am a person that was raised in a military family, that encompassed values, tolerance of all races (Because we were all friends when I went to School) and treated all with respect until they prove themselves otherwise. I served my country during very difficult times (Vietnam) and became a blue collar worker for a large corporation dealing with every aspect of our society as my customers. From my life experience of living everywhere in this nation, and meeting all types of people, I feel very knowledgeable about what is plain old fashion common sense, problem solving techniques. What this administration is full of are people that were rebels from my generation whom only wanted to tear this society down (Marxist, socialist etc) Ayers being one fine example....So far his first 1000 days has totally been a waste. Change is what you got, no jobs, failed bailouts, and huge sums of contributions from unions bent on only getting more from what we dont have. Oh and dont forget the Shovel ready not jobs. Solar farse companies that pleade the 5th because they dont want to talk about the kickbacks to this administration. An attorney general that turns a cheek to Black panthers intimidating folks at the polling place. Wow talk about discrimination... An adminstration that wouldnt listen to An IBM exec that offered a 1 trillion dollars savings in health care cost for free, but was told pound the pavement, because private enterprise couldnt possibly have a solution, only government knows best. I have never seen so much corruption that is not investigated in all my life...I know it is politics as usual when compared to the shannigans of Chicago politico, but I didnt think our nation would stoop so low. When historians look back on this bunch, if there is anything left, they are going to wonder why we Americans let this happen. No all this supposedly logical thinkers only see things in detailed to death, they missed the forest because they cant see past the tree. Yea the next statement is going to nit the details of my supposedly everywhere statement. Too bad people cant look past the symantics and see the point instead of picking the fly crap out of the pepper barrel. Frankly anybody that supported this change under this administration will never get my vote. I have never seen so many anti-american, gun hating, anti-capitalist, self rightous folks in all my life. How dare this administration take no blame for the problems that exist today. There is no integrity in being wrong and not admitting it. Blame it all on somebody else and hope that the electorate are too stupid to vote them out. Time will see.....

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Sometimes common sense doesnt require a deluge of explanations and superficious words.

I think the biggest issue is that your posts seem to parrot rants from a variety of angry chain letters. They don't seem to be based on your own experiences. To persuade people you really need explanations and they need to be in your own words - explanations based on your own reasoning ... not somebody else's.

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Sometimes common sense doesnt require a deluge of explanations and superficious words.

I think the biggest issue is that your posts seem to parrot rants from a variety of angry chain letters. They don't seem to be based on your own experiences. To persuade people you really need explanations and they need to be in your own words - explanations based on your own reasoning ... not somebody else's.

that is the typical belief by many, however When I talk to friends, neighbors, and aquatances, the belief is the same that the country is headed in the wrong direction. Yes I read the chain letters etc. however your side does the same when putting blame on opposite views. Those are only inputs to the general feeling of so many in this nation. Frankly I do not affiliate with either party now, I look at whom will make this country move back to the center and cause a more positive change which is really needed right now. I personally want the old guard out, and have new ideas which are constructive to making this country great. Not a counter culturalism ran by Socialist, whom feel government is the solution to all that ails them. People need to accept responsibility for their own lives, and make our representatives move toward that cause. Americans are truely spoiled, and need to tighten their belts and role up their sleeves and take hold of their lives. Funny immigrants (legal) feel we are still truely the land of opportunity. Too bad the folks on Government dole dont feel the same. Misery grows misery, and that is what our society has moved towards. I believe we are still truely the greatest nation in the world and our capitalism is what made it that way. I have been in countries where that is not the case. Top of the morning to everyone.

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