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So Snopes Covers For Obama


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No it's simple since our credit has been down graded and the value of a dollar is c r a p! Let's stop all...ALL foriegn aide. Let's stop the tax breaks for millionaires...and let's tax the hell out of companies that send jobs over seas...any country that needs our military in their country to protect them...fine they are paying in oil or other ways. NO more handouts. Any and all welfare programs will be reviewed on a quarterly basis to prove that those receiving benefits are still eligible and they are actively seeking employment or to better themselves. I am sick of this B S in this country that someone can sit at home have kids and get a check for food, rent, utilities, cell phone, cable, etc. Don't say it doesn't happen I know landlords that have to send a check to the tenants of their HUD housing apartments for utilility allowances. It is B S...and I just can't believe that this is what is normal now.

Now after my little rant, I know that I am as well as most of you here in this discussion are truly blessed and fortunate. I donate a lot of money as I am sure most of you to as well...but shouldn't it be my choice who I give my money too? I am sorry but I do not agree with the handouts and handouts that the government keeps giving then they turn around and cut funding to after school programs...education...and many other needed programs!

But, on the evening news...in the past 9 days, 36,000 kids have died of starvation in the famine in Samolia. The U.S. is sending another shipment of aid. This is just right on all levels.

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No it's simple since our credit has been down graded and the value of a dollar is c r a p! Let's stop all...ALL foriegn aide. Let's stop the tax breaks for millionaires...and let's tax the hell out of companies that send jobs over seas...any country that needs our military in their country to protect them...fine they are paying in oil or other ways. NO more handouts. Any and all welfare programs will be reviewed on a quarterly basis to prove that those receiving benefits are still eligible and they are actively seeking employment or to better themselves. I am sick of this B S in this country that someone can sit at home have kids and get a check for food, rent, utilities, cell phone, cable, etc. Don't say it doesn't happen I know landlords that have to send a check to the tenants of their HUD housing apartments for utilility allowances. It is B S...and I just can't believe that this is what is normal now.

Now after my little rant, I know that I am as well as most of you here in this discussion are truly blessed and fortunate. I donate a lot of money as I am sure most of you to as well...but shouldn't it be my choice who I give my money too? I am sorry but I do not agree with the handouts and handouts that the government keeps giving then they turn around and cut funding to after school programs...education...and many other needed programs!

But, on the evening news...in the past 9 days, 36,000 kids have died of starvation in the famine in Samolia. The U.S. is sending another shipment of aid. This is just right on all levels.

Paul I was being a little sarcastic in my earlier post.

However we have children in this country that need to be taken care of. I am glad that our country can give and give but when is enough...enough. So we are borrowing money to pay our debt and we are still giving to other countries? Something doesn't add up. Sure there are children starving and if we give them $100,000,000 there will still be starving children there. It is great the good our country does...and it is one of the things that makes me proud to be an American. But when do we hit the point where we must start taking care of our own? Now...When?

Personally I am disgusted with ALL of the politicians. I want a real leader to step up and lead us out of the current situation we are in and not make excuses. I have yet to see one...neither party wants to work together...they just want to point the finger at each other.

One thing we need for sure is term limits...and to cut the pay of the jokers that are in congress and senate!

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I like Principal today. They needed an ego/check though after they went public and brought in a Wall Streeter to run the show. I know Proncipal very well, as they have been a part of my family for nearly 20 years. I can say, they were doing some goofy things in their commercial real estate department from 06-08. They got away from the traditional portfolio lending plays that are slow and steady money makers. They got lured into the Wall Street game, and clearly didn't know what they were doing. Many of us were left scratching our heads in 07/08 with Pricipal entering the CDO game, as everyone else was running away. They lost some credibility with that move, and were seen as Iowa suckers on Wall Street. They took a huge bath because of it too. Had it not been for their golden goose 401k business, they would've probably gone down. I'm still surprised a certain Canadian life company didn't make a hostile takeover bid when they were the most vulnerable.

Today though, they can been seen in the market making moves that a portfolio lender should be making. Long term safe bets on the best assets in the country. Their primarily adopting the TIAA approach, buying real estate instead of lending on it. However, as many in my business will confirm, that play in general is getting risky and bubble/ish now too. Returns are so low, that many will have to own the real estate for at least 15 years to see the profit potential. Dangerous and wreckless times in that sector. A move of desperation to get some yield on investments, because there are none left for the long term player, which life companies are needed to be to survive.

I like them now, quite a bit, both personally and professionally. I have a feeling your friend and I probably know many of the same people in Des Moines...

NC, Just an FYI....Do you know Bob Baur, Global Economist for Principal here in Des Moines. I ask because he was on the evening news localy and was very bullish about the current market situation. He felt the the S&P move was unfounded and the markets movements are not based on facts. Made me feel a little more warm and fuzzy.

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No it's simple since our credit has been down graded and the value of a dollar is c r a p! Let's stop all...ALL foriegn aide. Let's stop the tax breaks for millionaires...and let's tax the hell out of companies that send jobs over seas...any country that needs our military in their country to protect them...fine they are paying in oil or other ways. NO more handouts. Any and all welfare programs will be reviewed on a quarterly basis to prove that those receiving benefits are still eligible and they are actively seeking employment or to better themselves. I am sick of this B S in this country that someone can sit at home have kids and get a check for food, rent, utilities, cell phone, cable, etc. Don't say it doesn't happen I know landlords that have to send a check to the tenants of their HUD housing apartments for utilility allowances. It is B S...and I just can't believe that this is what is normal now.

Now after my little rant, I know that I am as well as most of you here in this discussion are truly blessed and fortunate. I donate a lot of money as I am sure most of you to as well...but shouldn't it be my choice who I give my money too? I am sorry but I do not agree with the handouts and handouts that the government keeps giving then they turn around and cut funding to after school programs...education...and many other needed programs!

But, on the evening news...in the past 9 days, 36,000 kids have died of starvation in the famine in Samolia. The U.S. is sending another shipment of aid. This is just right on all levels.

Paul I was being a little sarcastic in my earlier post.

However we have children in this country that need to be taken care of. I am glad that our country can give and give but when is enough...enough. So we are borrowing money to pay our debt and we are still giving to other countries? Something doesn't add up. Sure there are children starving and if we give them $100,000,000 there will still be starving children there. It is great the good our country does...and it is one of the things that makes me proud to be an American. But when do we hit the point where we must start taking care of our own? Now...When?

Personally I am disgusted with ALL of the politicians. I want a real leader to step up and lead us out of the current situation we are in and not make excuses. I have yet to see one...neither party wants to work together...they just want to point the finger at each other.

One thing we need for sure is term limits...and to cut the pay of the jokers that are in congress and senate!

I hear what your saying. It's the old adage...give a man a fish, he is full for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will never be hungry again. There probably is a line someplace where you have to stop giving aid to those in need so that you can continue to help your own. But I would remind you of the almost hysteric mood the health care bill debate raised when we wanted to take care of the 43,000,000 uninsured people in our own country. I don't recall too many jumping up and down to say "yes, we need to help our own".

We are a good people and a good country. We are a compassionate and generous people and we have shown that time and time again. We need to get more countries to do there part instead of expecting us to be the United Way of the planet.

As for getting a leader who can lead, given the poisonous and kill or be killed political atmosphere in the country and Washington D.C., you could put Jesus Christ in the Oval office and the Democrats and Republicans would start sawing 4x4's for a cross. I have said this here before. A leader cannot lead people who do not want to be led. i.e., ever watch a supervisor try to lead a strong union shop?

However, a leader with strong skills can often over come these problems. But if you are a strong leader and your leading in a caustic environment like Congress your likely to end up like Caesar.

Right now, Bachman is leading the polls in Iowa. Romney is one point behind. Huntsman is in the top six even though he is a virtual unknown. Gingrich is far down in the standings. Bachman is the only one that has really caught on and could easily beat Romney and Pawlenty. None of these have the campaing skills or mental acuity to go the distance. IMO.

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Made me feel a little more warm and fuzzy.

Sure that wasn't the liquor...or the kool aid! :) :lol: Just messing Paul...

You know me to well....I seem to always pick the cup with the kool-aid!!

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Thank you for this info:


I read it and it states over and over, that basically our debt is our problem..I agree...And that our wonderful politicians are not capable of implementing the cuts necessary to stop the projected growth that in ten years will bring us to a 100% ratio of debt to income. If Obama and Harry Reid had considered the first bill passed by the house, this would have been very close to meeting the needs to stop our debt. But because the Democrats, and many Republicans fail to change their ways we are doomed. Americans are going to have to realize that we are in a financial crisis that could bring not only the US but a domino effect to the rest of the world. Connie Mack from Florida has a 1%plan that could also curtail this debt. To bad we have a lack of problem solvers in our Congress. They are still motivated by their pet programs, and are so near sighted that the future is beyond their capability to solve problems.

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At the end of the day, the only "change" we need, is to reshuffle the entire DC deck, again.

The next 15 months are going to be brutal on America. I have a theory, proven pretty well by history, that whenever a sitting President has to go (8 years), the economy starts to tank about 12-15 months prior to the election. Whenever a sitting President is likely to go (4 years), the economy slows to a crawl to wait and see what happens. The closer it looks that the sitting President is going to lose, the worse the economy will get. Then, after about 7 or 8 months after the election, it all picks back up again.

We're in for a double-dip of whip your butt economics....

When someone who has earned $120K a year, goes onto unemployement, that benefit is calculated against that $120K. When that person can't get a job that pays more than $50K a year, the unemployment benefit becomes a "paid vacation". That is a problem we've had in this country for the past couple of years. With many job cuts in middle management, salaries were higher, so unemployment checks have either equalled or are higher than the pay checks these people can secure in today's environment. Why work for less, when the government pays you more? That's a big problem, and a real problem.

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When someone who has earned $120K a year, goes onto unemployement, that benefit is calculated against that $120K. When that person can't get a job that pays more than $50K a year, the unemployment benefit becomes a "paid vacation". That is a problem we've had in this country for the past couple of years. With many job cuts in middle management, salaries were higher, so unemployment checks have either equalled or are higher than the pay checks these people can secure in today's environment. Why work for less, when the government pays you more? That's a big problem, and a real problem.

I agree NC...This is a huge problem!

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When someone who has earned $120K a year, goes onto unemployement, that benefit is calculated against that $120K. When that person can't get a job that pays more than $50K a year, the unemployment benefit becomes a "paid vacation". That is a problem we've had in this country for the past couple of years. With many job cuts in middle management, salaries were higher, so unemployment checks have either equalled or are higher than the pay checks these people can secure in today's environment. Why work for less, when the government pays you more? That's a big problem, and a real problem.

I agree NC...This is a huge problem!

I also wanted to add this is another reason that I think that extending the unemployment benefits is a huge mistake. Now I just watched Obama talk about extending them again! AS an employer this makes me sick…my cost for unemployment insurance went up $150.00 per week at the beginning of the year. Part of this was due to a termination of an employee and the other was due to the high rate of unemployment in my state. Now as a small employer that caused me to have to move some other things around. It wasn’t going to make or break me but I have to factor this in when looking at raises and benefits for the staff that is working for me. But just the fact that here I am with 8 people on payroll wow what is happening to huge corporations?

There are people as you say NC…that are on "paid vacation" and don't plan on going back to work until they have too. If unemployment was for 6 months you better bet that they wouldn't sit around and wait when they get offered a job at a little less than they used to make. There also is a sense of pride that has been lost with so many...you have people now that not only are they getting unemployment benefits but they are proud of it and truly think that they have earned them? I just interviewed 3 people for a job…all had recently been let go do to a downsizing. All extremely qualified…but they all IMHO were a little overpaid…which is what to the company that they were with having to cut back. When I sat down with the one who I ended up hiring she understood that I wasn’t going to start her at what she was making but that I would give her the opportunity to grow with us and she was more than happy with the opportunity to have a “job” however the others kind of made me feel as I had insulted them by telling them that I in no way would be offering the same pay that they used to get…and I picked up the feeling well I might as well stay home why would I take a job making less than I was making before. Now my starting pay wasn’t a slap in the face but it would have been a little less per hour than what they had been making.

It just absolutely amazes me that someone can actually get a check for doing nothing…can’t we at least have some provision in there that after 6 weeks, or 12 weeks or something you must have copies of jobs applied for and proof of 20-40 hours of community service or benefits are cut off. Another idea is to pay full benefits for 6 weeks, reduce ¼ weeks 6-12, and keep coming down until payments are stopped. There has to be a system of getting people off of Unemployment or at the very least something to make people want to get off of it. I can tell you for sure if people had to show names and jobs that they applied for and do community service and at the same time when week 6 hits their $$$ is going to be reduced by 25% they would take a job until they found a better one…and that is the problem today no one wants to go backwards or work their way up…they are entitled to more…

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Good God! Have you made your self Judge and Jury of the rest of the human race or what?

I don't know what state you live in but let me give you an example of a "real" person collecting unemployment that you assume must feel entitled to free "benies".

Our daughter, 34, lives in the Space Coast region of Florida.

Her Accounting Dept. was downsized in early 2010.

She has a BS and several years experience in acct.

During this time she has collected unemployment.

Each week, she must turn in at LEAST two contact names and that is for every week she receives her unemployment.

Since being laid off she has submitted over 131 resumes and received less than 14 responses. (In Florida it is not unnusual to not hear anything back no matter how much you call. One job opening had over 10,000 applications.)

Why? Florida has over 15% unemployment. Beginning in 2010, the U.S. Government began laying off employees of the shuttle program, approximately 7,000 of them through 2011. Obviously one small area like the Space Coast can't provide jobs for all of these uprooted people.

Without the supplement of unemployment to help, things would obviously be more difficult for our kids family.

She continues to pound on doors and check company web sites until shes blue in the face. If the unemployment runs out before she finds a job, we drain our savings some more.

My point. Yes we live in a current society where some people feel they are entitled to just about everything just because their parents taught them that nothing was their fault. But to make such broad all encompassing statements that anybody who gets unemployment is lazy, no ambition, could find a job if they really wanted to, and on and on, is just plain wrong.

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"We also believe that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration agreed to this week falls short of the amount that we believe is necessary to stabilize the general government debt burden by the middle of the decade."

That is the final line, meaning debt, which is not reduced, is a major issue, Ialong with the inablility of Congress to reduce this debt....If the original plan passed by the house had been passed in the Senate and approved by OBAMA he would have saved us...It had over 4trillion in reductions...and cap and trade....It also would have been difficult for him to have been defeated in the next election...because than the country would have come first, not his party.

You need to read the whole thing. In several places within the document S&P discusses the need to increase revenues (raise taxes). Had the senate passed and the President signed the House bill we may have avoided a Downgrade, but there would have been huge cuts to Medicare and Social Security, huge cuts in Government programs that put lower and middle income Americans to work and are propping up the economy. So...we might have been AAA rated...but back in a recession.

Had the House agreed to proposals from the Dems and Obama...we would have avoided a downgrade, but their Millionaire buddies would have had to pay more taxes.

See...it goes both ways. Its the inability of BOTH sides to COMPROMISE that is at issue here.

NO Media showed me solutions from the Democratic Party....I wanted to see their solutions versus the Republicans solutions (which were presented) and see what strengths there were in the two solutions...But no....it aint happening

I don't know what Media you were watching, but the Democrats certainly had solutions that included $4T in deficit reduction, they just included rolling back tax cuts for the rich and closing loopholes for corporations. The Republican bill was JUST cuts, no revenue increases and the Dem proposal was a mixture of both. Of course there was no Dem bill, bills originate in the house...and the GOP controls the house.

To say that you never saw any solutions from the Democrats proves you are just working off what you're fed from the Right.

I also assume that you do in fact accept your Social Security entitlement payments. Talk the talk...but won't walk the walk.

When someone who has earned $120K a year, goes onto unemployement, that benefit is calculated against that $120K. When that person can't get a job that pays more than $50K a year, the unemployment benefit becomes a "paid vacation". That is a problem we've had in this country for the past couple of years. With many job cuts in middle management, salaries were higher, so unemployment checks have either equalled or are higher than the pay checks these people can secure in today's environment. Why work for less, when the government pays you more? That's a big problem, and a real problem

Really this isn't true. Yes the benefit is calculated on the $120k, but there is a cap. For instance when my wife was laid off in 2008, she was making about $60k and qualified for the maximum unemployment in MD. So...she got the same check as someone who made $120k....$250k....$500k. That check was $350 a week.

So the argument that $350 a week is "so much money" that she wouldn't have taken a $50k job doesn't really hold water.

She's applied for well over 1,000 jobs since then, including jobs well below her qualifications and pay level, and has been on maybe 4 interviews...and has no job. Luckily she doesn't have to work. Not everybody's so fortunate.

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I agree, my numbers are wrong. I didn't know there was a cap, which would make sense. I know two people who have turned down jobs that didn't pay enough for them to give up the unemployment source of income. But, they didn't lose $100k+ jobs either, so I see your point!

Paul, I wasn't attacking your daughter's situation by any means, but could see where you might think so. My apologies amigo! When I wrote that, I was thinking of the two examples I've seen in my life. One of our friend's husband in NC, and stories of my cousin's firm having trouble hiring properly trained investigators for his job. He was telling me about comments his HR team has heard, which fall in the category I was talking about.

I know it's tough out there to find a job, especially in a "sand state" like Florida. Wish your daughter all the best luck!

I recently went through the hoops of a possible job-hop myself. Lasted 4 months. Only to have the job itself re-written to a different description, which not only did I not fit into anymore (was more along the lines of what I use to do 6 years ago), but couldn't bring myself to go down that road and lose the momentum I've built up with my current position, even though it's in Chitcago. The whole process was difficult, with two trips to DC, several phone calls, and being told "you're our guy, just need to have HR finish their process", which is where it died. It'll happen though, at some point.

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Good God! Have you made your self Judge and Jury of the rest of the human race or what?

I don't know what state you live in but let me give you an example of a "real" person collecting unemployment that you assume must feel entitled to free "benies".

Our daughter, 34, lives in the Space Coast region of Florida.

Her Accounting Dept. was downsized in early 2010.

She has a BS and several years experience in acct.

During this time she has collected unemployment.

Each week, she must turn in at LEAST two contact names and that is for every week she receives her unemployment.

Since being laid off she has submitted over 131 resumes and received less than 14 responses. (In Florida it is not unnusual to not hear anything back no matter how much you call. One job opening had over 10,000 applications.)

Why? Florida has over 15% unemployment. Beginning in 2010, the U.S. Government began laying off employees of the shuttle program, approximately 7,000 of them through 2011. Obviously one small area like the Space Coast can't provide jobs for all of these uprooted people.

Without the supplement of unemployment to help, things would obviously be more difficult for our kids family.

She continues to pound on doors and check company web sites until shes blue in the face. If the unemployment runs out before she finds a job, we drain our savings some more.

My point. Yes we live in a current society where some people feel they are entitled to just about everything just because their parents taught them that nothing was their fault. But to make such broad all encompassing statements that anybody who gets unemployment is lazy, no ambition, could find a job if they really wanted to, and on and on, is just plain wrong.

OK Paul first off I don’t think that you are being completely fair here. I think that you are taking my comments personal now. I am not talking about you daughter or everyone that is on unemployment...I am not painting this with a broad brush I think you are because again you are taking this personal. But let me tell you real quick or give you a real life example of how hard it is to get two names...person picks up the phone and calls our office are you hiring...no can I have your name. WOW that took 15 secs. Let me call somewhere else…think I am kidding? We get this call at least 5 times a day…so now I have everyone say we are accepting resumes would you like our fax number…they hang up! We get this over and over…

Now I have no doubt there are people such as your daughter that are truly trying to find a job I am sure she is but there are many that are not and are also taking advantage of the system too. My sister is getting a unemployment check because the Engineering firm that she worked at downsized…so no I never said anyone who is unemployment is lazy...I think that unemployment is necessary but I do not think it is right for the government to keep extending unemployment benefits...sorry...sorry about your daughter. I am sorry that the current economy is the way it is…

Now Paul I consider you my friend on here and I sincerely do not read my post the way that you must have to come back at me the way you have...so please show me where I said that people on unemployment are lazy? I didn’t do it. I don’t feel that way…however I can tell I am fed up with the attitude that NC touched on that people making 100k are not going to take a job making 50k if they can get a check from unemployment for more than that. IS that a problem…YES…it is a big problem…my example was just illustrating the point of this.

I said there are people who…not everyone on unemployment is. BIG difference. I understand how hard it is for people today…I have many clients that have lost homes, cars, cashed in life policies etc…some that I would have never thought would have ever had problems with money. SO no Paul I have not made myself judge and jury of anyone.

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SW...I am in MD and am aware of the cap. But I am not sure if that is in every state. The two people I had interviewed were in DE so I am not sure if it is State by state or what.

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"We also believe that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration agreed to this week falls short of the amount that we believe is necessary to stabilize the general government debt burden by the middle of the decade."

That is the final line, meaning debt, which is not reduced, is a major issue, Ialong with the inablility of Congress to reduce this debt....If the original plan passed by the house had been passed in the Senate and approved by OBAMA he would have saved us...It had over 4trillion in reductions...and cap and trade....It also would have been difficult for him to have been defeated in the next election...because than the country would have come first, not his party.

You need to read the whole thing. In several places within the document S&P discusses the need to increase revenues (raise taxes). Had the senate passed and the President signed the House bill we may have avoided a Downgrade, but there would have been huge cuts to Medicare and Social Security, huge cuts in Government programs that put lower and middle income Americans to work and are propping up the economy. So...we might have been AAA rated...but back in a recession.

Had the House agreed to proposals from the Dems and Obama...we would have avoided a downgrade, but their Millionaire buddies would have had to pay more taxes.

See...it goes both ways. Its the inability of BOTH sides to COMPROMISE that is at issue here.

NO Media showed me solutions from the Democratic Party....I wanted to see their solutions versus the Republicans solutions (which were presented) and see what strengths there were in the two solutions...But no....it aint happening

I don't know what Media you were watching, but the Democrats certainly had solutions that included $4T in deficit reduction, they just included rolling back tax cuts for the rich and closing loopholes for corporations. The Republican bill was JUST cuts, no revenue increases and the Dem proposal was a mixture of both. Of course there was no Dem bill, bills originate in the house...and the GOP controls the house.

To say that you never saw any solutions from the Democrats proves you are just working off what you're fed from the Right.

I also assume that you do in fact accept your Social Security entitlement payments. Talk the talk...but won't walk the walk.

When someone who has earned $120K a year, goes onto unemployement, that benefit is calculated against that $120K. When that person can't get a job that pays more than $50K a year, the unemployment benefit becomes a "paid vacation". That is a problem we've had in this country for the past couple of years. With many job cuts in middle management, salaries were higher, so unemployment checks have either equalled or are higher than the pay checks these people can secure in today's environment. Why work for less, when the government pays you more? That's a big problem, and a real problem

Really this isn't true. Yes the benefit is calculated on the $120k, but there is a cap. For instance when my wife was laid off in 2008, she was making about $60k and qualified for the maximum unemployment in MD. So...she got the same check as someone who made $120k....$250k....$500k. That check was $350 a week.

So the argument that $350 a week is "so much money" that she wouldn't have taken a $50k job doesn't really hold water.

She's applied for well over 1,000 jobs since then, including jobs well below her qualifications and pay level, and has been on maybe 4 interviews...and has no job. Luckily she doesn't have to work. Not everybody's so fortunate.

No I do not receive social security, however I have paid into it for 45 years....And yes I understand the Dems want to raise tax, but their are a whole slew of economist that feel that is not the right thing to do...That is where both parties dont see eye to eye..I personally like Connie Macks proposal with the freeze the budget and reduce by 1% per year for the next 6 years....Bring all ideas to the table, and since the politicians live by polls, broadcast the ideas and see what America wants.

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When someone who has earned $120K a year, goes onto unemployement, that benefit is calculated against that $120K. When that person can't get a job that pays more than $50K a year, the unemployment benefit becomes a "paid vacation". That is a problem we've had in this country for the past couple of years. With many job cuts in middle management, salaries were higher, so unemployment checks have either equalled or are higher than the pay checks these people can secure in today's environment. Why work for less, when the government pays you more? That's a big problem, and a real problem.

I agree NC...This is a huge problem!

I also wanted to add this is another reason that I think that extending the unemployment benefits is a huge mistake. Now I just watched Obama talk about extending them again! AS an employer this makes me sick…my cost for unemployment insurance went up $150.00 per week at the beginning of the year. Part of this was due to a termination of an employee and the other was due to the high rate of unemployment in my state. Now as a small employer that caused me to have to move some other things around. It wasn’t going to make or break me but I have to factor this in when looking at raises and benefits for the staff that is working for me. But just the fact that here I am with 8 people on payroll wow what is happening to huge corporations?

There are people as you say NC…that are on "paid vacation" and don't plan on going back to work until they have too. If unemployment was for 6 months you better bet that they wouldn't sit around and wait when they get offered a job at a little less than they used to make. There also is a sense of pride that has been lost with so many...you have people now that not only are they getting unemployment benefits but they are proud of it and truly think that they have earned them? I just interviewed 3 people for a job…all had recently been let go do to a downsizing. All extremely qualified…but they all IMHO were a little overpaid…which is what to the company that they were with having to cut back. When I sat down with the one who I ended up hiring she understood that I wasn’t going to start her at what she was making but that I would give her the opportunity to grow with us and she was more than happy with the opportunity to have a “job” however the others kind of made me feel as I had insulted them by telling them that I in no way would be offering the same pay that they used to get…and I picked up the feeling well I might as well stay home why would I take a job making less than I was making before. Now my starting pay wasn’t a slap in the face but it would have been a little less per hour than what they had been making.

It just absolutely amazes me that someone can actually get a check for doing nothing…can’t we at least have some provision in there that after 6 weeks, or 12 weeks or something you must have copies of jobs applied for and proof of 20-40 hours of community service or benefits are cut off. Another idea is to pay full benefits for 6 weeks, reduce ¼ weeks 6-12, and keep coming down until payments are stopped. There has to be a system of getting people off of Unemployment or at the very least something to make people want to get off of it. I can tell you for sure if people had to show names and jobs that they applied for and do community service and at the same time when week 6 hits their $$$ is going to be reduced by 25% they would take a job until they found a better one…and that is the problem today no one wants to go backwards or work their way up…they are entitled to more…

No question, I consider you as one of my friends on here as well.

Statements like, "someone can actually get a check for doing nothing", or suggesting that their benefits reduce proportionately over 6 week intervals, as if the longer their unemployed the easier it is for them to make ends meet, did hit my hot button.

But, it's not about my daughter. It's about our ability or our inability to make judgments about others without knowing all the facts. I am guilty of this as well. It is my belief that the stress of this economy is making all of us jump to conclusions that we wouldn't normally do. Except Lenore. LOL

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Thanks Paul, I really dont jump to conclusions, I just see all of the dead weight in my own sphere of family and it really bothers me that they have done nothing for over 25 years and continue to live on the government handout....There is a system that they defeat quite easily, and you and I pay for it. So when the government gives to so many like this when you, your family, and I work, what is fair about that. That unfortunately is what the Dems are all about, buying votes and providing generations of folks that dont want to work anymore. It is rampart around every major city in the US....That is why when government wants more, I say no....stop....Hope your family finds work soon...

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SW...I am in MD and am aware of the cap. But I am not sure if that is in every state. The two people I had interviewed were in DE so I am not sure if it is State by state or what.

There is a cap in every state, but they vary. The highest unemployment payment is in Mass and its like $900 a week, but the next highest is like $600.

I don’t feel that way…however I can tell I am fed up with the attitude that NC touched on that people making 100k are not going to take a job making 50k if they can get a check from unemployment for more than that. IS that a problem…YES…it is a big problem…my example was just illustrating the point of this.

But there is no state in the country where they can get a check from unemployment for more than $50k. Even in Mass, its only $3,600 a month...$43,200 a year. I don't know what kind of income you have to make to qualify for that...I'm sure its a lot.

There is an issue there, I know when my wife was drawing her Unemployment, she would have gone and gotten a part time job or something, a temp job or something just to make a little money and have something to do. BUT, the way the unemployment program is structured, if she did that she would have lost her benefits, and had she become unemployed again she would not have been able to pick her benefits back up. We've paid a LOT of money over our careers for those benefits.

I mean...a person has to make a smart business decision. If I have $1,400 a month coming in from unemployment, and I can take a job and make $2,000 a month...and cancel any chance of being able to collect my $1400 a month in the future if I loose that job, AND take away from time I could be spending networking and interviewing for a job commensurate with my skills and experience...that may not be a smart thing to do. Its not always about being lazy, its about making a smart business decision.

Maybe what they should do is allow you to suspend your benefits if you take temporary work and restart them when that temporary work runs out. Or allow you to do that if you take a job a certain percentage below what you were previously earning and if you get laid off again pick back up your remaining benefits from the previous job.

No I do not receive social security' date=' however I have paid into it for 45 years...[/quote']

Do you not receive it by choice or because you are not yet eligible?

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I don't think that's what the democrats are all about, Lenore. I do think they're a more compassionate party, and more socially aware of things than the Republicans though. I'd not have a problem with this one bit, as I'd like to think I'm a compassionate person as well. My issue is paying for that compassion. I'm fine with paying for it, as there are a lot of innocent victims of circumstance in this country that need help, but I'm beginning to question if that's what is truley going on these days? Clinton was a very compassionate President (a little too much, but that's a different story). He was able to do a lot of good for the needy, and leave us with a balanced budget and cash surplus. But, he did it with tax increases disguised as tax credits and the like. Why Obama has taken the road of Jimmy Carter when he's got Clinton standing right there to guide him, is just stupid on all levels. Follow a one-termer who had his !Removed! handed to him from a Republicsn, and not follow a two-termer who handed a beloved republican his !Removed!...shows the inexperience in the DC game of Obama. Too late now, if you ask me.

The blame game that went on yesterday on TV from Obama made me want to puke. It's the tea party's fault. It's just some credit bureau... It's this, it's that..... Whatever.... It's YOUR Presidency dude! Act like you own it, or get the heck out of the way!

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No question, I consider you as one of my friends on here as well.

Statements like, "someone can actually get a check for doing nothing", or suggesting that their benefits reduce proportionately over 6 week intervals, as if the longer their unemployed the easier it is for them to make ends meet, did hit my hot button.

But, it's not about my daughter. It's about our ability or our inability to make judgments about others without knowing all the facts. I am guilty of this as well. It is my belief that the stress of this economy is making all of us jump to conclusions that we wouldn't normally do. Except Lenore. LOL

Paul the problem that as a small employer is that when my payroll goes up $150/week when in the past five years we have had only one person that claimed unemployment for 5 weeks because the unemployment rate is so high there is a problem. This also makes it more difficult for me to hire another employee...I can only imagine the rates for large corporations. We need to get people off of unemployment and back in the workforce and I am sorry but I think extending unemployment benefits although it helps many people in need wasnt the right thing to do...I feel it also is another mismanaged government agency. From my own experience dealing with them on a fraudulent claim that I had I can honestly tell you it seemed like they just don't care. The only way I see this getting better is by getting the government to promote job creation either by offering incentives for hiring workers or anything to create jobs.

My point about cutting the benefits back or having people do community service for their unemployment was meant after their typical 6 months had ended. At least 6 month is what they get here in MD. Paul around here jobs are not easy to come by but there are jobs but they are not jobs that a lot of people want. Some of the people that are on unemployment could be working at these jobs but since they are still getting a check they won't take these jobs. Not all people...some people take advantage of the system. Many corporation take advantage of the system too...so not saying that they are perfect either.

I hope your daughter finds a job soon Paul.

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By the way guys just so you know the only way some one will get the last word on this is if SW or I post and lock the thread! :lol: :) :lol:

SW by the way that is a great idea on allowing a person to suspend their benefits to take a job! That what we need in DC when are you running?

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You couple of Commies!! ;-)

The way this thing is going, I might as well jump start the gas prices thread, start a new one about Iran, and bring back the "W" avatar!

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You couple of Commies!! ;-)

The way this thing is going, I might as well jump start the gas prices thread, start a new one about Iran, and bring back the "W" avatar!

I think we should all run for office.....dog catcher. I'm pretty sure others on this forum think that's all were qualifed for.....picking up dog s..t!! LOL!!!

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