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I Had The "white Dust On Dash" Problem Fixed

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Last week i was on vacation to Florida, so i decided to have the "white dust on dash" problem fixed while i was away (since i knew it took a few days to complete). The week prior to leaving i showed up at the dealer and told my service advisor what i was experiencing, and she knew right away what the problem was. She advised me that there was indeed a "re-designed" replacement part (evaporator core i think?) so that i should never have the white dust issue again.

The morning of my flight, i dropped the car off and my service advisor assured me that she'd call my cell whenever it was ready (not like i was in a rush since i was going to be away for 8 days anyway...). I also told her i needed an inspection sticker since i needed one by RI law...

Well, 7 days later and still no phone call. I called my service advisor and she said, "Oh hi! Yes the car is done, we just lost the keys- but we found them!" I told her i'd be arriving back around 5 so i would pick it up.

I arrived back in RI and went to the Lexus dealer. I signed some paperwork and my service advisor said she'd get my car ready. She proceeded to walk towards a white 04-06 Rx330 in the service garage. She entered it, started it up and moved it outside, and said, "Here you go! We even did a wash!" I replied that it was the WRONG CAR and she said, "Oh it's behind it!" (there was a gray 2010 Rx350 behind it) and i AGAIN replied that it wasn't my car either! She said, "Oh yeah, sorry about that. It must be in the back." So she ran in the back and brought out my car... I guess my last name being on the license plate wasn't enough of a hint to her :huh:

So i got in my car and noticed there was no inspection sticker! I showed my advisor and she said, "Oh i wonder what happened?" She went to speak to someone and came back to tell me that the guy who's supposed to do the stickers had a death in the family and hasn't been to work.... I just said FINE and told her to call me when he's back so i can get the sticker...

So i left the dealership to go home. But on the way home, i started to look at the inside of the car. And i COULD NOT believe what i found. There were tiny nicks and tears all over the inside of the dash! There was grease on the steering wheel and column, nicks on the silver areas around the center nav and radio, a nick in the wood :angry: , a scratch on the center shifter panel, i noticed gaps on the left and right sides of the upper dash, and more importantly, a SCRATCH in the nav screen! :angry:

Then when i got home, i noticed even more... On the right side of the shifter, there was a tear in the vinyl and on the right lower side of the dash, some more tears in the vinyl. These parts took some serious ABUSE.

ALL OF WHICH were NOT there before i dropped the car off! :angry: You all know how i am about my car...

So i went back to the dealer and showed the service advisor the damage. She went back and brought back some "tech" that worked on my car. Couldn't have been much older than me, and he didn't look like much of a college graduate. My service advisor asked him what he thought, and he replied with, "I don't remember, i mean, i mean i wouldn't have left it like this, i wasn't tryin to cover anything up or anything, blah blah, blah." I replied telling them it wasn't like that when i dropped the car off, and the tech replied with, "Well it is what it is." That's when i FLIPPED.

Apparently there's some 'man behind the curtain' person who would need to look at it, and he wasn't there last night. So i am supposed to call today to see if he's there so i can show him the damage.

I am absolutely OUTRAGED. I can't believe the damage left to this car, i just can't believe it. These parts where NOT handled with any care, AT ALL. This dealership has shown NO signs of quality.

Here are a few pictures...








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I feel for you, particularly having read your posts and knowing how caring you are of all aspects of your car. I don't know what to suggest, other than documenting the issues and following through with Lexus and the dealership, if need be threatening a lawsuit... At least, given your work on the car, you have good photographic evidence of the state it was in previous to the repair. What a bummer. I wish you the best of luck.

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Oh my God. That's brutal. I think I'm just going to live with the white dust problem in my RX. That's a major repair bill for the dealership, if they'll admit responsibility. New dash, new nav, new trim etc etc. The only good thing is, you've done enough mods and taken enough pictures for us here that you should have several pics showing the interior in it's previous mint condition. Mind you, based on where some of the damage is, there's no way they could deny that it didn't happen during the removal/install.

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I'm sorry to say this, but some people should not be mechanics. The old saying "all thumbs" comes from describing someone who is not very dextrous with his or her hands. Some of that is from lack of experience and perhaps, patience, but some dexterity is there when we are born. Luckily, not many surgeons fall into the "all thumbs" category.

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Dude, that is crazy! I feel for you. I mean a scratch or two one might be able to justify, as they are doing a decent sized job, but that is ridiculous. That reminds me of when I put an after market stereo in my sisters car when I was 14. Let’s just say “I made it fit”. You HAVE TO deal with this. If not for anything else for the rest of the Lexus community who’s cars this YAHOO might actually be able to get his hands on.

:chairshot: :censored: :chairshot: :censored: :chairshot:

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Thanks for caring guys, i really am feeling a lot of pain :(

I called my service advisor today 4 times, went directly to voice mail. I left her a message asking her to call me back, but haven't received a call yet! I'll have to try again tomorrow, hopefully whoever it is i need to speak to comes to work.

I really hope they don't give me a hard time about fixing this issue. There is NO way i will accept the car back the way it is. I'm meticulous about my car, i can't stand little scratches and what not. And bottom line, i shouldn't have to! I dropped the car off "damage-less", and got it back with damage. They are responsible.

It's clear these parts were not handled with care. I've done a lot of work removing parts etc, and i know how easy it is to scratch stuff if you're not careful. If whoever worked on the car just took the time to CAREFULLY place and secure the parts, they wouldn't have gotten dinged up.

I'll do whatever it takes to get everything fixed, at NO expense to me. I'm not living with any of the damage they caused.

OH, and today i noticed my dash is covered with the little white particles again. I assume it's just left over crap from before, but i'll keep an eye on it. I do also need to replace the cabin air filter, that might be causing the residual powder as well...

But when i end up going back and showing whoever it is they told me needed to see it about the damage, what should i say? What should i do? Any advice?

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OH, and today i noticed my dash is covered with the little white particles again. I assume it's just left over crap from before, but i'll keep an eye on it. I do also need to replace the cabin air filter, that might be causing the residual powder as well...

But when i end up going back and showing whoever it is they told me needed to see it about the damage, what should i say? What should i do? Any advice?

The cabin filter is before the evaporator, so I wouldn't think it would be a problem. Might just be old particles that were in the vents?

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I wouldn't start things off by going in with guns blazing (figure of speech, of course), because animosity begets animosity. Start by showing the top dog all the damage and say something like, "I think you'll agree that this is not acceptable and all damaged items need to be replaced."

In other words, give them the chance to make it right. If they refuse to offer you an acceptable solution, send them a certified request for reparation, stating specifically what happened and what you want done. You will need this statement if you end up in small claims court.

Good luck.

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I wouldn't start things off by going in with guns blazing (figure of speech, of course), because animosity begets animosity. Start by showing the top dog all the damage and say something like, "I think you'll agree that this is not acceptable and all damaged items need to be replaced."

In other words, give them the chance to make it right. If they refuse to offer you an acceptable solution, send them a certified request for reparation, stating specifically what happened and what you want done. You will need this statement if you end up in small claims court.

Good luck.

good idea, i think that's my best bet. If they refuse, or only decide to replace "some" of the damaged parts, should i then take things to the next level? Should i get a police report or something? Should i call Lexus corporate?

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A police report is not necessary unless they body-damaged your car while taking it for a test ride. You should call corporate if your car is not put back the way it was.

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Bad day.

The evaporator is a big job. I had it done some time ago (I was the one who documented the source of the "white dust" with photos of the mesh that was coming off and blowing thru the vents).

When my job was complete, I noticed both front pillar interiors were scuffed (presumably from maneuvering the dash cover into place). I had to make a return trip and show it to the service manager before he agreed to replace both pillar covers, which he had to order, which meant a third trip.

From what you have documented, I got off easy. But the good news is that the dealer should be willing to make it right if are patient and just keep insisting that this is not what you expect in the way of service.

Unfortunately, you are probably out of luck on your custom wood work mods... but the good news is that you have fully documented how you did it, so it won't be as hard the second time ;) I know, small consolation.

The most important thing I can relate regarding the evaporator fix is that it does not seem to have worked. I have noticed in recent weeks the dreaded white dust reappear on my dash. The "fix" seemed to be just put in a new evaporator of the same design and hope that the warranty runs out before it deteriorates again.

Live and learn.

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Sorry for the vulgarity...but that #$@%&*!. I can only imagine how you must feel...you must be beside yourself. I know I would be and I haven't put one ounce as much effort into my car as you have.

Thats just...awful. I'm really angry for you...

The vinyl peices can be repaired you know that as well as I do, but that plastic center stack peice and the nav screen will have to be replaced, so will the vent surround and the face of the shifter plate. Thats going to be...very very expensive. IMHO thats $5,000 worth of repair there.

You are going to have a very hard time dealing with the dealer and getting this done right...

I reccomend you sit down with the service manager at the dealer and explain to him how much pride you take in your vehicle, and how hard you have worked to be able to afford such a vehicle. The one time the dealer damaged my car I had a very frank discussion (you know how I am) with the dealer's service manager out in the service waiting room within earshot of all the customers that included the line "I know to you guys this is just some ES and you really don't care about it, but it is something I have worked very hard for and it is very special to me...and when I pay the premium that I pay for Lexus service...I don't think its unreasonable to expect that you guys will treat it with some respect and at least return it to me in the same condition I provided it to you. Do you think thats unreasonable?" and of course he had no choice but to agree that it was perfectly reasonable...and give me whatever I wanted.

If that doesn't work I think you should write a letter to the dealer's GM, CC Lexus Corporate, and CC your local Better Business Bureau. Explain in the letter that you take great pride in the appearance of your Lexus and are deeply, deeply upset that the Lexus dealer would violate it and you by returning it to you in that condition. Include these pictures, and include some of the pictures you had taken of the vehicle previously.

I know you...like me you will never be satisfied with the car again unless you get these things repaired...stay firm, but calm and professional. Never let up...and never let on that you will be satisfied with anything less than the car being in the SAME condition it was in when you dropped it off.

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Thanks SW :( I truly feel like crap about this. They just abused my car.

I'm still playing phone tag with the head of the service department. Apparently he doesn't work on Friday's or Weekends, and he's been "sick" and whatever else excuse one could come up with... I was ordered to call again tomorrow and make an apt to come in and show him the damage.

I'll try to be cool, but if they start denying they damaged everything, i don't know what i'm going to do. I'll bring in pictures and what not, so hopefully they don't give me too much of an issue.

I'll definitely keep you guys updated on this issue though.

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Well i went to Lexus today to show someone else the damage. My service person introduced me to the "assistant service manager" who looked at the car. He insisted that they didn't cause the damage! I told them the damage wasn't present before i dropped the car off, but he did not show any sympathy. He told me he needed to speak to the "first in command" manager and that he'd call me. I told him i had detailed pictures of the car, which seemed to be the only thing that caught his interest.

So as of right now, it doesn't look like they're willing to help. So for now i wait for a phone call.

When i get this phone call, what should i then say if they deny to replace the damaged parts? So i threaten with a lawsuit yet? Because i swear i am THIS close.

I am so frustrated with this situation. Those *BLEEP*S abused my car and there's nothing i can do :angry:

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do you have pics of the interior before it went in to the dealer? even one pic could be enough evidence

not "right before" but maybe a month or so ago?

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do you have pics of the interior before it went in to the dealer? even one pic could be enough evidence

not "right before" but maybe a month or so ago?

I'd take them... the more you have to show them the better... If they are time stamped even better.

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Well i went to Lexus today to show someone else the damage. My service person introduced me to the "assistant service manager" who looked at the car. He insisted that they didn't cause the damage! I told them the damage wasn't present before i dropped the car off, but he did not show any sympathy. He told me he needed to speak to the "first in command" manager and that he'd call me. I told him i had detailed pictures of the car, which seemed to be the only thing that caught his interest.

So as of right now, it doesn't look like they're willing to help. So for now i wait for a phone call.

When i get this phone call, what should i then say if they deny to replace the damaged parts? So i threaten with a lawsuit yet? Because i swear i am THIS close.

I am so frustrated with this situation. Those *BLEEP*S abused my car and there's nothing i can do :angry:

Check to see what the maximum award is in Small Claims Court. If it is high enough to cover replacement of the damaged parts, then send the dealership a written request for restitution. Make sure they have to sign for the letter and that you have proof. Then download or retrieve personally, the small claims documents to get the ball rolling.

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sure you could go back, they might even take better care of your vehicle this time. however this dealership doesnt seem to care, i also drive 45 minutes south of seattle to the dealership that sold me my car, they are smaller, more personable and do great work. In addition, i think only the dealership that sold you your car is obligated to give you a loaner, someone correct me if i am wrong so that might become an issue if time consuming work is needed. i get a loaner for the 30 and 60k work, you never know when that need might pop up.

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Another thing, my friends have had very good luck going straight to the top with a well written letter and in your case pictures. I have one customer with almost a boilerplate letter that has worked with the last nine different issues, she even had all the carpet in her house replaced after it had faded prematurely and her first claim was denied at the local level. The key is to find someone in the organization that will own your issue. I agree on the small claims court as an avenue also, all of us feel your outrage for something you have taken such incredible care of to be hacked up by a dealer who doesnt care.

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Speak to the manager, take the pictures with you. Have the car spotlessly clean when you go...wear a suit.

Let the manager know, politely and calmly but FIRMLY that under no circumstances will you allow them not to accept responsibility for the damage they did to your vehicle. You entrusted it to them...and they let you down and you pay too much for service there to accept that. Tell them you want very much to continue to have a relationship with them and bring them your vehicle for service, you understand mistakes happen but you insist that they take responsibility for what they did and cover the repairs.

If he just dismisses you out of hand (your age will not help you here) then let him know that you will see him in court. Then follow that up with a letter to Lexus, CC the dealer and the local BBB. CC a local news station...everybody loves tearing Toyota and Lexus a new one right now.

I really feel for you...if I lived closer I would go with you...

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Speak to the manager, take the pictures with you. Have the car spotlessly clean when you go...wear a suit.

Let the manager know, politely and calmly but FIRMLY that under no circumstances will you allow them not to accept responsibility for the damage they did to your vehicle. You entrusted it to them...and they let you down and you pay too much for service there to accept that. Tell them you want very much to continue to have a relationship with them and bring them your vehicle for service, you understand mistakes happen but you insist that they take responsibility for what they did and cover the repairs.

If he just dismisses you out of hand (your age will not help you here) then let him know that you will see him in court. Then follow that up with a letter to Lexus, CC the dealer and the local BBB. CC a local news station...everybody loves tearing Toyota and Lexus a new one right now.

I really feel for you...if I lived closer I would go with you...

Thanks SW, i really appreciate that <_< Still haven't received the call yet, but i'm pretty sure what they're gonna tell me! I'll try to insist that i show the head manager in person too, that might make a bigger impact.

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