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2002 Lexus Es300 Fuel Range


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Hey guys, ive searched here, but can't seem to find an answer.

I have a 2002 Es300 that I recently bought pre-owned. It has 47k miles on it. I just noticed even when the car is at FULL for gas, my FUEL RANGE is showing only around 255miles. So i looked up online, and it says the car has an 18.5 gallon tank. Its rated for 27highway, and the numbers aren't adding up. The range doesn't adjust whether i'm driving highway or local and wondering is this something wrong with my car? I paid the lexus dealer to inspect it for engine sludge last week, they said it was super clean.

But i'm stumped, and asking you guys for your help. Are others with the 02-06 model range, only getting 255(ballpark range) on a full tank of gas on the computer readout? Because i'm somewhat worried about this. Thanks for your replys in advance.

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I don't remember the exact number, but mine is certainly above 300. What does your Avg. MPG reading say?

yeah mines NEVER crosed 300. im seeing an avg of around 22.5. Even when i resfresh on highway at 70mph, ive never seen it cross 24.1

Id appreciate everyones feedback.

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On the highway, I can squeeze out 500 miles (800 Km's) out of a tank in my 05 ES....did the same with my previous 2001....that's going consistantly 65 - 70 mp/h in good weather conditions (no heat or air on).

On average (mix of city & highway) I regularly get 350 - 380 miles per tank...on regular 87 fuel. The computer on the dash tells me after a fill up that I can go between 530 - 555 Km's (330 - 345 miles) but I always get more than that...and hardly ever see the fuel light come on. Perhaps Lexus programs the computer more on the conservative side so people don't run out of fuel or risk running out?


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The DTE on the computer is not very accurate. Its based on the recorded MPG over time. When I've been around town it will read 275-290 after a complete fillup. When I've been on a highway trip or something it might say 310. Real world range is 350+

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I noticed today that my gauge was close to full and range was 311.

The best MPG I have gotten on this car is 32 going at highway at 60 MPH for ~300 miles.

My average with a mix of city/highway is usually around 22/23. Gauge reads quarter tank left when I have driven 320 miles on the tank. I think your average of 22ish is good.

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I just filled up the tank this evening with 15.111 gallons after range dropped from 31 to 14 and constant yellow light appeared at a range of 24.

After fill-up, I noticed the range was 320. Just before filling up the tank, I checked the avg. and it was 23. I think ..... NOT Not bad for 2002 ES 200 with 79840 miles.


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I hate how the range mode never goes up :( in other cars like Audis or Benz, it goes up when you're cruising on the freeway or going downhill; makes me sad haha.

I go about 330 miles on average on a full tank (mostly city driving) on 02 ES300 69k miles

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Hey guys, thanks all for the replys.

I actually just filled the tank again today, and its show 226 miles range?!! this is getting kinda ridiculous. Clearly it is not a TRUE range, kinda lame on lexus part. Im going to have dealer look at it, I have extended warranty, maybe they'll reflash it or replace it. now to convince them not to charge a "diagnostic fee".

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Remember, before you go to your dealer what the previous writer said about computing based on economy. All manufacturers allow for 3-5 gallons to be remaining in the tank eve though your trip computer says your dead in the road and your gas gauge light is on. Yesterday, my Range readout said 15 miles left, and the gas gauge light had been on for 20 minutes. I put in the nozzle but could only barely squeze in 14 gallons. Obviously I had 4.1 gallons left.

When I leave the city and get on the Interstate, my range readout shows consistantly more and more miles the farther I drive until it averages out. These are not NASA grade precision instruments.

2005 ES330 - 42300 miles

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Remember, before you go to your dealer what the previous writer said about computing based on economy. All manufacturers allow for 3-5 gallons to be remaining in the tank eve though your trip computer says your dead in the road and your gas gauge light is on. Yesterday, my Range readout said 15 miles left, and the gas gauge light had been on for 20 minutes. I put in the nozzle but could only barely squeze in 14 gallons. Obviously I had 4.1 gallons left.

When I leave the city and get on the Interstate, my range readout shows consistantly more and more miles the farther I drive until it averages out. These are not NASA grade precision instruments.

2005 ES330 - 42300 miles

hey guys. I reset all the avg mpg's...mpg...etc on the car computer. I filled it up again this morning to full tank, but just for testing purposes I filled it till the pump clicked.

I drove on the highway for 78 miles....at exactly 72mph. The overall average came in at 19.7....at FULL tank, range showed me 225miles.

BEFORe i reset it, the avg showed 20.2, but it was all highway miles, literally not even a minute on city. I literally only got just about 240miles for the entire tank. It doesn't make sense. I'm not expecting "nasa grade precision" but something is off here. I made an appointment for next week, and see what they can come up with.

Because if I used the computers previous overall average of (20.2) all highway, and I only got 240 miles(i checked odomoter myself...the range also showed same amount) if at 20.2avg * (for arguments sake...15gallons)......i should yield 303 miles at the minimum. I'm short 60miles right there.....but how can a pristine sedan, with ONLY 47k miles, not a single service skipped(car was babied) be yielding such poor gas mileage.

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Resetting the economy doesn't help. The economy it uses to calculate the range is a longer term economy you cannot reset. Drive on a highway trip and then fill up, the range will be higher.

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If it really bugs you you can also disconnect the battery. They had to remove my battery to replace my headlight bulb and now the display reads 335 miles when filled up.

I did the whole highway driving.....resetting.....drive on highway only. the range went from around 225 to 235.

The dealer is going to look at it on thursday(i have extended lexus warranty....it covers that) and I will also ask about unplugging battery. I might even have them put in a new one while they are at it.

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You need to drive on a long trip. Like...several hours.

Pay the dealer $200 to look at it if you want lol Don't ask the dealer, just unplug the battery.

i drove from Michigan to atlanta and back in the past week. didn't change a darn bit. I wouldn't foolishly go pay the dealer $200 simply because my fuel range is not accurate, it seems to be a deeper issue causing this car to have such poor mileage. And I do have a Lexus Platinum extended warranty and it covers that....verified by dealer......so a checkup at no cost to me.

but thanks for your input.

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Well then why are you posting on here asking for advice if you have no intention of listening to our advice?

you might want to read my response again. Througout this entire topic, ive asked what others ranges were, and was very grateful for the feedback. My problem(once again stated above) seems to be more than just a fuel range computer being off, but getting bad mileage, which Id like the dealer themselves to look at.

And, once again as I stated above, i have an EXTENDED WARRANTY through lexus, which covers such a thing. I didn't pay this extra money to simply disconnect the battery. My service advisor had mentioned he has a guide that provides him guidelines for whats considered defective and not. So i'm going to let the man do his job. So no need for you to post such a foolish comment like that. Clearly, you dont know everything related to my car. But once again, I do appreciate everyones input regarding my car.

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Just my $0.02 and I am NOT a white knight and NOT trying to take sides.

Having said that ............I SINCERELY think your reply/comment "Well then why are you posting on here asking for advice if you have no intention of listening to our advice?" is NOT WARRANTED and WAY OUT OF LINE.

Again, one does not know who is in the cyberspace and what intention/agenda/motive they may have in giving any advice. Unless, you are an Lexus employee (are you ?) (and there are forums where manufacture's authorized representative are allowed to reply/rebuttal/counter argue etc. to resolve the dispute), I think you have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS asking such a question.

It is up to us, whether to listen/heed or just ignore any advice given on this forum. It is our vehicle ..............is it NOT?

I hope I did NOT come TOO STRONG ........ If I did, I profusely apologize.

Again ............I follow a VERY SIMPLE RULE ...................Trust But Verify ...........Trust, but Verify was a signature phrase of Ronald Reagan. He used it in public, although he was not the first person known to use it. When Reagan used this phrase, he was usually discussing relations with the Soviet Union and he almost always presented it as a translation of the Russian proverb "doveryai, no proveryai" (Russian: Доверяй, но проверяй) - Trust, but Verify. At the signing of the INF Treaty he used it again and his counterpart Mikhail Gorbachev responded: "You repeat that at every meeting," to which Reagan answered "I like it."

Thanks a LOT


Well then why are you posting on here asking for advice if you have no intention of listening to our advice?

you might want to read my response again. Througout this entire topic, ive asked what others ranges were, and was very grateful for the feedback. My problem(once again stated above) seems to be more than just a fuel range computer being off, but getting bad mileage, which Id like the dealer themselves to look at.

And, once again as I stated above, i have an EXTENDED WARRANTY through lexus, which covers such a thing. I didn't pay this extra money to simply disconnect the battery. My service advisor had mentioned he has a guide that provides him guidelines for whats considered defective and not. So i'm going to let the man do his job. So no need for you to post such a foolish comment like that. Clearly, you dont know everything related to my car. But once again, I do appreciate everyones input regarding my car.

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LOL...right. I'm an employee of Lexus and my only mission is to try and pull the wool over the eyes of this specific person about the MPG readout on his 8 year old car. Thats right....I have an "agenda"! Thats why I've been a member here for 7 years, volunteer my time to manage the site, and have posted here giving people advice 16,000 times. Thats 6 times a day...every day...for 7 years. But you joined here last month...and posted 19 times...so yeah you've got me figured out.

My advice wasn't anything so grand as taking apart the cluster and swapping out components. I suggested he disconnect the battery for 10 minutes to erase the global MPG memory so it can reset to the default because thats what fixed the same issue on my car. Definitely needs to be verified...I agree. Dangerous stuff.

If people aren't going to follow the advice they get when they ask their questions...its a waste of all our time spent considering and typing our responses.

I accept your apology.

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LOL...right. I'm an employee of Lexus and my only mission is to try and pull the wool over the eyes of this specific person about the MPG readout on his 8 year old car. Thats right....I have an "agenda"! Thats why I've been a member here for 7 years, volunteer my time to manage the site, and have posted here giving people advice 16,000 times. Thats 6 times a day...every day...for 7 years. But you joined here last month...and posted 19 times...so yeah you've got me figured out.

My advice wasn't anything so grand as taking apart the cluster and swapping out components. I suggested he disconnect the battery for 10 minutes to erase the global MPG memory so it can reset to the default because thats what fixed the same issue on my car. Definitely needs to be verified...I agree. Dangerous stuff.

If people aren't going to follow the advice they get when they ask their questions...its a waste of all our time spent considering and typing our responses.

I accept your apology.

You still dont get do you, well you seem like your entitled to say whatever you want on here, without sounding like a jerk, because you post so often!... well congratulations, you win. he was absolutely right in calling you out, your a very rude jerk. DONT post anymore if your not interested. its not an excuse for you to act entitled and almighty because you post 6 times a day! Yes unplugging battery will rest the range, wow we couldn't have figured that one out on our own!! And just maybe, someone ALREADY did that, but you wouldn't know that. So keep running your mouth almighty one.

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Mods ...........................

Will you PLEASE KINDLY lock down/close this thread ? This is getting UGLY and INSULTING ...............

Gee ...... I never heard something put like this before OR Did I " You have 19 posts and I have 16000+. So, that makes me KING and you are a just a piece of xxxx. Almighty gave me right just because I have NO OTHER work but to post and insult people". Sounds like "Bigger is Better" mentality or some other mentality.

Dear Sir .................I respect you and will continue to RESPECT YOU ...................BUT ................. not if you keep commenting like this. MY 2nd Rule in the life LEARN TO RESPECT OTHERS IF YOU WANT OTHERS TO RESPECT YOU.

MY 3nd Rule in the life ............" If you can not say good thing about somebody........PLEASE NEVER say bad things......... NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN".

I am NOT going to get into arguments on this ANY MORE............I have a VERY THICK SKIN...............

that brings to my 4th Rule in the life "Never get into FUTILE arguments with idiots (note ..... I am NOT saying/implying you are an idiot.). You win and I loose. Feel Happy now? Have a Nice day"


LOL...right. I'm an employee of Lexus and my only mission is to try and pull the wool over the eyes of this specific person about the MPG readout on his 8 year old car. Thats right....I have an "agenda"! Thats why I've been a member here for 7 years, volunteer my time to manage the site, and have posted here giving people advice 16,000 times. Thats 6 times a day...every day...for 7 years. But you joined here last month...and posted 19 times...so yeah you've got me figured out.

My advice wasn't anything so grand as taking apart the cluster and swapping out components. I suggested he disconnect the battery for 10 minutes to erase the global MPG memory so it can reset to the default because thats what fixed the same issue on my car. Definitely needs to be verified...I agree. Dangerous stuff.

If people aren't going to follow the advice they get when they ask their questions...its a waste of all our time spent considering and typing our responses.

I accept your apology.

You still dont get do you, well you seem like your entitled to say whatever you want on here, without sounding like a jerk, because you post so often!... well congratulations, you win. he was absolutely right in calling you out, your a very rude jerk. DONT post anymore if your not interested. its not an excuse for you to act entitled and almighty because you post 6 times a day! Yes unplugging battery will rest the range, wow we couldn't have figured that one out on our own!! And just maybe, someone ALREADY did that, but you wouldn't know that. So keep running your mouth almighty one.

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