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So, I'm Thinking Of Two New Cars Too


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You asked how the market is treating me these days. The short answer is "decently, but I'm proceeding with great caution". Primarily for the reason you mentioned. I firmly believe that we're in an artificial bubble that cannot be sustained given the continued recession-like atmosphere we're trapped in. Ivory Tower economists can proclaim "the recession is over" all they want. But look at the perpetually rising unemployment numbers along with the severely declining purchasing power every American will be facing for a long, long time. Record foreclosure rates will be with us for years to come. Millions of good U.S. jobs are permanently gone. It's an old cliche I know, but the economic paradigm has shifted and not for the better. We're in the calm before the storm. I wish I could tell you when that is going to be, but my charts cannot pinpoint it that precisely yet. 2010 is going to be tough, and 2011 may be even tougher. I've kept our household in strong financial shape with some very prudent decisions and actions but we'll be in the fortunate minority, no question about it. These are the scariest times I've ever been through....

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I figured it had something to do with your move. Hang in there...

Come on down to DC! I'll help you find that "power-home" that you won't be able to die to stop paying for and we can be miserable together! ;)

That may not be too far off into the distance amigo. It's my goal actually. I might be asking a few favors for some information on price point pockets around town to look at housing. My experience is commercial, with some understanding of residential through analysis conditions for areas such as Silver Spring, Herdon, Bethesda. I don't know much about Maryland, and PG county "other than it's a booger to get development rights down there in certain pockets".....

Can you imagine me living in your town? Man, I'd for sure have to go buy an Infiniti to harass you with!! :lol:

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My brain is your brain!

You want to live in Montgomery County...not PG county...in Maryland thats the first tidbit of information :)

Seriously just PM me what you think you'd be looking to spend and I'll let you know what you can get in different areas and the pros and cons of each...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I looked at a 330ix yesterday. I really like it. But, thanks to Lexus RUINING me with it's quietness, I just can't get over the rumble of the BMW engine. Plus, there just doesn't seem to be enough shoulder room in the 3 series. I don't mind small and nimble, but I was practically rubbing elbows with the salesman. I'm only 5 10' 180 (heading to 200 thanks to Chitcago pizza - ok, i'll give 'em that, they've got some great pizza up here!)

So, I've decided to just drive the GS like I stole it, and wait for what I know I really want....another LS. When I'm ready to take on a 06' LS430 with less than 40k miles, I'll pull the trigger. I want the last model year of that design, and I want it under 40k miles. Don't want all the bells and whistles either. Just heated seats and the ML stereo. Couldn't care less about the folks in the back seat, and certainly don't want to mess with air suspension! Besides, if we end up back in DC, I'll have to get a SWO's dream car, so I can bug him about it! Assuming when we purchase our home, the commission doesn't result in his new LS460..... but we've worked that deal out already privately! :lol:

Like the BMW's, still got a twinkle in my eye for one, but don't think as my daily driver...

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Smart decision to just stay in that GS for the duration of your Chicago jail sentence. Hunker down and get through this horrible economy as well as your time having to live in a place you dislike so much. Wait for better days and a better locale before you look to change your vehicle line-up again....

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Smart decision to just stay in that GS for the duration of your Chicago jail sentence. Hunker down and get through this horrible economy as well as your time having to live in a place you dislike so much. Wait for better days and a better locale before you look to change your vehicle line-up again....

Yeah, I'm a conflicted dude when it comes to cars! I'm also itchy to take advantage of this economic mess a bit, much in the same manner as you did with the Jag. But, I decided that the only sedan I'd be willing to replace my current sedan with, is the LS430. However, this doesn't exclude one other set of wheels I like too, one of which is ranked by some as "the most dependable vehicle ever built"..... the Land Cruiser! I can't help but to notice some (not a lot, as folks tend to keep them forever) 2000-2003 models with about 80k miles for sale right in my strike zone. If they're anything like our 4runner, which has 80k and performs like it just rolled off the showroom floor, I'd have no problem with a Land Cruiser too. They both have that wonderful 4.7 V8 engine, that has become my favorite engine I've ever owned.

There are only two Lexus vehicles I think I would buy now, the IS and LS. Granted, they're all wonderful cars and worthy of every award they've received. But given the fact that I'm now on my second Lexus vehicle, and yet again facing the softening suspension bushing problems, my taste for the "premium" of Lexus over Toyota is beginning to sour a little. The car service I use to go from OHare to the house when the weather is bad, use Hybrid Camry's. I rode in two of them last week, both with over 200k miles, both rode smoother then my GS. Granted, as SWO points out, my GS is approaching 9 years of age. But I'm a little tired of having to buy the entire cow, when all I need is a little milk, aka.... the entire control arm at $480 each (with internet discount pricing), instead of a $40 bushing like so many other car makers offer. So, since I'm probably never going to let myself take the depreciation hit of a new car again, my desire to maintain the Lexus-famous premium smooth and quiet ride characteristic has begun to fade. This is the reason why, if I had to replace the 4runner, I'd have a harder time going up to the GX470 vs another 4runner, because of the rear air suspension component of the GX, that the 4runner doesn't have, and in my opinion, doesn't need at all. I guess what I'm saying, is that I'm wondering if the "T" gives me more than what I need for less, and the added elements for the "L" are more than I'm willing to mess with? Therefore, the only two cars I see in the Lexus line up that can't be replicated in any fashion by Toyota, is the IS and LS. I don't care for the new GS design at all. It's never really appealed to me from the start.

So, it's the GS430, unless a Land Cruiser comes along that I fall in love with and want to try. Gas mileage sucks for me anyway, no matter what you put in my driveway. Give me a 4 banger, and I'll run it at higher rpm's anyway.

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I've got just three words for you regarding the IS : Far too small....

I agree, it is tiny. It's almost a 4 door 2+2, instead of a 4 door sedan. But, if that's the segment you're looking in, I think the IS would certainly be a contender. Although, my buddy in Tampa had one, and nearly filed suit against Toyota "he's a lawyer" over that throttle lag, which nearly cost him his butt one day in heavy traffic. I'm not exactly sure how it all went, but it ended with Toyota buying the car from him. He's never owned another Toyota made product since.

At the end of the day, knowing me, i'll probably just bite the bullett and fix the suspension bushings of the GS and drive it for several more years.

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That was exactly what I thought when I drove the 3...

I just don't understand your issues with the suspension. My ES has 138k miles...I just replaced the lower control arms...which were worn and cracked but presenting no symptoms...the control arms were $145 a peice...replaced the ball joints while I was at it...and it rides and drives like brand new. Not a creak, squeak, or pop anywhere. My dad replaced the ball joints once in his 98 LS400 over 160k miles and had no other issues. His '04 LS430 has like 80-90k miles...no problems at all. No suspension problems on the Prius...but it has a lot of interior rattles...its got to be how its been driven over the years. My car has been driven carefully...but my Dad's really have not been.

To me...the Lexus just stays like brand new...forever with proper care. Now...I've never had a GS...or even any experience with a GS.

I got your PM too and will respond to it, my Dad has been in the hospital for the past two weeks and that has been monopolizing my time...

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Oh and I don't know where you bought the control arms for $480 each, go to this site: www.mylexparts.com

I assume its the uppers? They have them for $415/side. They have another part for $275...might not be OEM...

I bought my LCA's here and they have them for your GS for $125 a peice...cheaper than the ones on the ES. This is a Lexus dealer too, Lexus of Roseville, OEM parts.

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Wow, the prices have fallen quite a bit recently, quiet a bit! I checked the site I usually hit too (parts.com), and they're down to $358, from approx $480 the last time I checked! Hmmm....

I think the problem with my bushings has to due with the winter weather conditions the car has lived in, not the 60k miles on the clock. The slipping on the snow and ice, then hitting the pavement, really puts a ton of immediate stress on the bushings. I noticed this today in a shopping center parking lot, even with the traction control system on. Add the sliding forward when trying to turn, then having the front wheels hit the dry pavement and instantly grabing, jerks the car pretty hard too.

At the end of the day, as sad and frustrated as I am with this (and it's not all that bad right now, but it's coming), the car is a smooth, quiet, comfortable, reliable, and fast car. It is very nice, which makes it hard for me to accept the fact that something needs my attention to continue making it perfect. Really and truly, about the only vehicle I can think of that can handle these roads up here, is an SUV in general, an over-engineered SUV, like the 4runner.

I'm probably just going to keep the GS and wait for the day when we get that green light to get out of here, then either invest in the parts to fix/reset it for several more years, or trade it in for that LS430.

No worries about the message! How's your Dad doing? I hope nothing too serious?

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  • 2 weeks later...

NC, you just have to admit what you are, then plan ahead to accomidate your arrival. :) The problem I see here is that you my friend have not been honest with yourself. And in so doing, you have denied yourself the ability to embrace who you really are. You, like me and so many others, have multiple car personality syndrome. Don't be overly alarmed,MCPS has a cure. I know what a surprise this may come as. The torments you feel as you drive along looking at other cars. Most normal people could care less. But not you and I. No brother. At the light we actually count how many Lexus /Toyotas there are and quitely note the ratio to other cars in the intersection. We notice "Brembo" on cars right away, and an oversize exhaust peeking out the back of a car ahead of us makes us want to look closer. Badges like M, F, S, AMG, we "feel" what those are. The answer NC could very well be in your near future. You just need to be honest with yourself and plan accordingly. You will need your next house to be able to accomidate 3 cars. Pay off the Lexus, then find a nice weekend toy/ project car to ADD to your house hold. Not replace. "It would also be very educational for the children, honey." For added value in such a wonderful idea. lol!!!!

My dad owned a garage all my life. We've owned race cars and trucks and several cars at one time, almost all the time. Right now at the house in the garage I have the 08 Lexus IS350, a 2009 ML350, and a 2000 Volvo S40. At the shop I have a 1998 Chevy cargo maxi van, a 1998 Honda Accord (this car just runs forever and won't die so why sell it?), and a Ford F250 deisel 4x4. Then for the track we have 3 Ford Mustangs, and of course my dads pride and joy and whole reason for living other than his family, a 1968 Ford Mustang GT500. The year after the famed "Gone in 60 seconds" GT. I also still have that 2001 IS300 that's half disassembled and supposed to be my weekend toy car project that I just haven't had any time to get to in the past year or so. Of which I thinkI may have changed my mind on and I might get this 1972 Camaro. If I decide against the Camaro, then like you I wanted a BMW 3 series to play around with for awhile. BUt that's for later.

I don't think you need a car collection,but I do think a nice weekend car/toy for you would be the ticket. I can't tell you how many times after a big stress loaded day I have found and been able to recenter my chai with a 2 hour getaway drive. And don't give me any crap about being able to afford it and all that. You don't flip burgers for a living.( No offense to the burger flippers of the world, we know you do it for the love and passion not the money.). Just pay off the Lexus then move on. It's taken quite a few years, but other than the 320.00 payment on the Benz, which I elected to have for the credit on my credit, you just plan ahead and add when the time is right. You have an upcoming possible opprotunity to move someplace you want to be after the Chicagoan tundra...........maybe an extra space in the garage for future therapy and sanctuary?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I actually read this last week on my blackberry while I was in Florida for business, and a little vacation time. I have nothing to add, you've pretty much hit the nail right square on the head!! MCPS = NC211!

I was driving around Boca Raton, sitting at a stop light looking at the cars, and started thinking about your post. I started laughing to myself, as I was checking out the differences between the Benz 550 to my left, and the Benz 600 to my right. Both black, both nearly identical. I need help! :lol:

The funny thing is though, both of those Benz drivers were checking out my ride sitting between them..... a cherry 1985 Benz 500 SEL, imported from Italy, with only 40k miles. I call it the Diplomatic Cruiser. I drove it over from Naples for my conference I was attending.

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I actually read this last week on my blackberry while I was in Florida for business, and a little vacation time. I have nothing to add, you've pretty much hit the nail right square on the head!! MCPS = NC211!

I was driving around Boca Raton, sitting at a stop light looking at the cars, and started thinking about your post. I started laughing to myself, as I was checking out the differences between the Benz 550 to my left, and the Benz 600 to my right. Both black, both nearly identical. I need help! :lol:

The funny thing is though, both of those Benz drivers were checking out my ride sitting between them..... a cherry 1985 Benz 500 SEL, imported from Italy, with only 40k miles. I call it the Diplomatic Cruiser. I drove it over from Naples for my conference I was attending.

:lol::lol::lol: !!!

ROTFLMAO!! You see? Only a person with MCPS could appreciate a 1985 anything! My wife and other family members would be like "1985?" But you and I know that in 1985, the MB SEL 500 is actually a pretty rare car, and if my memory serves correctly, I'm pretty sure the SEL was the first car with an air bag no? Although I'm not sure if it was 84 or 85 that actually was the first year also. And that 1985 was also the last year for that model.

And the differences are that the SEL 600 was made in 1991 to battle the Lexus LS with a 6.0 liter V12 monster. Very nice rides!

So, now the road to recovery can begin...... ;)

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You, like me and so many others, have multiple car personality syndrome. Don't be overly alarmed,MCPS has a cure.

I too am a sufferer of MCPS. I've been looking around for a "fun" car to add to my RX. I've looked at...

Camaro SS

Mustang GT

IS 350 C

SC 430 (There's a nice '09 Pebble Beach at my local dealer right now, marked down $10k)

BMW 135i Convertible

BMW 335i Convertible

BMW M3 Convertible

MB CLK550 Cabriolet

Audi S5 Cabriolet

I just can't decide, I want them all! As soon as I buy a car I see another car I could have gotten and I wonder if I should have gotten that and then a few months later I want something different.:cries:

I know exactly what you mean when you say we notice when cars say M, S, F, etc... I was at NAIAS on Sunday and I noticed how many cars had Brembo written on the calipers.

While at the show I sat in an LS and I said to myself "Forget the fun car, trade in the RX and get an LS", I've got MCPS bad!

You don't flip burgers for a living

Most people don't flip burgers anymore, you press them. At McDs they have a "clamshell" grill that cooks the bottom and top of the patty at once.

One time when I worked there, many moons ago, the owner showed up and she drove a 525i, so I don't know if you'd consider that flipping/pressing burgers for a living or not.

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You, like me and so many others, have multiple car personality syndrome. Don't be overly alarmed,MCPS has a cure.

I too am a sufferer of MCPS. I've been looking around for a "fun" car to add to my RX. I've looked at...

Camaro SS

Mustang GT

IS 350 C

SC 430 (There's a nice '09 Pebble Beach at my local dealer right now, marked down $10k)

BMW 135i Convertible

BMW 335i Convertible

BMW M3 Convertible

MB CLK550 Cabriolet

Audi S5 Cabriolet

I just can't decide, I want them all! As soon as I buy a car I see another car I could have gotten and I wonder if I should have gotten that and then a few months later I want something different.:cries:

I know exactly what you mean when you say we notice when cars say M, S, F, etc... I was at NAIAS on Sunday and I noticed how many cars had Brembo written on the calipers.

While at the show I sat in an LS and I said to myself "Forget the fun car, trade in the RX and get an LS", I've got MCPS bad!

You don't flip burgers for a living

Most people don't flip burgers anymore, you press them. At McDs they have a "clamshell" grill that cooks the bottom and top of the patty at once.

One time when I worked there, many moons ago, the owner showed up and she drove a 525i, so I don't know if you'd consider that flipping/pressing burgers for a living or not.

:lol::lol: ;) !!

You get exaactly what I'm talking about! lol!

Most people don't flip burgers anymore, you press them. At McDs they have a "clamshell" grill that cooks the bottom and top of the patty at once.

One time when I worked there, many moons ago, the owner showed up and she drove a 525i, so I don't know if you'd consider that flipping/pressing burgers for a living or not.

To bad about the burger flipping occupation. Maybe good flippers were getting harder and harder to find, so they had to go to a more automated design. :rolleyes:

Hey talk to Five Guys about making a few bucks flipping burgers for a living right?

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Who's 1985 S-Class were you driving? Is this a company car that they hand the keys over to when road warriors such as yourself are in town?

Hahaha!! No, those are reserved for the home office, in Newport Beach, CA, and I've got a long way to go before they'll hand me the keys to those toys! This is my dad's MB. He bought it in 1999 from an older gentleman who was going through a midlife thing and bought a red vette' instead. He was italian, and had brought the car over with him back in 1989. It's pretty sweet, but I can say that the italian market place in 1985 got hosed on options! This benz only has one power seat "driver's", no rear window defoger, only one power outside mirror, no lumbar, and some ubber-springy seats. It's set up to "drive" at high speeds with no distractions. Granted, most german cars are, but this thing is pretty bare bones in MB SEL standards, even for 85'. One cool thing I found though when I was filling it up "feeding it, as I like to call it", is a little sticker inside the gas cap that tells you what the speeds do to your tire pressure. "When traveling at 150mph, tire pressure will increase by 9psi". I have no doubt in my mind that this thing could easily hit 150mph. I took it up to 110mph briefly across Allegator Alley last Friday morning on my way back from Boca to Naples. Flat, open, empty road. Pretty amazing to see the speeds increase so quickly, yet the rpms don't really move that much in comparison. Not sure how they did that, but it's pretty cool. A few seconds at that speed, even though ultra smooth, but the inner voice reminded me that it is 25 years old, and I'm too damn old to deal with a ticket like that! So, back down to 79mph.....

Smooth: I like this "road" to recovery idea. However, I'll need a appropriate vehicle for the trip! One day, I'm going to pick up an older German toy to tinker with. Either a late 80's BMW M3, or a 911 ragtop.....someday!!

You wanna hear something so bad, it's funny? A guy in my office cheated on his wife, got caught, and is getting divorced. That's the bad part. The funny part is the fact that this guy has an older 911 in his garage "his wife kicked him out". The judge told him last week that he had an hour to go pick up his stuff at "her" house. That's not the funny part. When he asked about his Porsche, the judge said "you can start it for 20 minutes to protect and lubricate the seals in the engine, but you are not allowed to drive it!" Apparently, the judge suffers from MCPS too! I didn't see him until the following Wednesday in Boca for the conference. He comes walking into the hotel with a black eye. Instantly I knew the move didn't go well with the angry soon-to-be ex. I said "well, Friday looks like it went well". His response was classic...."I took the ebrake off"!!

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  • 1 month later...

Checked out a 2007 BMW 328 wagon today. I've made up my mind. I'm going to scratch that itch, and my next car will be a BMW. The new 3series is a whole lot nicer and roomier than the earlier series.

Just waiting on a couple of things to line up in my world before pulling the trigger, hopefully in the not too distant future....

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Checked out a 2007 BMW 328 wagon today. I've made up my mind. I'm going to scratch that itch, and my next car will be a BMW. The new 3series is a whole lot nicer and roomier than the earlier series.

Just waiting on a couple of things to line up in my world before pulling the trigger, hopefully in the not too distant future....

Yeah, I'm liking the new 3 series also. A buddy of mine has a 06 M3. That car is very smooth. Even under full acceleration.

@SW I sort of agree with you about getting a 5 series, only because of the room, but I wish the 5 series looked like a larger 3 series instead of,,,,,well, what it looks like right now. Chris Bangle has really been tweaking the 3 and I'm liking it more and more!

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Checked out a 2007 BMW 328 wagon today. I've made up my mind. I'm going to scratch that itch, and my next car will be a BMW. The new 3series is a whole lot nicer and roomier than the earlier series.

Just waiting on a couple of things to line up in my world before pulling the trigger, hopefully in the not too distant future....

The 3 series wagon is one ugly car, go check out the A4 advant, its a much better wagon.

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I have always really liked this generation 5 series...

Except for the current Chris Bangle design 5 series, it is one of the ugliest BMW ever made. They are so ugly that no one wants them and with the redeign coming out next year, the dealers are practically giving them away. You get get a 2 year old 5 series for under $30000.

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I see LOTS of them on the road around here. Apparently people here like them.

Something being "ugly" is not a fact. People have different tastes and opinions, I quite like the 5 series.

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