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Is250 Manual Trans. Situation.

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my 06 IS250 with manual trans. only have 24000 miles and my clutch is completely done.

dealer tech said need clutch and fly wheel replace. and quoted me $3800.

after that i searched and searched and found this car has pretty bad trans. to start off with.

so i called lexus customer service and this situation was going nowhere.

so then i contacted NCDS.

now i have hearing date with 3 arbitrators on wednesday.

i have no clue wat i should say or do.

wat should i expect?? does anybody have opinion what should i do??

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Well, one would think one would get more than 24K out of a clutch. I know of other Toyota products getting 150Kplus on a clutch.

I'm pretty sure I could burn out a clutch on any car if I wanted, even a 250K car. It doesn't matter how much the car is worth. What matters mostly is your driving habits, I'm sorry to say. I know a co-worker with a $7995 Hyundai Accent and it has 120K miles on it. He actually drives it pretty hard too. Do you race your car? Do you sit on a hill and hold your car in place with your clutch? I hope not, or you have no case.

If you are certain your driving habits in no way have contributed to the premature failure of your clutch, then state that in your hearing. Bring proof of some sort that you are in fact a competent driver.

But whatever you do, your case will have much more credibility if in any documentation you bring, you use proper grammar and spelling. My opinion and mine only.

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at 24,000 miles, how is this not covered under the 4yr/50,000 mi warranty? Clearly, it's not normal wear and tear!

I mean, it's real easy for them to say that your driving habits caused it--but how can they prove that. You have a car with 24k miles with a bad clutch. Seems to me that unless they can PROVE you have driving habits that caused it, then they have to cover it. It's nuts that some tech can just say it's your driving habits, and that's the end of the road.

What about repair records from your prior MT cars? Any chance you have those? VINs of those cars to order CARFAX reports to show that the clutch wasn't replaced? Anything that refutes their claim that your driving habits burn the clutch?

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i do not race and i only drive maybe 1 miles a day to work locally. and i never sit in traffic or up hill or rest my foot on clutch.

my point is that if it is true that it's caused by my driving habbits, wouldn't my previous cars would have same problem also?

maybe they should re-call all of there manual trans IS250 and actaully put very nice designed/crafted clutch/transmission.

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Yeah that is kind of strange that it would go out. My first car was a 92 Accord that had 130k on it before the clutch was replaced. Unless they can prove you were racing, I think you might be able to get it replaced without costing you.

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I don't know........without seeing how you drive, and operate the clutch it's to hard to say. I'm really hesitant to agree with there being a problem with the clutch. And the clutch is a service item, like tires and brakes. It's not under warrentee. But if they did determine that it was a mfgr's defect, then I could see them correcting it.But if it was a mfgr's defect, and truly in fact the issue here, then for 24k miles you didn't notice any problems with the clutch? No slipping or metal tinking sounds? No shifting issues? I don't know man........And as for proving it was your driving habits and not the car, that's very easy. Once you open up these clutches and flywheels, they can tell right away if your racing and pounding on the clutch verses regular driving. Keep in mind that they have sold thousands of manual IS 250's. This isn't a mfgr's defect issue. It would have been much more wide spread.

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have you modified the vehicle in any way that might add to excessive clutch wear? gone to the track at all? i wouldn't expect a clutch to go out before at least 100k myself...but conditions definitely change the life of these.

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  • 1 month later...

I've also noticed performance issues (or the lack there of) with my 2008 Manual IS250 (18,000 miles). Ever since I purchased the car new, the performance of the clutch has been less than desirable. I continued to hope that the clutch was just breaking in, but recently took the car into the dealer to have it evaluated. Based on the evaluation at the dealer, it was determined that the clutch was operating as designed and the minor "shuddering" feeling that could be felt from say 600-1000 rpm in first gear was due to minor "hot spots" on the fly wheel.

I have driven many manual transmission cars and have in the past averaged around 170,000 miles on a manual. And with respect to this vehicle, I have treated the clutch very gently and am the only driver of this car. So based on all of the evidence, I am pursuing an option with Lexus Customer Satisfaction for them to buy back the vehicle....hoping to swing a reasonable deal on an automatic IS250. I have not seen any offers yet, but am optimistic that they will be favorable with their offer if they wish to keep me as a returning customer. Will see what happens. Overall, if anybody is considering buying a manual Lexus, think twice. I assumed that Lexus Quality would prevail, but the engineering of the manual IS250 in my opinion is incredibly inadequate and should in my opinion either be redesigned or discontinued.

Anybody else have any luck ditching their IS250 manual for an auto or just simply getting rid of the manual for a different make car?

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I've also noticed performance issues (or the lack there of) with my 2008 Manual IS250 (18,000 miles). Ever since I purchased the car new, the performance of the clutch has been less than desirable. I continued to hope that the clutch was just breaking in, but recently took the car into the dealer to have it evaluated. Based on the evaluation at the dealer, it was determined that the clutch was operating as designed and the minor "shuddering" feeling that could be felt from say 600-1000 rpm in first gear was due to minor "hot spots" on the fly wheel.

I have driven many manual transmission cars and have in the past averaged around 170,000 miles on a manual. And with respect to this vehicle, I have treated the clutch very gently and am the only driver of this car. So based on all of the evidence, I am pursuing an option with Lexus Customer Satisfaction for them to buy back the vehicle....hoping to swing a reasonable deal on an automatic IS250. I have not seen any offers yet, but am optimistic that they will be favorable with their offer if they wish to keep me as a returning customer. Will see what happens. Overall, if anybody is considering buying a manual Lexus, think twice. I assumed that Lexus Quality would prevail, but the engineering of the manual IS250 in my opinion is incredibly inadequate and should in my opinion either be redesigned or discontinued.

Anybody else have any luck ditching their IS250 manual for an auto or just simply getting rid of the manual for a different make car?

any update on this trade?

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I've also noticed performance issues (or the lack there of) with my 2008 Manual IS250 (18,000 miles). Ever since I purchased the car new, the performance of the clutch has been less than desirable. I continued to hope that the clutch was just breaking in, but recently took the car into the dealer to have it evaluated. Based on the evaluation at the dealer, it was determined that the clutch was operating as designed and the minor "shuddering" feeling that could be felt from say 600-1000 rpm in first gear was due to minor "hot spots" on the fly wheel.

I have driven many manual transmission cars and have in the past averaged around 170,000 miles on a manual. And with respect to this vehicle, I have treated the clutch very gently and am the only driver of this car. So based on all of the evidence, I am pursuing an option with Lexus Customer Satisfaction for them to buy back the vehicle....hoping to swing a reasonable deal on an automatic IS250. I have not seen any offers yet, but am optimistic that they will be favorable with their offer if they wish to keep me as a returning customer. Will see what happens. Overall, if anybody is considering buying a manual Lexus, think twice. I assumed that Lexus Quality would prevail, but the engineering of the manual IS250 in my opinion is incredibly inadequate and should in my opinion either be redesigned or discontinued.

Anybody else have any luck ditching their IS250 manual for an auto or just simply getting rid of the manual for a different make car?

any update on this trade?

I traded my 06 back in on a new 07 ( this was when the 08s where just about to hit the lots )

Lost my @ss but at least I don't have to deal with that shuddering POS transmission anymore! I only had 21k on it, took it in 3 or 4 times complaining of the shuddering and sound of marbles being tossed in a jar.. of course got the "it's normal" response... NOT what I expected from a Toyota much less a LEXUS. Oh well... live and learn.

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my 06 IS250 with manual trans. only have 24000 miles and my clutch is completely done.

dealer tech said need clutch and fly wheel replace. and quoted me $3800.

after that i searched and searched and found this car has pretty bad trans. to start off with.

so i called lexus customer service and this situation was going nowhere.

so then i contacted NCDS.

now i have hearing date with 3 arbitrators on wednesday.

i have no clue wat i should say or do.

wat should i expect?? does anybody have opinion what should i do??

My wife & I own an 06 IS 250 MT. We special ordered this car to get the MT with the sports suspension AND the heated/vented seat & the power "goodies".

We currently have 41K on the clock. At about 30K we brought the car into the dealer and complained about a shudder/judder in 1st when releasing the clutch. It felt as if the car was studdering.

Now, both my wife & I have been driving MT since we first got our license(s) which is bout 20+ yrs ago.

My wife's 98 SATURN lasted over 80K before the clutch needed to be repalced (we can thank our now 21YO daughter for prematurely wearing it out) and my 99 E36 Bimmer lasted to 116K before I traded it in (BTW clutch was on it's way out)

I got the call from Lexus service - the clutch has "hot spots" or blue marks on it. The explanation was due " to the manner in which the car is driven" Unfortunately, since the clutch is a wear & tear item (think brakes & tires) there is/was NO warranty on a wear & tear item.

We had 2 options:

1) Deal with it

2) LEXUS will offer a one time goodwill gesture and pay for the parts and the client (US) needs to pay for the labor. The cost of the parts was approx $2,500+ (Flywheel, clutch, pressure plate, throw out bearing, rear main seal) and the labor would be about $1K +/-

We chose option #2.

HOWEVER, now at 41K intermitentantly, we get the "judder". And both my wife & I are thinking NO F*ing way!! You MUST be kidding.

Well, only time will tell. If it gives out at another 30K +/- We will probably sell it, trade it and get a Benz, Bimmer or any other REAL MT car.

FWIW, I personally think that Bimmer and Honda have the nicest gear boxes (just my .02)

Hope this helps!

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my 06 IS250 with manual trans. only have 24000 miles and my clutch is completely done.

dealer tech said need clutch and fly wheel replace. and quoted me $3800.

after that i searched and searched and found this car has pretty bad trans. to start off with.

so i called lexus customer service and this situation was going nowhere.

so then i contacted NCDS.

now i have hearing date with 3 arbitrators on wednesday.

i have no clue wat i should say or do.

wat should i expect?? does anybody have opinion what should i do??

My wife & I own an 06 IS 250 MT. We special ordered this car to get the MT with the sports suspension AND the heated/vented seat & the power "goodies".

We currently have 41K on the clock. At about 30K we brought the car into the dealer and complained about a shudder/judder in 1st when releasing the clutch. It felt as if the car was studdering.

Now, both my wife & I have been driving MT since we first got our license(s) which is bout 20+ yrs ago.

My wife's 98 SATURN lasted over 80K before the clutch needed to be repalced (we can thank our now 21YO daughter for prematurely wearing it out) and my 99 E36 Bimmer lasted to 116K before I traded it in (BTW clutch was on it's way out)

I got the call from Lexus service - the clutch has "hot spots" or blue marks on it. The explanation was due " to the manner in which the car is driven" Unfortunately, since the clutch is a wear & tear item (think brakes & tires) there is/was NO warranty on a wear & tear item.

We had 2 options:

1) Deal with it

2) LEXUS will offer a one time goodwill gesture and pay for the parts and the client (US) needs to pay for the labor. The cost of the parts was approx $2,500+ (Flywheel, clutch, pressure plate, throw out bearing, rear main seal) and the labor would be about $1K +/-

We chose option #2.

HOWEVER, now at 41K intermitentantly, we get the "judder". And both my wife & I are thinking NO F*ing way!! You MUST be kidding.

Well, only time will tell. If it gives out at another 30K +/- We will probably sell it, trade it and get a Benz, Bimmer or any other REAL MT car.

FWIW, I personally think that Bimmer and Honda have the nicest gear boxes (just my .02)

Hope this helps!

With as many complaints as they have on this tranny it sucks they are not stepping up to the plate. Mine was starting to slip at 21k that is why I went ahead and traded. I figured around 3-4k for a new clutch and install or 7k for a new car and I don't have to deal with the frustration anymore. Lexus should be ashamed of this failure to support a product. They shouldn't even offer the MT.

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Did anybody get a "buy back" option from Lexus? I am experiencing the exact same issues with my clutch as described above. 18,500 miles on it and the clutch is shuddering mildly at low RPM's and the performance is pretty poor. Definitely not happy with it!! I am still waiting to hear back from Lexus if they will actually come through on an offer to buy back the car like they initially indicated they would. The service manager also described experiencing some hot spots on the clutch. What a POS!

Assuming they give me a good deal on a buy back, I'll consider staying with Lexus and buy the 2009 auto in a 250 or 350. Assuming they try to shaft me on a buy back deal or simply renig on their original verbal offer to buy back the vehicle, I'll go elsewhere and buy a MT that will blow a Lexus MT out of the water.

I am under the same impression that absolutely under no circumstances should Lexus continue to sell this POS MT. If they want to offer a MT, then at least spend the time to design it. I too special ordered my MT because i wanted all the extra features such as nav, the Premium package, etc. What a dissapointment! I can't wait to get rid of this piece!

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  • 4 months later...

I have the same issue and not just once

after many complains, the Lexus Factory end up they are willing to pay for the parts but i have to pay for their labor which is $1,500.

(Now i found out that the after markets Part + Labor is about $1500 )

And after i got it fix, within 45000 miles, same thing starting to happened again and they still blame me is my driving habbit.

only have 4000 something miles on the new flywheel & transmission..

here is a Link to another lexus forum caleed Club Lexus, they're more MT owner have the same issue..


Hope this will help !!

my 06 IS250 with manual trans. only have 24000 miles and my clutch is completely done.

dealer tech said need clutch and fly wheel replace. and quoted me $3800.

after that i searched and searched and found this car has pretty bad trans. to start off with.

so i called lexus customer service and this situation was going nowhere.

so then i contacted NCDS.

now i have hearing date with 3 arbitrators on wednesday.

i have no clue wat i should say or do.

wat should i expect?? does anybody have opinion what should i do??

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Me too on this one, most of the cars i owned from the past, are mostly manual transmission, only had 3 that are automatic (cuz they do not make MT)..

i drove nothing but manual trans. cars from civics to 350z, g35, etc. and dealer/tech telling me it's my driving habbit.

i personally think it's rediculous where $32k plus car having problem like this already.

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my 06 IS250 with manual trans. only have 24000 miles and my clutch is completely done.

dealer tech said need clutch and fly wheel replace. and quoted me $3800.

after that i searched and searched and found this car has pretty bad trans. to start off with.

so i called lexus customer service and this situation was going nowhere.

so then i contacted NCDS.

now i have hearing date with 3 arbitrators on wednesday.

i have no clue wat i should say or do.

wat should i expect?? does anybody have opinion what should i do??

My wife & I own an 06 IS 250 MT. We special ordered this car to get the MT with the sports suspension AND the heated/vented seat & the power "goodies".

We currently have 41K on the clock. At about 30K we brought the car into the dealer and complained about a shudder/judder in 1st when releasing the clutch. It felt as if the car was studdering.

Now, both my wife & I have been driving MT since we first got our license(s) which is bout 20+ yrs ago.

My wife's 98 SATURN lasted over 80K before the clutch needed to be repalced (we can thank our now 21YO daughter for prematurely wearing it out) and my 99 E36 Bimmer lasted to 116K before I traded it in (BTW clutch was on it's way out)

I got the call from Lexus service - the clutch has "hot spots" or blue marks on it. The explanation was due " to the manner in which the car is driven" Unfortunately, since the clutch is a wear & tear item (think brakes & tires) there is/was NO warranty on a wear & tear item.

We had 2 options:

1) Deal with it

2) LEXUS will offer a one time goodwill gesture and pay for the parts and the client (US) needs to pay for the labor. The cost of the parts was approx $2,500+ (Flywheel, clutch, pressure plate, throw out bearing, rear main seal) and the labor would be about $1K +/-

We chose option #2.

HOWEVER, now at 41K intermitentantly, we get the "judder". And both my wife & I are thinking NO F*ing way!! You MUST be kidding.

Well, only time will tell. If it gives out at another 30K +/- We will probably sell it, trade it and get a Benz, Bimmer or any other REAL MT car.

FWIW, I personally think that Bimmer and Honda have the nicest gear boxes (just my .02)

Hope this helps!

This same issue happened to me twice as well, i took the option 2, but they didnt say anything that its a one time thing. now in less than 4500 Miles after i had my flywheel & clutch assembly fixed, it's starting to happened again..

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